The settlers of catan


The Settlers of Catan (in German Die Siedler von Catan), The Discoverers of Catan, or simply Catan, is a multiplayer board game invented by Klaus Teuber. It is probably the first German-style board game to have achieved popularity outside of Europe, being translated from the original German into other languages such as Czech, Danish, Spanish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, English, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Slovenian., Portuguese, Russian, Hebrew, Catalan, Basque and Swedish.

The object of the game is to build towns, cities and roads on a board that is different each time, while accumulating various types of cards. All these elements provide different scores, with the first player to reach ten points winning the game. There are several expansions of the game, which was originally published in Germany by the Kosmos company.

The game's popularity is due, in part, to the fact that while its mechanics are relatively simple, its dynamics are quite complex. Also, on a recreational level, the game has several features that make it suitable for family play. For example, no one is eliminated, and the players behind the first can try to achieve certain goals that are within their reach, such as building a city in a certain space. On a competitive level, the game shows the scope of adaptive analysis. Due to its success, the game has been recreated in the form of installable software for different platforms.

In autumn 2010 a new version of the game (2011 edition) was released with all its expansions also by Devir and called from then on simply "Catan" (instead of "The Settlers of Catan"). This includes images redesigned by Michael Menzel, changing the entire graphic section of the game, while the rules remain with few new features.

The German game creator Klaus Teuber, fascinated since he was a child by stories of discovery and adventure, began working in the early 90s on a game that managed to convey these emotions. At first he devised a much larger game than the current one in which the ideas of creating the board using different parts that represented the sea, mountains and forests were already there, and that towns were created with what the surrounding areas produced and through trade. In these first versions, before reaching the island and conquering it, you had to navigate the sea and not all the territory was known from the beginning, but new territory tokens were added, that is, it was "discovered". 3. 4; this as the game progressed, by sending scouts, who also fought against those of the other players. This made the game too big to fit in a box and also the games lasted too long.

Teuber then decided to divide the game into three parts, each focusing on one aspect of the original game. The first part gave rise to The Settlers of Catan, focused on the development of the island and trade. The second part became Entdecker ("Discoverer") in 1996, about the colonization of the island, and the third, Loenherz ("Domain"), takes place during the fight and the Control of Catan.

There are now numerous variants of the game, in addition to expansions, which must be played with the original game. Thus, there are versions in letters, for travel, in three dimensions or for two people. There is also a Catán Junior, for children, and versions set in space (Sternenfahrer von Catan) or in different historical settings: Die Siedler von Nurnberg ("The discoverers of Nuremberg"), Alexander der Gross & Cheops (Alexander the Great and Cheops), Troja & der Grosse Mauer (Troy and the Great Wall), Struggle for Rome ("The Struggle for Rome"), The Settlers of the Stone Age ("The Settlers of the Stone Age, The Settlers of Canaan ("The Settlers of Canaan)...

Rebecca Gablé wrote a novel about the colonization of the island (Published in Spanish by Editorial Almuzara in April 2014), which in turn inspired Teuber to create other games, such as Candamir-The first Settlers (&# 34;Candamir-The first settlers") and Elasund-The first city of Catan ("Elasund-La primera ciudad de Catán"). Composer Tobias Strauß composed the work Catan Project based on the game and recorded by the Pax Dei ensemble.

Since its creation in 1995, The Discoverers of Catan has become a huge success. According to the game's official website, more than three million units of the game have been sold in Germany and ten million Germans have played the game at some time, of which there are versions in eighteen languages and fifteen million people regularly play it worldwide. world.

Basic Game Components

The Colonos de Catán, first German style game that broke the barriers of the European market.

The basic game box contains the following items:

  • 19 hexagonal boxes of raw material or resource:
    • 4 forests, which produce wood.
    • 4 pastures (prados), which produce wool (ovejas).
    • 4 crops, which produce cereals (trigo).
    • 3 hills, which produce mud (also called brick, bed or adobe).
    • 3 mountains, which produce mineral (also called stone, coal, or iron).
    • 1 desert, which produces nothing.
  • 6 pieces that join in a framework that forms the sea, in which there are:
    • 4 ports 3:1, which allow to change three resources equal to any other.
    • 5 ports 2:1, one for each matter, which allows to change two resources equal to that indicated in the port by any other.
  • 18 tiles with letters on one face and numbers from 2 to 6 and from 8 to 12 on the other (A-5, B-2, C-6, D-3, E-8, F-10, G-9, H-12, I-11, J-4, K-8, L-10, M-9, N-4, O-5, P-6, Q-3, R-11).
  • 2 6-sided dice.
  • 95 letters of appeal (19 of each type: wood, sheep, wheat, brick and stone)
  • 25 development letters (14 Knights, 2 Monopoly, 2 Street construction, 2 Invention, 5 Victory point).
  • 24 pieces (15 roads, 5 towns and 4 cities) for each of the 4 players.
  • 1 robber chip
  • 4 help letters
  • 1 longest commercial road charter
  • 1 letter from Grand Army of Cavalry

Basic Game Development

The Colonos de Catán Gian, at the Second National Meeting of Games of Mesa Córdoba - 2006.

Dash Mounting

Before starting to play, you must place the board, with the hexagonal squares (except the seas and ports) forming a hexagon with 3 squares on each side and a central row of 5 hexagons. Subsequently, in the Kosmos version, the board is surrounded by sea and port hexagons, alternately placing sea and port and alternating these between 3:1 and 2:1. In Devir's version, it's easier to assemble the frame first and then place the hexagons inside. On top of each hexagon (except Desert) one of the 18 tiles is placed with the letter facing up, following the alphabetical order and starting from an outer corner and spiraling inward in a counter-clockwise direction. The thief stands over the desert. The material cards and the development cards form the bank, from which cards will be taken, or left, as the game progresses.


To start the game each player will roll a dice. The best throw will be the one that gets the first turn of the game. Before starting to roll the dice, each player has the right to put two town and road groups on the board. So that the game is not unequal and there is the maximum possible equality when playing, an established order is followed to place the towns. First, the player who has drawn the highest number and wins the first turn will play, then the next one in an anti-clockwise direction and so on until the fourth player. Once he has placed his town and his road, he will put his second town and road again and, following the reverse order, the rest of the players will put the second town and the road. In this way the first player is the first and the last to put. Each player must collect the resources to which their second village has access.


The players, in a clockwise direction, will roll the dice successively and all will take material cards accordingly. Subsequently, the player who is in his turn, and only he, will be able to negotiate with the others to exchange cards and put into play the development cards he wants. Except for the Knight card, to put the others into play you have to wait until you have rolled the dice. The development cards won in that same trick cannot be used, except when it is a 1-point card that serves to win the game.


The game ends when a player scores 10 points, not necessarily on their turn, according to the following table:

AchievableVictory points
Population 1
City 2
Victory point Progress Charter 1
Great trade route 2
Great army of cavalry 2

Basic Game Rules and Instructions

Parts and Phases

The turn of each player is divided into 5 parts:

  • Part One: If you have and want you can be played a gentleman's card before throwing the dice. If you do not jump to the next Part Two of the shift directly.
  • Part Two: The two dice should be dropped and the two numbers of each of the upper faces added.
  • Part Three:
    • Productive phase: only if you do not touch a 7 in dice.
    • Non-Productive Phase: you would jump to this only if you touched a 7 in dice.
  • Part Four (can be played before the Fifth or interspersed with this): Construction Phase.
  • Fifth Part (can be played before the Fourth or interspersed with this): Trade Phase.

Collection of materials (Productive Phase, if it does not touch 7)

On each player's turn, they roll both dice. If the result coincides with the numbered tile that has a square of raw materials (forest, meadow, crop, hill or mountain) and in any of the crossroads (the vertices of a hexagon) there is a town or a city. Then the player who controls it, even if he is not the one who rolls the dice, wins one card of that raw material (respectively wood, sheep, wheat, brick or stone) for each town and two for each city.

No raw materials would be collected if the die touched a 7, which indicates the thief's movement, described later. And evidently, although it has been built at its crossroads, neither the desert nor the sea provide raw materials, due to lack of numbers.

A group of players playing a game of Catalan Colonos

In the following table we can see the probability that each number has to come up by combining the two six-sided dice:

Number234567 (ladron)89101112
2.8%5.6 %8.3 %11.1%13.9%16.7 %13.9%11.1%8.3 %5.6 %2.8%

The thief and the 7 (Non-Productive Phase, if he touches 7)

When a player rolls a 7 with the dice, no squares produce resources that turn (7 does not appear among the numbers placed on the squares, because 7 is statistically the most likely number to roll taking into account the possible combinations between two dice). As the first effect of 7, all players with more than 7 commodity cards must discard half, rounding down. Players who need to discard raw materials can choose the ones they want to get rid of.

Once discards are complete, the player who drew the 7 must move the thief, placing it in the center of the square of their choice (which can be the same one it was on). The square it is placed on the thief will not produce any raw material, even if the number associated with the box is rolled. Therefore, it is typical to use the thief to block spaces with important resources for the opponents, or to unlock own resources. Also, if there are multiple towns or cities belonging to different players touching the chosen space, the player placing the thief can choose to 'steal' the chosen space. to one of these. The player to whom the stolen town belongs must give him a resource card, chosen at random.

The effect of rolling a 7 is similar to exposing a 'knight' development card, in that it allows the thief to move and steal from an opponent. However, exposing a knight card does not cause half of the raw materials to be discarded.

Use of raw materials (Construction Phase)

Cards with raw materials are used to build roads, towns or cities and to buy progress cards.

  • For the construction of a road it is necessary to spend a letter of brick and another of wood. The first one who gets five roads in a row, with villages or not, and without the villages of another intermediate player, gets the card of Great Commercial Road, adding 2 points of victory. If during the development of the game another player exceeds it with a longer road, the one that has the card will have to give it.
  • For the construction of a village you need brick, wood, wheat and sheep. Each village adds 1 victory point.
  • To build a city, replacing an existing village, two wheat and three stone letters are needed. Each city adds 2 points of victory. A city cannot be built from scratch, there has to be a village previously.
  • Three letters of raw materials are needed to acquire a letter of progress: wheat, sheep and stone.

Building Codes

Towns and cities are placed at crossroads (one of the 6 vertices of the hexes), while roads are placed at the sides (one of the 6 hex sides). You cannot place a road or a town or city in the sea. Also, towns and cities can't be placed too close to each other: you have to be able to build two roads between one city and the nearest one, you can't Intersect 2 roads of different colors.

Trade (Trade Phase)

There are three types of trade:

  • A player can negotiate with others to exchange the cards he has and thus get other raw materials.
  • With the banks you can change 4 raw materials equal, by a letter of another raw material.
  • Trade in ports:
    • If you have a town or a city in a port of 3:1 you can change three cards from one raw material to another.
    • If you have a town or a city in a port of raw material you can change two letters of that raw material to another.
  • Cards of points can be changed by letters of raw material.
  • You can't change knight letters.

Types of progress cards

There are five different types of progress cards:

  • Gentlemen. It is the most common letter of progress. It does the seven function with the dice (does not produce a resource and the one who takes it has the right to move the thief), only that nothing happens if a player has more than 7 cards (with the seven must deliver the half). The first one to use 3 of his knights (not just having them) wins the letter of Grand Army of Cavalry and thus adds 2 points of victory. If any player exceeds the number of knights used, the one possessing this card must give it to him. It should be remembered before starting to play if the player who uses a knight card steals material card or not from any of the players who have a town or city adjacent to the new hexagon where the thief places.
  • Invention or Progress. This letter allows you to take two raw materials to your choice.
  • Road construction or Progress. It allows to build two roads automatically.
  • Monopoly. By playing Monopoly, all players, if they have, must give the player all their cards of a type of raw material that he asks. This card can only be played after throwing the dice.
  • Victory point. These cards bring 1 victory point. You don't have to show them until the end of the game for your computer.


Expansion only serves to increase the number of players that can play in each game.

The order of extensions mentioned later is the order in which they were released on the Spanish market.

The extensions by means of chips of different colors to those of the basic game, it is possible to increase the number of players; more hexagons, tokens and cards to add to the existing ones to be able to play games with the specified players.

Expansion 5 and 6 players for the Basic game (1st Expansion)

The 5 and 6 player expansion complements the basic game and has what is necessary to play up to 5 or 6 players. This expansion is only available for the basic game, and cannot be played with the other expansions. The box of this extension contains the following elements:

  • 15 hexagonal boxes:
    • 2 forests, which produce wood
    • 2 meadows, producing sheep
    • 2 crops, which produce wheat
    • 2 hills, which produce brick
    • 2 mountains, which produce stone
    • 1 Desert, which produces nothing
    • 2 seas
    • 1 port 3:1, which allows to change three equal resources for any resource
    • 1 ports 2:1 of sheep that allows to change two sheep resources for any resource.
  • 28 chips with letters on one face and numbers from 2 to 6, and from 8 to 12 on the other. (A-2, B-5, C-4, D-6, E-3, F-9, G-8, H-11, I-11, J-10, K-6, L-3, M-8, N-4, O-8, P-10, Q-11, R-12, S-10, T-5, U-4, V-9, W-5, X-9, Y-12, Za-3, Zb-2, Zc-6)
  • 25 letters of wood, sheep, wheat, brick and stone (5 of each kind of resource)
  • 9 development letters (6 Knights, 1 Monopoly, 1 Street construction, 1 invention)
  • 15 roads, 5 towns and 4 cities for 2 players
  • 2 help letters

To assemble the board you have to generate an initial row of 6 hexagonal squares in the center, complete it above and below with two rows of 5, 4 and 3 hexagons and, finally, surround the resulting hexagon with the sea hexes and ports.

The rules to follow are the same as in the basic game but with a possible variation: to liven up the game you can vary the construction system, not being necessary for the players to wait for their turn to build, but respecting the order turn, taking priority the player who is closest to his turn. If played this way, players who don't have the turn can't trade cards with the bank or ports, nor can they use development cards even if they buy them.


The expansions described below are those sold in Spain. In other countries, such as Germany, the expansions and games related to the world of Catan are much more numerous.

These expansions can be played individually (but always with the basic game) or mixed together to suit the player.

The order of expansion mentioned later is the order in which they were launched on the Spanish market.

The game, through new hexagons and tiles, can be expanded with different expansions, increasing the territory to be conquered and the number of players that can participate. These expansions are:

Navigators of Catan (1st Expansion)

The Navigators of Catan expansion is applied on top of the base game. It was first published in 1997 in Germany.

This expansion adds little new original content to the base game. The content of this expansion lies in being able to create maps at the whim of the player, so as not to be limited to the hexagon of the original game, and with a larger size.

  • Manual
The manual of this expansion brings some curious maps, with some changed rule. Although scarce, it gives ideas to then create new maps for the originality of the player, or letting the luck generate the maps.
  • Victoria Points
More points are added about the victory of the original game (depends on the map and the expansions applied to it).
The added concept of points by colonizing new islands. This gives a point if a settlement is colonized on a different island from the beginning (as long as the map has several islands), or two points if a second is colonized. This creates that when the game is already advanced, all players feel the need to reach new islands to get more score.
  • Board (New Board Hexagons)
Water hexagons are added to create seas, rivers. More land chips are also added for the creation of islands and continents (a special hexagon is added below). The entire board with its corresponding frame of superior size, variable at the likes of the player; becoming up to two times larger than the original.
  • Rio de Oro (Special board site)
The golden river is added. This hexagon gives dynamism to the game, as all the players yearn for it, because every time the number comes up, the player who has built on one of their intersections, will take a raw material to their choice (or two if you have a city, or more if you have more towns or cities on this one).
  • Boats (New Construction)
Each player has, like roads, 15 boats.
Water maps force not only to create paths to expand, but rather ships instead. These, with a variant regarding the paths of not always being fixed, because the boats can move to the player’s craving once built (following the new rules for the boats on open or closed route: depending on whether it communicates between two towns or cities, or not). This last useful for maps of exploration (maps in which the hexagons of board are placed morrow and are discovered when advancing ships or roads), because it is necessary to move a lot to the ships, as you do not know that you can find yourself in next hexagon.
  • Pirate (New thief)
The pirate also comes into play. A file similar to the thief, although it does not replace it; it only moves when a seven comes out, and is placed only in water boxes. It serves to prevent ships from being built and moved around. Besides, like the thief, stealing a card from the player's hand, but having a line of boats around him.

-Expansion recommended for lovers of the original game, which without changing the rules of the basic game at all, provides great variety in terms of the shape of the maps and the tactical component it provides. There is a 3rd and a 4th edition, the latter contains:

Sailors of Catan (Mayfair 4th Edition) expansion content:

  • 60 Boats (15 oranges, 15 greens, 15 blues and 15 whites).
  • 19 Hexagons of the sea
  • 11 Hexagons of land:
    • 2 Rios de Oro
    • 2 Deserts
    • 1 Crop field
    • 1 Forest
    • 1 Pasto
    • 2 Mountains
    • 2 Cerros
  • 6 Pieces of map edge.
  • 10 Portshes.
  • 10 Numbered cards.
  • 1 Pirate Boat.
  • 50 Catalan cards.
  • 11 New Scenarios, included in the instruction manual.

Another way to play the Navigator Expansion

Rules according to dll74&pollastre

It can be played in several ways, 3, 4 or even 5 players all against all (the first to reach 16 points wins), or by teams.

  • in turn has 2 variants:
    • 1 person against 1 person with 2 colors each (tiring 2 times each player, this is once with each color), and wins the player reaching 16 points with any of their 2 colors (the 16 points must be of the same light color is).
    • 2 people against 2 people, with 1 color each, gaining the person who comes with their color to 16 points, and also gaining their light pair.(Here the players are placed on the alternate table, so the two who go together do not pull consecutively)

The map is the basic + navigator expansion (51 hexes) For three people, the map can be shortened by removing a column of hexagons (to facilitate "drowning")

Set up a map seen with 2 or 3 islands (you can also make 4 or 5 islands, of course, but if there are so many possible landing points, you lose a bit of strategy).

The points and the ports are placed so that all the players agree. Balanced maps are usually made where there are not very good places, or if there are, there are for all players.

In the free-for-all mode, the dice are rolled to see who puts first, puts 1 house first, 1 house next to his left, and so on until the last one places 2 houses at once, then “ bounces” and places a house on his right, until he reaches the one who started putting the first house so that he can place the second.

In the team mode it is similar, and it can be summarized in that the color that places the first house places the last one, and the color that has been the last one places two houses at once. (the color that places first must be from a different team than the one that places 2 houses at once).

  • there are no card changes among players
  • wins at 16 points, these can be obtained in various forms (there are possible: 13 building,5 of the deck, 2 of the way, 2 of the army and 1 for each landing point on an island where you are not present)
  • the pirate blocks the change of the port that treads either 3:1 or 2:1 of resource, does not prevent the placement of ships
  • rule of the 5 points: you can't cover anyone with a seven unless you have 5 points or more.(Lifting soldier can't cover)(the points of the road have 5 paths and onwards, if it's the longest and it's not tied (if you're tied the points are no one's)), the army points have 3 soldiers and onwards, provided that we have more soldiers raised than anyone, and in case of If someone shares room with a tapable player and places the thief with a seven, they don't charge if the number of the box comes out, but they don't steal a card when placing the thief, they take it from the one that's upholstered. This rule makes it dangerous to be placed in 5 points.
  • What you talk about has to be heard by everyone, it's not worth blowing to anyone who suits you that you have a point without everyone knowing it, or making signs to your partner in a clear 2vs2.
  • If we take out a seven and have more than seven cards, we're out of half, rounding up for the player.
  • rule of the 3 coins: when the thief is plugging in a box(an 8 for example) and a 8 coin comes out, the player does not charge but places a coin in the box, if this happens 3 times the thief is automatically removed and left out of the board(until a 7 or someone raises a soldier).
  • a color always wins in its turn, that is, if you realize that you have won but you have not noticed and has already thrown dice another player, you must expect it to touch you again, being able to lose the game because someone wins before.
  • a player who makes a monopoly takes the cards away from the rest of the colors, go together or not.
  • 2 paths of the same color that end up coming together are soldiers, that is, we cannot play “I have the way”/”I have no way” pivoting a boat.

This way of playing is the result of hundreds of games over many years and has been shaped, playing at 15 points takes away strategy and turns the game into a race, playing at 17 leaves no chance of winning to someone flush many times and makes it very prone to take development cards. The "drowning" consists of leaving someone without enough places to win, to place 5 houses and 4 castles we need 9 places, although if we have landing points, cards, etc. it may be enough with fewer places to reach 16. It is interesting in team games to see when a color must be sacrificed to win the game with the other color, that is, take cards to get the army so that an opposing color does not have it, or make way for a color Otherwise you cannot have it, support with monopolies at the end of the game, etc.

Cities and Knights of Catan (2nd Expansion)

The expansion of Cities and Knights of Catan is applied to the basic game, having the possibility of being played together with the 1st expansion (Navigators of Catan). It was first published in 1998 in Germany.

This expansion has more development options. There is also an additional Cities and Knights expansion for 6 players. It is played for a greater number of victory points given its greater chances of scoring. This expansion introduces quite a few new rules and concepts and removes some of the basic game:

  • Gentlemen
Each player has 6 pieces of knights (2 level 1, 2 level 2 and 2 level 3) that serve to block the passage to gentlemen of the opponents or beat them in combat, to block the possibility of an opponent to continue building a path, to move the thief or to beat the barbarians. You must previously spend a wheat letter to activate the gentleman. The knights without activating cannot move, attack, or move the thief, nor count for the total player when the barbarians arrive to Catán, but they remain useful for blocking purposes. The cost of building or climbing a gentleman is of a sheep and a stone.
  • Two dice (New Givens)
One of the six-sided dice of the basic game is replaced by another of red color and additionally throws a new as it has on its faces 3 boats and three colored circles (green, blue and yellow).
  • Bárbaros
There is a piece of boat that moves through a few boxes until you reach Catalan. Each time the special dice shows a boat, it will move forward. When you arrive in Catalan, the knights are counted activated by all players, and if this number equals or exceeds the number of cities existing on the board, the players win. In this case, the player with the greatest value of activated knights wins the fight and acquires 1 victory point. In case of a tie between players, they don't win a victory point but they take a color progress card they prefer. If the number of knights activated is less than the number of cities on the board, the players lose and the player who contributed less value of knights activated reduces to the village one of their cities.
  • Three types of Consumer Articles (New Materials Cards)
Apart from the raw materials of the basic game, this expansion introduces three new goods, fabric, book and currency. Players with a city piece in prado, forest or mountain hexagons take a fabric, book or coin respectively along with the basic raw material (oveja, wood and stone) instead of the two usual raw materials. Cities in hexagon of cultivation or hill continue to collect two wheat or two bricks. The use of these new goods is to be able to develop the cities of the players at higher levels of well-being. There are five levels for each of the goods. The cost to pass level is cumulative and you have to go level to level. To reach level 3 in any development gives different advantages to the player. To reach level 5 grants one of the cities of the player to their choice the metropolis category.
  • Metropolis (New Construction)
New piece that is placed on top of a piece of city and which gives 2 points of victory. The metropolises count for the number of cities when the barbarians arrive in Catalan but cannot be reduced to the village.
  • Three types of Progress Cards (New Progress Cards)
The development cards of the basic game are replaced by new 3 different colors, which correspond to the three circles of the special dice and with the letters of goods (yellow the fabric, green the book and blue the coin). If the special dice on the player's spin shows a colored circle and the red dice shows a number that some player has in their city development of the color of the special dice, this gives the player the right to catch the progress card. They can have up to 4 in the hand to be used at the right time.
  • Mercader
New piece that is played by proper cards of progress, gives advantages in the exchange and gives 1 victory point to the player who holds it in his power.
  • City walls (New construction)
New piece that is placed under a city or metropolis and that increases in two the limit of letters of raw material or merchandise that can be held in the hand without affecting the movement of the thief. It is built with two bricks. Each player has three walls.

-Recommended expansion for anyone who wants new ideas and concepts on top of the basic game. It does not expand or change the game map, but varies and deepens the rules of the base game. Playing this expansion together with Navigators adds great intense moments to the game and a wide variety of choices for each player.

Content (Devir):

  • 1 Sheet of barbarians
  • 36 Consumer Articles Letters (12 Paper, 12 Fabric, 12 Currency)
  • 54 Letters of Progress (18 Letters of Science, 18 Letters of Politics, 18 Letters of Commerce)
  • 6 Victoria point cards (Catan router)
  • 4 City Improvement Tables
  • 60 Improvement Sheets (15 per player. There are a total of 20 for each branch: Science, Politics and Trade)
  • 12 Walls of cities (3 x 4 Colors)
  • 24 Knights (6 x 4 Colors. Knights for each color: 2 Simple, 2 Strong and 2 Powerful)
  • 24 Helmets to assemble Knights
  • 3 Pieces of Enlargement to Metropolis
  • 1 Figure of Barco Bárbaro
  • 1 Mercader Figure
  • 1 Manual with the rules of the game
  • 4 New construction cost tables
  • 1 Event Given
  • 1 Red dice

Contents (4th edition, Mayfair):

  • 1 Sheet of barbarians
  • 36 Comfort letters (12 Paper, 12 Line, 12 Currency)
  • 54 Letters of Progress (18 Letters of Science, 18 Letters of Politics, 18 Letters of Commerce)
  • 6 Victoria Point Letters: Catan Defender
  • 4 Development tables
  • 12 Walls of cities (3 x 4 Colors)
  • 24 Knights (6 x 4 Colors)
  • 3 Pieces of Metropolis
  • 3 Tokens of Metropolis
  • 1 Barbecue
  • 1 Mercader (wood cone)
  • 1 Manual with Game Rules & Almanaque
  • 1 Event dice
  • Items for arming:
    • 2 Tables of knights

Merchants and Barbarians (3rd Expansion)

The Merchants and Barbarians expansion is applied to the base game, having the possibility of being played together with the 1st expansion (Sailors of Catan) and the 2nd expansion (Cities and Knights). It was first published in 2007 in Germany.

This expansion adds a great variety of missions and game modes, completely changing some rules to give it originality and dynamism. It also includes five expansions: the fishermen of Catan, the rivers of Catan, the Great Caravan, the Attack of the Barbarians and the Merchants and Barbarians (See below, in the section: "Small Expansions for the Basic game (All are included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion)").


  • 24 knight figures, 6 of each color.
  • 12 bridge figures, 3 of each color.
  • 4 carmato figures, 1 of each color
  • 36 barbarian figures
  • 40 coins: 25 value 1, 15 value 5.
  • 22 camel figures
  • 1 pack of letters for "The Attack of the barbarians"
  • 2 packs of letters for "Mercaders and barbarians"
  • 1 pack of cards for "Events in Catalan"
  • 4 cards for "Catan Fishermen"
  • 1 colour dice
  • 1 Rule
  • 20 trading chips
  • 6 fish stocks
  • 29 fish chips
  • 2 rivers (One of three hexagons and one of four).
  • 1 tab of "richest color"
  • 4 chips of "poor color"

This expansion, so to speak, is a set of games put together on Catan with different rules and tokens for each game.

  • Players
The same as always from 3 to 4. Except because it includes in the manual the rules with which to play with 2 players. This way they play 2 players against 2 other virtual, with specific rules for this game mode.
  • The dice are replaced by letters.
It replaces the dice by numbered letters, with the same probability in the deck as the dice. This makes the games less dependent on the luck due to the dice strips; creating more amenable and equal games, therefore more active and expensive to win by rivalry.
In addition, cards have events that can both benefit and harm both those who have to take, and the other players. This creates more exciting and varied games, as you never know what will touch you.
  • Captain of the port.
It makes the effect of awarding 2 win points (similar to "The Great Trade Route" or "Great Cavalry Army"), if towns or cities are built in ports. This card works by port points (1 port point per village built in port, or 2 port points by port town updated to city), the first one to get 3 port points is left, and as the other two, if someone exceeds it is removed.
  • Pious thief
In this expansion, very suitable when playing with children, the thief will not serve to steal cards from those players who have two victory points or less.

-Recommended expansion for those who want new ideas and concepts about the basic game, apart from that, vary the game map with different tiles.

Pirates and Explorers (4th Expansion)

In the middle of 2013 a new expansion has been released:

A new version of Catan arrives; Pirates and Explorers!! With some modifications that distinguish it from the colonists of Catan

In the new Catan Pirates and Explorers we will find some differences such as; Instead of a single island to colonize, you play three different islands (but only one is known at first).

Players start on that familiar island, then build ships to explore the other two.

Unlike the Navigators expansion, the ships in this case are not static and do not form "routes", the ships are dynamic, carrying goods and/or settlers and moving around the map.

Catan: Treasures, Dragons and Adventurers (5th Expansion)

Defeat the fearsome dragons of the desert, build the great canal or discover hidden treasures. Treasures, Dragons and Adventurers includes 6 different scenarios. These scenarios are specially designed for fans of Catan who already have experience with the Navigators and Cities and Knights expansions and who want to try some more challenging scenarios. The Dragons of the Desert, Grand Catan, The Grand Channel, and The Cursed Earth settings offer greater gameplay depth, while players looking for something simpler while still exploring other environments will enjoy Treasure Islands or Rumbo. to the unknown. In any case, for anyone who wants to develop their own scenarios or modify an existing one, Treasures, Dragons and Adventurers is packed with material.

To use these scenarios you need the basic Catan and the Navigators of Catan and Cities and Knights of Catan expansions.

Other Catan board games published in Spain

These board games were also created by the core game designer Klaus Teuber.

These games are completely independent of the original game (they are not played with the base game, nor its extensions and expansions), and independent of each other.

Only the games distributed in Spain are listed here. In Germany there are many more and varied, official and unofficial, designed by Klaus Teuber or not.

Dice Game

Game of dice, priced at approximately €9. It was first published in 2007 in Germany.

Similar to the base game. It is played by rolling the dice and noting the result with a pencil on some sheets that it brings to write down the results and the buildings built.

The player can roll the dice up to three times. You can then build with the raw materials you have obtained in the roll.

They can play from 1 to 4 people. Each one with its corresponding game sheet. This means that each one plays with her towns on separate boards from the rest of the players. The trade is carried out between players or with the bank.


  • Gamesheets. In the game sheet is represented the island of Catán. In this are printed the roads, towns, cities and gentlemen. In these events are marked the events of the game, such as the construction of towns, cities or roads. The score marker is filled as the points are obtained.
  • 6 dice. The dice are thrown and the result it touches is the obtained (can be: wool, cereals, clay, minerals, wood or gold). With this result you can build the buildings and perform the actions. Gold serves to exchange it with others.

Card game

Card game to be able to play only two people, about €20 in price. It was first published in 1996 in Germany.

It differs greatly from the original Settlers of Catan game (The basic board game), being similar only in having to build towns, cities and resources. The rest is completely different from the board game.

The cards are spread out on the table. Each player starts with a principality of: two towns, a connecting road between them, and 6 regions. You start with 2 points, to win the game 12 are required. There are two tokens, a mill (obtained by the player with the most trade points and also a city) and a knight (obtained by the player with the most strength), which They give one more victory point.

The regions are for getting and storing resources: mountains, crops, hills, pastures, forests and gold mines. Each region has a die number, when it touches that number the region flips to indicate that it has one more material (region cards have four sides, each side has 0, 1, 2 and 3 resources drawn, to indicate reserves) and are spent for construction in the same way.

There are two dice to be rolled at the start of each player's turn. One is the number dice, which is used to obtain resources and resolve actions on the yellow expansion cards. The other is the event die, which has five different symbols, each indicating something to do right after each roll. These are: Mill (The player who owns the mill token can steal a resource from the opponent), Knights Joust (The player who has the most knights joust points wins a resource of their choice), Bandits Attack (Players with more than seven unprotected resources lose all wool and ore reserves), Year of Plenty (all players gain a raw material of their choice), and Event (An event card is drawn and resolved for players). two players).

Resources can be spent to build buildings or soldiers. These are placed above and below the towns up to one, and above and below the cities up to two. Some have an area of effect (eg increase the production of an adjacent resource) and others are general (give trade points).

Action cards (yellow expansion cards) can also be played, some with the condition that both players have at least 7 victory points. These cause positive effects to the player who plays it or negative effects to the contrary, or both. Although the effect may be turned against the player who plays it. Well, they are usually resolved with a roll of the dice, and if it touches a number it works against the other player, otherwise the effect turns against the one who played it.

You can trade with the other player or with the bank.

The turns happen from one player to another. Each player must go through the different stages of the game: Roll the dice, resolve the action die and obtain resources, build buildings, trade, play action cards, and fill up the hand of cards. The order of the first two and the last one must always be like this (except for the use of special action cards) and the rest, in the same way as in the board game, the player decides their order and as many times as he wants.

The game contains:

  • 120 letters:
    • 9 cards of red and white shield.
    • 9 cards of red and black shield.
    • 11 regional letters (where resources are obtained and stored).
    • 7 road cards.
    • 5 letters of settlement.
    • 7 city cards.
    • 10 event cards.
    • 62 expansion letters.
  • 2 Givens:
    • Numerical. For resources.
    • Event giving. It marks what happens in turn (sleep, trade advantage, bandits attack, year of abundance and event card).
  • 2 Sheets:
    • Mill. It serves to indicate the player with the greatest commercial power.
    • Gentlemen. Indicates the strongest army.

Note: This basic card game comes ready to be bundled with expansions. For this reason, references to Metropolis can be found in it, for example, that without such coming in the basic card game if they are named on their cards.

-Expansions for the Card Game (see in: Other Catan games not translated into Spanish): It is likely that we can enjoy in Spain and translated the expansions for the card game. In Germany there are several Expansions that could be translated and distributed throughout our country.

-Coming Soon: A revised version of the card game by Klaus Teuber, called "The Princes of Catan" 3. 4;. Renewed images will be introduced, and new instructions for the novice and advanced player.

Junior Catan

Catan Junior is the version of the Settlers of Catan game for children from 4 years old. With bigger chips and modified rules.

It is a simplified game, with variants and large colored wooden figures.

The game consists of each player moving their car token around a circle that surrounds the board. The movement of the piece is given by the number that touches on the dice.

Resources are taken only if the cart lands next to a commodity, represented by wood tokens. The only resources there are: wheat, wood and bricks.

To build you need to take one raw material of each type. One of the player's houses can then be built on a space in the town, in the middle of the board.

When all the houses have been built a player must build the town hall. Gathering three different resources you can build it and win the game.


  • Buildings:
    • Houses.
    • City Hall.
  • Thief.
  • Resources:
    • Wood.
    • Trigo.
    • Bricks.
  • Carts.
  • Game board.

Other Catan games not translated into Spanish


The expansions require the Settlers of Catan base game to play.

Atlantis - Settlers of Catan Scenarios and Variants

This expansion collects and revises small published expansions, as well as adding new ones. Includes the Settlers of Catan 10th Anniversary Gold Box. Contains the following expansions: Event Cards, The Jungle, Catan Volcano, The Specialists, The City Walls, Catan Castles, The Great River, The Harbor Master, The 7th Magic.

The Settlers of Catan - Play Book

This is a compilation pack released in 2000, designed for 2-6 players, of maps and variants (other than the Merchants and Barbarians expansion).

In this package there are more than 450 new cardboard pieces, 12 plastic bags and labels to organize the pieces and 24 plastic bases to position some of the cardboard pieces vertically.

Includes a manual containing 192 pages with 15 new maps for the base game and the Navigators expansion. It also includes 19 variants for the base game.

Among other things you will find in the manual tips and tricks for the game, a description of the story of the game, as well as tips and tactics for the Settlers of Catan Card game.

The game contains the following maps:

  • The atoll
  • The Bermuda Triangle.
  • Catan Express.
  • The Golden One.
  • Scouts.
  • The fleet.
  • Colonies.
  • The great race.
  • The treasure hunt.
  • The specialists.
  • The tide storm.
  • Transport of settlers.
  • The world of Catan.
  • West.
  • The desert passengers.

Small Expansions for the Basic game

Most of these small expansions are included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion.

Event Cards

Included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion.

Replaces dice.

These are numbered cards, with the same probability in the deck as dice. This makes the games less dependent on luck due to dice rolls.

Cards have events that can benefit or harm both the draw and the other players.

The Fishermen of Catan

Included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion.

Expansion that first appeared in a magazine as an extra in 2005.

Every time you roll the dice, you can get fish from a lake or from fishing grounds (corners with numbers that are located in the sea).

Every time you touch a number placed in the lake or fishing ground, in addition to obtaining the raw materials, one or two fish tiles are taken at random for town and city respectively.

For each token taken you can touch 1, 2 or 3 fish, or even a boot.

The fish obtained can be used to exchange them for several different benefits:

  • 2 fish: the player can return the thief to the desert, without stealing resources from other players.
  • 3 fish: the player can steal a raw material from another player.
  • 4 fish: the player can take a raw bank matter.
  • 5 fish: the player can build a road without cost.
  • 7 fish: the player receives a cost-free development card.

The boot cannot be traded. Offers the negative of needing 1 more victory point to win the game for the player who owns the boot. A player can get rid of the boot by giving it to another player with the same or more points than him.


  • 6 Scenarios.
  • Manual.
  • Hexagons with fish and pieces with fish, to expose them to water.
  • Fish sheets (1, 2 or 3 fish in each).
  • Boot sheet.

Can't say it modifies the base game much. It makes it faster and more intense.

The Great River / The Rivers of Gold
The Great River (Old Version)

Not contained in the Merchants and Barbarians expansion.

This expansion was also released for the first time for a magazine.

Consists of 8 gold points and 1 river of 3 hexes (stone at the source of the river, clay at the riverbed, and forest at the mouth).

Players who build along the river earn one gold point. Every 3 gold points equals one victory point.

Rivers of Gold (Modern Version)

Included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion.

Although similar to "The Great River", it presents new aspects that make this new one more interesting.

2 rivers of gold (3 and 4 hexes) are added to the basic game board.

All players get 1 special "Poor Settler" (-2 victory points) or "Rich Settler" (+1 victory point). These are achieved depending on the fortune that each player loved. The player who gets the most gold coins will benefit from the "Rich Colonist" card, the rest of the players will get the "Poor Colonist" card.

To get coins. Building roads or towns on the banks of these rivers grants 1 gold coin. Building a bridge gives 3 gold coins. You can also get gold coins by trading with other players or with the bank. And 2 coins can be exchanged with the bank to obtain a raw material of the player's choice.

The striking thing about this expansion is the continuous fight for gold coins and skirting the rivers to get gold. And the question of whether to spend the coins or not.

The Barbarians Attack

Included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion.

This time the board is divided into two areas. A first is the outer perimeter, which is the terrain squares that touch the water frame of the board. And another interior area, which are the rest of the hexagonal terrain.

In the outer zone a castle with 3 colors is placed, repeated 2 times on the 6 sides of the hexagon; and the desert is also placed. The numbers to collect resources are arranged in the external zone always different (one of each from 2 to 12, without repeating in the external perimeter). and the rest inside. An 11 and a forest are not used.

The game begins with each player building a town and a city. It is played to 12 points.

The game runs normally. But when a city or a town is built, the barbarians arrive. The barbarians arrive by making 3 successive rolls with the dice, and when they always touch different numbers (if they touch 7 or repeated, they will roll again). For each of these 3 rolls, up to 3 barbarians can be placed in play. Each barbarian will be placed on the terrain of the outer perimeter of the number that has come out of the dice. If a piece of land obtains 3 barbarians, it is considered conquered, and therefore it does not produce, nor allows the use of ports, nor do they count the victory points of the towns cut off by the conquest (if the town is next to another land not yet conquered, nothing would happen with his victory point). When there are 3 barbarians on a conquered terrain, they no longer get more barbarians.

To drive barbarians off a terrain, players need knights. 6 new tokens of each color, in the shape of a knight, come into play only with the purchase and instant use of new progress cards (the progress cards from the base game are not used). The new progress cards can either put 1 knight into play, or remove some barbarian from terrain to take them prisoner or move to another terrain, they can also award coins.

This game mode is cooperative. To expel barbarians from a piece of land, it is essential that there are more knights than barbarians on the roads that border the invaded land. Those who have contributed knights will take barbarians as prisoners. 2 prisoners equals 1 victory point. The distribution is almost always done by luck, or sometimes benefiting the one who has contributed the most knights the most. If someone who has participated in a battle does not take prisoners, he receives 3 gold coins as compensation. After a fight against the barbarians casualties can occur. With a 6-sided dice and 3 different colors, the casualties of the battle are decided, when the color that has been touched coincides with one of the castle and by chance the knights are on the sides of the touched color. For each knight lost, it produces 3 gold coins for its owner.

Gold coins can be exchanged 2 for a raw material a maximum of 2 times per turn.

The Great Caravan

Included in the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion.

Published as a gift by Kosmos publishing house in 2006

Nomads need wool and grain, in exchange they can offer raw materials. The nomads send their caravans in order to trade raw materials.

During the course of the game there are three caravan routes made up of camel tokens. All towns and cities on one of the routes have one more victory point. In addition, any road that is next to the caravan counts as a road for trade.

Expansions for the Card game

There are several expansions for the card game:

  • Trade & Change (Commerce and Change).
  • Science & Progress (Ciencia y Progreso).
  • Knight " Merchants ".
  • Wizard & Dragons.
  • Politcs & Intrigue (Politics and Intrigue).
  • Barbarians " Traders ".
  • Künstler & Wohltäter (Artist and benefactor).
  • Goud & Piraten (Oro y Piratas).

-There are compilation packs, which contain several expansions together:

  • Package of 6 Expansions includes: "Caballiers and Traders", "Magos y Dragones", "Ciencia y Progreso", "Bárbaros y Mercaderes", "Politica e Intriga" and "Comercio y Cambio".
  • Thematic set (Packages of 3 Expansions):
    • "Magier & Forscher" (Magos and Scientists), includes: "Magos y Dragones", "Ciencia y Progreso" and "Comercio y Cambio".
    • "Kämpfer & kaufleute" (Guerreros y Mercaderes), includes: "Bárbaros y Mercaderes", "Políticas e Intriga" and "Caballeros y Comerciantes".


5 and 6 player expansion for the Navigators Expansion

The tokens are the old ones: wooden.


  • 30 Boats (15 greens and 15 browns).
  • 8 Hexagons of the sea.
  • 1 Gold river.
  • 6 Victory points.
  • 10 new maps to play with 6 players.

5 and 6 player add-on for the Cities and Knights Expansion

The tokens are the old ones: wooden.


  • 6 Walls (3 greens and 3 browns).
  • 12 Knights (6 greens and 6 browns).
  • 1 Knight sticker blade (24 stickers, 4 of each activated level, 4 of each deactivated level).
  • 2 Letters of help.
  • Rules for enlargement 5 and 6 players for Expansion Cities and Knights
  • 18 Consumer items (6 paper, 6 fabric and 6 coins).
  • 2 points of victory for defense.
  • 3 New Map Bordes of the

3 additional pieces for the border of the map (from 3rd edition)

5 and 6 player expansion for the Merchants and Barbarians Expansion

The tokens are the old ones: wooden.


  • 2 fishing areas (numbers 5 and 9).
  • 1 lake (numbers 4 and 10).
  • 14 Fish sheets (4 of 1, 5 of 2, 5 of 3 fish).
  • 2 Reference cards.
  • 1 New river (pastizales, mountain pastures).
  • 6 Plastic bridges (3 browns and 3 greens).
  • Two "poor" letters.
  • 10 plastic gold coins (5 of 1, 5 of 5).
  • 1 Oasis (Located at the back of the lake).
  • 11 Camellos.
  • 1 Fortress.
  • 12 barbarians.
  • 12 Knights (6 browns and 6 greens).
  • 2 Frame pieces (size "1").
  • 1 Castle (Later part of the fortress).
  • 2 quarries.
  • 2 Sheets of glass cabins.
  • 2 Carts (1 brown and 1 green).
  • 18 Good trade accountants (6 for each destination).
  • 10 Followers cards (5 browns and 5 greens).
  • 12 Development cards.
  • 1 Rule manual (6 pages to explain the additional rules).

Various editions that do not vary much from the basic game

Settlers of Catan - Travel Edition

This is the same basic game, but reduced in size.

Catan 3D. Collector's Edition

The same basic game, but with the pastures, forests, etc., in three dimensions.

Settlers of Catan 3D. Collector's Edition II

Apart from containing the basic game with the figures, grasses, etc., made in resin and hand-painted in 3 dimensions, plus the chips with the plastic numbers. This edition also includes the Cities and Knights expansion with the figures painted.

Simple Catan

The smallest base game. In addition to using the sea to place the player's construction tiles.

Paper and Pencil

Simplified version. It was a promotion to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original version of Settlers of Catan, in a pizza chain, Hallo Pizza. It was delivered with every order.

The game is the same, but the board is on a piece of paper so you can mark where you are building with a pencil. Resources are small paper tokens.

The Nuremberg Settlers

Published in commemoration of the anniversary of the founding of the city of Nuremberg.

Gives players some new twists. Unlike the basic game, the board is fixed. Instead, the board has a map split down the middle. The first half has the hexagons from the basic game where towns and cities are built the same. The other half of the board shows a close-up of the city of Nuremberg, where the workshops are to be built (this replaces the production of raw materials in the original).

Players must also earn coins for manufactured goods which they in turn spend on the walls and towers that surround the city. Which gains prestige, which are victory points.

Instead of dice there are cards to reveal the number of productions and events at the start of each player's turn.

Catan Junior

Unlike Kids of Catan, which in Spanish is misnamed Catan Junior. This features a small fixed map like the base game. It has a pirate island theme, whose resources are among others; coconuts or sabers

Rockman Edition

The theme is this charismatic character called Rockman. Other than that and the bright colors of the board (which, like in the basic game, allows you to swap the hexagons), it doesn't present anything new.

The water of life

This is a game used as a promotion for the company "Glen Grant Distillery Company".

The game itself is mostly identical to the base game, but the theme is around the production of Scotch whiskey.

Players have to obtain the resources of firewood, stone, barley, peat, and spring water. With these raw materials they build roads and distilleries. And the thief becomes the "force of oppression".

In addition, the set includes a small bottle of Glen Grant whiskey.

Spinoffs of Catan

Geographies of Catan

Saga of Catan games from various countries, offering their geography, monuments, history and tradition.


The game consists of exploring and building in Germany, with the same system as the base game. It is a trade, construction and colonization game. The game starts with town halls in 3 cities. Then roads will be built to neighboring cities, to acquire new monuments and town halls. Towns with town halls generate resources, while monuments offer special rewards. Points are earned by having the longest roads, the largest army, and the point cards. The game contains: a board with a map of Germany in full color, with 28 intersections representing cities and 12 historical monuments; 90 resource cards, 26 development cards, and 4 building cost cards; 141 plastic tokens (12 monuments, 80 roads, 48 town halls, and 1 Iron Hand/Götz von Berlichingen); 2 dice, the rules and an illustrated geography almanac.

Stories from Catan

They are a saga of games, which taking the ideas of the basic game (some even require it), have created a series of games with different themes and similar gameplay, each one related to the historical theme they touch on.

Fights for Rome

In this game the players lead the barbarian hordes, which have to grow until they become an empire.

The map is fixed. The hexagonal tiles are already placed forming Western Europe.

On the map the pieces of soldiers, horses and chariots are displayed.

Alexander the Great

The map is fixed. The hexagonal tiles are already placed forming the Eastern Europe.


The map is fixed. The hexagonal tiles are already placed.

The American Settlers: Trails of Rails

This game, which will be released in June 2010, combines two games from the most successful types of games from mayfair games company: The Settlers of Catan, and some of the train games. The game dates back to the 19th century, on the western terrain of the United States. Trains loaded with wagons colonize new lands and build cities. As the population grows, resources will decrease, and players will have to search for new resources in untapped territories. It will be necessary to link the cities with railway lines in order to obtain the merchandise. For the board that represents the United States, the typical hexagons of the Catan family are used. Players will accumulate resources, in order to acquire, migrate and build settlements; in addition to forging the railways. The railways will be used to distribute the goods to the connected cities. The way to use the resources is similar to the previous sagas; but gold is added, to give more depth to the game and thus increase the options.

Adventures of Catan

Candamir: The First Settlement

It's about building cities and exploring.

The players are newcomers to Catan. They need raw materials and explore to build their settlement. Throughout the game, the players discover useful things like natural products or wild animals. As the game progresses, players accumulate experience points to upgrade each player's character's abilities.

The natural products obtained are used in the town to make, for example, beer. Raw materials are still used for construction and thus gain victory points.

There is still negotiation between players. Linked to the exploration of the island and the development of the skills of the characters.

Elasund: The First City

Second Adventures of Catan game.

This game is based on a novel written by Rebecca Gable, also based on the Settlers of Catan game.

In this game, players must compete as well as cooperate to build the city. All the players play on the same city, each one constructing their buildings and the walls in the spaces that remain available.

The Starfarers of Catan (The Starfarers of Catan)

Year 277 AD. C. Players compete for the position of Ambassador to the Galactic Council. To have a chance at this position, players must leave Earth to explore and colonize other planets, while also establishing trade with exotic cultures, as well as finding and defeating pirates.

The known planets are located at one end of the board, where each player only knows these.

Each player starts with 3 planets that produce the raw materials needed to travel into deep space; 2 space colonies and 1 space port. The spaceport produces ships for transporting new colonies and trading posts.

Space colonies determine resource production when the number on the dice matches the number on the adjacent planets (just like raw materials are obtained in the base game). Resources are needed for trade with colony ships, for the fleet, and for upgrading cargo rings, booster rockets, or cannons.

As you explore, the player may come across ice-covered planets or hidden pirates.

The Starfarers of Catan has 2 expansions:

  • 5-6 Player Expansion (For 5 and 6 players).
  • Starfarers of Catan Figures (New Figures).

Starship Catan

Theme is similar to The Starfarers of Catan.

Catan is the ship played by two players. Each player randomly draws cards from the deck in search of potential colonies, trade offers, opportunities to help planets, and avoid or fight pirates. Players can upgrade the ship's systems, weapons to fight with the pirates, thrusters to be able to keep scanning, or scanners to see and avoid the cards you're dealt, and many more.

Victory points are gained by establishing colonies, ship upgrades, having the most friendship points, and having the most hero points. The player who first gets 10 victory points wins.

Starship Catan has 3 Expansions:

  • 1st Mission: The Space Amoeba (1st Mission: Space amoeba).
  • 2nd Mission: The Asteroid (2nd Mission: The Asteroid).
  • 3rd Mission: The Diplomatic Station (3rd Mission: The Diplomatic Station).

The Settlers of the Stone Age

Based on the basic game, but with new challenges related to the Stone Age.

The game fights to spread the player's humanity throughout the world. The player must develop certain skills, such as advances in food preparation that will allow humanity to spread more quickly. Or the new hunting techniques, which can protect them from dangers. In addition, you have to get some tools (obtained with raw materials: skins, meat, fangs and flint; there are also development cards), because humanity needs warm clothes to cross the ice desert of the north or ships to settle in Australia.

Several references to the Settlers of Catan

Poker Card Game

It's just a game of Poker cards (deck of spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds), but with the Settlers of Catan logo on it instead of the typical game drawings.

The Future of Board Games

Researchers at Queen's University Human Media Lab are developing a new way of viewing the Settlers of Catan game, based on this game; and with this technology any other board game will also be playable. This technology is based on white hexagons, which from a projector connected to a computer, shows the image perfectly contained in the physical hexagon. The hexes are tactile, to allow you to give orders with your finger, and interact with each other (for example, if you join two hexes the units can pass from one to the other; or if you capsize one hex in another, the ship falls from the first to the next). second). They say that board games could begin to be manufactured in the future with the new technologies of e-ink, e-paper, and OLED technology.

[update] Microsoft is playing with the Settlers of Catan, and since it launched it for its virtual store, it has been developing the mythical game for its famous Surface touch table. All the players can play on the same table, and on the touch screen see the map, place the buildings with their fingers, etc. It is estimated that a first version of the game will be available for August 2010, for those lucky enough to have one of these tables. physical, that in contact with the table are recognized; or physical covers for the raw materials, so that only their owner can see them), one of the first games for Surface will soon be available;


The Discoverers of Catan has won the following awards:

  • 2006
    • Games Magazine Hall of Fame
  • 2001
    • Spiel der Spiele
  • 1996
    • Origins Award by Best Fantasy or Science Fiction Board Game
  • 1995
    • Spiel des Jahres Game of the year
    • Deutscher Spiele Preis First post
    • Essen Feather
    • Meeples' Choice Award

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