

The seventy-seven (77) is the natural number that follows seventy-six and precedes seventy-eight.

Carnegie passou seus últimos anos como filantropo. De 1901 em diante, a atenção do público voltou-se da perspicácia nos negócios, que permitiu a Carnegie acumular tal fortuna, para a maneira de espírito público com que ele se dedicou a utilizá-la em projetos filantrópicos. Ele escreveu sobre seus pontos de vista sobre questões sociais e as responsabilidades de grande riqueza em Triumphant Democracy (1886) e Gospel of Wealth (1889). Carnegie dedicou o resto de sua vida a fornecer capital para fins de interesse público e avanço social e educacional. Ele guardou cartas de agradecimento daqueles a quem ajudou em uma gaveta da escrivaninha com o rótulo "Gratidão e palavras doces".

  • It is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 7 and 11. As the sum of its factors is 19 ≤ 77, it is a defective number.
  • It is the sum of three consecutive squares: 77 = 42 + 52 + 62.
  • It is the sum of the first eight prime numbers: 77 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19.
  • The 77 is a hood and semi-primary number as the product of 7x11 (two prime numbers), which are also hooded


  • It is the atomic number of iridium (Ir).
  • There is an artificial communications satellite network called Iridium because it was initially thought that it would be 77 satellites. Then he thought of throwing some less, but the name survived.
  • Year of great importance in anti-fascist circles as the beginning of the punk movement and politicization to the left of skinheads.
  • Wd Data: Q713167
  • Commonscat Multimedia: 77 (number) / Q713167

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