Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru


The Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic is the highest judicial body in Peru. Its jurisdiction extends to the entire territory of the country, with its headquarters being the Palace of Justice located in the city of Lima.

In Peru, the Constitution guarantees the right to double instance, which is why the Supreme Court only hears, as a ruling instance body, appeals in processes filed before the Chambers Superiors, or the processes that are filed before the same Supreme Court. It also knows exclusively the Recursos de Cassación, which do not constitute in any way a third instance of ruling, although due to ignorance many people believe that the Appeals of Cassation are a third judicial instance.

The current president of the Supreme Court is Javier Arévalo Vela.


The Supreme Court is made up of nine Supreme Chambers:

  • Permanent Civil Chamber
  • Transitional Civil Chamber
  • Permanent Criminal Chamber
  • Transitional Criminal Chamber
  • Constitutional and Permanent Social Chamber
  • First Transitional Constitutional and Social Chamber
  • Second Transitional Constitutional and Social Chamber
  • Third Transitional Constitutional and Social Chamber
  • Fourth Transitional Constitutional and Social Chamber

The Supreme Court is made up of both Titular Supreme Judges and Provisional Supreme Judges, who will replace the holders in case of vacancy, license or impediment. The Supreme Judges are distributed in each one of the Supreme Chambers that the law establishes. The President of the Supreme Court and the Chief Supreme Judge of the Office of Control of the Magistracy are not part of any Supreme Chamber. The Supreme Court consists of three Permanent Supreme Chambers (Civil, Criminal, and Constitutional and Social), and Transitory Supreme Chambers may be created by law. Each Supreme Chamber is made up of five Supreme Judges, who elect a President from among themselves.

Current Organization

Full Chamber of the Supreme Court

The Full Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice is made up of:

Supreme Judges
  • César Eugenio San Martín Castro (2004-)
  • Víctor Roberto Prado Saldarriaga (2007-)
  • Ana María Aranda Rodríguez (2011-)
  • Javier Arévalo Vela (2011-) (current President of the Court 2023-2024)
  • Jorge Luis Salas Arenas (2011-) (current President of the National Elections Jury 2020-2024)
  • Elvia Barrios Alvarado (2011-)
  • Janet Ofelia Lourdes Tello Gilardi (2013-)
  • Hector Enrique Lama More (2016-)
  • Carlos Giovanni Arias Lazarte (2017-)
  • Mariem Vicky de la Rosa Bedriñana (2019-)
  • Carlos Alberto Calderón Puertas (2022-)
  • Emilia Bustamante Oyague (2022-)
  • Ulysses Augusto Yaya Zumaeta (2022-)
  • Manuel Estuardo Luján Tupez (2022-)
  • Víctor Antonio Castillo León (2022-)
  • Roberto Rolando Burneo Bermejo (2022-)

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