

Trigynaea is a genus of phanerogamous plants belonging to the Annonaceae family. It has 23 species that are native to South America.


The genus was described by Diederich Franz Leonhard von Schlechtendal and published in Taxon 39: 678. 1990. The type species is: Trigynaea oblongifolia Schltdl.


The following species should be mentioned:

  • Trigynaea anastomosans Rusby
  • Trigynaea angustifolia Benth.
  • Trigynaea boliviensis Britton
  • Trigynaea cinnamomea D. M. Johnson et N. A. Murray
  • Trigynaea ecuadorensis R. E. Fr.
  • Trigynaea grandis Benth.
  • Trigynaea periquino Rusby
  • Trigynaea triplinervis D. M. Johnson et N. A. Murray

Complete list of species

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