Squarrosa wood


Boissiera squarrosa is the only species of the monotypic genus Boissiera of herbaceous plants belonging to the family of poaceae. It is native to western Asia.


Annual plant, with inserted hairs or solitary, that reaches a size of 2-20 (-40) cm in height. Leaf-blades up to 10 cm, rarely to 18 cm long, 3-6 mm broad, flat or subinvolute. Panicle 3.5-6 (-9) cm long, 2-3.5 (-5) cm wide including awns. Spikelets narrowly oblong, 20-40 (-60) long including awns; glumes hyaline, glabrous, lesser narrowly lanceolate, 6-7 mm long, 1-3-veined, the upper one lanceolate, 6.5-8 mm long, 5 -7-veined, lemmas oblong, acute, coriaceous with hyaline tip, 10.5 to 12 (-13) mm long, hairy or glabrous; awns up to 20 mm long; palea, as long as the lemma but narrower; anthers 0.5 mm long.


Boissiera squarrosa was described by (Sol.) Nevski and published in Trudy Sredne-Aziatskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya 8b, Botanika 17: 30. 1934.


Boissiera: Generic name given in honor of the botanist Pierre Edmond Boissier.

squarrosa: Latin epithet meaning "horizontal diffusion; curved at the ends"


The basic chromosome number of the genus is x = 7, with somatic chromosome numbers of 2n = 14 and 28, since there are diploid species and a polyploid series. Relatively "large" chromosomes.

  • Boissiera bromoides Hochst. & Steud.
  • Boissiera bromoides var. glabriflora Boiss.
  • Boissiera pumilio Stapf
  • Boissiera squarrosa (Banks & Sol.) Eig
  • Boissiera squarrosa var. glabriflora (Boiss.) Bor
  • Bromus pumilio (Trin.) P.M.Sm.
  • Euraphis pumilio (Trin.) Kuntze
  • Euraphis squarrosa (Banks & Sol.) Soják
  • Pappophorum pumilio Trin.
  • Pappophorum sinaicum Trin.
  • Pappophorum squarrosum Banks & Sol.

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