

A yottabyte is a unit of information storage whose symbol is YB and equals 1024 bytes.

This was adopted by the SI in 1991.

The following indicative data serve to illustrate the amount of information that can be stored in a yottabyte.


A trillion is required to fill a yottabyte with megabytes: 1024106=1018=1000000000000000000{displaystyle {10^{24} over 10^{6}}=10^{18}=1;000;000;000;000;000;000}


  • 1AndB10,78MB=93370681605975723,62{displaystyle {1;YB over 10,78;MB}=93;370;681;605;975;723,62} 16 megapixel digital photos on a Casio EX-ZR1000 camera, with fine quality.


In 2010 it was estimated that storing a yottabyte on terabyte-sized drives would require a million data centers the size of a city block, an area roughly the size of the island of Cyprus. By the end of 2016 memory density had increased to the point where a yottabyte could be stored on SD cards that would be roughly twice the size of the Hindenburg (around 400,000 cubic meters). The total amount of data that could be stored in the observable universe using each of the 10⁷⁸ to 10⁸² atoms as individual bits of information (using their spin, for example) is between 1.25 × 10⁵³ and 1.25 × 10⁵⁷ yottabytes.


To fill a yottabyte with gigabytes is required a thousand billion: 1024109=1015=1000000000000000{displaystyle {10^{24} over 10^{9}}=10^{15}=1;000;000;000;000;000}


  • 1AndB54GB=18518518518518,51{displaystyle {1;YB over 54;GB}=18;518;518;518,51} 54 GB dual-layer Blu-ray discs.

  • 1AndB750GB=1333333333333,33{displaystyle {1;YB over 750;GB}=1;333;333;333,33} 750 GB hard drives.


To fill a yottabyte with terabytes you need a billion: 10241012=1012=1000000000000{displaystyle {10^{24} over 10^{12}}=10^{12}=1;000;000;000;000}


  • <math alttext="{displaystyle {1;YB over 1,5;TB}=666;666;666;66,66}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">1AndB1,5TB=66666666666.refgrorup=♫norta♫▪/ref▪,66{displaystyle {1;YB over 1,5;TB}=666;666;666;66 `;66 `;66 `refgroup='nota' tax excl.<img alt="{displaystyle {1;YB over 1,5;TB}=666;666;666;66,66}" aria-hidden="true" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline" src="https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/bf85e609c6555689bc649e21f525c48dc7e8e193" style="vertical-align: -2.338ex; width:62.714ex; height:5.676ex;"/> 1.5 TB hard drives.

  • 1AndB91,000TB=10989010,98{displaystyle {1;YB over 91,000;TB}=10;989;010.98} sometimes the orientation size of the invisible Internet during 1997 (91 000 TB).

Search Suggestions

  • Yobibyte
  • Zettabyte
  • Zebibyte

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