The town of the river
La Puebla del Río is a Spanish municipality in the province of Seville, Andalusia. In 2021 it had 11,873 inhabitants. Its surface extension is 375.14 km² and it has a density of 31.65 inhabitants/km². Its geographic coordinates are 37º 16' N, 6º 03' O. It is located at an altitude of 20 meters and 16.8 kilometers from the provincial capital, Seville. Its irrigated crops, rice, orange trees, corn, cotton, sunflower and wheat are especially important.
Number of inhabitants in the last ten years
Year | Population |
1996 | 10 650 |
1998 | 10 660 |
1999 | 10 660 |
2000 | 10 688 |
2001 | 10 654 |
2002 | 10 690 |
2003 | 10 832 |
2004 | 11 032 |
2005 | 11 326 |
2006 | 11 570 |
2007 | 11 946 |
2012 | 13 221 |
2015 | 12 114 |
2016 | 11 995 |
2017 | 14 957 |
2021 | 11 873 |
The Guadalquivir not only determines the name of this municipality, but also constitutes the reason that there are large areas devoted to rice cultivation near the municipal area.
The segregation of the municipality of Isla Mayor reduced the municipal area of La Puebla del Río by 114 km² and the population by 6,022 inhabitants, with which, in 1996, the population of the municipality of La Puebla del Río amounted to 10,650 inhabitants, Concentrated in more than 90% in the main nucleus and responding the rest to the disseminated population.
Although it is speculated that the original population center arose in the Bronze Age, the truth is that the remains of the Latin period proliferate, in which the town enjoyed times of prosperity. This continued during the Muslim domination, during which it was the gateway to Seville for most of the food; vegetables, fruits, chickens, meat and fish.
Once the Muslims were expelled, Fernando III of Castilla handed over the farmhouse to the Council of Seville with a view to this entity taking charge of defending the fluvial accesses to the city using that territory as an operations center, for which it was baptized town as La Guardia. Alfonso X extended the concession so that La Guardia became Puebla or land to be repopulated. For such purposes, it was distributed among 200 knights, emancipating itself from the Seville Council and acquiring its own town hall. The term was widened with the inclusion of Villanueva, Puebla Vieja, La Torre, Abenmaffón and the three islands.
The original nucleus of the city is located forming an elongated oval on the edge of the riverbed, occupying an elevated area whose northern limit is the Hermitage of San Sebastián and the southern limit is the Civil Guard barracks, which occupies the place of an old fortress from which the transit through the Guadalquivir was protected. The first expansions take place towards the west, leaning on the street where the current town hall is located. Subsequently, and supported by the road crossing, there were expansions to the north and southwest of the nucleus, the latter being reinforced by the implementation of the sports area on the other side of the road and modern neighborhoods with high-rise buildings (barrios of Los Príncipes, Argentine Republic and Las Marismas). The most recent expansions have occurred to the south (around the nursery), to the west (an area developed by the Andalusian Public Land Company, EPSA) and to the north, around the water tanks.
In 1594 Puebla de Coria was part of the kingdom of Seville in Axarafe and had 233 pecheros residents.
Internal structure
The current urban structure largely responds to a linear type whose predominant orientation is north-south. This is clearly observed in the configuration of the original nucleus and is given by its adaptation to the relief of the area. However, the layout of the road that connects the capital with the rice-growing areas of the south and the recent growth of the city, based on it, have meant that this linear structure of the urban fabric is maintained today, although somewhat more complicated due to the logical growth of the urban nucleus.
In terms of municipal area, it is among the largest in the province of Seville, beginning just 14 km from the provincial capital and ending next to Trebujena (province of Cádiz) and a few kilometers from the mouth of the Guadalquivir in Sanlucar de Barrameda.
On a monumental level, La Puebla del Río presents, among other places of interest, the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Granada and the already mentioned Hermitage of San Sebastián. The latter is located at the northern end of the original nucleus and inside are the images of San Marcos and the Immaculate Conception, both from the 17th century . As for the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Granada, it is a Mudejar construction with a single nave and which is accompanied by a nave with a Baroque bell tower.
Located within the surroundings of the Doñana National Park, this town stands out for its environmental richness. Much of its municipal area is occupied by various protected areas of scientific and tourist interest.
From the main population center, on the Aljarafe escarpment and with the Guadalquivir at its feet, you can see the right bank of the river, which constitutes a typical riverside ecosystem. The concerted natural reserves of Cañada de los Pájaros and Dehesa de Abajo stand out, the first private and the second municipal, as well as the pine forests, the arms of the East and the West, La Isleta and Los Olivillos.
Evolution of outstanding municipal debt
Graphic of evolution of living debt of the City of Puebla del Río (La) between 2008 and 2019 |
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Living debt of the City of Puebla del Río (La) in thousands of Euros according to data from the Ministry of Finance and Ad. Public. |
La Puebla del Río is the birthplace of important artists such as the singers Antoñita Moreno, Macarena del Río, Loli Martínez La Canastera and María de la Colina and the groups of Sevillanas Rocieros de La Puebla, Los Romeros de la Puebla, Luceritos de La Puebla, Flamencos from La Puebla, Cinnamon Sticks, Echoes from Las Marismas, Ribereños from La Puebla and La Pequeña Puebla. There are several choirs in the town such as the choir of the Brotherhood of El Rocío, Tomillo y Jara, the Parish Choir and the Campanilleros Choir Así Canta La Puebla. Since September 2005, La Puebla also has the La Puebla del Río Choir, founded by Paco Serrano from La Puebla. In addition, in recent years, more renowned singers have appeared, such as Javi Moya and José María Ruiz, winner of Voz Kids II, in 2015.
La Puebla is a privileged town when it comes to singing por sevillanas, since in addition to the first-rate performers mentioned above, it also has a great cast of lyricists and composers. Among the authors of letters, Ángel Peralta, Martín Vega, Paco Serrano, J. S. Morales, Manuel Maireles, Rafael Peralta, Miguel R. Angulo, José Palma and the Hnos. Martínez Bizcocho stand out. Regarding the composers, it is worth noting José M. Moya, Paco Serrano, Juan Díaz, Miguel Mayo, Guillermo Calado, Rafael Peralta, Manuel Japón, J. S. Morales, the brothers José Manuel, Hilario and Mari Moya, Ismael Aguilera, and José Fco Angulo, among others.[citation required]
The young poet and writer Rafael Peralta Revuelta and the former international soccer player Enrique Lora are also from the town, as well as the rejoneadores Diego Ventura, Ángel and Rafael Peralta, as well as Lea Vicens, who lives in the town, and the bullfighters Morante de la Puebla, Vicente Bejarano, Antonio Fernández Pineda and José María Bejarano.
This municipality also has a Municipal Music Band that was founded on February 28, 1992 by the musician Laureano Borrego. Among the activities of this group are the musical accompaniment in Holy Week processions in Seville (Brotherhood of San Benito, Montesión and de las Aguas), and in other Andalusian cities (Brotherhood of La Merced de Córdoba, of the Great Power of Coria del River).
In this town there are two soccer teams, Puebla CF and CD Cantarrana.
There are also full contact sports schools, karate, taekwondo, basketball, tennis, volleyball, rhythmic gymnastics, and summer swimming courses for all ages at the La Puebla del Río sports center.
Cycling and athletics are also practiced here. There are two cycling teams (C.C Bicicletas Palma and C.C La Puebla del Río) and an athletics team (Club Atletismo Puebla), the three clubs with a triathlon section. The Puebla Athletics Club (C.A. PUEBLA) is currently the organizer of three annual tests:
- In January: Media Marathon Cross La Puebla del Río
- In May: Carrera Solidaria Yo Corro Por Borja
- In September: Triathlon Cros La Puebla del Río "Puerta de Doñana"
- Horseback Riding: Traditional party on January 5th in the afternoon. The Kings of the East cross the Guadalquivir River with fires of bengalas on a barge.
This parade, which also has an association and strong local support, is a benchmark and of great interest in the province of Seville.
- San Sebastián: The cigars produce their Patron San Sebastian (January 20). Starting in 2015, the bulldozers and the Sanfermines style were added, promoted by Morante de La Puebla, and which later, because of disagreements with the city council, stopped doing so, taking care of the town hall itself, and which has made it, in addition to having a huge reception, increasing in more than 3 times its population, the opening of the bullfighting season in Spain.
- Holy Week: Good Friday, procession of the Royal Brotherhood Servita and Cofradía del Stmo. Christ of Forgiveness and Mary Stma of the Dolores (founded in the centuryXVIIIfrom the chapel of San Sebastian.
- Corpus Christi: It is the Great Feast of the town. In 2008, the 425th anniversary of the Sacramental Brotherhood and the procession of the Blessed Sacrament was celebrated. Coinciding with the Corpus is celebrated in the town the fair of the town, which begins on Wednesday before the Corpus with the fish and proof of the light, and ends the next Sunday with the traditional fireworks castle. It presents performances, horseback riding, as well as numerous cottages.
- Our Lady of Granada: Procession of the Patron and Mayor Perpetua of the town (September 8).
- Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Thanks of Onuva: Feast of Our Lady as Immaculate Mother and Mediator of Thanks (September 15).
Natural spaces
Without a doubt, the environmental value of the municipality is evident in its territorial participation in seven different Protected Natural Areas, belonging to the Natura 2000 Network, in addition to other international figures such as the Biosphere Reserve that includes it in its entirety.
Doñana National Park
Included as a Ramsar site on the List of Wetlands of International Importance, the contribution to this space of the municipal territory is given by riverbanks and old branches of the same, approximately 66 hectares, sustaining vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered species and threatened ecological communities.
Doñana Natural Park
30% of the municipal area belongs to the Doñana Natural Park. Most of it is concentrated on one of the islands that form the different branches of the Guadalquivir river, specifically on Isla Mayor. It is almost entirely a private farm called Veta La Palma, where natural marshes, rice paddies and the largest inland area dedicated to aquaculture, sea bass, gilthead bream, whitefish or anchovies are mixed, functioning as a place of refuge in times of drought and of rest during the migrations of the birds. This is the name given to the natural pantry of the birds of Doñana, since it is here where they find food at all times of the year. Up to 600,000 birds of 250 different species are concentrated, highlighting the populations of flamingos, spoonbills, shovelers and the importance as a habitat for the Malvasia, the Moorish coot or the brown pochard.
The national park and the natural park have been included in the list of Places of Community Importance (hereinafter LIC) of the Mediterranean Biogeographic Region, and declared as Doñana Special Conservation Area (ES0000024) through Decree 493/2012, of September 25, which declares certain places of community importance as Special Conservation Areas of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
The main environmental values of the Space as a whole are given by the plant formations, on the one hand those associated with wind systems (active dune systems, preserves and mountains, and meadows) and the vegetation associated with marshes, wetlands, marshy areas and banks. With some 1,400 species, the flora of the area is one of the richest and most diverse in Andalusia, with a predominance of Mediterranean plants (57.3% of the taxa). 23 flora species are included in the CAEA, 8 of them in danger of extinction and 15 vulnerable.
The wealth of fauna is due to the variety of habitats existing in Space and its strategic location for migratory flows between Eurasia and Africa. Added to the aforementioned importance for aquatic birds is the diversity of mammals (38 species that include 12 bats, 9 carnivores, 8 rodents, 4 insectivores, 3 artiodactyls and 2 lagomorphs), amphibians and reptiles (42 species), being cataloged as an Area of Exceptional Herpetological Interest, for fish or invertebrates.
As emblematic species, the presence of the Iberian lynx stands out, with a population in encouraging progress in recent years, and the imperial eagle.
To this is added up to 34 Habitats of Community Interest (HIC) declared in the ZEC Doñana.
Brazo del Este Natural Area (ES0000272)
Declared in 1989 due to its importance for birds, specifically due to the species and the high number of populations of some of them.
It is a space of 1653 hectares to which La Puebla del Río contributes 772 hectares, made up of an old branch of the Guadalquivir river transformed by channeling, where rice fields and areas of marsh vegetation are mixed in the old channel with beaches.
In 2002, the Natural Area was designated as a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) and therefore forms part of the Natura 2000 Network.
In 2005 it was included in the list of Wetlands of International Importance, in accordance with the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar), especially as a Habitat for Waterfowl.
The most notable fauna species are the little bittern (Ixobrichus minutus), the purple heron (Ardea purpurea), the gray heron (Ardea cinerea) and the little bittern (Botaurus stellaris). Among the ducks, the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), pintail (A. acuta), common shoveler (A. clypeata) or common teal (A. crecca) stand out. The presence of the great egret (Egretta alba) is also frequent, and three passerines of African origin: black-headed weaver (Ploceus melanocephalus), yellow weaver (Euplectes afer) and common coral bill (Estrilda astrild).
To enjoy ornithological tourism you can also observe bee-eaters, black storks, cranes or kingfishers.
Cañada de Los Pájaros Concerted Nature Reserve
7.5 Has farm transformed in 1986, from a gravel pit until it became a Wetland of great relevance and biodiversity, located on the bed of the Cañada de la Barca stream. Thanks to his actions, it was declared a Concerted Nature Reserve in 1991 (the first in Spain), included in the RENPA (Network of Protected Natural Spaces) and in the Inventory of Wetlands of Andalusia.
La Cañada de los Pájaros develops a "Reproduction Program" for the Coot, an endangered species, for its subsequent reintroduction into the wild.
In the reserve you can see around 150-200 species among which are: purple swine, avocet, stilt, black swan, spoonbill, flamingo, crane, night heron, red duck, etc.
Every year, on February 2, World Wetlands Day, La Cañada de los Pájaros releases approximately 200 specimens of Moorish coot and marbled teal.
Dehesa de Abajo Concerted Nature Reserve
The 617 ha “Dehesa de Abajo” municipal farm was declared a Concerted Natural Reserve on March 21, 2000, incorporated into the Inventory of Wet Areas of Andalusia on April 5, 2004, and included in the Special Area Doñana Conservation.
The territory acts as an ecotone between the mountains and the marshes, combining a Mediterranean forest with hundred-year-old wild olive trees and holm oaks with an artificial lagoon formed by the damming of the Majalberraque stream. The lagoon, called Rianzuela, is formed by the fluvial contribution and rainfall. Depending on the level of flooding and the time of year, large populations of ducks, waders and other aquatic birds are concentrated. Among other more common species, individuals of osprey, pintail, gaddle, wagon teal, greylag goose, white-headed duck or Moorish coot can be detected. During the summer, the lagoon dries up allowing the disappearance of invasive species, such as catfish.
The mature wild olive stands out for the presence of the largest nesting colony in Europe of White Stork, with its large nests in wild olive trees, holm oaks and eucalyptus trees, which together with some masses of pine trees, constitute important areas for various mammals, such as the genet, the fox, the mongoose or the Iberian lynx. Among the hills of wild olive trees is hidden the “Choza del Bala”, a reconstruction carried out by the local Hunters Society of an old hut with a heather roof.
The Reserve has two observatories for bird watching in the lagoon, several pedestrian paths as well as a Visitor Center with different services (restaurant, exhibition hall, toilets, cafeteria and multipurpose room). Annually, it organizes the "Doñana International Bird Fair" (Doñana Birdfair) as well as courses and workshops.
Doñana North and West Special Conservation Area (ES6150009)
Protected Space declared by decree 142/2016 as ZEC Doñana North and West (ES6150009) and therefore within the Natura 2000 Network, of 31,000 hectares divided into four sectors. La Puebla del Río contributes more than 3,000 hectares to the sector called Pinares de La Puebla-Aznalcázar, predominantly forestry. In addition to being declared an Important Bird Area (IBA) of the Guadalquivir Marshes, this sector is currently the main area of expansion and growth of the Doñana-Aljarafe Iberian lynx population.
The mass of pine forest is home to one of the largest nesting colonies of black kites in Europe.
Within the Sector there are remarkable natural enclaves such as the Puñana meadow, Monte Martel or the Majalberraque stream, and historical-heritage elements such as the Los Montes Castle-Palace (with Assets of Cultural Interest) or the Colinas Village, from where The transformation and colonization of the Guadalquivir marshes begins.
Bajo Guadalquivir Special Conservation Area (ES6150019)
Declared by Decree 113/2015, of March 17, it covers the lower section of the Guadalquivir river, from the dam in Alcalá del Río to its mouth in Sanlúcar de Barrameda due to its importance as a fluvial ecosystem and its function of connectivity between different habitats.
Other Spaces
Arm of the Tower
One of the old branches into which the Guadalquivir is divided, specifically in Isla Mayor on its route through the marshes that is characterized by its biological importance. The representative vegetation of the area corresponds to that of the marshes and wetlands, highlighting the species of the bulrush and the reed in the riverbeds, while on the beaches and shores the species typical of salty marsh soils predominate, such as the almajo or the bland. It is also important to highlight the existing avifauna, which reaches its greatest value because the Brazo de la Torre is a wet area flooded practically all year round, which allows it to be an escape valve for the birds of the Doñana National Park when the water conditions of this are unfavorable, offering ideal qualities as a resting area in migrations, nesting, and wintering for a multitude of species, many of them protected. Highlights include the purple swine (with a population that can be considered the largest in Europe)[citation needed], rails, breeding colonies of purple herons, squacco herons, egrets, storks etc
La Isleta and Los Olivillos, are two spaces separated from each other by about 3 km, with an approximate area of 539 ha and which result from the islands formed by the Guadalquivir river and the cuttings that have been carried out on it, specifically the of "La Isleta y la de Los Olivos", which has given rise to a wet area of calm waters with an enormous variety of gradients of depth, dynamics and vegetation cover, constituting a singular space and in many aspects unique. These islands preserve important environmental and landscape values, characterized by their wetlands and close to the Doñana National Park. Among the species that have used these areas as nesting areas, it is worth highlighting a colony of squirrels, egrets, cattle egrets, night herons, flamingos and avocets.
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