Tourism Training Center


The Tourism Training Center (Cenfotur) is an entity located in Lima. It is dependent on the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru.


Official Educational Entity of the Tourism Sector, whose reason for being is to train, train and improve the human resources required by tourism development of the country, according to labor competence standards.


  • To grant qualifications of professional, technical and expert, as well as the title of second specialization and other certifications according to the Law to those who study and meet the requirements of approval or certification.
  • To propose and implement educational exchange plans with national or foreign institutions dedicated to related activities.
  • Propitiate teaching and research in the tourist field.
  • Provide services related to their vocational and occupational training activities to public and private sector entities.
  • Develop academic validation programmes for people who demonstrate experience in the administration of national or foreign entities or companies in the tourism sector.
  • To conclude contracts or agreements with national or foreign entities or companies for the implementation of projects related to the activities of the tourism sector that allow for proper pre-professional training of students of the Schools of Hostelry and Tourism.

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