

The coleus are perennial plants native to tropical Africa and Asia. In current classifications they constitute a taxonomic genus, the genus Solenostemon. Coleos were once classified in the genus Coleus, a taxon now abandoned, although some authors still consider it a synonym of the genus Plectranthus.

Green choleos

Uses and cultivation

Many of the cultivars of the Southeast Asian species Solenostemon scutellarioides have been selected for the color and sharp contrasts of their variegated leaves, which can be green, pink, yellow, brown, and red. These plants grow well in moist, well-drained soils, with a height that varies between 0.5 and 1 meter, although some can reach 2 meters. They are mainly grown as ornamentals. They tolerate heat although they prefer a shady location in subtropical areas. In regions with colder climates they are normally grown as annuals, since they are not hardy.

Small purple flowers arise at the apex of the stems.

Although most of these plants are grown for garden use, they are recommended for experiments, due to their easy cultivation and rapid growth. Among the many experiments that can be done with this plant are: grafting it and studying its colorful cells.

Among the most popular species used in gardens is Solenostemon blumei.


Solenostemon scutellarioides
  • Light: It needs a lot of light. Its characteristic reddish coloration is due to a pigment that needs greater quantity than chlorophyll to express itself, so if you do not receive a couple of hours of intense light a day, it will show rather a predominantly green color. But an excess of direct afternoon sun on the plant can dehydrate it.
  • Temperature: Generally, not less than 13 °C.
  • Water: It is delicate with irrigation. They need more water in summer and in times of growth, and less in winter. An obvious sign that it needs water, in addition to observing the dryness of the earth, is that the leaves are lazy.
  • Earth: Not very demanding. Acid substrate is usually recommended. Turba with sand and full fertilizer. This factor usually does not affect the health of the plant, but it has important influence in its general development; for example: vigor, size or colors of the leaves, height, thickness of the stem, etc.
  • Humidity: It is recommended that they be in airy place, although not with air currents. In very dry environments they can suffer the attack of the red spider (a mite). If the heating is very strong and the atmosphere is very dry, it can be sprayed with water on the plant; careful with the fungi that are installed in the sprayers.
  • Abono: Needs full fertilization, especially abundant in times of growth and flowering (spring/summer). A plant with a pamphlet of leaves at the tip and naked of leaves in the middle and lower part of the trunk probably needs fertilizer urgently.
  • Poda: It gives small bluish flowers in a sprain, which is not usually very attractive, so it is generally recommended to remove them from the base. When the plant exceeds a certain height (half meter) it is easy for its weight to overcome the stem, especially if we have had it in a hot environment and with abundant waterings. To avoid it, we can demolish it, to branch and thicken. We can remove the leaves with a bad look or a disease, so new leaves come out. The branches that excel in excess, we can prune them to get cuttings.
  • Multiplication: It is easy through cuttings. They get into water and in about 10 days they will have roots. When they are abundant enough, we can plant them. We can add them to the same pot to get a lush plant.
  • Plates and diseases: The red spider, as mentioned. White flies can also proliferate, although they are usually eliminated with any insecticide of the "home and plants".

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