Thirty four


The thirty-four (34) is the natural number that follows thirty-three and precedes thirty-five.


  • It is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 2 and 17. As the sum of its own factors is 20 ≤ 34, it is a defective number.
  • It is the ninth term of Fibonacci succession, after 21 and before 55.
  • It's the magic constant of a magical square of 4 × 4.
  • A semi-press number.
  • Free number of squares.
  • Erdős-Woods number.
  • Heptagonal number.
  • It's a number of accompanying Pell.


  • Selenium atomic number (Se).
  • Object of the New General Catalog M34 is an open cluster in the constellation of Perseus.

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