Years 680 a. c.


The years 680 BC passed between the years 689 B.C. C. and 680 a. c.


  • 689 B.C.: In the current Iraq, King Senaquerib of Assyria plundered the city of Babylon.
  • 687 B.C.: Giges becomes king of Lidia.
  • 687 a. C.: Hezekiah, thirteenth king of the independent kingdom of Judah, is succeeded by Manasseh.
  • 684 BC: In China, the state of Lu defeats the Qi dynasty of the north in the battle of Changshao.
  • 682 B.C.: in China dies of Zhou Zhuang Wang, king of the Zhou dynasty.
  • 681 B.C.: In Assyria, Asarhaddon happens to Senaquerib as king.
  • 680 B.C.: A meteorite falls on the Estonian island of Saaremaa (on the Baltic Sea), which results in the formation of the Kaali crater.
  • 680 B.C.: On the island of Paros is born the Greek poet Archilocus.

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