

Snorlax (カビゴン, Snorlax ? Kabigon in the original Japanese) is a species of Pokémon from Nintendo and the Pokémon franchise from Game Freak. In the original pokédex it is the 143rd Pokémon. Snorlax is large and with barely polished diamond fur, it is characterized in the anime and video games by limiting itself to eating and sleeping.


In red, blue, yellow and in fire red and leaf green, it is an essential part of the adventure since it impedes the passage, blocking some Kanto routes with its enormous size while it sleeps. There are two sleeping Snorlax on the paths to advance and you have to get an object to make them wake up (the pokeflute) and fight them to clear the way. In Oro, Plata y Cristal there is also one that hinders the eastern passage of Ciudad Carmín. Snorlax eats everything, it doesn't matter if it's rotten or moldy, in the third generation he has the immunity skill that prevents poisoning, and the sebum skill for his fatness.


The name Snorlax comes from the union of the first four letters of "snore" (Snoring) and the last three of "relax" (relax). Etymological name: Snor (snore) + lax (relax)



Snorlax first appears blocking a flow of water coming into a town. This sleeping Snorlax would be awakened by a mysterious hermit who would use a Poké Flute for this purpose.

Ash Ketchum encounters a Snorlax in the Orange Islands that, instead of being troublesome because of where he decided to lie down, is causing trouble by eating the farmers' crops. Ash captures it and carries it away in a Poké Ball. After the adventures in the Orange Islands, Ash would send this Snrolax to Professor Oak's Laboratory, having brief returns such as fighting and winning a Pokémon Sumo tournament, against the leader Clair (Débora) and against the arena magnate Greta (Chorus)..

As shown in the Pokémon movies, the most dangerous action of a Snorlax is when it rolls around in its sleep, since someone can get crushed, but not seriously, since its belly is so soft and elastic that some children they use it to bounce.

Other Snorlax that appear are one that ate the bananas of a man named Marcell and did not allow himself to be captured by using Yawn against his Slakoth, to defeat him one of the Slakoth evolves into Vigoroth acquiring the Vital Spirit ability that avoids the dream in battles Also Snorlax is one of the Pokémon that has the queen of the battle peak Lucy (Fortunia).

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