Thirty nine


The thirty-nine (39) is the natural number that follows 38 and precedes 40.


  • It is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 3, and 13. As the sum of its factors is 17 ≤ 39, it is a defective number.
  • Number odd.
  • It is the sum of five consecutive cousins (3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13). It is also the sum of the first three powers of 3 (3 1 +3 2 +3 3).
  • 39 is the smallest natural number that has three partitions in three parts that give the same product when multiplied: {25, 8, 6}, {24, 10, 5}, {20, 15, 4}.
  • It's a Perrin number.
  • A semi-press number.
  • It's a square-free number.
  • The F26A graph is a symmetrical graph with 39 edges.
  • Størmer number.


  • 39 is the atomic number of itrium.


  • Messier M39 object is an open cluster in the Cygnus constellation.
  • Object of the New General Catalog NGC 39 is a spiral galaxy in the Andromeda constellation.
  • (39) Laetitia is an asteroid that forms part of the asteroid belt.
  • 39 Leonis is a binary star in Leo's constellation.
  • Wd Data: Q712782
  • Commonscat Multimedia: 39 (number) / Q712782

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