Twenty two


The twenty-two (22) is the natural number that follows twenty-one and precedes twenty-three.


  • 22 is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 2 and 11. As the sum of its factors is 14 ≤ 22, it is a defective number. The sum of its dividers 1, 2, 11 and 22 = 36.
  • Number two.
  • Redigit number.
  • Casualty number.
  • Pentagonal number.
  • Based 10, 2nd Smith's number.
  • A Perrin number.
  • 2.o number de Erdős-Woods.
  • 8th semi-primary number.
  • 22 divided between 7 approaches the irrational number π.
  • Free number of squares.
  • Størmer number.
  • 22 is the number of partitions of 8.
  • 22! (factory of 22) has 22 digits.

Other sciences


  • It's the atomic number of titanium.


  • Messier M22 is a globular cluster in the constellation of Sagittarius.
  • Object of the New General Catalog NGC 22 is a spiral galaxy located in the Pegasus constellation.
  • 22P/Kopff is a periodic comet of the Solar System.
  • 22) Kalliope is an asteroid that forms part of the asteroid belt.
  • The Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey is a multipurpose military aircraft.
  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation hunting plane.

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