Auferstanden aus Ruinen


Auferstanden aus Ruinen (German: Rise from the Ruins) was the national anthem of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1949 and 1990. The song was written in 1949. The lyrics are by the communist poet Johannes R. Becher, who later became GDR Minister of Culture; and the melody is by the composer Hanns Eisler. The intention was that it would become a German national anthem. In practice, it functioned as the GDR's national anthem. From 1972 until January 1990, it was officially only played in an instrumental version, without lyrics.


Becher was concerned with the reconstruction of the country after World War II and the unification of Germany, but the political context of the FRG Ostpolitik and the mutual diplomatic recognition between the GDR and the FRG in 1973 caused the original letter to cease to be used in official acts.

It ceased to be an official anthem with German reunification, becoming the anthem of unified Germany, the anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), Deutschlandlied. The then Prime Minister of the GDR, Lothar de Maizière, proposed that "Auferstanden aus Ruinen" take his place, a proposal that was rejected by the Chancellor of the FRG, Helmut Kohl. After German reunification, the last chancellor of the GDR, Lothar de Maiziere, proposed that the lyrics of Auferstanden aus Ruinen be integrated into the national anthem of the unified country, but this proposal was rejected. As a result, the GDR national anthem became solely a historical archive of German music, however little is known to those who lived in the former FRG of the significance of this patriotic anthem.


In German

Original letters in German
Unofficial German Cyrillic Alphabet
Transcript AFI

Auferstanden aus Ruinen
Und der Zukunft zugewandt,
Lass uns dir zum Guten dienen,
Deutschland, einig Vaterland.
Alte Not gilt is zu zwingen,
Und wir zwingen sie vereint,
Denn is muss uns doch gelingen,
Dass die Sonne schön wie nie
Über Deutschland scheint.

Glück und Friede sei beschieden
Deutschland, unserm Vaterland.
Alle Welt sehnt sich nach Frieden,
Reicht den Völkern eure Hand.
Wenn wir brüderlich uns einen,
Schlagen wir des Volkes Feind.
Lasst das Licht des Friedens scheinen,
Dass nie eine Mutter mehr
Ihren Sohn beweint.

Lasst uns pflügen, lasst uns bauen,
Lernt und schafft wie nie zuvor,
Und der eignen Kraft vertrauend,
Steigt ein frei Geschlecht empor.
Deutsche Jugend, bestes Streben
Unsres Volks in dir vereint,
Wirst du Deutschlands neues Leben,
Und die Sonne schön wie nie
Über Deutschland scheint.

Ауферщанден аз руинен
Унд дер цукунфт цугевандт,
L ' îs дир цум гутнен,
I'm sorry.
Алте нот гилт ез цу цвинген,
Унд вир цвингени ферайнт,
ди зоне шён ви ни
. шбер ячланд шайнт.

Глюк унд фрийде зай бешийден
I'm sorry.
Але велт зейнт нах фрийден,
Райхт ден фёлкерн ойре ханд.
Вен вир брюдерлих унен,
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's a good thing.

MILITATION уд шафт ви ни цуфор,
Унд дер айгнен крафт ферауенд,
psiрай гешлехт емпор.
I'm sorry.
Унзрез фолкс ин дир ферайнт,
Вирст ду дойчландз ноен,
рнд ди зоне шён ви ни
. шбер ячланд шайнт.

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Spanish translation

Risen from the ruins
with an eye on the future, let us serve you to [do] good,
United fatherland, our Germany.
The old misery must be overcome and we will get through it together We've got to get the sun, beautiful as never before,
𝄆 Shine over Germany. 𝄇

Happiness and peace be given to you
to Germany, our homeland.
Everybody longs for peace,
Extend your hand to the peoples.
If we unite as brothers, we will defeat the enemy of the people.
Let the light of peace shine!
That never again a mother 𝄆 Cry for your child. 𝄇

Let's plow, let's build,
learn and produce like never before,
and, trusting in his own strength,
A free generation will rise.
German youth, uniting in you
the best ambitions of our people you will be a new life for Germany.
And the sun, beautiful as ever,
𝄆 It will shine over Germany. 𝄇

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