

Tabarna a term used in the ancient Hittite Empire, referring to the highest imperial authority; is, the equivalent of the Emperor among the Romans.

The word appears to be derived from the name of Labarna, one of the first great Hittite kings, and likely founder of the Hittite Old Kingdom. In this way, the title of Tabarna would have become generic from a proper name, like the title of Caesar among the Romans.

The tabarna was not an absolute monarch, in the sense that we understand an Emperor. Rather, he appeared advised by an advisory council, the panku, which presents in general terms the characteristics of the councils of elders of other cultures and civilizations, and therefore turns the Hittite Empire into a military aristocracy.

Although between the Old and the New Hittite Empire there was a political eclipse derived mainly from the rise of Mitanni, there was a political continuity in the kings of Hattusa. The situation was different when Hattusa fell into the hands of the Kaska invaders around 1190 B.C. C., which also meant the destruction of the Hittite unit.

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