The fall in time


Published in 1966 - it is Cioran's fifth book -, by Gallimard publishing house, its original title is: La chute dans le temps, with translation by Esther Seligson.

Philosopher of consciences, according to Esther Seligson, explores themes such as history, man, civilization, religion, nostalgia for first innocence, heresy, doubt, boredom, death, life, God, the devil, the power, the time. And he does it by doubting: doubt any system or doctrine, any certainty acquired even through doubt itself, so as not to fall into the mirages of appearances .


  • The tree of life: The earthly paradise: what happened?: knowledge. Precipitated in time because of knowing, we were immediately endowed with a destiny, because only outside of paradise is destiny.
  • Portrait of civilized man
  • The skeptic and the barbarian: After all, there is surely something real in this world. John Keats
  • Is the demon skeptic?
  • Desire and horror of glory: is only by the denial of our acts and the disgust of ourselves as we can claim
  • About the disease: All that affects us in one way or another is virtually suffering. Will we accept the superiority of the mineral over that of the living being?
  • The oldest of the fears: Nature has shown itself generous only with those whom it has granted the privilege not to think of death
  • The dangers of wisdom: Our strength is measured by the number of beliefs that we have wrought; so each of us should conclude his career as a deserter of all causes
  • Time-fall: The fall show is more impressive than that of death: all beings die, only man is called to fall.

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