The great Carlemany

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El Gran Carlemany (in Spanish: El Gran Carlemagno) is the national anthem of the Principality of Andorra. Written by Juan Benlloch y Vivó (1864 - 1926) and composed by Enric Marfany Bons (1871 - 1942), it was officially adopted as the national anthem in 1921.

The hymn was performed for the first time on September 8, 1921 at the Sanctuary of Meritxell during the celebration of the Virgin of Meritxell, the national patron saint of Andorra.


Lyrics in Catalan (official)Letra en españolLyrics in French
First verse

The great Carlemany, mon pare,
dels alarbs em deslliurà,
I of the cel life em donà,
Meritxell, the great Mare.

The great Charlemagne, my father,
liberated me from the Arabs,
And from heaven life gave me,
of Meritxell, the great Mother,

Le Grand Charlemagne mon père
nous délivra des arabes
et du ciel me donna la vie,
de Meritxell la grande Mère.

Second verse

Nasqui Princess and Pubilla
between dues, neutral;
sols resto l'única filla,
de l'imperi Carlemany.

Princess I was born and heir,
between two nations, neutral
I'm the only remaining daughter
of the Carolingian Empire.

Je suis née Princesse héritière,
neutre entre deux nations,
Je reste la seule fille
of l'empereur Charlemagne.

Third verse

Creient i lliure onze segles,
creient i lliure vull be.
Siguin els furs mos tutors
i mos Prínceps defender!

I mos Prínceps Defenders!

Believer and free eleven centuries;
believer and free I want to be.
Be my guardians.
and my defense princes!

And my defense princes!

Croyante et libre onze siècles,
croyante et libre je veux demeurer
That the Fueros soient month tuteurs
et mes Princes mes défenseurs!

Et mes Princes mes défenseurs!

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