Zhytomyr Oblast


Zhytomyr Oblast (Ukrainian: Житомирська область) is an oblast (province) of Ukraine. Its capital is the city of Zhytomyr. Its territory occupies an area of 29 832 km², which for comparison also corresponds to that of Belgium. Its population on January 1, 2006 was 1,330,000.


Bordering on its northern border with Belarus, the oblast is bordered by Rivne, Khmelnytsky, Vinnitsa and kyiv oblasts.

Northwest: Belarus North: Belarus Northeast: Belarus
West: Oblast of Rivne Rosa de los vientos.svgThis: Kiev Oblate
Southwest: Oblast of Jmelnitski Southwest: Vínnitsa Opblast South: Kiev Oblate


After the 2020 land reform, the oblast is divided into the following four raions:

  • Raion of Berdýchiv (capital: Berdýchiv)
  • Raion of Zhitómir (capital: Zhitómir)
  • Kórosten (capital: Kórosten)
  • Novohrad-Volynskyi (capital: Novohrad-Volynskyi)

Important cities

  • Baránivka
  • Berdýchiv
  • Kórosten
  • Malyn
  • Novohrad-Volynskyi
  • Ruzhyn
  • Zhitómir

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