

Yoda is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe, he was one of the most renowned and powerful Jedi Masters throughout the history of the Galaxy, and one of the most few Galactic Republic Jedi to survive until the Galactic Civil War. The Order's most perceptive master, he served as Grand Master during the Clone Wars and held office until the Great Jedi Purge, after which he escaped into hiding on the planet Dagobah where he lived until his death.

Although he was one of the most respected members of the Order, he could not perceive its destruction. He would right his wrongs by playing an important role in later galactic events, training Luke Skywalker during the Galactic Civil War and righting his wrongs along the way. After his death in 4 ABY, he became one with the Force. He was the last Jedi of the Old Order.

The size doesn't matter. Look at me. By my size you judge me? Hmm? Well, you shouldn't. For my ally is Force, and a mighty ally is.
Yoda, Luke Skywalker in The counter-attack empire

In popular culture

In 2007, Yoda was chosen by Empire magazine as the 25th best character ever created in cinematography. " In their list of the ''100 Greatest Fictional Characters,'' Fandomania.com ranked Yoda in the top 60.

Yoda also appears in Disney's Star Tours: The Adventures Continue with his original voice actor, Frank Oz.

There is a life-size statue of Yoda that welcomes visitors to Lucasfilm. Letterman Digital Arts Center in the Presidio of San Francisco, the headquarters of Industrial Light and Magic.

The parody "Weird Al" Yankovic created by an American artist and musician, was based on the Yoda character for another parody called The Kinks "Lola", in a song titled "Yoda."

David Ager, a professor of linguistics at Queen Mary University of London, says that Yoda's language bears a strong resemblance to the Hawaiian language.

Yoda appears as a playable character in the fighting video game Soulcalibur IV.

In 2017, an image of Yoda sitting next to King Faisal at the signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945 in San Francisco was unexpectedly placed in a social studies textbook. Once the error was discovered this book was withdrawn.

In 2019, "Poundland" made use of Yoda's voice for Self-checkout checkouts in stores across the UK.

Concept and creation

Yoda's voice was provided by Frank Oz in each of the films, where he served as the main puppeteer in the original trilogy, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace and Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi. In some of the scenes where it was necessary to walk in The Empire Strikes Back and The Phantom Menace, dwarf actors Deep Roy and Warwick Davis appeared dressed as Yoda (although they were not credited). neither). As is well known, Frank Oz was the one who played the main role, but over the years he was assisted several times by a multitude of puppeteers, including them: Kathryn Mullen (Ep. V), Wendy Froud (Ep. V), David Barclay (Ep. V- VI),Mike Quinn (Ep. VI), David Greenaway (Ep. I & VI), Don Austen (Ep. I), Kathy Smee (Ep. I), Dave Chapman (Ep. VIII), Damian Farrell (Ep. VIII), and Colin Purves (Ep. VIII). For the radio dramatizations of Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, the character Yoda was portrayed by John Lithgow while that in the animated series Clone wars and in several video games he was played by Tom Kane.

Yoda's character was based on the face of make-up artist Stuart Freeborn and Albert Einstein. In The Phantom Menace, he was redesigned to appear younger. He was CGI for two shots, but remained primarily a puppet, this puppet was redesigned from Stuart Freeborn's original design by Nick Dudman.

The character was rendered with Computer Animation in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, Yoda was thus represented in ways that were previously unthinkable, including his participation in various fight scenes. In Revenge of the Sith , his face can be seen in several close-ups, demanding some very detailed CGI work. His performance was designed to be consistent with the limitations of the puppet version. Where we find some "mistakes" made, such as the occasional movement of the ears.[citation needed] The person responsible for the new incarnation of the character in the series was Rob Coleman.

Yoda was recreated in CGI for the 2011 Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace. He was first seen in the feature film The Chosen One, a new clip of the Yoda CGI from “The Phantom Menace” included in the 2005 DVD release of Revenge of the Sith. The 2012 3D release of The Phantom Menace also features the CGI version of Yoda.

Series creator George Lucas has stated that he originally had Obi-Wan train Luke, though he decided there wouldn't be much point in having him stand by while he watched Luke fight in the movies and not help him, thus way he decided to kill him off in the first movie. Later, he created a new character, Yoda, so that Luke would have a trainer.

Other members of the species

Two of the members of the unnamed alien species to which Yoda belongs are known in current Star Wars canon, named Yaddle (who appears as a female supporting character in the film of the prequel trilogy Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace as a Jedi Master) and the character in the television series The Mandalorian named Grogu (called "Baby Yoda" by the media and by the fans). Their respective relationship to Yoda (if any) is not known.


Original Trilogy

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Yoda makes his first film appearance in The Empire Strikes Back. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) arrives on Dagobah to seek guidance from it, having been tutored by the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness), who describes him as "the Jedi Master who me he instructed & # 34;.

Initially, Yoda does not identify with Luke, instead testing his patience by presenting himself as a comical and backward individual, deliberately provoking both Luke and R2-D2. Luke is shocked when he finally discovers that this eccentric little creature is the powerful Jedi Master he's been looking for. Discovering that Luke has the same anger and recklessness that caused his father's downfall, Yoda is reluctant to teach him the ways of the Force, accepting only at Obi-Wan's urging. Before finishing his training, Luke decides to leave Dagobah to face Darth Vader and save his friends on Bespin. Yoda and Obi-Wan warn him that he is not ready to face Vader and that he is being lured into a trap, but Luke leaves anyway. When Obi-Wan laments that Luke is his "last hope," Yoda reminds him that "there is another."

Return of the Jedi (1983)

Yoda makes a brief appearance in Return of the Jedi, set one year after The Empire Strikes Back. Now sick and frail, Yoda informs Luke that he has completed his training but that he will not be a Jedi until he faces Darth Vader; he also confirms that Vader is Luke's father, something Vader had told Luke in the previous film. Yoda later dies peacefully at the age of 900, his body disappearing as he becomes "one with the Force." He leaves Luke with the knowledge that "there is another Skywalker." Moments later, Obi-Wan's ghost helps Luke realize that the "other" Yoda spoke of is his twin sister, Princess Leia.

In the final scene of the film, after the Empire has been defeated, Luke sees Yoda's spirit looking down on him proudly alongside Obi-Wan and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker, Vader's former Jedi self.

Prequel Trilogy

Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Yoda returns as a younger version of himself in the prequel trilogy beginning with The Phantom Menace. The film marked the last time Oz would play the character as a puppet until the release of The Last Jedi (2017). However, in the 2011 Blu-ray release of The Phantom Menace, Yoda's puppet was replaced with a CGI character to match the later portrayal of the character. In the film, set 35 years before The Empire Strikes Back, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn brings young Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Council. Qui-Gon is convinced that Anakin is the "Chosen One"; of the Jedi prophecy that he will bring balance to the Force and requests that the boy be trained as a Jedi. Yoda feels great fear in Anakin, especially regarding his attachment to his mother Shmi, and foresees a "grave danger" for him. in his training. The council, led at the time by Yoda's former Padawan Mace Windu, rejects Qui-Gon's request.

When Qui-Gon is mortally wounded in a duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul, his last request to his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) is that Anakin be trained as a Jedi. Obi-Wan, determined to keep the promise he made to his master, tells Yoda that he will train the boy, even without the council's approval. Yoda makes Obi-Wan a Jedi Knight and reluctantly gives his blessing to Anakin's training.

Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)

Yoda makes his first CGI appearance in Attack of the Clones, set a decade after The Phantom Menace. Yoda, now in direct control of Order policy as Master of the High Council in addition to his traditional position as Grand Master, is one of many Jedi who are concerned about the rise of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a secessionist movement that wants to independence from the Galactic Republic. After the first assassination attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala, Chancellor Palpatine suggests that she be placed under the protection of Obi-Wan, who is training Anakin. In a deleted scene, a meditating Yoda senses that Anakin is killing the Tusken Raiders that killed his mother.

In the climax of the film, Yoda arrives in time to save Obi-Wan and Anakin from the Separatists and defeats his former apprentice, Count Dooku, leader of the Separatists and Sith Lord, in a duel with swords of swords. light.

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

In Revenge of the Sith, Yoda leads the Jedi Council in pursuit of the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious. By then, Palpatine has amassed near-dictatorial emergency powers and begins to interfere in the affairs of the Jedi by appointing Anakin as his personal representative on the council. The Council grants Anakin a seat on the Council, but denies him the rank of Master, feeling that doing so would be tantamount to giving Palpatine a vote on the council. In addition, he is ordered to spy on Palpatine, whom Anakin considers a friend and mentor.

Anakin seeks Yoda's advice about his prophetic visions that someone close to him will die. Yoda, not knowing that the person Anakin is talking about is Padmé, or that she is Anakin's wife and pregnant with her child, tells him to "train to let go of everything he fears to lose." 3. 4;. Dissatisfied, Anakin turns to Palpatine, who later reveals himself to be Darth Sidious. Sidious manipulates the young Jedi into becoming his Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, with the promise that the dark side of the Force has the power to save Padmé from dying in childbirth.

Sidious then transforms the Republic into the tyrannical Galactic Empire, proclaiming himself emperor for life and ordering the clone troopers to kill his Jedi generals. Yoda is on Kashyyyk, overseeing the battle between Separatist forces and a combined commando of clone troopers and Wookiees. Through the Force, Yoda feels the death of each of the Jedi as they are killed by his own troops. After quickly killing the clone troopers instructed to kill him, he escapes with Wookiee leaders Tarfful and Chewbacca to Coruscant, where he and Obi-Wan fight their way to the Jedi Temple to stop a trap for all surviving Jedi. Inside, they discover that all the Jedi inside, including the youngsters, have been slaughtered. They then discover a holographic recording that reveals Vader as the assassin. Yoda decides to confront Sidious and sends Obi-Wan to kill Vader. When Obi-Wan protests, Yoda tells him that the Anakin he knew no longer exists, as he was "consumed by Darth Vader."

Later, Yoda fights Sidious in a lightsaber duel that damages the Senate Rotunda. In the end, neither can beat the other, and Yoda is forced to retreat. He goes into exile on Dagobah so he can hide from the Empire and wait for another chance to destroy the Sith. At the end of the film, Yoda is revealed to have been in contact with Qui-Gon's spirit, learning the secret of immortality from him and passing it on to Obi-Wan.

Yoda is also instrumental in deciding the fate of the Skywalker children after Padmé dies in childbirth, recommending that Luke and Leia hide from Vader and Sidious; he sends Leia to be adopted by Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, and Luke to the stepfamily of Vader, Owen, and Beru Lars on Tatooine. Other than the former Jedi Master, only the Organas, the Lars family, R2-D2, and Obi-Wan know their true identities.

Sequel Trilogy

The Force Awakens (2015)

In The Force Awakens, set 30 years after Yoda's death in Return of the Jedi, young scavenger Rey hears Yoda's voice in a vision of the Force after he discovers Luke Skywalker's lightsaber under a castle owned by Maz Kanata.

The Last Jedi (2017)

In The Last Jedi, Yoda appears to Luke as a Force spirit as he debates whether to burn the tree that stores the Sacred Texts of the Jedi. As Luke makes his way to the tree, Yoda appears behind him and reminds him that a Jedi must always be sure of his path. When Luke decides to burn the tree down, Yoda summons lightning and sets it on fire. Confronting Yoda about why he did it, Yoda assures Luke that the books did not contain any knowledge that Rey did not possess. He stressed that true Jedi knowledge is not found in books but within the Jedi themselves, and it is his responsibility to pass on that knowledge, reminding him: "The best teacher is failure." As Luke absorbs the message, he shares a quiet moment with his former teacher, who informs him that the burden of all teachers is being borne by his students.

Unlike the prequels, where the fight scenes required the character to be rendered with CGI, Yoda is once again portrayed using puppets, with Frank Oz once again acting as puppets (with three assistants). and giving voice to the character.

The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Yoda is heard in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker as one of the voices of the past Jedi speaking to Rey during her battle against the reborn Darth Sidious.


Clone Wars (2003)

Yoda appears in Cartoon Network's 2003 2D animated television series Star Wars: Clone Wars, voiced by Tom Kane. In the show, Yoda becomes a general, like many of the Jedi Knights and Masters. Yoda accompanies Padmé on her journey to an unspecified planet, but Yoda senses several Jedi in distress on Ilum. Using the Jedi mind trick to convince Captain Typho to take them to Ilum, Yoda saves two Jedi Knights and finds a message from Count Dooku giving orders to destroy the Jedi Temple on Ilum. In the final episode of the animated series, Yoda fights side by side with Mace Windu to defend Coruscant, which is under attack by the Separatists. The two Jedi Masters realize too late that the battle is a diversion; The Separatist leader, General Grievous, really does intend to kidnap Palpatine. The Jedi Master's effort to stop Grievous fails, and Palpatine is taken hostage, thus setting the stage for Revenge of the Sith.

In 2014, the series was deprecated from Disney canon, in favor of the 3D CGI series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)

Yoda appears in The Clone Wars, again voiced by Tom Kane. In the pilot movie, Yoda assigns Anakin Skywalker his own Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, as he believes she will help Anakin grow as a Jedi and as a person. Throughout most of the series, Yoda spends his time on Coruscant with the Jedi Council, but occasionally leaves for certain tasks, such as negotiations with King Katuunko on Rugosa and a confrontation with Asajj Ventress and the droid army.. Yoda also watches over Anakin and Ahsoka throughout the series, pleased that they are both maturing with each other's influence. However, in the final arc of the fifth season, Ahsoka is accused of a crime she did not commit and Yoda and the Jedi Council turn her over to the Republic military. Along with other council members, Yoda watches Ahsoka's trial, but Anakin barges in with the real culprit, fallen Jedi Barriss Offee, before the verdict can be read. Yoda, Anakin, and the Council then personally invite Ahsoka to rejoin the Order, but she declines and leaves. According to showrunner Dave Filoni, Yoda blames himself for Ahsoka's departure, since he had made her a Padawan to Anakin in the first place.

In the final arc of season six, Yoda hears Qui-Gon Jinn speaking to him from beyond the grave. Yoda flees the Jedi Temple with R2-D2 to travel to Dagobah, his future home, to find answers. Showing him cryptic visions of the Jedi's fall, Yoda learns that he has been chosen to manifest his consciousness after death as a Force ghost. Yoda is tested by a group of spirit priestesses to overcome trials and temptations on his pilgrimage; one of these tests is facing an illusion of the ancient Sith lord Darth Bane. Yoda's final test is to resist an attempt by Darth Sidious and Dooku to lure him to the dark side with a false vision of the late Jedi Master Sifo Dyas. Yoda engages in a metaphysical battle with Sidious and appears to sacrifice his life to save Anakin's, only to awaken to find that the battle was merely a vision and he passed the test. The priestesses inform Yoda that his training will resume in time.

Rebels (2014)

Yoda was heard in the episode "Path of the Jedi" from Star Wars Rebels with Frank Oz reprising the role for the first time since Revenge of the Sith. He communicates with Padawan Ezra Bridger and his master Kanan Jarrus during their experience in an ancient temple on Lothal, helping the pair do some soul-searching to analyze their true motivations. He first appears physically in the second season episode "Shroud of Darkness", in which he appears in a vision of Ezra and reunites with Ahsoka. His appearance in the series differs from his usual visage as an homage to one of Ralph McQuarrie's early designs for the character, as well as a classic Kenner action figure. This was justified on the premise that Ezra is seeing the character through his own imagination, but the decision was confusing to many viewers.

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