

The thirty-six (36) is the natural number that follows 35 and precedes 37.


  • It is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 18. As the sum of its own factors is 55 /2005 36, it is an abundant number. The sum of its dividers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 36 = 91.
  • Number two.
  • It's the 6th square.
  • Triangular number, after 28 and before 45.
  • 8.o semi-perfect number.
  • Erdős-Woods number.
  • It's a triangular square number.
triangular square number
  • A Ulam number.
  • Highly composite number.
  • Harshad number.
  • Refactorable number.
  • The problem of the thirty-six officers is a mathematical puzzle.
  • This number is the sum of a pair of twin cousins (17 + 19).
  • The truncated cube and the truncated octahedron are solids of Archimids with 36 edges.
  • 36 is the number of degrees in the inner angle of each tip of a regular staff.
  • A practical number.
  • Størmer number.


  • 36 is the atomic number of krypton (Kr)
  • Messier M36 is an open cluster in the constellation of Auriga.
  • Object of the New General Catalog NGC 36 is an intermediate spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Pisces.
  • (36) Atalante is an asteroid that forms part of the asteroid belt.

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