Tesla (unit)


The tesla (symbol: T) is the International System of Units (SI) unit of magnetic induction (or magnetic flux density). It was named in 1960 in honor of engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla. The name of the unit must be written in lower case, while its symbol must be written in upper case.

One tesla is equal to one weber per square meter. The unit was announced during the General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960 and is named after Nikola Tesla, at the suggestion of the Slovenian electrical engineer France Avčin.

The strongest fields found in permanent magnets on Earth come from Halbach spheres and can exceed 4.5 T. The record for the highest sustained pulsed magnetic field has been produced by scientists on the campus of the Los Alamos National Laboratory's National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, the world's first 100-tesla non-destructive magnetic field. In September 2018, researchers at the University of Tokyo generated a 1,200-T field which lasted on the order of 100 microseconds using the electromagnetic flux compression technique.


A particle carrying a charge of one coulomb and moving perpendicularly through a magnetic field of one tesla, at a speed of one meter per second, experiences a force with a magnitude of one newton, according to the law of Lorentz force. As a derived SI unit, the tesla can also be expressed as:

T=V⋅ ⋅ sm2=NA⋅ ⋅ m=JA⋅ ⋅ m2=H⋅ ⋅ Am2=Wbm2=kgC⋅ ⋅ s=N⋅ ⋅ sC⋅ ⋅ m=kgA⋅ ⋅ s2♪ ♪

Where A = ampere, C = coulomb, kg = kilogram, m = meter, N = newton, s = second, H = Henry V = volt, J = joule, and Wb = weber

A tesla is also defined as a uniform magnetic induction which, normally distributed over a surface of one square meter, produces a total magnetic flux of one weber through this surface.

1 T = 1 Wb·m−2 = 1 kg·s−2·A−1 = 1 kg·C-1·s-1

It is also defined as the induction of a magnetic field that exerts a force of 1 N (newton) on a charge of 1 C (coulomb) that moves at a speed of 1 m/s within the field and perpendicular to the lines magnetic induction.

What it is: 1 T = 1 N s m−1 C−1

The tesla is the value of the total magnetic flux divided by the area, from which it can be deduced that if we reduce the affected area the density of the magnetic flux increases. This would continue to happen until the material reached a point of magnetic saturation.

Electric field vs. magnetic

In producing the Lorentz force, the difference between electric fields and magnetic fields is that the force of a magnetic field on a charged particle is generally due to the motion of the charged particle, while the force imparted by a The electric field on a charged particle is not due to the motion of the charged particle. This can be appreciated by looking at the units of each. The unit of electric field in the MKS System of units is newton per coulomb, N/C, while the magnetic field (in teslas) can be written as N/(C⋅m/s). The dividing factor between the two types of field is meters per second (m/s), which is speed. This relationship immediately highlights the fact that whether a static electromagnetic field is viewed as purely magnetic, or purely electric, or some combination of these, depends on one's frame of reference (i.e., one's velocity relative to the field).).

In ferromagnets, the motion that creates the magnetic field is the spin of the electron (and, to a lesser extent, the orbital angular momentum of the electron). In a current-carrying wire (electromagnets), motion is due to electrons moving through the wire (either straight or circular).

Multiples of the SI

The following is a table of the multiples and submultiples of the International System of Units.

Multiple International Tesla System (T)
Submultiplos Multiple
Value Symbol Name Value Symbol Name
10−1 T dT decites it 101 T dat decatesla
10−2 T cT centitesla 102 T hT hectotesla
10−3 T mTMilites.103 T kTkilos.
10−6 T μTmicrotesla106 T MTmegatesla
10−9 T nTnanotesla109 T GT gigatesla
10−12 T pT Peaks. 1012 T TT teratesla
10−15 T fT femtotesla 1015 T PT petatesla
10−18 T aT Attotesla 1018 T ET exatesla
10−21 T zT zeptotesla 1021 T ZT zettatesla
10−24 T and T Ictotesla 1024 T YT Yottatesla
10−27 T rT reddish 1027 T RT ronnatesla
10−30 T qT That's it. 1030 T QT That's it.
Common units are in bold.
This unity of the International System is named in honor of Nikola Tesla. In the units of the SI whose name comes from a person's own name, the first letter of the symbol is written with capital (T), while his name always starts with a tiny letter (Tesla), except in case you start a sentence or a title.
Based on The International System of UnitsSection 5.2.


1 tesla is equivalent to:

  • 10 000 gauss (G), unit used in the Cegesimal Unit System
  • 109 gammas (γ), unit used in geophysics


A levita living frog in a magnetic field of ~16 Tesla

Effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields

During the 20th century, environmental exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields has been steadily increasing, as the growing demand for electricity, the constant advancement of technologies and changes in social behavior have created more and more artificial sources. Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of weak electric and magnetic fields, both at home and at work, from electricity generation and transmission, household appliances and industrial equipment, to telecommunications and broadcasting.

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