
Monocycle or unicycle.

The unicycle or unicycle is a vehicle with only one wheel, and pedals like those of a bicycle. It is a requirement for every unicyclist to have a good balance and mastery of the center of gravity. Likewise, it has served for a long time as a source of income for various people through street demonstrations.

One of the varieties of the unicycle are the giraffes, which are characterized by being much taller than a regular one: 1.50 m, 2 m and more.


  • Free Style (style free), in broad sense is all the tricks of monocycle, in the conventions the artistic freestyle consists of the demonstration of tricks through an artistic routine.
  • Off road (outside of track), in which the monocycle is prepared for all types of terrain. The model for this style is equipped with stronger tires, covered with heels and wider, a harder fork and even sometimes with a brake under the seat at its front end. [chuckles]required]
  • MUNI (Mountain Unicycle) for its English acronym that includes vertiginous descents, pathways, balances between rocks... and even spectacular jumps. Preparation in these cases should be greater and should be well equipped with protections, apart from a helmet. This variation is also called Muni[chuckles]required]
  • Trial is a discipline that consists of overcoming obstacles, usually located one after the other, the monocyclist must jump, balance and get from an initial end to the end of the line.
  • Flat, which owes its name to the smooth floor where it should be practiced, is in which the monocyclist must be in constant balance to perform tricks that involve the use of the bielas to put the feet. An example of them is Rolling Wrap, Back Roll Flips, etc. [chuckles]required]
  • Street is an urban discipline that consists of overcoming urban obstacles such as stairs, handrails, performing tricks, very simily to skateboarding.
  • Letter It is a recent method devised by a Priest of a community called Rafael Ricardo de la Pava that consists in handling the pedals with the hands.

Unicycle sports and games

  • Hockey.
  • Basketball.
  • Trial.
  • Artistic monocycle.
  • Training.
  • American football.


Every two years the "Unicon" is held. There are competitions in various disciplines, for example:

  • 50 m, 100 m, 400 m, 800 m, half marathon, marathon.
  • Semipierna.
  • Obstacles.
  • Coasting/Gliding.
  • Height/length balance.
  • Slow forward/backward.


  • One leg . During exercise a foot is in the air.
  • Walk the wheel. Walk with your feet on the wheel, also known as SLOWLY.
  • Seat-out. Without sitting in the seat and having the same in front or in front of the body.
  • Skip. Grab the seat with one or two hands and stand on the pedals, jumping with the body.
  • Stand-up. Walk on the fork, with the seat between the legs, driving the wheel with the tip of the foot.
  • Grinding. Jump over a rail while a pedal slides through it.
  • Rolling wrap. One kick to the tire to return to the original position with the other leg.
  • Back. One leg is on a bile while the other hits the tire to move back.
  • Leg around. It consists of turning the monocycle around the leg.
  • Coasting.

Tips for learning

The duration of learning extends for about 5 days in people who practice with perseverance. The factors that influence learning are age, balance and the time spent practicing. The older the probability that the learning time is extended is greater.

To proceed, it is necessary to have a point of support, be it a wall or another object, which allows the body to find its balance. Once the first step is achieved, the user will put their weight on the saddle to better maintain balance. This will help in the movement of the legs for the momentum of the unicycle.

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