
Anne Sullivan teaching Helen Keller, 1898.
Chemistry teacher teaching a college class.
A teacher showing the use of digital resources to fourth grade American students.
Geography classEmil Brack, ca. 1905. A preceptor giving a particular class to two students of a rich family.
In the village school19th century. A peasant mother pays the teacher with her products.
The old school teacherJean-Jacques Monanteuil, 1850. The character shows intellectual concern for some elements valid for learning, such as books and natural species. A rosary hanging from the chair indicates its religious dimension. His coarse garments and sloppy beard do not indicate both poverty and disinterest for the outside. It is also significant that you use glasses to read.

The terms teacher, teacher, educator and teacher refer to someone who is professionally dedicated to teaching in a certain area of knowledge, subject, academic discipline, science or art. In addition to the transmission of values, techniques and general or specific knowledge of the subject he teaches, part of the teacher's pedagogical function is to facilitate learning so that the student (student or learner) can achieve it in the best possible way.

Under an educational model based on behavioral theory, the student is a passive entity, while in an educational model based on other theories such as cognitivism and social theory, both the teacher and the student are active agents of the learning process. teaching-learning. Parallel to the teaching functions, teachers usually carry out research functions (especially in the university environment), permanent training (teacher training) and organizational or managerial tasks in educational centers. One of these functions is the so-called tutorial function, exercised by teachers in their training and guidance function. In the case of primary and secondary education, it is focused on students and their families (when it is carried out by teachers specialized in this area, it is called, and in the case of higher education, it consists of the direction of research activities in charge of the students, such as doctoral theses (in some cases the figure of the mentor is given).


"Teacher" It comes from the Latin professor (the one who "professes" as an expert in some art or science, the highest-ranking teacher), which in turn comes from the Latin verb profiteri ("declare publicly and voluntarily", similar to "professing" in a religious order, proclaiming their vows and becoming "professed" —professus—).

"Teacher" It comes from the Latin docentem, present participle of docere ("to teach"); sharing origin with the word "doctor". The word Teacher refers to a specialist in two knowledges, hence "Teacher = Two Knowledge". Specific areal knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. In this way, a Teacher is someone prepared both in a specific area of knowledge as well as in Pedagogy, so that they are able to promote the teaching and learning process. Example: Teacher in Computer Science. He knows both Computer Science as well as Pedagogy in a way that allows him to teach others.

"Teacher" It comes from the verb "to teach", which in turn comes from the Latin insignare ("to point out"). The meanings of "teach", according to the DRAE are: "Instruct, indoctrinate, teach with rules or precepts. / Give warning, example or warning that serves as an experience and guide to act in the future. / Indicate, give signs of something. / Show or expose something, so that it is seen and appreciated. / Let appear, let something be seen involuntarily.

If I dico quid sciens nescienti, quod ei quod ignorevit trado, hinc twelveo declinatum vel quod cum twelvemus dicimus vel quod qui docentur inducuntur in id quod docentur. Ab eo quod scit ducere qui est dux aut ductor; hinc doctor qui ita inducit, ut twelveat. Ab ducendo twelvere discipline discere litteris commutatis paucis. Ab eodem principle documenta, quae exempla twelvendi causa dicuntur.

If I tell a person something he doesn't know, the fact of communicating what he ignores comes the verb. Twelfth (thinking); or maybe when we teach (12mus), we talk (dicimusor perhaps those who are taught (docentur) are both introduced (inducuntur) in what is taught. For driving (ductre) one is dux (guide) or ductor (conductor); from here Doctor (master), the one who leads (inducit) in such a way that teaches (12at). From ductre (drive) drift Twelve (teaching) discipline (instruction) and discere (learn), with the simple alteration of some letters. Of the same principle the documenta (testimonies) that are alleged (dicuntur) as examples to teach (Twelve).

Marco Terencio Varron, Latin lingua (116 BC)

Differences in terminology

In Spanish it is called teachers, the teachers of all levels of education: early childhood education, primary education, secondary education and higher education. Depending on the different educational legislations (which establish different categories and teaching bodies) and local use, they receive other denominations, such as teacher, or different administrative and academic ranks (university professor, high school professor, secondary education professor, full professor, associate professor, assistant professor, visiting professor, associate professor, tenured professor, non-numerary professor -PNN-, interim professor, emeritus professor). In the Anglo-Saxon and North European university systems (United States, United Kingdom, Germany) it is called "professor" exclusively to academics in tenured positions who teach and research at the university level (usually with doctoral degrees); using the English expressions Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, Research Professor, Professor, Chair, Regius Professor, Lecturer, Fellow Professor, the German Professor, Juniorprofessor, Juniordozent, the French Maître de conférence, Professeur Titulaire, Professeur des universités, Professeur émérite, agrégé, and Professeur des écoles,. For lower-rank teaching positions, maître assistant, equivalent to Teaching Assistant, is used.

Main tasks or functions of the teacher or teacher

Teacher, your main task is to leave a mark on learning.

Currently, one of the main tasks and functions of the teacher lies in supporting students to "learn to learn" autonomously, promoting their cognitive and personal development through strategies applied to the use of available resources and information. For this reason, the teacher must be prepared with a multidisciplinary perspective, considering aspects of their discipline, as well as philosophical, pedagogical, didactic, epistemological, technological, psychological, historical and linguistic aspects, among others.

The teacher of this century must be committed to his social environment formed by values, analysis, reflection and the construction of knowledge and knowledge. Rescuing his high prestige, the teacher must consider a code of ethics that allows him to be responsible for building in individuals the conceptions of the highest social value, supporting values such as: responsibility, democracy, social justice, tolerance, equality, solidarity, collaboration and freedom.

The teacher must be aware of the responsibility and commitment that they have individually and at a social level, recognizing their role as the axis of transformation of generations and societies, once the responsibility is understood, the functions to achieve the construction can be clearly seen. of reflective, critical, humanistic and responsible individuals.

In view of the foregoing, some functions of the 21st century teacher or teacher are presented below.

1. An ethical and social function, which allows him to have values, attitudes and other behavior guidelines that support him in the linkage of construction of a normative frame of reference for students, taking into account the needs of self-realization of each of the individuals in formation and their demands for well-being.

2. A manager function, which allows you to manage the learning of your students, that is, that students go from a traditional conception of learning and therefore rote to a more dynamic and significant one in which they themselves play an active and participatory role.

3. A technical function, which allows it to adequately incorporate the use and management of technological tools.

4. A didactic function, which allows a good pedagogical know-how related to the use of ICTs, that is, to know in depth the cognitive strategies that the effective treatment of information requires, helping their students to reflect on how to improve their own work not only with the knowledge itself, but with the technologies available at all times to acquire and consolidate it.

5. An interdisciplinary function, which allows you to work collaboratively with other professionals with educational ties.

The teacher will not only be able to be responsible from the classroom, fulfilling the proposed objectives of the subject, the program and the hidden curriculum itself, but will also be able to create an environment of trust, respect and tolerance between the students and himself, as with the same students who in turn will move to the community.

It is necessary to see the teaching practice as a great opportunity that allows us to generate changes, innovating in the teaching and learning environments, in the creation of didactic materials, and in the methodologies for the performance of a good practice.


At the suggestion of UNESCO, World Teachers' Day is celebrated on October 5.

In America, September 11th marks the Pan-American Day of the Teacher, commemorating the death of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, in the year 1888.

Doctor Tulp's anatomy lessonRembrandt, 1632.
Quintilian represented in a manuscript of 1477 of his Institutio oratoria.

"Great educator of the restless youth", as Marcial called him, he was possibly the best paid professor in Antiquity. He taught rhetoric between 68 and 88 in Rome, where Vespasian gave him a fixed salary of one hundred thousand sesterces per year that came from the treasury, to which he added a much higher amount that he obtained from his students. Among these were Domitian's nephews, sons of his sister Flavia Domitilla, and those from the richest families, including Pliny the Younger, Hadrian, and perhaps Juvenal, Suetonius, and Tacitus. Two centuries later, in the Edict of Diocletian's Maximum Prices (year 301) establishes the salary of children's teachers at 50 denarii per month per student (that is, two hundred sextercios) and that of rhetoric teachers at 250 per month per student (that is, one thousand sextercios), although the monetary alterations do not allow direct comparison with the previous amounts.

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