18th century BC c.


Formally, the 18th century BC began on January 1, 1800 B.C. C. and ended on December 31, 1701 a. c.

In the Near East, this century was marked by the rise (in 1792 BC) of Hammurabi to the throne of the city of Babylon from which a policy of expansion began. First of all he freed himself from the guardianship of Ur for, in 1786 a. C., face the neighboring king of Larsa, Rim-Sin, snatching Isin and Uruk from him. With the help of Mari (Syria) in 1762 B.C. C. he defeated a coalition of cities on the banks of the Tigris, to, a year later, conquer the city of Larsa. After this he proclaimed himself king of Sumer and Acad, a title that had arisen in the time of Sargon of Acad and that had been used since then by the monarchs who achieved dominion over the entire region of Mesopotamia. After a new confrontation with a new coalition of cities he conquered Mari, after which, in 1753 a. C., he completed his expansion with the conquests of Assyria and Ešnunna, north of Mesopotamia. In Egypt the second intermediate period begins. Around 1800 B.C. C. comes to power the XIII dynasty that is unable to control the vast lands dominated. At the end of the century, the Hyksos appeared, conquering the northern region of the country.

Relevant events

  • 1800 a. C. approx.: in Peru, the city of Caral is definitely abandoned. Caral-Supe civilization disappears.
  • 1800 B.C.: In Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northwest India the Iron Age begins to develop.
  • 1800 B.C.: The city of San Lorenzo (Veracruz, Mexico) is founded one of the main cities of Olmecas
  • 1800 BC: In China the Xia dynasty continues (siglos XXI-XVI a. C.).
  • 1800 B.C.: In Syria appears the kingdom of Aleppo.
  • 1800 B.C.: In the Minoic Palace of Festos (on Crete Island) a potter creates Festo's disc, which will be discovered in 1908.
  • 1800 to 1300 BC: stage VI of the city of Troy is developed.
  • 1800 B.C.: In the center of Ecuador is born the Macedonian culture.
  • 1800 B.C.: Mayan sedentary communities are established in Guatemala.
  • 1800 B.C.: In the delta of the river Nile are established the hicsos, with capital in the village of Avaris.
  • 1797 B.C.: In Egypt rule the queen Neferusobek until 1794 B.C. (approx.) last ruler of the XII dynasty.
  • 1793 BC: Sîn-Muballit, the fifth king of the first dynasty of Babylon dies. His successor will be his son Hammurabi, who will begin his reign in 1792 a. C.
  • 1792 B.C.: In Mesopotamia the reign of Hammurabi begins, as his father Sîn-Muballit succeeds on the throne, becoming the sixth ruler of the dynasty of the Amorites of Babylon.
  • 1780 B.C.: In Egypt, the 12th dynasty concludes and with it the Middle Empire, beginning the second intermediate period.
  • 1786 a. C.: Hammurabi conquers Ur and Isin to Larsa.
  • 1770 B.C.: expansion of pre-Assyrian kingdom.
  • 1766 BC: Shang dynasty is developed in China.
  • 1765 B.C.: Alalakh is independent of Aleppo.
  • 1762 B.C.: Hammurabi beats a coalition of cities of the Tigris River by the city of Mari.
  • 1761 B.C.: Hammurabi conquers the city of Larsa and proclaims himself “the King of Sumer and Achad”, an title equivalent to emperor.
  • 1760 a. C (medium chronology): Hammurabi drafts an important set of laws aimed at ensuring the equity between the sentences of his time. He's the one known as Hammurabi Code.
  • 1753 B.C.: Hammurabi conquers Assyria and Ešnunna.
  • 1750 B.C.: in Mesopotamia the end of Hammurabi began reigning of his son Samsu-iluna. He was the seventh king of the first dynasty of Babylon, and will culminate in 1712 a. C.
  • 1750 B.C.: In the centre of Crete, 50 km south-south of Iraq, an X-degree earthquake occurs on the seismological scale of Mercalli. The amount of dead is unknown. See Earthquakes prior to the 20th century.
  • 1750 BC: In Alaska, the Veniaminof volcano produces a colossal eruption.
  • 1741 B.C.: in Mesopotamia, the houses invade for the first time Babylon.
  • 1728 B.C.: according to the spurious calculations of Trasilo de Mendes—an Egyptian mathematician and astronomer who lived during the reign of the Roman emperor Tiberius (42 B.C.-37 AD)—exodus of the Israeli slaves of Egypt.
  • 1720 B.C.: a region in the southern end of Mesopotamia known as the Sea Country, begins successive revolts with the founding of its own dynasty in Babylon.
  • 1712 B.C.: In Babylon the reign of Samsu-iluna, the son of Hammurabi, was the seventh king of the first dynasty of Babylon.
  • 1712 BC: the reign of Abi-Eshuh, the eighth king of the first dynasty, begins.
  • 1708 B.C.: Babylonian king Abi-Eshuh faces nomadic houses.
  • 1708 B.C.: In Egypt the reign of Sebekhotep III of the 13th dynasty of Egypt begins (according to Franke).
  • 1700 B.C. (approximately): on Vránguelia Island (140 km north of Siberia) the last population of lanyard mammoths is extinct.
  • 1700 B.C.: To the north of Babylon is seen the kingdom of Khana, to the front of which is a monarch house.
  • 1800 B.C.: Pakistan completely declines the culture of the Indo valley. It is continued by the culture of Cemetery H.

Relevant people

  • 1800 a. C.: Abraham, Hebrew patriarch, according to the Israeli tradition and the biblical texts.
  • 1792 a. C. (in Mesopotamia, present Iraq): Hammurabi, king of Babylon.
  • 1770 B.C.: Adad-nirari I, rise to the throne of the Mesio Assyrian kingdom.
  • 1750 a. C.: Adad-nirari I and Hammurabi die.

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