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The tengwar (teŋgʷar) or tîw (which translates as Quenya letters) is a writing system based on the languages that invented by J. R. R. Tolkien that appear in his best-known books such as The Lord of the Rings. In his works, numerous languages of Middle-earth, such as Quenya and Sindarin, use the Tengwar script, invented by Fëanor. It is not really the oldest form of writing, as the sarat and the cirth or runes are thousands of years older. Elves were the most common users of this writing system, as it allows for many forms of calligraphy and fine, stylized writing with the quill.

"Tengwar" is a plural Quenya word meaning "letters"; the singular would be "tengwa". It is incorrect to say 'the tengwar' because it's like saying 'the books'

Tengwars are an alphabetic writing system, and can be used to write any language. Each way of writing a language with tengwar is called a mode.

Tengwar Script

The alphabet tengwar (in order)

The tengwar alphabet is represented in the arrangement shown in the next section. There were twenty-four primary letters, all with consonantal value, arranged in four columns or series, (témar) and in six rows or degrees (tyeller). There were also eleven additional letters, almost all modifications of the primaries. Finally, there was a series of signs, tehtar, with varied uses, although the most important is their vowel function (which do not appear in the section Spanish mode for tengwars).

  • Primary letters: It was twenty-four. Their names are from left to right and from top to bottom: tinco, parma, calm, quesse, ando, umbar, anga, ungwe, thuule, formen, harma, hwesta, anto, ampa, anca, unque, nuumen, malta, noldo, nwalme, oore, vala, anna and vilya. All with consonant value were ordered in four columns or series (tease) and in six rows or degrees (tyeller). They were composed of one telco (tail) and one luva (arch). The stem was dropped in the first two degrees, raised in the third and fourth, and short in the fifth and sixth. Originally there were also two degrees with long stem up and down, but they are only kept in the black tongue of Mordor (see Unique Ring). The arch could be opened (Series I and III) or closed (Series II and IV). It could also be placed on the left of the stem (Series I and II), or on the right (Series III and IV). Finally, it could be unique (grades 1, 3 and 6) or double (grades 2, 4 and 5). The combination of stem and arc created a sufficient variety to represent most consonants. The formation of these lyrics in such a systematic way makes it possible to assign a motto to each one from its appearance and in a logical way, according to the properties of the fonema in question. Although each language modified this system according to their needs, at first tengwar was based on this mode, much like the one used for Quenya:
  • Attending the bow: The letters with unique bows are deaf (grades 1, 3 and 6), and on the contrary, those who have double bow sound (grades 2, 4 and 5).
  • Attending the stem: Tengwar with raised stems are frictional (grades 1 and 2), Fallen stems are occlusive (grades 3 and 4), and short stem are nasal and semivocálica (grades 4;nasals n, m, ñ and 5; r, w, y).
  • According to the series or column: This aspect is the one that varies most in one way to another. The lyrics series I are usually dental, those of series II, those of series III for palatalsand IV series for the.
  • Additional letters: It was twelve. Their names are from left to right and from top to bottom: roomen, arda, lambe, alda, silme, silme nuquerna, aare, aare nuquerna, hyarmen, hwesta sindarinwa, yanta, uure and He's found.. Although in some ways some of these tîw correspond with the vowels (registration in the doors of Moria), they usually have consonant function. The first four, from left to right, correspond with rh, l and lh respectively. In the second line, there are two curls and two double curls. The first rim used to be used as sand the second for the z. The doubles were used on most occasions aesthetically. In the next row, the first was normally used as hthe second as hwthe third as andand the last as w. In the next line the only letter there is usually not used.
  • Tehtar signs, carriers.
    Signs or tehtar: They are many and varied. They usually have a vocabulary function, but they can also serve to simplify, or other additional functions. When their function is vocálica, they put on a consonant tengwar to form a syllable. For example, da it would form by putting the equivalent sign a on the letter d. Although this is not always valid, as some modes use it like this, but others on the contrary; that is, the previous example would mean ad.
  • The carriers: Not really tehtar, but for their close relationship with the vocalycal signs they are considered as such. They have the shape of a i No point. Without them writing would be impossible in almost every case. Its function is to make tengwar muda, to carry a vowel when necessary. So, write garlic without a carrier would be impossible, since one of the vowels could not be supported in any letter, whatever way. There are two guys, long and short. A short carrier does not indicate anything, it only serves to support the tehtar; however a long carrier indicates that the vocal is accentuated or long.
  • Them tehtar Vocalics: Five. The three points correspond to the a Latina. The sharp accent is the e. The single point corresponds to the i, and the two points translate as and. Finally, the two curls correspond to the or and the u (this aspect differs from one way to another).
  • Them tehtar additional: There are many and some ways to invent new signs as appropriate. Here are only the most common ones. The line above a letter (appeared to that of the ñ) serves to indicate that a nasal consonant precedes the written below. The same symbol only written below symbolizes that the consonant is double (~+tengwa symbolizing "n"=nn)

Elven script

Note: words in bold are in Quenya

Quenya is not written using Latin characters. On the contrary, it has its own writing, based on phonetics. The consonants are called "Tengwar", and, as if they were accents, they are placed above (or below) them, the "Tehtar", which represent the vowels and the "y" vowel

Each Tengwa consists of a stem and one or two arches. It also sometimes has a base. When the stem deviates downwards, it is a stop consonant; if it deviates upwards, it is a fricative, and if the stem has the same height as the arc(s), it is a nasal. The number of arcs indicates the loudness. One arc is a deaf consonant, two arcs - voiced.

The larger ones, they are grouped into 4 series, depending on whether they have the arch to the right or to the left of the stem, and whether or not they have a base.

  • Tincotéma (dentals) when the bow is on the right and there is no base
  • Parmatéma (labiales) when there is a base
  • Calm down. (alveolars) when the bow is to the left (with the arc opening up)
  • Quessetéma (see + "w") when there is a base (which in this case, when closing the arch, is placed above)

Thus, a Tengwa with a long stem facing downwards, an arc to the left and not closing, corresponds to the phoneme /ʧ/ (the Ch in Spanish), while a short stem with two arcs to the right and with a base that closes them correspond to the phoneme /m/.

There are also certain special or "irregular" Tengwar, corresponding to the Latin letters "L", "LD", &# 34;S", "SS", "R"*, "RD", "H" and for the "-i" and the "-u" diphthongized

  • There's one. tengwa regular for the "R", but differs from the irregular due to the situation. La tengwa regular (shorttail, an arch to the right without base) is placed when it is an intersilabic or end syllable R; for example, in istaR (Sabio) or in any plural that ends in R. The irregular "R" (like a "Y") is placed at the beginning of the syllables; for example, valaRauko (‘demon of power’, a balrog’)

The Tehtar are placed above (the "Y" under) the Tengwa that precedes it. A long vowel is transcribed either by placing the Tehta twice in the Tengwa, or by placing a "long carrier" (like a "j" without a period) and placing the Tehta over it once. If the Tehta has no Tengwa precedent, then it will be placed on a "short carrier" which comes to resemble an "i" dotless.

The Tehtar are:

  • A: three points forming a triangle. Sometimes, as an abbreviation mode, circumflex is used (^)
  • E: like a tilde(́)
  • I: a point(.) (according to the language used E or I are exchanged)
  • Or: like a long lip to the left (as in the writing of the ring, in the dark idiom)
  • U: like O, but to the right (according to the language used the u and the one or exchanged, may be with the curl to the opposite side)
  • And vocálica: two points normally under Tengwa. (And vocálica is considered when a consonant is before, as in uLYA- (verter), while considered consonant when he has no consonant in front, as in Aiya (Save) or Yar (blood).

There are special characters, to majors. When a consonant is lengthened, such as yavaNNa (Valie of living nature) a line is placed below it. When a consonant is immediately followed by an "S", as in oTSo (Seven), Tengwa has an appendage added at the end, curved downwards.

The reading order in a complete character is:

1. tengwa

2. is it double?

3. still "Y"?

4. and#34;and#34; vowel

5. tehta

Spanish mode for tengwars

The following table shows an adaptation of the tengwar that can be used in Spanish. In each box appears the letter, its assigned value written in the International Phonetic Alphabet, and its Quenya name (with the long vowels written geminated instead of using accents). The letters in the gray box are not used in the Spanish mode because they are assigned a phoneme that is not part of the standard inventory of the language.

The tengwa "umbar" corresponding to the fonema /b/
Modo español para el Tengwar

A table of the equivalences of the tengwar letters for the Spanish mode:

1 Tengwa tinco.gif



Tengwa parma.gif



Tengwa calma.gif

Calm down.

/t implied/ ch

Tengwa quesse.gif



(before a,o,u)

2 Tengwa ando.gif



Tengwa umbar.gif



Tengwa anga.gif



Tengwa ungwe.gif



(before a,o,u)

3 Tengwa sule.gif



Tengwa formen.gif



Tengwa aha.gif



Tengwa hwesta.gif



(before e.i.)

4 Tengwa anto.gif


/ð/ (-)

Tengwa ampa.gif



Tengwa anca.gif


/ y/ and

Tengwa unque.gif

One that


5 Tengwa numen.gif



Tengwa malta.gif



Tengwa noldo.gif


/// ñ

Tengwa nwalme.gif



(before g,k)

6 Tengwa óre.svg


/ soft r

Tengwa vala.gif

/w/(u) u

Tengwa anna.gif


/j/(i) i

Tengwa vilya.gif



Tengwa romen.gif


/r/r strong

Tengwa arda.gif



Tengwa lambe.gif



Tengwa alda.gif



Tengwa silme.gif



Tengwa silmenuquerna.gif




Tengwa esse.gif


/z/ (-)

Tengwa esse nuquerna.svg



/z/ (-)

Tengwa hyarmen.gif


/ h

Tengwa hwesta sindarinwa.svg




Tengwa yanta.gif

And I'll be there.

- e

Tengwa ure.gif


- w

Tengwa halla.svg

He's found.






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