The patriotic song


The Patriotic Song (Russian: Патриотическая Песня, Romanization: Patriotícheskaya Pesnya) is a piece of piano music composed by Mikhail Glinka. It functioned as the national anthem of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and Russia, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, from 1991 to 2000, when it was replaced by the current anthem. It never had an official letter.


This piece does not have official lyrics, however there are two versions that include lyrics.

1947 version

Written by Aleksandr Mashistov. This version was the de facto anthem of the Russian SFSR until 1990 when it was made official.

I'm sorry.

Сердце Родины, Mосква!

Встрана той гордится,

Городов родных глава.

Русь великую сплотила

Ты вокруг твердынь Кремля

Í окрепла наша сила

I'm sorry.

Ты как воин отрала

Каждый враеский набег

Отчизну отстояла

От сахватчиков навек.

Çogod народ встречает


Взор и сердце обращает

Он всегда к тебе, Mосква!

Zdrávstvuy, slávnaya stolitsa!

Serdtse Ródiny, Moskvá!

Vsya straná toboy gorditsya

Gorodov rodnyj glavá.

Rus velíkuyu splotila

Ty vokrug tverdýn Kremlyá,

I okrepla nasha sila,

I proslávilas zemlyá.

Ty kak voin otrazhala

Kazhdy vrázheskiy nabeg

I Otchiznu otstoyala

Ot zajvátchikov navek

I kogda narod vstrecháyet

Dni pobed i torzhestvá

Vzor i serdtse obrascháyet

On vsegdá k tebé, Moskvá!

Hello, glorious capital!

Heart of the Homeland, Moscow!

The whole country is proud of you.

Head of native cities.

Join the Great Russia

Around the fortresses of the Kremlin

And our strength has grown

And the earth was glorified

You, like a warrior, repel

Each enemy incursion

And you defended the homeland

Of the invaders forever.

And when the people celebrate

Days of victory and glory

His heart and gaze

They turn to you, Moscow!

1999 version

Written by Viktor Raduguin. This version is the most performed today.

Russian Transliteration Spanish

Славься, славься, родина-Россия!
Сквозь века и грозы ты прошла
сияет солнце над тобою
I судьба твоя светла.

Над стариным московским Кремлём
Вьётся с двуглавым орлом
свучат священые слова:
Славься, Русь – Отчизна моя!

Slav'sya, slav'sya, rodina-Rossiya!
Skvoz' veká i grozy ty proshlá!
I siyáyet solntse nad tobóyu
I sud'bá tvoyá svetlá!

Nad starínnym moskóvskim Kremlyom
Vyotsya znamya s dvuglávym orlom
I zvuchat svyaschénnyie slová:
Slav'sya, Rus' – Otchizna moyá!

Be glorious, be glorious, country, Russia!
Through the centuries and the electric storms you passed
And the sun shines upon you
And your destiny is brilliant.

About the former Moscow Kremlin
Flags with a bicephalus eagle
And the sacred words sound:
Be glorious, Russia, my homeland!

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