

The twelve (12) is the natural number that follows eleven and precedes thirteen.


  • The 12 is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. As the sum of its factors is 16 /2005 12, it is a abundant number specifically the first before 18.
  • It's a semi-perfect number.
  • It's a Harshard number.
  • Pentagonal number.
  • It's a Pell number.
  • It is the number of osculation in 3 dimensions.
  • There are 12 Latin squares of 3x3 size.
  • It is a term of the succession of Padovan.
  • It's a sublime number.
  • There are twelve transient graphs of cubic distance.
  • The duodecimal system is a 12-base numbering system.
  • A refactorable number.


  • It is the atomic number of magnesium (Mg).
  • Group 12 of the periodic table belongs to the transition metals and is also called the zinc family.
  • Messier M12's object is a globular cluster of Ofiuco's constellation.
  • The human body has 12 cranial nerves.
  • In many calendars, one year is 12 months old.
  • The day (24 hours) is divided into two sections: morning (0 to 12 hours, to which they are usually added the term a. m. or AM, "before the meridian", that is, before the Sun passes through the so-called meridian of the place) and evening-nocturno (12 to 24 hours, to which they are usually added the term p. m. or PM, "after the meridian", which is the last one. Number 12 is, in this sense, noon, just the moment when the Sun is in the subject's meridian and that hour, at 12:00 hours, is usually called "12 Meridian hours".
  • It is one of the main numbers used in the history of humanity. Its popularity is due to the fact that in one year the Moon rotates approximately 12 times around the Earth, a fact that the primitive peoples already observed and met, in the synchrony between the solar year and the lunar cycles.

Diverse uses, meanings and peculiarities

  • In the synchrony between the solar year and the lunar cycles there that the ancient astronomers later established the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and that still today it is usual to buy products for dozens.
  • There are 12 musical notes, representing the chromatic scale.
  • Another reason could be that it shares with the number seven (another number considered important) the combination of 2 numbers, 4 and 3; in the first case, they are combined in a sum (4 + 3 = 7) and in the second, in a multiplication (4 x 3 = 12).

Symbolic Meanings and Numerology

  • The number 12 has many symbolic meanings: 12 apostles, 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit and 12 stars that represent them, 12 day hours and 12 nights in the day, 12 months of the year, 12 signs of the Zodiac, perfect division of heaven, 12 gates of the Celestial Jerusalem, 12 fruits of the Tree of Life, 12 Arvale Brothers (old Roman priesthood).
  • For this reason, it is considered the solar number par excellence and a constant in Mediterranean culture, symbol of cosmic order, perfection and unity.
  • This explains why the Flag of the European Union presents twelve golden stars.
  • In Greek mythology, the main gods were 12: Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena, Poseidon, Hefesto, Hermes, Ares, Artemisa, Deméter and Hestia.
  • There were 12 knights of the round table (Artificial Myth).
  • The twelve is a poem by Russian writer Aleksandr Blok written in early 1918, one of the most recognized of his work and Russian poetry in general.
  • The patriarch Jacob had twelve sons, who were the foundations of the twelve tribes of Israel. The number 12 appears to represent a complete, balanced, divinely constituted structure. (Ge 35:22; 49:28) Also, twelve apostles were chosen, forming the secondary foundations of New Jerusalem, which is built upon Jesus Christ. (Mt 10:2-4; Rev 21:14.) There are also twelve tribes of “the children of Israel”, each consisting of 12 000 members. (Rev 7:4-8.)

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