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Uncaria is a genus of plants known colloquially as gambier or cat's claw, whose habitat is in Asia, Africa and South America. There are about 34 species. The Malayan species Gambier (U. gambir) is a large tropical vine with typical ruby, opposite leaves to about 10 cm long. At the base of the leaves it has a claw similar to that of a cat, which is why the South American variety was given the name of Cat's Claw. There is also a Chinese species, U. sinensis, whose flowers originate from the base of the leaves; each pair of leaves may have a pair of inflorescences.

Gambier is used in Malaysia along with areca and betel (Indian pepper) for chewing, tanning and dyeing. Cat's claw and the Chinese species have medicinal uses. Two varieties of Uncaria tomentosa are classified depending on whether the alkaloids have 4 or 5 chains; the variety with 5 chains is medicinal, the Ashánika tribe calls it "savéntaro".


The genus was described by Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber and published in Genera Plantarum 1: 125. 1789. The type species is: Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel.


Uncaria: Generic name derived from the Latin word uncus, meaning "a hook". refers to the hooks, formed from reduced branches, that Uncaria vines use to cling to other vegetation.


  • Uncaria acida (Hunter) Roxb. Malaysia
  • African Uncaria G.Don - Africa
  • Uncaria attenuata Korth. Malaysia
  • Uncaria barbata Merr. Borneo, New Guinea.
  • Uncaria bernaysii F.Muell. - New Guinea.
  • Uncaria borneensis Havil. - Borneo
  • Uncaria callophylla Blume ex Korth. - Borneo
  • Uncaria canescens Korth. Malaysia
  • Uncaria cordata (Lour) Merr. - Asia
  • Uncaria donisii E.M.A.Petit - Congo
  • Uncaria dosedlae Gilli - New Guinea.
  • Uncaria elliptica R.Br. ex G.Don - Malaysia
  • Uncaria gambir (Hunter) Roxb. Malaysia
  • Uncaria guianensis (Aubl.) J.F.Gmel. Guyana
  • Uncaria hirsuta Havil. - China
  • Uncaria homomalla Miq. - East India, Malaysia
  • Uncaria kunstleri King - Taiwan
  • Uncaria laevigata Wall. ex G.Don - Philippines
  • Uncaria lancifolia Hutch. - China
  • Uncaria lanosa Wall. in Roxb. Malaysia
  • Uncaria longiflora (Poir.) Merr.
  • Uncaria macrophylla - Southeast Asia
  • Uncaria nervosa Elmer - Philippines
  • Uncaria oligoneura Korth. - Borneo
  • Uncaria orientalis Guillaumin - New Hybrids.
  • Uncaria paucinervis Teijsm. & Binn. - Java.
  • Uncaria dogttetii (A.Rich.) Merr.
  • Uncaria rhynchophylla (Miq.) Miq. ex Havil. - China
  • Uncaria rostrata Pierre ex Pit. Cambodia
  • Uncaria roxburghiana Korth. Malaysia
  • Uncaria scandens (Sm.) Hutch.
  • Uncaria schlenckerae S.Moore - New Guinea.
  • Uncaria sessilifructus Roxb. - Himalayas, Myanmar.
  • Uncaria sinensis (Oliv.) Havil.
  • Uncaria sterrophylla Merr. & L.M.Perry - New Guinea.
  • Uncaria talbotii Wernham - Nigeria
  • Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Schult.) DC. - South America.
  • Velutine Havil. - Philippines
  • Uncaria yunnanensis K.C.Hsia - China

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