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A Contig, in English Contig (from contiguous), are overlapping segments of DNA, which together represent a consensus region of DNA. In 'bottom-up' sequencing, a contig refers to overlapping data in the sequence, in 'top-down' sequencing, it refers to overlapping clones that form a physical map of the genome used to guide sequencing and assembly of the genome. Depending on the context, contig can refer to both overlapping DNA sequences and overlapping physical segments (fragments) contained in clones.

The physical construction of the DNA map often includes the isolation of large DNA fragments in clones, such as YACs and BACs. These clones are analyzed to determine which ones contain DNA in common, or in other words which ones overlap. These contiguous clones constitute a contig or contig where the adjacent clones have part of their sequence in common. The "contigs" They are important because they offer the possibility of studying a segment of the complete genome, especially when looking for genes with certain characteristics and when it is desired to establish the sequence of large fragments of a chromosome.

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