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The SAM Extended Phonetic Alphabet (X-SAMPA) is a variant of SAMPA developed in 1995 by John Christopher Wells, Professor of Phonetics at the University of London. This variant was designed with the aim of unifying the different SAMPA alphabets and extending them to cover all the features now covered by the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

The result has been a phonetic alphabet inspired by SAMPA that uses only basic characters of the ASCII code (those that only need 7 bits).

  • The symbols AFI that are ordinary tiny letters have the same value in X-SAMPA and in AFI.
  • In X-SAMPA the reverse bar is used as an escape character to create a new symbol. For example O It's a different sound. O.with which he has no relationship.
  • The X-SAMPA diacritics are later placed on the symbol they modify. Except in the case of ~ for nasalization, = for consonant silabica, and ` for backs and backs rhoticity. The diacritics join the symbol to which they modify by an underlined line _.
  • Numbers from _1 to _6 are used for diacritics who denote the tone number in a given expression.

Lowercase letters

aaXsampa-a.pngopen vowel low front non roundedFrench dame. [dam], Spanish padre [paD4e]
bbXsampa-b.pngoclusiva bilabial sonoraEnglish bed [bEd], French bon [bO~]
b_ Xsampa-b lessthan.pngbilabial implosive sound
ccXsampa-c.pngocclusive palatal sordaHungarian thetyak [lAcAk]
ddXsampa-d.pngoclusiva alveolar sonoraEnglish dog [dQg], French doigt [dwa]
d` Xsampa-d'.pngocclusive retroflex
d_ Xsampa-d lessthan.pngoral/alveolar implosive sound
eeXsampa-e.pngfront vowel, not rounded, half closedFrench ses [sighs]
ffXsampa-f2.pngdeaf coldSpanish fin [fin]
ggXsampa-g.pngoclusive watch soundEnglish gor [g@U], French longue [lO~g]
g_ Xsampa-g lessthan.pngto watch implosive sound
hhXsampa-h.pngSorda fricativeEnglish house [haUs]
hXsampa-hslash.pngglotal sounding
iiXsampa-i.pngfront, closed, tense, not roundedSpanish si [yes]
jjXsampa-j2.pngApproximate palatalSpanish haand [aj], English andThat's it. [jEs], French andeux [j2]
j Xsampa-jslash2.pngsounding cold palatal
kkXsampa-k.pngwatch occlusive deafSpanish crice [karo]
llXsampa-l.pngapproximate lateral alveolarSpanish lHey. [bleep]
l` Xsampa-l'.pngapproximate lateral backrest
I Xsampa-lslash.pngsimple vibrating side alveolar sound
mmXsampa-m.pngnasal bibSpanish mThat's it. [months]
nnXsampa-n.pngnasal alveolarSpanish nor [no]
- Xsampa-n'.pngnasal backflySwedish rn [chuckles]h2:n`]
ororXsampa-o.pngmedium closed, posterior, roundedSpanish orjor [oxo]
ppXsampa-p.pngocclusive bilabial sordaSpanish perro [but]
PφXsampa-pslash.pngbilabial fricative sordaJapanese fu
qqXsampa-q.pnguvular oclusiva sorda
rrXsampa-r.pngmultiple vibrantSpanish perror [but]
r` Xsampa-r'.pngsimple vibrant backrest
rXsampa-rslash2.png(post-)sometime sounding
r' Xsampa-rslash'.pngapproximate backset
ssXsampa-s.pngsordaSpanish sI [yes]
s` Xsampa-s'.pngsorda retrofleja fricativa
S Xsampa-sslash.pngalveolopalatal fricative sorda
ttXsampa-t.pngalveolar oclusiva sordaSpanish tu [your]
t` Xsampa-t'.pngsorda oclusiva retrofleja
uuXsampa-u.pngvowel rounded back closed tenseSpanish su
vvXsampa-v.pnglipdental sound coldEnglish vest [vEst], French voix [vwa]
v (or P) Xsampa-Porvslash.pngapproximate lipdental
wwXsampa-w2.pngApproximate biovelarSpanish buEno [bweno], English west [wEst], French oui [wi]
xxXsampa-x.pngwatch deaf fricativeSpanish ja [kaxa]
x Xsampa-xslash2.pngpostalveolar and ensure deaf fricative
andandXsampa-y.pngrounded front vowel TenseFrench tu [ty]
zzXsampa-z.pngsoundingEnglish zoo oo [zu:], French azote [azOt]
z` Xsampa-z'.pngcold backfleja sound
z Xsampa-zslash.pngalveolopalatal fricative sonora

Capital letters

AXsampa-A2.pngnon-rounded posterior open vowelEnglish start [stA:rt]
BβXsampa-B2.pngbilabial sounding
B Xsampa-Bslash.pngvibrating bilabial soundevokes the “brrr” intersection (to feel chill)
CçXsampa-C2.pngsorda fricative palatalGerman ich [iC] or welche [vElC@]; English human [Cjum@n] (although English transcripts use "[hj]" instead of "[j]")
DðXsampa-D2.pngDental soundEnglish thin [DEn]
EXsampa-E2.pngmid-open front vowel not roundedFrench même. [mEm]
F Xsampa-F.pnglipdental nasalEnglish emphasis ["EFf@sIs] (in quick speech, if not ["Emf@sIs])
GγXsampa-G2.pngguarding soundingGreek gloves
G Xsampa-Gslash.pnguvular oclusiva sonora
G_ Xsampa-Gslash lessthan.pnguvular implosive sound
H Xsampa-H.pngsemivocal lip-palatalFrench huit [Hi]
H Xsampa-Hslash.pngsorda fricative epiglotal
I.Xsampa-I2.pngvocal Lax non-rounded frontEnglish kit [kIt]
ICentral vocal Lax not rounded, does not appear in AFI
J Xsampa-J.pngnasal palatalSpanish añor [aJo]
J. Xsampa-Jslash.pngocclusive sound palatalHungarian egy [EJ]
J_Xsampa-Jslash lessthan.pngpalatal implosive sonora
K Xsampa-K2.pngside winged sordaWelsh llaw
K Xsampa-Kslash.pngside alveolar sounding
L Xsampa-L2.pnglateral palatalSpanish llbird [LaBe] (no yeism), Italian famiglia
L Xsampa-Lslash.pnglateral sound
M Xsampa-M.pngposterior closed vowel not roundedKorean u
M Xsampa-Mslash.pngapproachingSpanish It wasgor [fweMo]
NРусскийXsampa-N2.pngNose watchEnglish thing [TIN]
N Xsampa-Nslash.pngnasal tissueJapanese san [SAN]
O Xsampa-O2.pngvowel rounded half-open laterBritish thought [TO:t]
O. Xsampa-Oslash.pngbilabial click
P (or v) Xsampa-Porvslash.pngapproximate lipdental
QXsampa-Q.pngposterior rounded vowelBritish lort [lQt]
R Xsampa-R2.pnguvular soundingFrench roi [Rwa]
R Xsampa-Rslash.pngVibrant sonic uvular
SMINXsampa-S2.pngsorda fricative palatoalveolarEnglish ship [SIp]
TθXsampa-T2.pngsordaSpanish Go.z (without thirst), English thin [TIn]
UXsampa-U2.pngvowel rounded back closed laxEnglish foo oot [fUt]
UCentral Lax rounded, does not appear in AFI
V.Xsampa-V.pngnon-rounded half-open vowelEnglish strut [strVt]
W Xsampa-X.pnglabial-velar cold sordaScotch Whin
XχXsampa-x2.pnguvular fricative sordaWelsh bach
X Xsampa-Xslash.pngFaringeal fricative sordaArabic ha’
And Xsampa-Y2.pngvocal Lax rounded frontGerman hübsch [hYpS]
ZXsampa-Z2.pngpalatoalveolar sound coldEnglish Measure ["mEZ.U@]

Other symbols

.Xsampa-fullstop.pngPoor silicon
" Xsampa-amper.pngrounded frontal open vocalDanish drømm
' (or _j)jXsampa-'or j.pngpalate
indefinite symbol, SAMPA's “conjunctor”
/indetermination in French vowels
{æXsampa-leftcurly.pngFront vowel not rounded almost openEnglish trap [tr{p]
! Xsampa-rightcurly.pngrounded central closed vowelSwedish sju
1 Xsampa-1.pngnot rounded central closed vowelWelsh tu
2øXsampa-2.pngmedium closed, frontal, roundedFrench deux [d2]
3РусскийXsampa-3.pnglong central vocalBritish nur [n3:s]
3 Xsampa-3slash.pngmid-open, central, rounded
4Xsampa-4.pngvibrating alveolar simpleSpanish perorAmerican English Bett
5 Xsampa-l eor5.pngdark lsee also _eEnglish mylk [mI5k]
6 Xsampa-6.pngschwa openof the German bess [bEs6]
7 Xsampa-7.pngvowel non-rounded half closed
8 Xsampa-8.pngnon-rounded mid closedof the Swedish buss
9What?Xsampa-9.pngrounded mid-open front vowelFrencheuf [n9f]
Xsampa-colonslash.pngmediumthe Estonian differentiates three different vocabulary extensions
.non segmental notation start (e.g.: SAMPROSA)
. Xsampa-lessthanslash.pngsonic cold epiglotal
non segmental notation end
Xsampa-greaterthanslash.pngocclusive epiglotal
?.Xsampa-questionmark.pngglotal stopGerman Verein [fE6?aIn], also Danish stød
? Xsampa-qmarkslash.pngfryingeal soundArab ayn
@Xsampa-at.pngschwaEnglish banana [b@"nA:n@] (britanic) [b@"n{n@] (American)
@ Xsampa-atslash.pngmiddle closed vowel not rounded
! Xsampa-exclamationslash.pngretrofit click
Xsampa-bar.pngminor (foot) group
ManifestoXsampa-barslash.pngDental click
Xsampa-doublebar.pngmajor (intonation) group
ATA Xsampa-doublebarslash.pngside
Xsampa-equalsslash.pngalveolar click
- Xsampa-dashslash.pnglinking mark


_!Xsampa- doublequotes.pngcentralized
_+ Xsampa- plus.pngadvanced
_Xsampa- minus.pngretracted
_0 Xsampa- 0.pngsorda
= (or _=) Xsampa-equalsor equals.pngsilabica
_.Xsampa- greaterthan.pngejectiva
_ Xsampa- questionslash.pngFaringealized
_.descending tone
_^ Xsampa- hat.pngNot silabica
_ Xsampa- rightcurly.pnginaudible realization
` Xsampa-'rhino.pngvocal roticity, consonant retroflection (AFI uses different symbols for consonants, see t` as an example)
~ (or _~~)~Xsampa-tildor tild.pngnasalization
_A Xsampa- A.pngroot of the advanced language
_ Xsampa- a2.pngapical
_B Xsampa- B.pngextra bass tone
_B_LXsampa- B L.pngtone under ascending
_c Xsampa- c.pnglittle round
_d Xsampa- d.pngdental
_~Xsampa- e.pngguarded or phonyed; see also 5
Xsampa-ltFgt.pngglobal fall
_F^Xsampa- F.pngdescending tone
_GXsampa- G.pngMonitoring
_H Xsampa- H.pnghigh tone
_H_TXsampa- H T.pngtone high ascendant
_hhXsampa- h.pngvacuum
_j (or ')jXsampa-'or j.pngpalate
_k Xsampa- k.pngSparkling voice
_`Xsampa- L.pnglow tone
_lXsampa- l.pngside
_M!Xsampa- M.pngmedium tone
_ Xsampa- m.pnglaminal
_N Xsampa- N.pnglinguolabial
_nXsampa- n2.pngNose
_ Xsampa O.pngrounded
_ Xsampa- o.pngdescended
_q Xsampa- q.pngroot of the retracted language
Xsampa-ltRgt.pngglobal ascension
_R!Xsampa- R.pngascending tone
_R_FXsampa- R F.pngdescending tone
_r Xsampa- r.pngascent
_TÅXsampa- T.pngextra high tone
_t Xsampa- t.pngvoice veiled
_v Xsampa- v.pngSonora
_wXsampa- w.pnglabialized
_XXsampa- X.pngextra-breve
_ Xsampa- x.pngmedium-centralized

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