Flavio illirico

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Illirico flair.

Mattia Flacio, known as Illirico, in Croatian Matija Vlačić (Albona, Istria, March 3, 1520 - Frankfurt, 1575) was a Lutheran theologian and reformer.

He is the first to seek an interpretation of the Reformation through history; Flatius and the group of his writers called Magdeburg Centuriators pose the problem in historical terms. Flacio points out that History had been distorted by the Church and opens the debate on the role of the ancient Church and its relationship with that of the Reformation times.

The Centurists arrived, after an objective analysis of the history of the Christian data of the early Church, to consider that the theological interpretation of the Reformation and the Lutheran ecclesial realization were the only true ones. Under this interpretation, the Reformation went from being an authentic interpretation of Christianity to representing the exclusive Church of Christ.

Clavis scripturae sacrae, 2nd edition, 1674.


  • Of vocabulo fidei (1549)
  • De voce et re fidei (1555)
  • Catalogus testium veritatis, qui ante nostram aetatem claimunt Papae (1556)
  • Confessio Waldensium (1558)
  • Konfutationsbuch (1559)
  • Ecclesiastica historia, integram Ecclesiae Christi ideam... secundum singulas Centurias, perspicuo ordine complectens... ex vetustissimis historicis...congesta: Per aliquot studiosos et pios viros in urbe Magdeburgica (1559-1574)
  • Clavis Scripturae Sacrae seu de Sermone Sacrarum literarum (1567)
  • Glossa compendiaria in Novum Testamentum (1570)

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