
Japanese writer, unknown date (before 1933).

A writer is a person who uses written words in different styles and techniques to communicate ideas. Writers produce different forms of literary art and creative writing such as novels, short stories, books, poetry, plays, screenplays, songs, and essays, as well as other reports and news articles that may be of interest to the public. Writers' texts are published in a variety of media. Writers, who can use language to express their ideas well, often contribute significantly to the cultural content of a society.

The term "writer" is also used in other areas of the arts and music, such as a composer or screenwriter, but as a freelance writer it usually refers to the creation of a written language. Some writers work from an oral tradition.

Writers may produce material in various genres, fictional or non-fictional. Other writers use multiple media, such as graphics or illustrations, to enhance the communication of their ideas. Another recent demand has been created by civilian and government readers for the work of technical nonfiction writers whose skills create understandable and interpretive documents of a practical or scientific nature. Some writers may use images (drawing, painting, graphics) or multimedia to enhance their writing. On rare occasions, creative writers are able to communicate their ideas through music and words.

In addition to producing their own written works, writers often write about how they write (ie, the process they use); why they write (ie their motivation); and they also comment on the work of other writers (criticism). Writers work professionally or non-professionally, that is, paid or unpaid, and may be paid in advance (or upon acceptance), or only after their work is published. Pay is just one motivation for writers, and many are not paid for their work.

The term writer is often used synonymously with author, although the latter term has a somewhat broader meaning and is used to convey legal responsibility for a piece of writing, even if its composition is anonymous, unknown, or collaborative.


Writers choose from a variety of literary genres to express their ideas. Most of the writing can be adapted for use in another medium. For example, a writer's work may be read in private or recited or performed in a play or film. Satire, for example, can be written as a poem, an essay, a movie, a comic play, or a piece of journalism. The author of a letter may include elements of criticism, biography, or journalism.

Many writers work across genres. The genre sets the parameters but all kinds of creative adaptations have been tried: from novel to film; from poem to play; from history to music Writers can start their career in one genre and switch to another. For example, historian William Dalrymple got his start in the travel writing genre and also writes as a journalist. Many writers have produced both fiction and nonfiction, and others write in a genre that crosses the two. For example, historical romance writers such as Georgette Heyer create characters and stories set in historical periods. In this genre, the accuracy of the story and the level of factual detail in the work tend to be debated. Some writers write both creative fiction and serious analysis, sometimes using other names to separate their work. Dorothy Sayers, for example, wrote detective novels, but was also a playwright, essayist, translator, and critic.


The poor poetCarl Spitzweg, 1839.

Poets make the most of language for emotional and sensory as well as cognitive effect. To create these effects, they use rhyme and rhythm and also apply word properties with a variety of other techniques such as alliteration and assonance. A common theme is love and its vicissitudes. Shakespeare's best-known love story, Romeo and Juliet, for example, written in a variety of poetic forms, has been performed in countless theaters and has been made into at least eight film versions. John Donne is another poet known for his love poetry.


Antonio Machado portrayed by Joaquín Sorolla in 1918

Novelists write novels, stories that explore many themes, both fictional and nonfiction. They create characters and plots in a narrative designed to be believable and entertaining.

Every novel worthy of the name is like another planet, whether big or small, which has its own laws just as it has its own flora and fauna. Thus, Faulkner's technique is undoubtedly the best for painting Faulkner's world, and Kafka's nightmare has produced its own myths that make it communicable. Benjamin Constant, Stendhal, Eugène Fromentin, Jacques Rivière, Raymond Radiguet all used different techniques, took different liberties and set themselves different tasks.


A satirist uses wit to ridicule the shortcomings of society or individuals, with the intent of exposing stupidity. Typically, the subject of satire is a contemporary subject, such as political decisions or ineffective politicians, although human vices such as greed are also a common and prevalent theme. The philosopher Voltaire wrote a satire on optimism entitled Candide, which was later made into an opera, and many well-known lyricists wrote for it. There are elements of absurdism in Candide, just as there are in the work of contemporary satirist Barry Humphries, who writes a comic skit for his character, Dame Edna Everage, to perform on stage.

Satirists use different techniques such as irony, sarcasm and hyperbole to make their point and choose from a wide range of genres: satire can be in the form of prose or poetry or dialogue in a film, for example. One of the best-known satirists is Jonathan Swift, who wrote the four-volume work Gulliver's Travels and many other satires, including A Modest Proposal and The Battle of the books.


Shakespeare in 1623

From Italian libretto, are the texts of musical works such as operas. The Venetian poet and librettist Lorenzo Da Ponte, for example, he wrote the libretto for some of Mozart's best operas. Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa were Italian librettists who wrote for Giacomo Puccini. Most opera composers collaborate with a librettist but, unusually, Richard Wagner wrote both the music and the libretti for his works.


Typically writing in verses and choruses, a lyricist specializes in writing lyrics, the words that accompany or underscore a song or opera. Lyricists also write lyrics for songs. In the case of Tom Lehrer, these were satirical. Lyricist Noël Coward, who wrote musicals and songs such as Mad Dogs and Englishmen and the performance song I Went to a Marvelous Party, also wrote plays and films and acted on stage and screen. Lyric writers like these two adapt the work of other writers and create entirely original parts.


A playwright writes plays that may or may not be performed on a stage by actors. The narrative of a play is driven by dialogue. Like novelists, playwrights often explore a theme by showing how people respond to a set of circumstances. As writers, playwrights must make the language and dialogue successful in terms of the characters speaking the lines, as well as the play as a whole. Since most plays are performed, rather than read in private, the playwright must produce a text that works in spoken form and can also hold the audience's attention during the performance period.

Plays tell a story that should interest audiences, so writers have to remove anything that works against that. Plays can be written in prose or verse. Shakespeare wrote plays in iambic pentameter as did Mike Bartlett in his play King Charles III (2014).

Playwrights also adapt or rewrite other works, such as previously written works or works of literature originally from another genre. Famous playwrights like Henrik Ibsen or Anton Chekhov have had their works adapted on several occasions.

The plays of early Greek playwrights Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus are still performed. Adaptations of a playwright's work can be honest with the original or creatively interpreted. If the writers' purpose in rewriting the play is to make a movie, they will have to prepare a script. Shakespeare's plays, for example, while still regularly performed in their original form, are often adapted and abbreviated, especially for film. An example of a creative modern adaptation of a play that nonetheless used the original writer's words is Baz Luhrmann's version of Romeo and Juliet.


Screenwriters write a script that provides the words for media productions such as movies, television series, and video games.

Screenwriters may begin their careers by speculatively writing the script; that is, they write a script without advance payment, application, or contract. On the other hand, they may be employed or commissioned to adapt the work of a playwright or novelist or other writer.

Freelance writers who are paid by contract to write are known as freelancers, and screenwriters often work under this type of arrangement.

Screenwriters, playwrights, and other writers draw inspiration from classic themes and often use similar and familiar plot devices to explore them. For example, in Shakespeare's Hamlet there is a “play within a play”, which the hero uses to prove the king's guilt. Hamlet enlists the cooperation of the actors in setting up the play as a thing "in which I will catch the king's conscience." Teleplay writer Joe Menosky deploys the same game-within-a-game device in an episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.


A speech writer prepares the text for a speech to be delivered before a group or crowd on a specific occasion and for a specific purpose. Often they are intended to be persuasive or inspiring, like the speeches given by skilled orators like Cicero; charismatic or influential political leaders like Nelson Mandela; or for use in a court of law or parliament. The author of the speech may be the person intended to deliver it, or it may be prepared by a person hired for the task on behalf of another person. Such is the case when speechwriters are employed by many high-level elected officials and executives in both the public and private sectors.


Biographers write an account of another person's life. Richard Ellmann (1918-1987), for example, was an eminent and award-winning biographer whose work focused on Irish writers James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, and Oscar Wilde. For Wilde's biography, he won the 1989 Pulitzer Prize for Biography. Writer Pilar Eyre wrote I, the King (2020), a biography of Juan Carlos I of Spain.


Critics consider and evaluate the extent to which a work achieves its purpose. The work considered can be literary, theatrical, musical, artistic or architectural. In evaluating the success of a work, the critic takes into account why it was made, why it was written, for whom, in what style, and under what circumstances. After making such an assessment, reviewers write and publish their assessment, adding the value of their scholarship and thought to support any opinion.

The theory of criticism is an area of study in itself: a good critic understands and is able to incorporate the theory behind the work they are evaluating into their assessment. Some critics are already writers of another genre, such as novelists or essayists. Influential and respected critics include the art critic Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) and the literary critic James Wood (b. 1965), who have published books containing collections of their criticism.


Flaubert is a manuscript

A publisher prepares literary material for publication. The material may be the publisher's own original work, but more commonly, a publisher works with the material of one or more people. An editor can suggest or make significant changes to a text to improve its readability, meaning, or structure.

The work of editors of texts or ancient manuscripts or collections of works gives rise to different editions. For example, there are many editions of Shakespeare's works from notable publishers who also contribute original introductions to the resulting publication.

Editors working at magazines and newspapers have different levels of responsibility for text: they may write original material, particularly editorials; select what to include from a variety of sale items; format the material; or check its accuracy.


The encyclopedists are a group of lovers of knowledge, French philosophers (scientists, doctors, jurists, linguists, theologians, artists) (for the most part) who collaborated in the eighteenth century in the production of the Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers under the direction of Denis Diderot. It can also be used as a general term to name people who help write an encyclopedia. The editors of Wikipedia could be included in this last meaning.


Essayists write essays, which are original writings of moderate length in which the author presents a case in support of an opinion. They are usually in prose, but some writers have used poetry to present their argument.


A historian is a person who studies and writes about the past and is considered an authority on it. The purpose of a historian is to use historical analysis to create coherent narratives that explain what happened and why or how it happened. Professional historians often work in colleges and universities, archive centers, government agencies, museums, and as freelance writers and consultants.

A sample of the importance of historians is the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in six volumes by Edward Gibbon, which influenced the development of historiography.


Writers who create dictionaries are called lexicographers. One of the most famous is Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), whose Dictionary of the English Language was regarded not only as a great personal scholarly achievement, but also as a dictionary of such pre-eminence, to which would have reported such writers.

Researcher and academics

Copernicus astronomerJan Matejko (1873)

Researchers and academics who write about their discoveries and ideas sometimes have profound effects on society. Scientists and philosophers are good examples because their new ideas can revolutionize the way people think and behave. Three of the best-known examples of such a revolutionary effect are Nicolaus Copernicus, who wrote De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (1543); Charles Darwin, who wrote On the Origin of Species (1859); and Sigmund Freud, who wrote The Interpretation of Dreams (1899).

These three highly influential and initially highly controversial works changed the way people understood their place in the world. Copernicus' heliocentric view of the cosmos displaced humans from their previously accepted place at the center of the universe; Darwin's evolutionary theory placed humans firmly in the in, as opposed to above, order of fashion; and Freud's ideas about the power of the unconscious mind superseded the belief that humans consciously controlled all of their own actions.


Translators have the task of finding some equivalence in another language with the meaning, intent and style of a writer. Some translators whose work has had a very significant cultural effect are Al-Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf ibn Maṭar, who translated Elements from Greek into Arabic, and Jean-François Champollion, who deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs resulting in that he was able to publish the first translation of the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone, in 1822. Difficulties with translation are compounded when words or phrases incorporate rhymes, rhythms, or puns; or when they have connotations in one language that do not exist in another. For example, the title of Alain-Fournier's Le Grand Meaulnes is supposedly untranslatable because no adjective in English will convey all the shades of meaning that can be read in the single word "grand," which takes on nuances as as the story progresses.

Translators have also become a part of events where political figures who speak different languages come together to investigate relations between countries or resolve political conflicts. It is very important that the translator provides the correct information, as there could be a drastic impact if an error occurs.


Screenshot of a blog

Blog writers (bloggers), who have appeared on the World Wide Web since the 1990s, do not need permission to post. The contents of these short opinion articles or posts form a commentary on topics of special interest to readers who can use the same technology to interact with the author, with an immediacy previously impossible. The ability to link to other sites means that some bloggers, and their work, can suddenly and unpredictably become popular. Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani activist for women's education, rose to fame thanks to her blog for the BBC.

A blog writer uses technology to create a message that is like a newsletter in one way and a personal letter in another way. According to Rettberg, "[t]he biggest difference between a blog and a photocopied school newsletter, or a photocopied annual family letter mailed to a hundred friends, is the potential audience and the greater potential for direct communication between members." of the audience". Thus, as with other forms of letters, the writer knows some of the readers, but one of the main differences is that "part of the audience will be random" and "that presumably changes the form [we writers] write". Bakewell has argued that blogging owes a debt to the Renaissance essayist Michel de Montaigne, whose Essais ("Attempts"), were published in 1580, because Montaigne " he wrote as if he were chatting with his readers: just two friends, spending an afternoon in conversation."


Elizabeth Farrelly

Columnists write regular pieces for newspapers and other periodicals, usually containing lively and entertaining expression of opinion. Some columnists have published collections of their best work as a collection in a book so that readers can re-read what is otherwise no longer available. Columns are fairly short pieces of writing, so columnists often write in other genres as well. An example is the columnist Elizabeth Farrelly, who in addition to being a columnist, is also an architecture critic and author of books.

Columnists are inspired by their experience and knowledge of a specific field to analyze it and develop a subjective commentary about it. Generally, columnists specialize in a certain subject, thus expressing their opinion on political, international, sports, cultural or social issues based on their knowledge.

To carry out their activity, the columnist gathers information in many different ways, either by conducting interviews, establishing contacts with accredited sources or going in person to places where events of interest take place, such as conventions, sporting events, forums, parliamentary appearances or social acts. Once he obtains the information he requires, he analyzes it and chooses the most relevant as the subject of his column, developing his argument and expressing his opinions according to the facts witnessed or the data obtained.


Signature of Anne Frank

Writers who record their experiences, thoughts, or emotions sequentially over a period of time in a journal are known as diarists. So is the person who composes, publishes or directs a newspaper or journal.

Your writings can provide valuable information about historical periods, specific events, or individual personalities. Examples include Samuel Pepys (1633-1703), an English administrator and member of Parliament, whose detailed private diary provides eyewitness accounts of events during the 17th century, most notably the Great Fire of London. Anne Frank (1929-1945) was a 13-year-old Dutch girl whose diary from 1942 to 1944 records both her experiences as a persecuted Jew in World War II as a teenager dealing with intrafamilial relationships.


Mariano José de Larra in 1835, painted by José Gutiérrez de la Vega

Journalists write reports on current events after researching them and gathering information. Some journalists write reports on predictable or scheduled events, such as social or political gatherings. Others are investigative journalists who need to do considerable research and analysis in order to write an explanation or account of something complex that was hitherto unknown or misunderstood. Investigative journalists often report on criminal or corrupt activity that puts them at personal risk and means that they are likely to attempt to attack or suppress what they write. An example is Bob Woodward, a journalist who investigated and wrote about the criminal activities of the President of the United States.


Memoristas, or memoir writers, produce accounts of memories of their own lives that are considered unusual, important, or shocking enough to be of interest to general readers. While purporting to be factual, readers are alerted to the likelihood of some inaccuracies or bias toward an idiosyncratic perception by the choice of genre. A memoir, for example, may have a much more selective set of experiences than an autobiography, which is expected to be more comprehensive and make a greater attempt at balance. Well-known memoirists include Frances Anne Vane, Viscountess Vane, and Giacomo Casanova.

Literary Black

A literary Negro or ghostwriter is a writer who writes for, or in the style of, another person, for which credit goes to the person on whose behalf the writing is done.

Letter Writer

A lady writes a letter with her maid

Letter writers use a reliable form of message transmission between individuals, and surviving sets of letters provide insight into their writers' motivations, cultural contexts, and events in the lives. Pedro Abelardo (1079-1142), philosopher, logician and theologian is known not only for the heresy contained in some of his works, and the punishment of having to burn his own book, but also for the letters he wrote to Héloïse d&# 39; Argenteuil (1090? –1164).

The letters (or epistles) of the Apostle Paul were so influential that over the two thousand years of Christian history, Paul became "second only to Jesus in influence and in the amount of discussion and interpretation generated" 3. 4;.

There are many great writers who left a legacy in the form of handwritten letters before they passed away, such as Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, César Vallejo, Federico García Lorca or Faulkner.

Report Writer

Report writers are people who collect information, organize and document it so that it can be presented to some person or authority who is in a position to use it as the basis of a decision.

Well-written reports influence both policy and decision-making. For example, Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) wrote reports that were intended to effect administrative reforms in matters related to health in the army. She documented her experience in the Crimean War and showed her determination to see improvement.

The records and reports of Master Seaman William Bligh contributed to his honorable acquittal in the court-martial investigating the loss of HMS Bounty.


A scribe receives writing instructions from a client in India

A scribe is a person who has the job of copying writings, passing them clean or writing them when dictated to them. Ideas or information that is in the name of another person, sometimes a copy of another document, sometimes of oral instruction on behalf of an illiterate person, sometimes transcribed from another medium, such as a recording, shorthand, or personal notes.

Scribes were at their peak for more than 500 years in Western Europe, so the monks who copied texts were scribes responsible for keeping many early texts. Monasteries, where literate monks lived, provided a stable enough environment for writing. Irish monks, for example, arrived in Europe in about 600 AD and "found manuscripts in places like Tours and Toulouse" that they copied Monastic writers also illustrated their books with highly skilled works of art using gold and rare colors.

Technical Writer

A technical writer is an expert in producing technical documentation. They are in charge of organizing important facts and explaining complex problems in a very efficient and easy-to-understand way for the recipient. Prepares instructions or manuals, such as user guides or owner's manuals, for users of the equipment to follow. Technical writers also write different procedures for business, professional, or home use. Since the purpose of technical writing is more practical than creative, its most important quality is clarity. The technical writer, unlike the creative writer, must adhere to the relevant style guide.

Process and methods

Japanese impression depicting Thomas Carlyle's horror at the burning of his manuscript

There are a variety of approaches writers take to the task of writing. Every writer needs to find their own process, and most describe it as more or less of a struggle. Sometimes writers have been unlucky enough to lose their job and have had to start over. Before the invention of photocopiers and electronic text storage, a writer's work had to be stored on paper, which meant it was highly susceptible to fire in particular. (In very ancient times, writers used vellum and clay, which were stronger materials.)

Writers whose work was destroyed before completion include L. L. Zamenhof, the inventor of Esperanto, whose years of work were thrown into the fire by his father because he feared his son would be considered a spy at work. Essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle lost the only copy of a manuscript of The French Revolution: A History when a maid mistakenly threw it into the fire. She rewrote it from the beginning. Writers often develop a personal schedule. Angus Wilson, for example, would write for several hours each morning.

Writer's block is a relatively common experience among writers, especially professional writers, when for a period of time the writer feels unable to write for reasons other than lack of skill or commitment.

The loneliness of the writer

Most writers write alone; they are usually engaged in solitary activity that forces them to wrestle with both the concepts they are trying to express and how best to express them. This can mean choosing the best genre or genres, as well as choosing the best words. Writers often develop idiosyncratic solutions to the problem of finding the right words to put on a blank page or screen.


Writers have many different reasons for writing, usually some combination of self-expression and recording fact, history, or research results. The many medical writers, for example, have combined their observation and knowledge of the human condition with their desire to write and have contributed numerous poems, plays, translations, essays, and other texts. Some writers write extensively about their motivation and the likely motivations of other writers. For example, George Orwell's essay Why I Write (1946) takes this as its theme. As to "what constitutes a writer's success or failure", it has been described as "a complicated matter, in which the material collides with the spiritual and psychology plays an important role ».

Controversial writing

Recorded representing the death of William Tyndale

Writers influence ideas and society, so there are many cases where a writer's work or opinion has not been well received and has been controversial. In some cases, they have been persecuted or punished. Knowing that their writing will provoke controversy or endanger themselves and others, some writers self-censor; or withhold your publication work; or hide your manuscripts; or use some other technique to preserve and protect your work. Two of the most famous examples are Leonardo da Vinci and Charles Darwin. Leonardo "had the habit of conversing with himself in his writings and of expressing his thoughts in the clearest and simplest way."He used "left hand or mirror writing"; (a technique described as "so characteristic of him") to protect his scientific research from other readers. Fear of persecution, social disgrace, and being proven wrong are considered contributing factors in Darwin's delay in publishing his radical and influential work On the Origin of Species.

One of the results of controversy sparked by a writer's work is scandal, which is a negative public reaction that damages a reputation and depends on public outrage. It has been said that it is possible to shock the public because the public "wants to be shocked to confirm their own sense of virtue." Examples are found in Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov (1955); A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess (1962); Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller (1934); The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger (1951); Gentlemen prefer blondes, by Anita Loos (1925); The Karamazov Brothers, by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1880) or The True Story of A Q, by Lu Xun (1921-1922)

The scandal may be because of what the writer wrote or the style in which they wrote it. In either case, the content or style is likely to have broken with tradition or expectations. Making such a change may, in fact, be part of the writer's intention, or at least part of the result of introducing innovations in the genre in which he is working. For example, the novelist D. H. Lawrence challenged ideas of what was acceptable and expected in form. These can be considered literary scandals, as can, otherwise, scandals involving writers who mislead the public about their identity, such as Norma Khouri or Helen Darville who, by misleading the public, are deemed to have committed fraud..

Writers can also cause the more common type of scandal, in which the public is outraged by the individual's opinions, behavior, or life (an experience not limited to writers). The poet Paul Verlaine outraged society with his behavior and his treatment of his wife and son, as well as his mistress. Among the many writers whose writing or lives were affected by the scandals were Oscar Wilde, Lord Byron, Jean-Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, and H. G. Wells. One of the most scandalous writers was the Marquis de Sade, who offended the public with both his writing and his behavior.

Protection and representation

The organization Reporters Without Borders (also known by its French name, Reporters Sans Frontières) was created to help protect writers and defend them on their behalf.

The professional and industrial interests of writers are represented by various national or regional guilds or unions. Examples include writers' guilds in Australia and Great Britain, and unions in Arabia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Moldova, the Philippines, Poland, Quebec, Romania, Russia, Sudan, and Ukraine. In the United States, there is a Writers Guild and a National Writers Union.

In Spain, the protection of intellectual property is included in the Intellectual Property Law.


There are many awards for writers whose writing has been deemed excellent. Among them are the many literary prizes awarded by individual countries, such as the Prix Goncourt and the Pulitzer Prize, as well as international prizes such as the Nobel Prize for Literature.

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