Verifying compiler


Verifying compiler is a great challenge proposed by C. A. R. Hoare. Currently it is a challenge to make a correspondence between the theory of computing and software applications. The development of a verifying compiler is an essential tool to bring both areas together, since it would make the theoretical results achieved available to software engineers.

Great challenges

A grand challenge is a coordinated or competing effort that may lead to far-reaching scientific achievements that could not have been achieved otherwise.

  • Demonstrate the last theorem of Fermat (complete)
  • To reach the moon in 10 years (completed)
  • Cure cancer in 10 years (fallen in the 1970s)
  • Create the map of the Human Genome (completed)
  • Create the map of Human Proteoma (too difficult at the moment)
  • Find the Higgs Bonus (in progress)
  • Find gravitational waves (in progress)
  • Unify the four forces of physics (in progress)
  • Hilbert's Program for the Basics of Mathematics (abandonado in the 1930s)

Great challenges in computing

  • Prove that P is different from NP (open)
  • The Turing test (not reached)
  • The verifying compiler (abandonado in the 1970s)
  • Chess Champion Program (completed in 1997)
  • Program to play Go at professional level (completed in 2016)
  • Automated translation between two languages (falled in the 60s, quite advanced today)

Characteristics of a great challenge

  • Project for at least fifteen years
  • Global participation
  • Clear criteria of success or failure
  • Fundamental advances in science or engineering

Required conditions

  • Enough maturity in the area
  • General support of the scientific community
  • Sustained commitment of participants
  • Awareness of the importance of funding agencies

The Verifying Compiler

  • The compiler verifies the correctness of the programs regarding their specification.
  • The specification is given as assertions in the program, type information, etc.
  • The tools used for verification are tools for supporting mathematical and logical reasoning.

This is a challenge that was already formulated by Turing (1948), McCarthy (1962), Floyd (1967), etc.

It represents an engineering achievement of something that was once considered unachievable or impractical.

Measure of success

  • Mechanical verification of a set of representative examples of mechanically verified software tools.
  • Each example produced must be able to replace existing software in its routine use, so as to serve as a basis for future developments.
  • A prototype checker must be available to the community.

Hoare proposes as a minimum the verification of correctness and completion of applications of at least ten thousand lines, and with a lower level of security up to the treatment of applications of at least one million lines.

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