Vector subspace


In linear algebra, a vector subspace is the subset of a vector space, which by itself satisfies the definition of a vector space with the same operations as V the original vector space.

Definition of a vector subspace

Sea V{displaystyle V_{}^{}{}}} a vectorial space K{displaystyle K_{}^{}{}}} and U V{displaystyle Usubset V} not empty, U{displaystyle U_{}^{}{}}} It's a vector subspace of V{displaystyle V_{}^{}{}}} Yes:

i)Русский Русский u,v한 한 U,u+v한 한 U{displaystyle i);forall u,vin U,u+vin U}
ii)Русский Русский u한 한 U,Русский Русский k한 한 K,ku한 한 U{displaystyle ii);forall uin U,forall kin K,kuin U}


  • A subset of vectors that meets the two previous conditions is a vector subspace and therefore a vector space.
(i) allows the performance of the commutative and associative property.

(ii) permits compliance with associative property, neutral element and distributional ownership over the two operations.

Then for the neutral element of the sum this can be obtained as 0⋅ ⋅ u{displaystyle 0cdot u}What? u+0⋅ ⋅ u=(1+0)⋅ ⋅ u=u{displaystyle u+0cdot u=(1+0)cdot u=u} and the same for the opposite element of the sum obtained as (− − 1)⋅ ⋅ u{displaystyle (-1)cdot u}Since u+(− − 1)u=(1− − 1)⋅ ⋅ u=0.{displaystyle u+(-1)u=(1-1)cdot u=0. !


Done F{displaystyle F,} a vector subspace, you have:

To (i) abuse of language F+F F{displaystyle F+Fsubset F}and even F+F=F{displaystyle F+F=F} That's right.

You want to see that Русский Русский w한 한 F+FΔ Δ w한 한 F{displaystyle forall win F+FLeftrightarrow win F}:
⇒ ⇒ )w한 한 F+F⇒ ⇒ consuming consuming u,v한 한 F:w=u+v⇒ ⇒ w한 한 F.{displaystyle Rightarrow)win F+FRightarrow exists u,vin F:w=u+vRightarrow win F.}
  )w한 한 F⇒ ⇒ w=w+0→ → ⇒ ⇒ w한 한 F+F{displaystyle Leftarrow)win FRightarrow w=w+{vec {0}}Rightarrow win F+F}

(ii) abuse of language λ λ F F{displaystyle lambda Fsubset F}and even λ λ F=F,Русский Русский λ λ 한 한 K− − {0!{displaystyle lambda F=F,;forall lambda in K-{0}} That's right.

w한 한 FΔ Δ 1λ λ w한 한 FΔ Δ λ λ 1λ λ w한 한 λ λ FΔ Δ w한 한 λ λ F{displaystyle win FLeftrightarrow {frac {1}{lambda }w}in FLeftrightarrow lambda {frac {1}{lambda }}win lambda FLeftrightarrow win lambda F}

Verification criteria

It is possible to synthesize i) and ii) in a single condition:

Yeah. V is a vector space, then a non-empty subset U of V is a vector subspace if and only if for any two vectors v, w members U and any scalers r and s belonging to the associated body, the vector rv+sw{displaystyle rv+sw} is also an element of U.


Given the vector space R2{displaystyle mathbb {R} ^{2}}, its elements are the type (a,b)한 한 R2{displaystyle (a,b)in mathbb {R} ^{2}}.

The subset

U={(a,b):a+b=0!{displaystyle U={(a,b):a+b=0}.

is a vector subspace.

By definition of U the elements are of the form x=(x1,− − x1){displaystyle x=(x_{1},-x_{1})}.

Suma+:R2× × R2Δ Δ R2(u,v) (u1,− − u1)+(v1,− − v1)=((u1+v1),− − (u1+v1)){display} {begin{matrix}Suma style+: stranger{mathbb} {R ^{2}{2}mathbb {R} ^{2}{2}{longrightarrow}{mathbb} {R}{2}{2}{2}{mathbf {u}{1mathbf}}{

Prorductor⋅ ⋅ :K× × VΔ Δ V(a,u) a⋅ ⋅ (u1,− − u1)=((a⋅ ⋅ u1),− − (a⋅ ⋅ u1)){displaystyle {begin{matrix}Producto fakecdot {}: fake{Ktimes {}V}{longrightarrow {}{longrightarrow {}{v}{pos(a,mathbf {u}}{a}{mathbf}{amapsto &acdot}{u_{1}{1}{1}{1}{cdot}}{cdot}{cdot}}{cdot}}{cdot}{cdot}{cdot}}{cdot

as operations are well defined then U is in itself a vectorial space, that is, satisfying the conditions of vector subspace R2{displaystyle mathbb {R} ^{2}}.

The subset

C={(a,b):b=a2!{displaystyle C={(a,b):b=a^{2}}}}

is not a vector subspace.

Again it is only necessary to verify three conditions: the null vector membership and the lock of both operations.

The null vector (0, 0) yes is an element of C since 0 = 02.

However, neither the sum nor the product are closed:

  • Vectors (1, 1) and (2, 4) are elements of C, but its sum (1, 1) + (2, 4) = (3,5) is not, since 5 is not equal to 32.
  • The vector (2, 4) is an element of C, but by multiplying it by scaling 2 you get (4, 8) that is not an element of C since 8 is not equal to 42.

Operations with subspaces

Sea (V,+,K,↓ ↓ ){displaystyle (V,+,K,*)} a vector space; (S,+,K,↓ ↓ ){displaystyle (S,+,K,*)} and (W,+,K,↓ ↓ ){displaystyle (W,+,K,*)} vectorial subspaces V{displaystyle V}the following operations are defined:


S W={v한 한 V:: v한 한 Sorv한 한 W!{displaystyle Scup W=left{mathbf {v} in Vcolon mathbf {v}in S {text{o}mathbf {v} in Wright}}}}
In general, the union of subspaces is not a subspace.


S W={v한 한 V:: v한 한 Sandv한 한 W!{displaystyle Scap W=left{mathbf {v} in Vcolon mathbf {v} in S {text{y}mathbf {v} in Wright}}}}}
The intersection of two subspaces is a subspace.


S+W={v한 한 V:: v=(u1+u2)∧ ∧ u1한 한 S∧ ∧ u2한 한 W!{displaystyle S+W=left{mathbf {v} in Vcolon mathbf {v} =(mathbf {u_{1}} +mathbf {u_{2}}}})wedge mathbf {u_{u_{1}}wedge swedge mathbf {u_{u_{u_right}}}}{u_{u_{u_{wright}}}}
The sum of two subspaces is a subspace V.

Direct addition

If the intersection between S and W is the trivial subspace (i.e., the null vector), then the sum is called "direct sum".
I mean, yeah. S W={0→ → !⇒ ⇒ S W{displaystyle Scap W=left{vec {0}right}Rightarrow Soplus W}
This means all vectors S+W, it is written in a way unique as the sum of a vector S and another W.

Supplementary Subspaces

It is said that the subspaces S{displaystyle S} and W{displaystyle W}They are. Supplementary when they verify that their direct sum is equal to the vector space V{displaystyle V}:

S W=V▪ ▪ {S+W=VS W={0→ → !{displaystyle Soplus W=;V;leftrightarrow ;{begin{cases}S+W=;VScap W=leftlbrace {overset {rightarrow }{0}{0}{rightrbrace end{cases}}}}}

Dimensions of subspaces

Grassmann's formula resolves that the sum dimension of subspaces S{displaystyle S} and W{displaystyle W} will be equal to the dimension of subspace S{displaystyle S} plus the subspace dimension W{displaystyle W} less the dimension of the intersection of both, i.e.:

dim (S+W)=dim (S)+dim (W)− − dim (S W){displaystyle dim(S+W)=dim(S)+dim(W)-dim(Scap W)}

For example, being dim (S)=3{displaystyle dim(S)=3} and dim (W)=2{displaystyle dim(W)=2} and having as intersection a subspace dimension 1.
Then, dim (S+W)=4{displaystyle dim(S+W)=4}.

In direct addition

In the particular case of the direct sum, as S W={0→ → !⇒ ⇒ dim (S W)=0{displaystyle Scap W=left{vec {0}}right}Rightarrow dim(Scap W)=0}.
Grassmann's formula is:

dim (S W)=dim (S)+dim (W){displaystyle dim(Soplus W)=dim(S)+dim(W)}

Then in the previous example, it would be dim (S W)=5{displaystyle dim(Soplus W)=5}.

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