Zaragoza's University

Paraninfo Building - Former Faculty of Medicine and Sciences

The Universidad de Zaragoza is a public higher education center distributed geographically between the campuses of Zaragoza, Huesca, Jaca, Teruel and La Almunia de Doña Godina, all of them in the autonomous community of Aragon (Spain).

Founded in 1542, in 2014 it brought together more than 30,000 students and 3,000 teaching members among its 22 centers and 74 degrees and own studies. Its current rector is José Antonio Mayoral Murillo.


Bishop Pedro Cerbuna del Negro, founder of the University of Zaragoza in 1583.

The origins of higher education in Aragon date back to the legendary Academy founded in Huesca by Quintus Sertorio (i century BC). In 1354 Pedro IV of Aragon founded the Sertoriana University of Huesca, which disappeared in 1845. Later, in the VII century, At the mercy of the Church and by the hand of Bishop Braulio, the Ecclesiastical Schools based in Zaragoza would be formed. These will evolve between the xii and xiv centuries until, in 1474, The so-called "General Study of Arts" of Zaragoza is created. However, and due to the opposition found, it was not until 1583 when, by the hand of its founder, Pedro Cerbuna, the statutes of the new University of Zaragoza were approved. He dedicated the income from the vacant seat of the Archbishopric of Zaragoza to the creation of said University, which allowed its opening on May 24, 1583 (despite the fact that it had been founded by a privilege granted by Carlos I in the Cortes de Monzón on September 10, 1542).

Some of its illustrious teachers have been Gaspar Lax, a mathematician; the humanist Juan Lorenzo Palmireno; the jurist José de Sessé; the educator Pedro Simón Abril; the historian Diego de Espés; the Hellenist Lorente; the Portolés jurist; the canonist Ejea; the botanist Florencio Ballarín Causada; the Spanish jurist, academic and politician Juan Moneva y Puyol, the doctor Ricardo Royo Villanova; the bibliographer Félix Latassa; the geographer Antillón y Montiano, first director of the Royal Academy of History; and the doctor and researcher Francisco Grande Covián.

Among his students have been the humanist Miguel Servet; the enlightened and political Ramón Pignatelli; the historian Jerónimo Blancas; the naturalist, jurist and historian Jordán de Asso; Archbishop Pedro Apaolaza Ramírez; the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, the physician Fidel Pagés Miravé, inventor of epidural anesthesia; the mathematician Julio Rey Pastor; the Cuban politician and writer José Martí; Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906; Manuel Azaña, president of the Second Republic; the librarian María Moliner, author of the famous Dictionary of Spanish usage; the psychologist José Luis Pinillos; the singer-songwriter and politician José Antonio Labordeta and the cartoonist Antonio Mingote.

Schools and colleges

The University of Zaragoza has the following schools and faculties:


  • Faculty of Health Sciences.
  • Doctoral School.
  • Faculty of Sciences.
  • Law School.
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
  • School of Medicine.
  • College of Veterinary.
  • School of Education.
  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Labour.
  • Faculty of Economics and Business.
  • School of Engineering and Architecture.


  • Higher Polytechnic School.
  • Faculty of Human Sciences and Education.
  • Faculty of Business and Public Management.
  • Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences.


  • Faculty of Social and Human Sciences.
  • Polytechnic University School.

Affiliated centers

  • US of Huesca Nursing
  • EU of Teruel Nursing
  • EU Politécnica de La Almunia de Da Godina
  • EU of Tourism of Zaragoza
  • Universidad de la Defensa de Zaragoza


Currently, the University offers 53 undergraduate degrees and a joint programme, in addition to master's studies and doctoral programmes.


The University of Zaragoza was created with the mission of training specialized personnel, but over time it also dedicated itself to research.

Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI)
Since its inception in 1989 Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI) of the University of Zaragoza has assumed the actions related to the transfer of the results of Research generated at the University of Zaragoza, which range from the realization of R & D contracts with companies to the management of the patent portfolio of the University, without forgetting the realization of consultancy contracts or the issuance of reports or experts or in general any action related to the transfer of R & D generated at the University of Zaragoza to the society.

In recent years, the incorporation of Technology Promoters both in Zaragoza and in Huesca and in Teruel has achieved an intensification of technology transfer to companies through the contacts generated by the team. In addition, the creation of the Office for the creation of technology-based companies (Spin-off office) has contributed to bring to society, Research results by the owners of said results and that otherwise could not have been released. More information about Unizar's OTRI: Unizar's OTRI

It is worth noting the role of the research institutes attached to the University:

  • Instituto de Biocomputación y Physics de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI)
  • Center for Energy Resources Research and Consems (CIRCE)
  • Instituto de Catálisis Homogénea (IUCH)
  • Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A)
  • Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragón (INA)
  • Institute of Research in Mathematics (IUMA)
  • Instituto en Ciencias Ambientales de Aragón (IUCA)


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