

The six (6) is the natural number that follows five and precedes seven.


Six painted on a hangar door.
  • Free number of squares.
  • It is the first perfect number and is also semi-perfect, since its own dividers (1, 2 and 3) add 6. The next perfect number is 28.
  • It is the third triangular number, after 1 and 3 and before 10.
  • It is the factorial of 3, since 6 = 3 × 2 × 1.
  • six is the sum of the first three natural numbers: 6=1+2+3{displaystyle 6=1+2+3}
  • It is the arithmetic mean of the following succession: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. 2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+109=6{displaystyle {frac {2+3+4+6+8+9+10}{9}{9}}}=6}
  • The polygon of 6 sides is called hexagon. The regular hexagon has all its 60° angles.
  • The 6-sided polyhedron is the hexaedron. The regular hexaedron is called cube and its faces are square.
  • A tetrahedron has 6 edges.
  • Development (x+and)5{displaystyle (x+y)^{5}} It's a polynomial. Six terms; this polynomial is symmetrical: f(x;and)=f(and;x){displaystyle f(x;y)=f(y;x)} and it is homogeneous: t5f(x;and)=f(tx;tand){displaystyle t^{5}f(x;y)=f(tx;ty)}.
  • There are six basic trigonometric functions.
  • All prime numbers above 3 have form 6 n ± 1 for n ≥1.
  • Number of osculation in two dimensions.
  • A Golomb rule in length 6 is a "perfect rule".
  • It's a practical number.
  • It's an oblong number.


  • 6 is the atomic number of carbon (C).
  • Messier M6 object is an open cluster found in the constellation of Scorpion.
  • There are six different types or flavors of quarks.


  • Euclides called the perfect 6 number for being equal to the sum of its dividers.
  • Ambrose of Milan makes it a symbol of perfect harmony.
  • If we turn backwards to 6 there goes a nine (9).
  • It is the first pair number in whose factorial decomposition we find a number different than 2 (6 = 2 · 3).
  • According to the Bible, 6 is the most perfect number of imperfects, since it lacks 1 to reach 7 (the perfect number).
  • It is also in the Qabala awarded by the sixth sefira Tiferet Which means, Beauty.
  • Number six is reference to eternal love among those who share it.
  • He is associated as the number of the beast: "Here is wisdom: He who has understanding calculates the number of the beast, for he is number of a man; and his number is six hundred sixty and six." (Revelation 13:18). It appears as the fullness of evil by being three times six.

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