This is Our Beloved Country
"Esta é a Nossa Pátria Bem Amada" ("in Portuguese: This is our beloved homeland ") is the national anthem of Guinea-Bissau. It was written by Amilcar Lopes Cabral in 1963, while the melody was composed by Xiao He. The anthem was adopted with national independence in 1974.
Lyrics in Portuguese
First verse:
Sun, suor, e o verde e o mar,
Centuries of dour e esperança;
Esta é a terra dos nossos avós!
Fruit of our hands,
the flower of our blood:
This is our beloved homeland.
Second Verse::
Long live the glorious homeland!
Floriu nos céus a bandeira da luta.
Forward, against or foreign juice!
We are going to build
in an immortal homeland,
Peace and progress!
We are going to build
in an immortal homeland,
Peace and progress!
Branches from the same trunk,
Olhos in the same light:
This is the strength of our union!
Sing the sea to the earth,
at dawn and the sun,
that our mourning fecundou.
First Verse:
Sun, sweat and greenery and the sea,
Centuries of pain and hope:
This is the land of our grandparents!
Fruit of our hands,
of the flower of our blood:
This is our beloved homeland.
Long live the glorious homeland!
The flag of struggle flourished in the skies.
Forward, against the foreign yoke!
Let's build
in the immortal homeland,
Peace and progress!
Let's build
in the immortal homeland,
Peace and progress!
Second Verse:
Branches of the same trunk,
eyes in the same light:
This is the strength of our union!
Sing the sea and the land,
the early morning and the sun,
that our struggle fertilized.
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