

Thousand or thousand is a natural number written 1000, or 10³ in scientific notation, and which follows 999 and precedes 1001. The typical SI prefix for "mil" is kilo-.


In the West, large numbers are usually separated into groups of three digits, that is, by thousands. For example, one hundred million is written 100,000,000. Compare with the Eastern system of separating large numbers into groups of four (by myriads).

Although according to the rules of the Royal Spanish Academy of the year 2010 the numbers of many digits are written separating them by blank spaces —without points or commas—, an exception is made with those of four digits —such as 1000—, the which must be written without any kind of separator.


mil=103=1000{displaystyle mil=10^{3}=1000,}

Mathematical properties

  • It is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500. As the sum of its factors is 1340 /2005 1000, it is an abundant number.
  • It is a number of Harshad in the decimal numbering system.

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