Trojan horse (saga)


Troy horse is a series of twelve novels created by Spanish journalist Juan José Benítez López. In them the life of Jesus of Nazareth is narrated, according to the story of a time traveler from the xx .

The book presents a version of the life of Jesus, based on esoteric works such as the Ummo or the Book of Untia , which differs from beliefs and doctrines, which differs from beliefs and doctrines of Christianity. It has been questioned that he tries to present himself as a historical text, although the author has stated that it is a novel inspired by own research.

The books of the saga, especially the first, have been qualified as superventas in Spanish and have been translated into other languages. In an interview with Jorge Saldaña, the first question asked was whether it was a novel or if the author had traveled to the past in a time machine and known to Jesus, to which Benítez replied: "It is a novel."


The book is presented as if it were the testimony of an American officer who participates in a secret project. This mission consists of a time trip to know any of the moments considered important in the past of humanity, including the era of Jesus of Nazareth.

<p The eldest, known as " Jason " by the inhabitants of the time, together with his partner, named " Eliseo ", they leave behind their initial skepticism, gradually becoming the message of Jesus.

The first text, an alleged manuscript, which corresponds to the first two deliveries of the series, describes the passion and death of the Nazarene, as well as the events immediately occurred after his death. At the end of this testimony, a new riddle leads Juan José Benítez López to a second part of the text, much broader than the first, which continues the adventure after the resurrection, and how travelers in time, eager to learn more About their teacher, they decide to start the machine again, returning to their preaching period in life. All always narrated under the format of a personal diary.

The literary artifice intends that the novels are based on the newspapers of a major of the American Air Force, who participated in the alleged Swive to develop in the 1960s next to the space programs. This project would have allowed the United States armed forces to make time trips. The abundant technological and scientific references that the author contributes, especially in the first of his works (Trojan horse 1) taken from the descriptions of the protagonist himself.

Beyond the strictly technological and scientific (which serves to give credibility visions), a vision of Jesus of Nazareth, his teachings and message, slightly different from what traditional beliefs supports, adapting them to modern thought, stands out. Some authors related to Benítez's thought, such as Pedro Romaniuk, have considered these conceptions true. Others, on the other hand, have indicated their dependence on science fiction novels and esoteric books.


There are many characters in each volume of the Trojan horse but the most important are:

  • Jason. U.S. military, doctor, astronaut and senior U.S. Air Force, participant in the time travel project, and first onboard commander of the temporary experimentation module, as well as field officer performing field operations in the various "salts" that are given to the time of Jesus of Nazareth.
  • Elisha. Second Air Force officer with the degree of astronaut, time traveler and responsible for the module and its systems. While in the beginning the rules of Operation Trojan Horse, as in the Apollo project of the time, demand its constant presence in the module, apparently - as it is evident from the newspapers of the major - this astronaut also ends up performing field operations in the different temporary leaps.
  • Curtiss. Four-star General of the Air Force, the top responsible for the Edwards base and head of the Swivel Program launched by the Pentagon in the 1960s and, more specifically, the Trojan Horse Operation.

Biblical characters

  • Jesus of Nazareth
  • John the Baptist
  • Betania Lazarus
  • Marta de Betania
  • Mary of Betania
  • Simon the Leper
  • Simon Peter
  • Andrés
  • Thomas
  • Judas Iscariot
  • José de Arimatea
  • Juan Marcos
  • Virgin Mary
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Caifás
  • Annas
  • Pilate
  • Herod Antipas
  • Herodias

Other characters

  • Santiago (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Miriam or Mary (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Joseph (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Simon (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Martha (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Judas (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Amos (brother of Jesus in the novel)
  • Ruth (the last of Jesus' brothers in the novel)
  • Civilis (Roman centurion in the novel)
  • Arsenius
  • Laurencio Rodarte

Trojan Horse Series

Trojan Horse 1: Jerusalem (1984)

The journey into the past begins. The action takes place between March 30 and April 9 of the year 30. Each day corresponds to a chapter.

Trojan Horse 2: Masada (1986)

The second part continues according to the Mayor's diary. It takes place from April 9 to 16 of the year 30.

Trojan Horse 3: Saidan (1987)

Evokes the early years of Jesus, as well as his appearances once resurrected, always according to the testimony of time travelers.

Trojan Horse 4: Nazareth (1989)

Fourth part of the diary, dedicated to the years of the so-called "hidden life of Jesus".

Trojan Horse 5: Caesarean Section (1998)

The fifth part of the diary covers from April to May of the year 30.

Trojan Horse 6: Hermon (1999)

The sixth part of the diary begins with a time jump to the year 25 of our era. It focuses on the different versions of Jesus' message and how it, according to the author, was corrupted.

Trojan Horse 7: Nahum (2005)

It narrates the life of John the Baptist.

Trojan Horse 8: Jordan (2006)

It narrates the episode of the baptism of Jesus and the events that were interpreted as the episode of the temptation in the desert.

Trojan Horse 9: Cana (2011)

Relates, from a particular point of view, the miracles and healings of Jesus.

Trojan Horse 10ː The Day of Lightning (2013)

Set in the near past, present, and future, it answers questions that previous books have left unresolved and gives details about the later lives of some characters.

Trojan Horse 11ː Elisha's diary. Confessions of the Second Pilot (2019)

It narrates the last two years of the public life of Jesus of Nazareth that ended in March of the year 30 of our era, thus closing the circle started in Jerusalem Trojan Horse 1.

Trojan Horse 12ː Bethlehem (2022)

Last installment of the saga is composed of pages deleted in previous volumes. It narrates what happened during a few months of the year 27, when Jesus fled from the persecution of the Sanhedrin. The main Jewish sects are described: Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes and Nazarenes among others, to show that Jesus did not belong to any of them.

Controversy over content

The main controversy arose at the time of publication in relation to the declarations of Juan José Benítez López when he affirmed that it is not a novel, but rather that it truly transcribes the legacy of a former and already deceased soldier of the North American Air Force, this being his main source, although his claims were never fully explicit.

Authors such as Antonio Ribera, Jesús Beorlegui and Antonio Luis Moyano, have shown that the alleged data and opinions of Jesus collected by Benítez are a plagiarism of other works, especially the Urantia Book and various historical essays.

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