University of Monterey

University of Monterrey

The Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) is a private educational institution of Catholic inspiration, open to all creeds and conditions, founded in 1969. The UDEM Campus is located in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, belonging to the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.

The University of Monterrey has a student population of more than 16,000 students distributed among the different campuses where 4 baccalaureates, 46 careers, 16 master's degrees, 13 postgraduate specialties, 37 medical specialties and subspecialties, and 1 doctorate are offered.

In 2016, UDEM was ranked 15th nationally and 101st in Latin America according to the Quacquarelli Symonds ranking of universities (QS University Rankings: Latin America).


Inauguration of Rectory with the authorities.

The University of Monterrey was founded by various Monterrey religious congregations: the Daughters of Mary Immaculate of Guadalupe, Religious of the Sacred Heart, Sisters of the Incarnate Word, the Marist Brothers and the Lasallian Brothers. These founding groups carried out their activities in Monterrey since the beginning of the XX century. It originates as a follow-up to the recommendation of the Second Vatican Council to use educational activities as a means of disseminating Catholic principles. In 1968, the Fomento de Educación Superior, A.C. association was formed with the aim of promoting the creation of UDEM. On July 8, 1969, UDEM received recognition from the state of Nuevo León as a Free University School under the auspices of Fomento de Educación Superior A.C. and the recognition of the acting governor, Eduardo A. Elizondo.

The work began on September 8, 1969 with the Chipinque units at the Mater school; Gonzalitos, in the CUM; Morning Bishopric, in the facilities of the Instituto Regiomontano; Unidad Valle, at Colegio Labastida, and Bachelors in each of these units, as well as those of the Colegio Mexicano, with engineer Enrique García Leal as rector.

By 1972, UDEM had 22 professional programs and 3 postgraduate programs. That same year, 7 academic divisions were created: Art and Environmental Sciences, Educational Sciences, Economic-administrative Sciences, Legal Sciences, Natural and Exact Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences. In 1978, through the Official State Gazette, it was authorized to provide secondary, higher, technical and postgraduate education. In 1979, with the purpose of building a university campus for UDEM, a Mexican philanthropist, with his own resources, Don Roberto Garza Sada formed the association Desarrollo Educacional A.C. with the purpose of buying a 35-hectare piece of land and in 1981 starting the construction of the campus.

In 1982, the Vice-Rector for Higher Secondary Education was created and the activities of the Humberto Lobo High School began. On August 21, 1998, the building called the University Community Center (CCU) was inaugurated in a ceremony attended by President Ernesto Zedillo was present. In January 2004, the Rectory building was inaugurated, where the offices of the Student Information and Attention Center (CIAA) are housed, as well as the continuing education rooms, among other things. In September 2005, the laid the first stone for the Residences on the adjacent 14-hectare lot located to the west of the University. In July 2006, the complex called UDEM Residences was inaugurated. In 2009, after 16 years as rector, on August 3, 2009 Francisco Azcúnaga Guerra submitted his resignation and then Antonio Dieck Assad held the post of rector of UDEM concluding his duties in 2018. It was in January 2019, the year in which he the 50th anniversary of the university was celebrated, when Mario Páez González was appointed the new rector of UDEM.

University identity

Campaign 2020

In December 2019, the University of Monterrey launched the “UDEM Inspiring your best version” campaign.

With the conviction that "there are things that are not learned at the University, but they are learned at UDEM", as the theme or tagline of the campaign invokes, this house of studies seeks to raise the profile of its graduates to through comprehensive training.

UDEM people

To welcome the new university students of the University of Monterrey, the Gente UDEM is held, an event that is the initiation to university life. In this event, they integrate with their classmates, meet the career director and the teachers.

Troy Day

To welcome the new high school students of the University of Monterrey, Troya Day is held, an event full of dynamics, reflections and a rally where new applicants integrate with their classmates, teachers and students from other semesters. Once the shirt is "put on", a ceremony is held where a flame is lit as a symbol of initiation of the new generation of high school.

Medicine: Purple Ribbon

At the end of the delivery of the certificate of studies of the health professionals, the director of the Health Sciences Division of the University of Monterrey, directs the ceremony where the graduates share the purple ribbon that they wear on the stole with their colleagues –forming a community of professionals– with the aim of providing a quality service and excellence to those who need their profession.


At the end of the Nursing Degree (LEN) studies, a rite called Passage of Light is performed, which consists of lighting a flame that is passed from hand to hand by each of the LEN graduates as a symbol of commitment to attention, care and continuous renewal. This rite recalls the work of Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of modern nursing who applied the first basic concepts of hygiene, ventilation, lighting and separation of patients according to her disease.

The Bell

Emblema de Universidad de Monterrey
Logo University of Monterrey
The "Vox Veritatis" Bell measures 75 cm in its widest part and 52 cm in height.

Conceived by the then Vice Chancellor for Development, Adalberto Viesca Sada (✝), and played for the first time in 1999; The Bell: Vox Veritatis (Voice of Truth) became a symbol of commitment to Truth, Justice and Honesty. Once the Final Evaluation Project (PEF) is approved, the graduate rings the bell three times announcing his responsibility to society, promoting peace and truth.

The Fire

The rite of fire or Lumen Scientiae is an activity carried out for future ExaUDEM, which is part of the Meeting Point event >. This rite is carried out every semester to provide a conclusion to the university years, through reflection on the experiences lived, learning obtained and that ends with this final rite.

The dynamic of Lumen Scientiae consists of a group of students lighting a cauldron with torches, which symbolizes the light of knowledge that is passed hand to hand among the students about to graduate.

Former Students: The Threads

The Popes

This rite is part of the Meeting Point event that takes place in the Fundadores Garden where teachers and future Ex-Students come together to weave a web of stories with the purpose of reflect on how each action influences the society around them. At the end, the great bow is placed in the custody of the Vice Chancellor for Development on duty.

Entropy Potatoes

Due to the importance of Entropy as an emblematic sign, "Entropy Potatoes" were created in the Rectory cafeteria where more than 50 students ask for them daily.


The first UDEM logo was created by Ignacio Villarreal Junco, which is made up of 3 books and a font with the name of the university. The yellow color symbolizes the light of knowledge, sensitivity and intuition according to its creator.

In 2002, two concentric circles were added to the three books, containing the Latin phrase "Man is only fulfilled at the service of man" (Homo hominis in servitio perficitur) which corresponds to to one of the principles of the university, in addition to a bouquet of laurels at the bottom, which symbolizes the triumphs of its graduates. On its 33rd anniversary, the UDEM logo and identity design was renewed by the design and advertising agency Brands&People with the purpose of reflecting the solidity and strength achieved in its history.


UDEM has a single university campus located on the borders of San Pedro Garza García and Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, Mexico and has nearly 162,000 square meters of green areas and 2,200 trees that offer shade and rest. For the teaching of classes and the development of students, there are 225 professional, baccalaureate and postgraduate rooms, as well as 700 computers that are distributed in the Engineering, Design, Language laboratories and the General Library Room. However, it also has with three units for high school studies of the Prepa UDEM system, these units are the San Pedro Unit (USP) located on the limits of the university campus, the Valle Alto Unit (UVA) located in La Estanzuela, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico and the Founders Unit (UFU) located in Escobedo, Nuevo León, Mexico. Starting in 2011, the Obispado Unit that was previously occupied by the Motolinia school was incorporated to house the technical baccalaureate; In addition, Nursing programs are taught at the Christus Muguerza Conchita Hospital; On November 28, 2011, the Packaging Design Innovation Center was inaugurated, located in the Technological Research and Innovation Park (PIT) in Apodaca, Nuevo León.


The university has 3,671 parking spaces for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to use. For those who do not have their own car, there is the UDEM Directo that transports approximately 650 students from their home to the university and the UDEM Safe Taxis.

Roberto Garza Sada Center (CRGS)

The Roberto Garza Sada Center (CRGS), named after Roberto Garza Sada, was designed by Tadao Andō, one of the most recognized architects in the world and winner of the Pritzker Prize in 1995. The final investment of the work It is around 45 million dollars, the main benefactor being Márgara Garza Sada de Fernández, daughter of Roberto Garza Sada.


The architectural work, baptized by its author as the "Gate of Creation" (Gate of Creation), was officially inaugurated on April 29, 2013 in the presence of the Japanese architect, Márgara Garza Sada de Fernández, the governor in charge, Rodrigo Medina de la Cruz, the former municipal president of San Pedro Garza García, Mauricio Fernández Garza, among other business, political and academic personalities. The idea of this work is to inspire through the aesthetics of the building. The author wanted to respond to the challenge of the mountain that is in the background, in some way it inspires the students to cross the door and transcend. Through art, it transmits the education that Roberto Garza Sada, benefactor of UDEM, had.

This building has 1,300 cubic meters of concrete whose gray color is in harmony with the tones of the Huasteca and has 13,115.48 square meters of construction, distributed in spaces for design, research, teaching and exhibition, as well as 22 laboratories and workshops which design students can use. Currently, it has the LEED Certification at its "Silver" level, granted by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), with which it became the first work by Tadao Ando to receive a global sustainability certification.


Rectory Building.

In September 2001, prior to a 10-year planning, construction began on the Rectory building on a 8,400-square-meter lot, with the aim of offering greater services to the community and it was inaugurated in 2003. The construction was by the architect Bernardo Hinojosa who won the 2004 Cemex National Works Award, in the Institutional Design Category and in the Institutional Construction Category.

The building houses the Vice-Rectors for Higher Education, Higher Secondary Education and Comprehensive Training, as well as a Development and Administration space. In addition to this there is a Board Room. The construction had a cost of 82,100,000 pesos, the product of a financial campaign of donations.

La Serpentina, is the sculpture located in the Central Plaza of the Rectory building, created by Fernando González Gortázar from Guadalajara. youth with its red colors like humans, warm and like a hidden flame that spills and unfolds towards the outside.

University Community Center (CCU)

Sculpture "The Man" in CCU

Inaugurated in 1999 by then-president Ernesto Zedillo, it provides tools for comprehensive training with the Departments of Cultural Diffusion, University Pastoral, and the Student Leadership and Solidarity, Philanthropy, and Education centers, which seek to complement and enrich the education.

“El Hombre”, made by the Oaxacan sculptor Rufino Arellanes Tamayo, is located in the University Community Center (CCU) as an institutional symbol of the University. "Man is the origin, center and end of culture" phrase that distinguishes the figure as a symbolic reinforcement of university values, considers the human being as the essential core of any cultural expression. Mixed metal, 2.30 x 90 cm.

"The Community Tree" is a sculpture created by Jorge Elizondo, it is located in the CCU as a symbol that transcends time and allows current and future generations to learn about people and institutions that believed in the educational project of UDEM.

The Community Tree is called by its author Jorge Elizondo: “La Hamburguesa”, because it looks like sesame bread.


In 1987 the Library System of the University of Monterrey was formed, which today is made up of a Central Library and three departmental libraries. The UDEM Library has 44 direct agreements with local and national institutions, a total of 631,103 volumes of books, videos and electronic books, as well as a collection of 408,589 globally recognized printed and electronic magazines, a database with 23,234 magazine titles and texts shared with EBSCO, ProQuest, Wilson, Infolatina, Britannica, Ocenet, Gale and Routledge. In addition, documents and maps from the viceregal era are stored in a space in the library.

The General Library Room has 100 computers that have their applications stored on a programmed server. Similarly, there is the Center for Historical Studies that has around 100 maps of the northeastern region of Mexico and the southern United States from between the years 1601 and 1800.

Collaborators who work in the UDEM central library They have specialized studies in Library Science.

Special collections from various organizations include:

  • Xavier Moyssén Collection on Mexican Art History (Restricted Area)
  • INEGI Depositary Library
  • UNESCO Depositary Library - International Institute for Educational Planning
  • Comodato con la Biblioteca de la Sociedad Nuevoleonesa de Historia, Geography and Statistics de Nuevo León


It is a sculpture of 36 stainless steel prisms that is located in the Fundadores garden, it was created by Jorge Elizondo in 1996 in order to demonstrate the measure of the degree of disorder of the elements of a closed system. It is also a symbol of the commitment of those who work at the University, made up of many apparently disconnected pieces that together form a new whole.

Inauguration of UDEM Residences with authorities.

UDEM Residences

Inaugurated in 2006 after 13 months of work and a 270 million pesos budget, they have a 14-hectare plot where foreigners and foreigners live together in a close and safe environment. Advised by executives from Harvard, Yale, Loyola and the University of the Americas (UDLA), and with benefactors such as the architect Jane Wright of the world-renowned architecture firm Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas, it was possible to build these facilities that house up to 450 students from the University of Monterrey.


The building is a space with which UDEM seeks to enrich student life, improve the experience of its community and contribute to the generation of public spaces and family life in the area.

It has a privileged location to the west of the campus that, connected to the great square and, next to the Roberto Garza Sada Center for Art, Architecture and Design, serves as the new main entrance to the University.

This derives from the name of stoicism, since in it the philosopher Zenón de Citio imparted his teachings to his disciples in Athens.

ESTOA Building

The space for reflection, which served as a classroom of knowledge for philosophical circles, was also an access atrium to important buildings; It was a covered outdoor public space, with slopes that served to shade from the sun.

The Solar

The Solar

It includes the construction of a South Plaza, currently in use, and a North Plaza or Cultural Plaza –on the west side of the project−, which together represent 7,900 m² for the meeting and coexistence of the UDEM community, in addition to the area of the glen −the east side.

With this space, the University of Monterrey has given continuity to the transformation of its campus as a sustainable infrastructure through the recovery of wooded areas where there were parking lots before.

The UDEM campus has a project that integrates vegetation from the region, design of pedestrian roads according to the different needs and a ravine that includes a reflecting pool and a hermitage for reflection.

High Schools

Valle Alto Unit

Noted for its privileged location, it is positioned as the ecological high school in Mexico after being recognized in the 2005-2006 AIA Committee on Architecture for Education Award, the main one of its kind granted by the American Institute of Architects. UVA is the winner of seven ecology awards for the protection of flora and fauna, and its focus is a high academic demand without neglecting union and service for others.

Panoramics of the UDEM Unit San Pedro

San Pedro Unit

Opened in 1995 and located in the south of the university campus, it has a multicultural approach and high academic demands; it offers a program called the International Baccalaureate (IB), which combines sciences and humanities. USP was placed, in the National Enlace Evaluation, within the three percent of the best schools in Mexico in 2012, and shares the professional facilities of the University of Monterey.

Students at Prepa facilities Founding Unit

Founders Unity

Located in the limits of San Nicolás and Escobedo, it joined the UDEM family on August 6, 2007 with 62 first-year students in order to respond to the high demand in the northern zone of the metropolitan area. With the physical capacity to receive 600 students, it offers general, bilingual, bicultural and international baccalaureate programs, in addition to the fact that its students stand out for their high results in national exams. This high school, distinguished by its family atmosphere and its relationship between students and teachers, was the third UDEM high school and its name pays homage to the group of businessmen and the five religious congregations that founded the institution.

Bishopric Unit

Its objective is to provide quality education at an affordable cost, and transforming from the Technological Baccalaureate (BET) to the General Baccalaureate (BG) in 2013, it stands out for the excellence of its students. In mid-July 2011, and for the first time in 24 years, its facilities were relocated since then they are exclusive; Before, it shared the space with the Centro Universitario de Monterrey (CUM). Its academic offer includes Accounting, Advertising Image, Systems Analyst and Strategic Sales, seeking to expand the academic offer and the UDEM market.

Professional students support the improvement of the facilities of the Polytechnic Prep

Santa Catarina Polytechnic

Social and educational project of the institution where, since 2006, the Secretary of Education of Nuevo León, the Municipality and UDEM joined forces. Pretending to offer a study program focused on the development of technical skills whose demand is increasing in companies in the region, it allows choosing between specialties such as electronic and computer maintenance, support in telecommunications and network services, database administration and development of Internet pages, among others. It has a national and state record of 95 percent student retention, and its teachers are mostly professional students who, with a service attitude, motivate and train students and seek to generate a platform of mutual growth.


“The Potatoes” Entropy (1994)

The emblematic sculpture is located in the Fundadores Garden, its author is Jorge Elizondo, a Mexican sculptor also recognized for his participation in exhibitions in the United States, Switzerland and Germany. The work is made up of 36 stainless steel prisms interconnected in different positions giving meaning to all the members united with the same UDEM support. It was made in order to demonstrate the measure of the degree of disorder of the elements of a closed system. It is also a symbol of the commitment of those who work at the University, made up of many apparently disconnected pieces that together form a new whole. "Las Papas" represents the scale towards heaven due to its height, as a symbol of the human and the divine and its meaning is to motivate how each small action carried out acquires a greater proportion when integrated into a new whole.

Serpentine (2004)

It is a 10-meter steel monument located on the Rectory Esplanade by Fernando González Gortázar, an architect, landscape designer and sculptor recognized in Mexico and abroad. Its approximate weight is 7 tons and its steel slats represent flexibility in a state of permanent movement. It symbolizes the youth and strength of its students who give life to the Institution and the importance of making solid decisions to achieve ideals. The work is made up of two parts: the internal part, which is a tube almost 80 centimeters thick, an eye color, which is the heart of the work that symbolizes a flame, and the external part, some spirals come out from different points to symbolize the joy of life. youth.

Shapers of the Future (2008)

Located in front of Plaza Cívica, there is a set of four sculptures, the one of Imagining Dreams is represented by two young people who fly their imagination with reading and lean on others to dream of a better future. The second work in this set is Building Dreams, which refers to the fact that dreams come true if they are transformed into actions, which means that the tomorrow that is dreamed of is built today. Raising Dreams is the third part that inspires that to achieve great achievements there must be perseverance. The last part of this sculptural group is called Forjadores, which symbolizes that by uniting spaces, times and realities, a better future is achieved. This work is by Luis Felguérez, a fine Mexican artisan who participated in exhibitions in the United States and Mexico.

Flag Runner (2009)

It is a corridor with 40 flagpoles each with a flag that represents the internationalization of the university through exchange opportunities for teachers and students. It is also a reminder of the cultural diversity that UDEM has. idea of Lic. Brenda García.

Homage to Escher (2004)

Located in the Rectory, the staircase is part of a sculptural group, its author is Rogelio Madero, recognized throughout the world, with extensive experience in the field of design and Bernardo Hinojosa, an architect who is a member of the National Academy of Architecture and International Associate Member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). What is representative of this staircase is that it has four yellow human-shaped sculptures, two men and two women made of fiberglass-reinforced resin, they are upside down, symbolizing the ways in which situations can be observed and also the student who stops to think and reorganize his way to the top.

Canals Mural (2001)

Each square of this mosaic work that measures 10 meters represents the virtues acquired in the practice of UDEM sports and symbolizes values such as teamwork, friendship, health and accuracy. It is located in the Sports Area and was made by Enrique Canales, a technologist, writer and painter who participated in galleries such as the Museo del Vidrio de Monterrey, Arte Actual Mexicano de Monterrey, and the Museo de Monterrey, among others.

The Community Tree (1998)

This monument is made up of more than 600 steel hands which were sculpted by Jorge Elizondo, a Mexican sculptor, each hand represents a benefactor who contributed to creating the place where this work is located, called the University Community Center. The donation bears the name of each one of the benefactors in a small fist represented with a seed, to have well-prepared professionals as a result.

The Man (1999)

Another sculpture found in the University Community Center represents the human being and contains 12 rays that signify the values of the UDEM community. Its author is Rufino Tamayo, recognized as one of the best Mexican painters; winner of many important awards, including the National Arts Award in 1964 and an honorary member of the National College in 1991. This work reveals that man is the origin, center and end of culture, representing the integrity of people that inspires service to others.

Moon Theorem (2019)

Lunar Theorem UDEM

Erect, in red and gray, facing the setting sun, Teorema lunar, the steel work created by Manuel Felguérez with the rigor of a mathematical proposition, is located in the Plaza de la Estoa, the new gateway to the University of Monterey.

In the framework of the 50th anniversary of the founding of UDEM, the sculpture made up of 12 pieces that almost reach 20 meters high and weigh 38 tons was inaugurated in May 2019.

The inauguration of the work created by the plastic artist from Zacatecas was held in the presence of Álvaro Fernández Garza, president of the UDEM Council, the rector Mario Páez González and the author himself, accompanied by his wife, Mercedes Oteyza.

Around 1982, the monumental work of Felguérez was installed in front of the Akra - Nylon de México industrial complex, to give an identity to the area, in La Leona, on Díaz Ordaz avenue, where it remained until 2009, when the corporation sold the land for the plant.

The Entropy Popes
Serpentine (Rectory)
Future Forjadores
Flag runner
Centro Roberto Garza Sada
The tree of the community
The man, Rufino Tamayo
Channel Wall
Lunar Theorem UDEM

Educational offer

To date (2022), UDEM offers: 4 baccalaureates, 47 professional careers and 31 medical specialties. In addition, students now have 671 exchange options in 56 countries, of which 24% are with universities included among the best 500 in the world.

There are 6 schools at UDEM where you can study at a professional level, such as:

School of Art, Architecture and Design


  • Animation and Digital Effects (LAED)
  • Architecture (ARQ)
  • Graphic Design(LGD)
  • Interior design (LINT)
  • Industrial Design (LDI)
  • Art (LA)
  • Fashion Design (LDM)
  • Engineering in Sustainable Innovation and Energy (IISE)


  • Master's Degree in Video Games Art and Design (MADV)
  • Master in Advanced Architectures (MAA)
  • Master's Degree in Graphic Design (MDG)
  • Master's Degree in Packaging and Packaging Development Design (MDDEE)
  • Speciality in Editorial and Publicity Design (EDEP)
  • Speciality in Electronic Marketing Design (EDME)

School of Health Sciences


  • Biomedical Engineering (IBI)
  • Licence in Nutrition (UNL)
  • Bachelor of Clinical Psychology (LPSC)
  • Dentist surgeon (MCD)
  • Bachelor of Nursing (LEN)
  • Bachelor of Psychology (LPS)
  • Bachelor of Labor Psychology and Organizations (LPT)
  • Doctor Surgeon Partier (MCP)


  • Specialties in Psychology
  • Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology
  • Medical Specialties and Subspecialties: It has 19 specialization alternatives in the area of medicine.
  • Grass in Nursing: It has 10 specialization alternatives in the nursing area

School of Education and Humanities


  • Bachelor of Education Sciences (LED)
  • Licensing in Letters (LLE)
  • Bachelor of Philosophy (LFL)
  • Bachelor of Digital Cinema Production (LPCD)
  • Bachelor of Sociology (LSO)
  • Bachelor of Information and Communication Sciences (LCIC)
  • Bachelor of Human and Social Studies (LEHS)
  • Bachelor of Psychopedagogy (LPP)


  • Speciality in Early and Preschool Education (EETP)
  • Master in Education Sciences (MED)
  • Master in Humanities (MHU)

Faculty of Law and Social Sciences


  • Bachelor of Political Science and Governance (LPG)
  • Bachelor of Law and Public Service (LDFT)
  • Bachelor of Law (LDE)
  • Bachelor of Law and Finance (LDFN)
  • Bachelor of International Relations (LRI)


  • Speciality in Energy Law (EDE)
  • Specialization in the Development and Management of International Cooperation Projects
  • Speciality in Oral Judgments (EJO)
  • Master in International Cooperation and Conflict Resolution
  • Master in Business Law (MDE)
  • Master in Fiscal Law (MDF)


  • Doctorate in Law (DDE)

School of Engineering and Technologies


  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICA)
  • Engineering in Business Management (IGE)
  • Engineering in Computational Technologies (ITC)
  • Industrial and Systems Engineering (IIS)
  • Automotive Engineering (IAUT)
  • Engineering in Mechatronics (IMT)
  • Engineering in Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRSI)
  • Administrative Mechanical Engineering (IMA)


  • Master in Engineering Management (MGI)
  • Master in Industrial and Systems Engineering (MIIS)
  • Master in Product Engineering (MIP)

Business School


  • Bachelor of Accounts and Finance (LCF)
  • Bachelor of Strategic Management of Human Capital (LDCH)
  • Bachelor of International Marketing (LMI)
  • Bachelor of Global Business (LNG)
  • Bachelor of Business Creation and Business Innovation (LCIE)
  • Bachelor of Business Management and Administration (LDAE)
  • Bachelor of Economics (LEC)
  • Bachelor of International Finance (LFI)
  • Bachelor of Marketing and Creative Strategy (LMEC)
  • Bachelor of Tourism Management and Innovation (LGIT)


  • Speciality in Organizational Change Management (EGCO)
  • Speciality in Finance (EFI)
  • Speciality in Marketing and Marketing Strategies (EMCO)
  • Master in Administration (MBA)
  • Master in Organizational Development (MDO)
  • Master in Organizational Development and Change (MDOC)
  • Master in Hospital Management and Health Services (MGHS)

Contributions to knowledge

They develop antiviral gel that prevents HIV

Humberto Lara Villegas, who developed the creation of a gel composed of private silver nanos that prevents HIV from entering the immune system.

In an investigation by the specialist in nanoparticles Humberto Lara Villegas, the creation of a gel composed of silver nanoparts was developed that prevents the entry of HIV into the immune system and protects for 72 hours; which was developed in collaboration with the University of Texas. The antiviral has been tested in in vitro experiments that simulate its reaction in living tissues, where they measured its toxicity and its antiviral efficacy and it is expected to carry out tests with mice in the future and later, once its efficacy is confirmed, with humans. Lara Villegas plans to carry out the following tests within the Institution and support student learning during their application.

They seek to detect dengue fever

Researchers and students are working on the creation of a Diagnostic System by immunochromatography for dengue. This is through a strip that reveals results, similar to that of pregnancy which will allow to locate, in case of contagion, the level contracted. “We are at the stage where we are going to start manufacturing the colored bandages. I hope to have the prototype next year; Once you have the prototype, it's a matter of marketing it”. Said Ramón Vidal Tamayo, in charge of this project.

They replace fuel with hydrogen

The first vehicle in Mexico fueled 100 percent by hydrogen.

The first vehicle in Mexico powered 100 percent by hydrogen won the national championship in the Electratón Series in 2011 (it was successfully tested in the 2012 championship) and debuted a system with no polluting emissions. In tests it reached an average speed of 50 kilometers per hour. The prototype created by the students Rogelio Reséndiz Garza and Alfonso Carillo as a Final Evaluation Project (PEF) to obtain the degree of Mechatronics Engineer had the collaboration of Federico Muñoz Alzaga, as an intern. The car works with a small tank that contains two thousand compressed hydrogen liters and a three thousand watt hydrogen cell. Currently this car has a value of 250,000 pesos and is located in the Engineering laboratories.

They develop breathing "at reach of all"

They develop a respirator "within everyone's reach"

The COVID-19 pandemic reveals a global shortage of ventilators, which may have led to higher deaths.

For this reason, a group of students took advantage of their thesis to create an accessible respirator. They started working on March 18, 2020. Their adviser, Raúl Quintero, a professor at the School of Engineering at the Universidad de Monterrey, was inspired by a 2010 publication from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that discussed the procedure for making an artificial respirator by a low price. However, they achieved improvements that make it easier to do in the Mexican market and the emergency situation.


Trojanos is the emblem of the representative sports teams of UDEM. In 1975 the football team entered the National Intermediate Collegiate League and the Collegiate League, participating in numerous collegiate and national tournaments.

Between 1980 and 1986, the American football Trojans were three-time champions of the Intermediate University League. Starting in 1987, they entered League B, ONEFA-NORTE, in 1993 they concluded their participation as champion of the American Student Football League.

The University has representative teams in: soccer and fast football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, athletics, swimming, taekwondo, archery and tennis; with whom an integral formation is sought.

Trojanos have a total of 43 championships won in the last eight years in their different branches and categories within the National Student Sports Commission of Private Institutions (Conadeip).

The sport that stands out the most at the university is soccer and rapid soccer, for which it has an agreement with the Monterrey Soccer Club that offers sports scholarships and the exchange of players from the representative team to the professional one.

Rugby and chess are the disciplines recently added to the UDEM sports list and achieved second place in the first season and fifth place in the national ranking, respectively.

The Trojanos logo was modified in 2012 by LDG former student Ana Lucía Montes Rocca.

The Trojans have won seven consecutive Conadeip tournaments in nine disciplines: soccer, basketball, athletics, swimming, indoor soccer, taekwondo, and indoor and beach volleyball.

Spirituality and service

The Department of University Spirituality for Service (DEUS) seeks an encounter between the student community, its own members and God, focusing on alturism and service.

DEUS is divided into four areas: Co-Curricular Courses, Apostolic Groups, University Missionary Center and Activities, Events and Services. The most important are the national and international missions, with the destinations of Kenya and Peru, in addition the University Missionary Center offers a diploma in Education for Peace.

The department works with 30 co-curricular groups for students who seek this type of encounter in their classes, in addition to being in charge of celebrating the liturgy, the masses every day at 1:00 p.m. and offering the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation for students, collaborators and children.

Cultural dissemination

Through co-curricular courses and music, dance and theater shows, the Department of Cultural Diffusion encourages young people to participate in artistic activities to develop skills such as self-awareness, self-confidence, communication and teamwork.

Both high school and professional students can get involved in courses and projects in one of the four areas offered: performing arts, visual arts, literary arts, and musical arts.

The high-performance activities offered by the department are: Play: the best of universal drama, Musical Comedy: Broadway-style, UDEM Voices: concert of voices, dance and live music, Dance group: a combination jazz and hip hop with a touch of contemporary and La Tropa UDEM: contemporary dance group.

Musical comedy

Beyond the training of outstanding actors, dancers, singers or musicians, the aim is for students to develop their sensitivity to appreciate artistic expressions and integrate them as an important part of their lives.



The Student Leadership Center's mission is to generate development options in leadership skills, boosting the student's potential to transform society and transcend in it. CELES is dedicated to contributing to the formation of our students as Transformative Leaders.

Student Groups

Promoting student participation through the structure of student groups is a CELES strategy for training high-performance leaders in the civic-political sphere. These groups of students are constituted with different interests. These groups go through a formative process that includes: a training process, the electoral campaign, the election process, the swearing-in and their year in office, during which they are closely monitored to ensure their development as transforming leaders.


Maximum student representation body, which seeks to serve and work as a link with the university authorities, foster a sense of belonging and specify the realization of various student projects.


Center for Anxiety Treatment and Research (CETIA)

Centro CETIA.jpg

Composed of therapist psychologists for individual, couple, family, and group psychological care to treat anxiety disorders, particularly obsessive-compulsive disorders. This center is open to the entire community of the Monterrey metropolitan area offering hospital services, care in the educational system and social policy.

Center for Well-being Studies (CEB)

Monitors the quality of life in communities and educational institutions in addition to conducting studies on the subject in the workplace. It has a student initiative to promote happiness among university students called Happy Club.

Center for Business Incubation and Development (Cidem)

Offers advice, consultancy and training to people who want to own micro, small and medium-sized companies. In 2010, it received the award for the best small business development center in Mexico (SBDC Mx.) awarded by the Mexican Association of Small Business Development Centers.

ABRE Center for Innovation in Packaging Design

ABRE Center located in Apodaca

Carries out consulting projects in cost reduction, materials optimization and packaging design. It has laboratories for structural design, prototyping, transportation simulation, and usability that allow resistance analysis, container optimization during its movement from the factory to the shelf, and measurement of product attractiveness and its position on the shelf.

It was recognized by the International Association of Safe Transit, in charge worldwide of the validation of packaging for distribution, as one of the instances to certify transport tests.

SUStainability Center

It is recognized at the "bronze" level by the Association for the Development of Sustainability in Higher Education, it addresses the three dimensions of sustainable development: economy, ecology and equity through diploma courses, promotion of urban gardens, calculation of the ecological footprint of the campus, management and separation of solid waste, among others, it also offers support to rural communities in the municipality of Iturbide, Nuevo León.

Center for Molecular Diagnosis and Personalized Medicine

The UDEM Center for Molecular Diagnosis and Personalized Medicine has a Level III Biosafety Laboratory that handles microorganisms involved in the development of research for the development of new drugs or vaccines for diseases such as the influenza virus, bacteria of high-level resistance tuberculosis and pseudomonas.

This laboratory is accredited by the American company TT Goettings, which works under the guidelines set by Disease Control and Prevention (broken link available at Internet Archive; see history, first and last version). and is a sum together with the other two or three biosafety labs existing in the country.

In this laboratory, tests have been developed to detect tuberculosis through blood samples and phlegm cultures.

Center for Comparative Politics and International Studies

Founded in the fall 2013 semester, the Center for Comparative Politics and International Studies was created to provide a forum for discussion and analysis for the Department of Social Sciences, by professors Fernando Chinchilla and Philippe Stoesslé.

Center for Family Businesses

The center, a pioneer in Monterrey since 1999, is for business families who wish to preserve their legacy and seek the support that is provided to give continuity to their organizations through unity, commitment and the transformation of the family.

Center for Historical Studies

Registered as a Historical Research Center before the National Council for Culture and the Arts (Conaculta), it was recognized by the Nuevo León Cultural Heritage Law as a collection of data from the colonial era, as one of the only spaces in Mexico with historical information on the northeast of the country and the southern United States between the 16th and 19th centuries.

Intellectual Property Management Office

From the protection of trademarks and invention patents to the settlement of copyrights and licenses for use and exploitation, the services offered by the Intellectual Property Management Office located at UDEM contribute to the economic and social development of the community and implements improvements in the application of intellectual property.

Center for Leadership and Challenge Take the plunge!

Centro Lánzate

It is a huge experiential laboratory that allows the development of skills, when facing situations of physical and emotional challenge, demanding new behaviors, sound decisions and teamwork, communication, planning and execution skills. It was created to promote experiential education and ecological culture. They have rope courses, which include rappelling and climbing. In addition, they offer national and international programs and camps.

The courses and activities are open to any UDEM student, external group or collaborators and also to alumni and businessmen who want to experience and belong to the Transformative Leadership Program.

The Center for Leadership and Challenge Take the plunge! It began its functions on September 8, 2007 and was built under the standards of the ACCT (Association for Challenge Course Technology), which regulates quality standards in this type of facility, and has internationally certified instructors. The design of the programs was made on the basis of the guidelines defined by the Association for Experiential Education (Association for Experiential Education: AEE), an international certifying body for experiential learning programs.

The architectural design is by Enrique Abaroa, and the design of the challenge elements is by Challenge Towers, international leader creator of the "Discovery Course", which offers 24 challenges and is a piece of which there are only four in the world and it is the only one in Mexico.

UDEM Information Agency


It is the laboratory for the Journalism classes (World, News, Opinion and Multimedia) of the Information and Communication Sciences Program where more than 100 reporters in training develop monitoring, writing, editing, photography and design skills of printed and electronic pages, as well as the production of a radio newscast and a journalistic database.

Founded in 1996, the UDEM Information Agency has eight thousand news and investigations published in different media and 42,400 results in the Google search engine until 2011.

El Nuevo Foro is the printed newspaper where trainee journalists have spread university work for 26 years. Since 2009, the Agency has disseminated in real time about campus roads and news events to more than 979 followers through its Twitter account @AgenciaUDEM

More than 500 news are produced and written by Informative Journalism students during each semester, either by publishing on the microsite of the UDEM institutional page, (hyperlink) in different media, in its weekly radio newscast or in its university newspaper Nuevo Foro.

Information Agency Drafting Laboratory
New Forum and mural of photographs
Cabina de Nuevo Foro Radio
Information Center of the Information Agency.
Students of Informative Journalism

The UDEM Information Agency, laboratory of the Journalism classes of

LCIC, produces the newspaper Nuevo Foro, Media and News Monitoring, and publishes the notes that appear on the shadower's electronic screen.

Stock Market and Financial Studies Laboratory (LFI)

The UDEM Stock Market and Financial Studies Laboratory is where students of the Bachelor of International Finance (LFI) and Accounting and Finance (LCF) can use software such as Matlab, Bloomberg and @risk and thus carry out stock market research, measure and assess financial risks, analyze equity trading, and develop a programming language. To learn about the functioning and operation of the stock markets, students handle real-time stock purchase and sale simulations in Stocktrack and through Barra Portfolio Management, they can learn how the client makes financial decisions.

Digital Court Laboratory

Digital Cutting Laboratory

In the Digital Cutting Laboratory located inside the Roberto Garza Sada Center (CRGS), there is the machine that transfers from glass to marble and cement based on water jets. Nearly 200 pieces a day are manufactured in exam seasons such as models, art pieces and fabrics that are previously programmed on computers through digital files. The machine cuts, makes high and low relief and depending on the thickness of the product, the water jet is mixed with abrasive

Tribology Laboratory

The Tribology Laboratory is focused on studies of friction and wear of machinery, which is the only Mexican laboratory specialized in improving the useful life of the tools involved in the transformative processes of the metal-mechanic industry. Among the equipment that students use are: universal machine with four balls, block-on-ring, pin-on-disk and the spectrometer. Some of the companies that request the services of this laboratory: Metalsa, Ternium and John Deere.

Oral Trial Chamber

In October 2012, the Oral Trial Chamber was inaugurated, the fourth alternate judicial seat of the Judiciary. This room is a certified space for carrying out real oral trials conducted by the competent judicial authorities. Likewise, it functions as a classroom for Law Degree (LDE) students, who carry out simulations with the New Oral Justice System and also take a total of 17 classes in this room. The investment by the Department of Law and Social Sciences was approximately 2 million pesos, which implied adapting the communications systems of the room to the standards of the Judiciary of Nuevo León.

Media Lab

UDEM has the Media Laboratory, a radio, film and television studio inaugurated in 1990, which is equipped with a production booth and stage space, for carrying out projects required by the Bachelor of Information Sciences and Communication (LCIC) and the Bachelor of Digital Film Production (LPCD). In the laboratory there are six booths for post-production work, which have professional software. On the other hand, there is a booth specialized in voice recording and music creation. Among the tools used by the students are: professional format cameras, wireless microphones, professional lighting and a camera with a teleprompter system to carry out academic practices.

Inside the Media Laboratory is Radio UDEM, the only radio broadcaster in the country with uninterrupted transmission through 90.5 FM, based on the model of radio-school with programming design carried out by students.

Centro de Medios de la Universidad de Monterrey.
CEDEM, LCIC Television and Film Class Laboratory.
Editing lab.
Cameras with teleponder.
Switcher located at CEDEM.

UDEM Radio

With three thousand watts of power and an uninterrupted schedule, XHUDEM 90.5 FM Radio UDEM is the only university radio station in the country based on the school radio model and with transmission open to the community.

With a programming design carried out by students of Radio Genres and Production, professionals who participate in the entire broadcast process are trained, from planning, pre-production, operation, conduction and realization of the programs.

On September 8, 1994, Radio UDEM made its first transmission with 1000 watts of power and by 2005 it increased to 3,000 and with this its programs and transmission hours were extended 365 days a year. Since 2006, he has broadcast over the Internet.

UDEM Business Incubator

The Center for Business Incubation and Development (CIDEM) is a specialized UDEM center that provides advice, training, and access to networks to current and potential entrepreneurs. CIDEM was created in 2005 and is the first center certified nationally and in Latin America with the SBDC Mx model, transferred to the Mexican Association of Centers for Small Business Development (AMCDPE) and by the Small Business Association (SBA).) from United States.

UDEM OpenCourseWare

Through the OCW Consortium project, starting in 2007, UDEM makes available to professors and students from anywhere in the world a collection of freely accessible Internet courses, with contents that are part of higher education programs that the university offers. In this way, UDEM hopes to contribute to the global responsibility of educating and serving the community.

Community Support

Young Altruists Thinking About Mexico

Jóvenes Altruistas Pensando En México "Jälpem", is a student association whose mission is to unite the work of the different careers of the University of Monterrey and direct the capacities in order to place them at the service and disposal of the less favored sectors. Inspired by the desire to help, students from Medicine, Dentistry, Psychology and other volunteers organize the “Jälpem Brigades”; aimed at providing support within the four fundamental axes for the physical and mental development of society: Health, Education, Housing and Food. Through more than ten years of experience at UDEM, it has managed to have a favorable impact in various aspects, has increased the university's social presence, and has managed to provide medical, psychological, and dental support to more than 8,200 people since its foundation.

Medical Brigades

UDEM Medical Brigades is a high-performance group dedicated to accident prevention and support for the UDEM community during events, as well as practices and support for Civil Protection and the Red Cross.

Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity

Phi Delta Epsilon is a fraternity whose mission is to create physicians of integrity with a lifelong commitment to our principles of philanthropy, godliness, and education through fellowship, service, counseling, and training in leadership, science, and ethics.

UDEM is the only university in all of Mexico that has a chapter of this fraternity (Epsilon Alpha Chapter). PHI DELTA EPSILON is a professional-type fraternity focused on medicine and has more than 40 chapters around the world.

Health and Development Center (Cesade)

For more than 20 years, the Center for Health and Development (Cesade) was created to offer programs that meet the needs in the area of health, psychology and education to low-income communities in San Pedro and Santa Catarina. Cesade is made up of an interdisciplinary team of student Social Service providers, coordinated by professionals in different areas and academics from the University, who together seek the comprehensive development of each individual in professional services, at a very low cost.

These centers have three locations: San Pedro, La Esperanza and La Cima in the municipalities of San Pedro and Santa Catarina, Nuevo León.

Self-managed Initial Education Centers (CAEI)

Through the Self-Managed Centers for Initial Education, UDEM has provided an educational alternative to three and four-year-old children in low-income neighborhoods for more than 15 years.

Summer Camp

For more than 20 years, UDEM has offered recreational and training alternatives for more than two thousand children and mothers from low-income neighborhoods to make the most of their free time. These courses, mainly offered in July, are organized and taught in five offices by Social Service students.

Enactus University of Monterrey

Student chapter dedicated to generating progress through social entrepreneurship projects. Enactus is present in 1,600 universities located in more than 36 countries with close to 70,000 students working.


UDEM has the following national and international accreditations.

  • AACBS (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
  • ACCECISO (Association for the Accreditation and Certification of Social Sciences)
  • AMIESIC (Mexican Association of Higher Education Institutions of Catholic Inspiration)
  • CACECA (Council of Accreditation in the Teaching of Accounting and Administration, A.C.)
  • CACEI (Council for Accreditation of Engineering Education)
  • CNEIP (National Council for Psychology Education and Research)
  • COMAEM (Mexican Council for the Accreditation of Medical Education)
  • CONAC (Communication Accreditation Council)
  • CONACE (National Council for Economic Science Accreditation)
  • College Board
  • FIMPES (Federation of Mexican Institutions Particulars of Higher Education)
  • IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization)
  • SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools)
  • TEMPR (Tribunal Examinator de Médicos de Puerto Rico)

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