September 8th

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September 8 is the 251st (two hundred and fifty-first) day of the year—the 252nd (two hundred and fifty-second) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 114 days left to end the year.


  • 70: in Judea, the Roman army led by Titus plundered Jerusalem.
  • 617: In China, Li Yuan defeats the Sui dynasty army in the battle of Huoyi, opening the path to invade the imperial capital Chang'an and establishing the new Tang dynasty.
  • 712: Emperor Rui Zong abdicates after a brief reign, in favor of his 27-year-old son Xuan Zong, who ascends to the imperial throne of the Tang dynasty.
  • 722 Pope Gregory II established the vigil of the Nativity of our Lady.
  • 1100: In the former Basilica of St.Peter (in Rome), the followers of the late Pope Clement III (later considered anti-pape), secretly enthronate the bishop of Albano, Theodorico (who a year later will be considered anti-papapapa and detained in a monastery).
  • 1253: In Rome, Pope Inocencio IV canonize Stanislaus of Krakow, killed by King Boleslaus II the Temerario.
  • 1380: near Tula (Russia), about 280 km south of Moscow, the Russians beat the Mongols in the battle of Kulikovo.
  • 1423: in Navarre, Spain, King Charles III the Noble promulgates a treaty (Privilege of the Union) by which, the three donkeys who formed the city of Pamplona and who maintained physical and legal independence among them, join under the same banner, the same wall and the same governer.
  • 1522: in Seville, Spain, the 18 crew members of the Nao Victoria are received after obtaining the circumnavigation of the Earth for the first time under the orders of Juan Sebastián Elcano.
  • 1529: In Venezuela, Ambrosio Alfinger founded the village of Maracaibo.
  • 1546: in Mexico, Juan de Tolosa, Cristóbal de Oñate, Baltasar Temiño de Bañuelos and Diego de Ibarra founded the town of Zacatecas.
  • 1565: in Florida (United States) Pedro Menéndez de Avilés founded San Agustín, the first permanent settlement in North America.
  • 1569: In Venezuela, Juan de Trejo, on behalf of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, baptizes in the Caroreña Region, the Canton and Department of Carora (Carohana Department) (today Municipality Caroreño Autónomo Torres) and its capital homonym, the City of Carora (Carohana City), which had previously been founded as the micro-king of 'Carohana' by indigenous Ayamanes and of 1530
  • 1602: The first stone of the Temple of Merced is placed in Mexico City.
  • 1636: Harvard College is founded in the United States.
  • 1694: In Warwick, England, between 14:00 and 20:00 the Great Fire of Warwick takes place.
  • 1703: In the Alameda of Hercules of Seville (Spain), the Capuchin priest, Fray Isidoro of Seville presents the Marian advocation of Divine Shepherd of the Souls.
  • 1777: The General Office of Venezuela is created, which unifies, for the first time, the territory of the present Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, one of the future and independent American nations.
  • 1793: In the present province of Osorno, Chile, the Parliament of Las Canoas, a diplomatic board of which emanates a peace treaty between Spaniards and Mapuches, meets.
  • 1816: In Spain, King Ferdinand VII granted the title of a villa to the congregation of Alvarado.
  • 1847: The Battle of the King’s Mill occurs in Mexico.
  • 1856: In the province of Santa Fe (Argentina), a group of European immigrants create the Esperanza colony.
  • 1873: in Madrid, Emilio Castelar is elected president of the Spanish Republic.
  • 1876: in Ecuador, a military pronouncement led by General Veintimilla defeats the conservative government of Antonio Borrero.
  • 1888: Isaac Peral launches the world's first operating submarine.
  • 1888: In London is the body of Annie Chapman, the second victim of the murder of Jack the Ripper.
  • 1900: the city of Galveston (Texas) is destroyed by a category 4 hurricane on the scale of Saffir-Simpson (Grand Hurricane of Galveston). They die between 6000 and 12 000 people and there are more than 30,000 homeless.
  • 1906: In the Argentine city of Carcarañá (provincia de Santa Fe), the Club Atlético Carcarañá is founded.
  • 1907: Alfonso XIII grants Cangas de Onís (Asturias), the title of city, as the "major capital, the smallest city".
  • 1907: German astronomer Max Wolf discovers asteroid 641 Agnes.
  • 1911: The Virgin of the Valley is crowned. Bishop Antonio María Durán (Diócesis de Santo Tomás de Guayana, Venezuela).
  • 1920: The first air mail service is opened in the United States.
  • 1924: in Chile General Luis Altamirano performs a coup d'etat that defeats President Arturo Alessandri.
  • 1925: In the Rif (North of Africa), in the framework of the War of Independence of the Rif, the Spanish army carries out the Land of Alhucemas, which will end the war.
  • 1928: FIFA decides that the first world will take place in Uruguay.
  • 1941: During the Second World War the Leningrad Site begins, a military action that will last more than two years.
  • 1944: In Britain, in the framework of the Second World War, the first V2 bomb of the German Nazis falls.
  • 1951: The United States and Japan sign peace and security treaties.
  • 1953: The Republic of Austria is recognized by the Soviet Union, which renounces the collection of its occupation costs.
  • 1953: at the site of atomic testing in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan) the Soviet Union detonated its seventh atomic bomb, of 1.6 kilotons at 220 m high.
  • 1957: in Zaragoza (Spain) the stadium La Romareda is inaugurated.
  • 1957: in the area of atomic testing in Nevada (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 4:59 (local time), the United States detonates its 1 kiloton Laplace atomic bomb to 230 m underground. It's the 1132 bomb that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1961: In Brazil, the Social Democratic Tancredo Neves is appointed Prime Minister.
  • 1966: In the United States, the NBC television channel broadcasts the first epìsodium of the science fiction series Star Trek (Star Trek: The Original Series), created by Gene Roddenberry. In Hispanic America, it would be known as "Travel to the Stars"and start one of the most popular franchises in the second half of the centuryXX..
  • 1967: The United States launches the Surveyor 5 ship to the Moon.
  • 1974: In the United States, President Gerald Ford pardons all the crimes that former President Richard Nixon may have committed in his mandate.
  • 1976: In Spain the Martínez Valero del Elche Club de Football is inaugurated.
  • 1981: Guatemala breaks relations with the United Kingdom for the independence of Belize.
  • 1986: In Chile, dictator Augusto Pinochet decrees the state of emergency following the attack on his previous day. Hundreds of arrests are held.
  • 1986: in Chicago, United States launches The Oprah Winfrey Show.
  • 1990: In the United States, Argentinian tennis player Gabriela Sabatini won the Us Open, this being his first title of Grand Slam. and also becoming the first tennis player in his country to win a championship of such magnitude.
  • 1990: in the city of Catamarca, Argentina, they kill María Soledad Morales.
  • 1997: in the United States the first episode of the series Ally McBeal.
  • 1997: in the port of Montrouis, Haiti, 500 people die when a ferry is shipwrecked.
  • 2001: the World Conference against Racism was launched in Durban, South Africa.
  • 2002: the selection of basketball from Serbia and Montenegro is proclaimed champion of the 2002 Basketball World Championship by winning the selection of Argentina in the final.
  • 2003: In the United States, RIAA demands a 12-year-old girl for sharing music illegally.
  • 2004: About 170 km southwest of Salt Lake City (Utah), NASA's Genesis space probe crashes on the ground after its parachute fails when it opens.
  • 2005: in Chile, the disc is published Dog life from the Los Bunkers band.
  • 2008: in Mexico the new 200 pesos bill is circulated as a legal currency.
  • 2010: American soap opera premiered Someone looks at you.
  • 2021: The Taliban take power in Afghanistan and declare the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
  • 2022: Charles III is proclaimed king of the United Kingdom and 14 other kingdoms of the Commonwealth of Nations when his mother, Elizabeth II, died.


  • 685: Xuanzong de Tang, Chinese emperor (f. 762).
  • 801: Saint Oscar, missionary and French, Archbishop of Hamburg, canonized by the Church (f. 865).
  • 1157: Ricardo Corazón de León, English king between 1189 and 1199 (f. 1199).
  • 1207: Sancho II, Portuguese king between 1223 and 1247 (f. 1248).
  • 1271: Charles Martel of Anjou-Sicilia, king of Hungarian consort (f. 1295).
  • 1380: Bernardino de Siena, Italian religious (f. 1444).
  • 1413: Catherine of Bologna, Italian religious (f. 1463).
  • 1456: Bernardino López de Carvajal and Sande, Spanish cardinal (f. 1523).
  • 1474: Ludovico Ariosto, Italian poet (f. 1533).
  • 1515: Alfonso Salmerón, Spanish Jesuit (f. 1585).
  • 1588: Marin Mersenne, French mathematician (f. 1648).
  • 1621: Louis II de Borbón-Condé, French prince (f. 1686).
  • 1633: Fernando IV, Hungarian king (f. 1654).
  • 1652: Luisa Roldán, Spanish sculptor (f. 1706).
  • 1672: Nicolas de Grigny, organist and French composer (f. 1703).
  • 1718: Joseph Coulon de Jumonville de Villiers, French military (f. 1754).
  • 1749: Yolande de Polastron, French aristocrat (f. 1793).
  • 1749: María Luisa de Saboya-Carignan, aristocrat french (f. 1792).
  • 1767: August Wilhelm von Schlegel, German philologist (f. 1845).
  • 1768: Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, a hero of the Mexican Independence (f. 1827).
  • 1772: Manuel Lisa, founder of the Piel de Misuri Company (f. 1820).
  • 1774: Ana Catalina Emmerick, German religious (f. 1824).
  • 1779: Mustafa IV, Ottoman sultan (f. 1808).
  • 1783: August Friedrich Schweigger, German physician and naturalist (f. 1821).
  • 1790: Edward Law, British politician (f. 1871).
  • 1799: José María Córdova, Colombian military (f. 1829).
  • 1800: Mercedes Álvarez Morón, an Argentine patriot (f. 1893).
  • 1804: Eduard Mörike, German poet (f. 1875).
  • 1814: Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg, archaeologist and French priest (f. 1874).
  • 1824: Jaime Nunó, Spanish composer (f. 1908).
  • 1830: Frédéric Mistral, French poet, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1904 (f. 1914).
  • 1832: José María Campo Serrano, a Colombian politician (f. 1915).
  • 1839: Gregorio Luperón, patriot and the Dominican military (f. 1897).
  • 1841: Antonín Dvorjak, Czech composer (f. 1904).
  • 1841: Carl Snoilsky, Czech poet (f. 1903).
  • 1841: Charles J. Guiteau, American writer and lawyer, assassin of American President James A. Garfield (f. 1882).
  • 1852: Jacinto Octavio Picón, writer, painter, art critic and Spanish journalist (f. 1923).
  • 1862: Mariano Benlliure, Spanish sculptor (f. 1947).
  • 1863: Mary of the Divine Heart (Mary Droste zu Vischering), aristocrat and German religious (f. 1899).
  • 1863: Gustavo Ernesto Campa, composer, teacher and Mexican musical critic (f. 1934).
  • 1864: Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse, sociologist and liberal politician, theorist of the new liberalism (f. 1929).
  • 1864: Jakob Johann von Uexküll, biologist, zoologist and German philosopher (f. 1944).
  • 1869: José María Pino Suárez, Mexican politician (f. 1913).
  • 1873: Alfred Jarry, playwright and French poet (f. 1907).
  • 1879: Adrian Aguirre Benavides, a Mexican military and political lawyer (f. 1968).
  • 1893: Teresa Wilms Montt, Chilean writer (f. 1921).
  • 1894: Alfredo Silva Santiago, Chilean bishop (f. 1975).
  • 1895: Sara García, Mexican actress (f. 1980).
  • 1897: Juan Natalicio González, Paraguayan president between 1948 and 1949 (f. 1966).
  • 1901: Hendrik Verwoerd, a politician and a racist “sociologist” from South Africa, the prime minister of his country (f. 1966).
  • 1906: Robert C. Schnitzer, American actor and producer (f. 2008).
  • 1908: Elena Musmanno, scientist and Argentine nutritionist (f. 2012).
  • 1910: Jean-Louis Barrault, French actor and mime (f. 1994).
  • 1912: Alexander Mackendrick, American filmmaker (f. 1993).
  • 1914: Patriarch Demétrio I, Turkish religious, patriarch between 1972 and 1991 (f. 1991).
  • 1915: Manuel Tuñón de Lara, Spanish historian (f. 1997).
  • 1918: Derek Harold Richard Barton, British chemist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1969 (f. 1998).
  • 1920: Jorge Peirano Facio, entrepreneur and Uruguayan banker (f. 2003).
  • 1922: Lyndon LaRouche, American political activist (f. 2019).
  • 1923: Joy Laville, Mexican nationalised English painter and sculptor (f. 2018).
  • 1924: Liubov Shevtsova, a Soviet partisan, a member of the clandestine anti-Nazi Youth Guard organization (f. 1943).
  • 1925: Peter Sellers, British actor (f. 1980).
  • 1926: Sergio Pininfarina, Italian car designer (f. 2012).
  • 1929: Christoph von Dohnányi, director of German orchestra.
  • 1930: Mario Adorf, German actor.
  • 1932: Patsy Cline, American country music singer (f. 1963).
  • 1935: Marion Brown, American saxophoneist (f. 2010).
  • 1938: Reinbert de Leeuw, composer, pianist and Dutch orchestra director (f. 2020).
  • 1939: Ricard Solans, a Spanish-language actor.
  • 1940: Elly de Waard, a Dutch poet.
  • 1941: Bernie Sanders, a US socialist politician.
  • 1946: Aziz Sancar, Turkish scientist.
  • 1947: Halldór Ásgrímsson, politician and Icelandic prime minister (f. 2015).
  • 1947: Diego López Garrido, Spanish politician.
  • 1952: Gloria Marcó, Argentine singer of tango.
  • 1952: José Woldenberg, Mexican politician.
  • 1952: Takaya Hashi, Japanese seiyū.
  • 1956: Mick Brown, American drummer, Dokken band.
  • 1956: Stefan Johansson, Swedish motor racing pilot
  • 1957: Ricardo Montaner, Venezuelan Argentine singer
  • 1960: Stéfano Casiraghi, an Italian aristocrat (f. 1990).
  • 1960: Aimee Mann, American singer.
  • 1960: Aguri Suzuki, Japanese Formula 1 pilot.
  • 1962: Sergio Casal, Spanish tennis player.
  • 1962: Luis Ignacio Helguera, Mexican poet and essayist (f. 2003).
  • 1962: Thomas Kretschmann, German actor.
Ray Wilson, músico nacido un 8 de septiembre.
Ray Wilson
  • 1963: Brad Silberling, American filmmaker.
  • 1966: Carola Häggkvist, Swedish singer.
  • 1968: Miguel Báez Spínola "El Litri", Spanish bullfighter.
  • 1968: Ray Wilson, British musician.
  • 1968: Marcus Siepen, American guitarist, Blind Guardian.
  • 1969: Ismael Cala, Cuban journalist.
  • 1969: Gary Speed, Welsh footballer (f. 2011).
  • 1970: Neko Case, American singer, of the band The New Pornographers.
  • 1970: Benny Ibarra, Mexican singer.
  • 1970: Latrell Sprewell, American basketball player.
Vico C, rapero nacido un 8 de septiembre.
Vico C
  • 1970: Patricia Hernández Arencibia, Spanish basketball player.
  • 1970: Motoko Kumai, Japanese seiyū.
  • 1971: David Arquette, actor, director, screenwriter and American fashion designer.
  • 1971: Vico C, Puerto Rican singer.
  • 1971: Martin Freeman, British actor.
  • 1972: Markus Babbel, German footballer.
  • 1972: Adrián Uribe, Mexican actor and comedian.
  • 1972: Tomokazu Seki, Japanese vocalist and vocalist.
Facundo Soto, músico argentino nacido un 8 de septiembre.
Facundo Soto
  • 1973: José Pereda, Peruvian footballer.
  • 1974: Juan Manuel Azconzábal, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1974: Facundo Soto, singer of the Argentine rock band Guasones.
  • 1975: Richard Hughes, British musician, of the Keane band.
  • 1976: Jervis Drummond, Costa Rican footballer.
P!nk, cantante nacida un 8 de septiembre.
  • 1976: Sjeng Schalken, Dutch tennis player.
  • 1977: Jason Collier, American basketball player.
  • 1978: Gerard Autet Sebarrasa, Spanish footballer.
  • 1979: Péter Lékó, Hungarian chess player.
  • 1979: P!nk, American singer and composer.
  • 1980: Slim Thug, American rapper.
  • 1980: Mai Kadowaki, Japanese seiyū.
  • 1981: Jonathan Taylor Thomas, American actor.
  • 1982: Leandra Leal, Brazilian actress.
Wiz Khalifa, rapero nacido un 8 de septiembre.
Wiz Khalifa
  • 1983: Will Blalock, American basketball player.
  • 1984: Catalina Gómez (periodist), is a journalist, news anchor and Colombian social communicator.
  • 1984: Vitaly Petrov, Russian motor racing pilot.
  • 1984: Peter Whittingham, English footballer (f. 2020).
  • 1985: Phil Bozeman, American vocalist of the deathcore band Whitechapel.
  • 1986: Carlos Bacca, Colombian footballer.
  • 1987: Silvina Moreno, singer, instrumentist and Argentine composer.
  • 1987: Wiz Khalifa, American rapper.
  • 1988: Mariana Dávalos, a Colombian model born in the United States.
  • 1988: Camila Dávalos, a Colombian model born in the United States.
  • 1988: Gustav Schäfer, German drummer, from the Tokyo Hotel band.
  • 1988: Mexer, Mozambican footballer.
  • 1989: Avicii, DJ, remixer, and Swedish record producer (f. 2018).
  • 1989: Esmeralda Pimentel, Mexican actress.
  • 1989: Gylfi Sigurdsson, Icelandic footballer.
  • 1990: Gerrit Cole, American baseball player.
  • 1991: Park So-dam, South Korean actress.
  • 1994: Bruno Fernandes, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1994: Azumi Waki, Japanese voice actress.
  • 1994: Cameron Dallas, American internet personality.
  • 1995: Martin Chrien, Slovak footballer.
  • 1996: Karl Micallef, Maltese footballer.
  • 1998: Maykel, pop singer and Ecuadorian bachata.
  • 2002: Luka Sučić, Croatian footballer.
  • 2002: Gaten Matarazzo, American actor.


  • 701: Sergio I, Italian potato (n. 650).
  • 1397: Thomas of Woodstock, Duke English, son of Edward III (n. 1355).
  • 1613: Carlo Gesualdo, Italian composer and aristocrat (n. 1566).
  • 1645: Francisco de Quevedo, a Spanish writer (n. 1580).
  • 1682: Juan Caramuel, philosopher, mathematician, logic and Spanish linguist (n. 1606).
  • 1698: Franciszek Meninski (François Mesgnien), French Polish translator and diplomat (n. 1623).
  • 1847: Lucas Balderas, Mexican military (n. 1797).
  • 1853: Federico Ozanam, French beato (n. 1813).
  • 1854: Angelo Mai, Italian religious and philologist (n. 1782).
  • 1862: Ignacio Zaragoza, Mexican general (n. 1829).
  • 1873: Felipe Rivero and Lemoine, a Spanish military officer (n. 1797).
  • 1882: Joseph Liouville, French mathematician (n. 1809).
  • 1906: Joaquín María Arnau Miramón, Spanish architect (n. 1849).
  • 1914: Hans Leybold, German Expressionist Poet (n. 1892).
  • 1918: Francisco María de la Cruz Jordan SDS, a German priest and founder (n. 1848).
  • 1929: Domingo Rivero, Spanish poet (n. 1852).
  • 1933: Faysal ibn Husayn, Iraqi king (n. 1883).
  • 1936: Santos González Roncal, a Spanish military and one of the Latest from the Philippines (n. 1873).
  • 1938: Agustín Magaldi, Argentine singer of tangos (n. 1898).
  • 1943: Julius Fučík, Czech journalist and writer (n. 1903).
  • 1944: Reynaldo Garza, Mexican military and political (n. 1864)
  • 1947: Victor Horta, Belgian architect (n. 1861).
  • 1949: Richard Strauss, German composer (n. 1864).
  • 1954: André Derain, a French painter (n. 1880).
  • 1965: Dorothy Dandridge, American actress (n. 1922).
  • 1965: Hermann Staudinger, a German chemistry chemistry prize in 1953 (n. 1881).
  • 1967: Donald Ewen Cameron, Scottish psychiatrist (n. 1901).
  • 1969: Alexandra David-Néel, anarchist artist Franco-belga (n. 1868).
  • 1974: Wolfgang Windgassen, German tenor (n. 1914).
  • 1976: Desmond Andrew Herbert, an Australian botanist and mycologist (n. 1898).
  • 1976: Joaquín Zamacois, Chilean composer (n. 1894).
  • 1977: Zero Mostel, American actor (n. 1915).
  • 1978: Leopoldo Torre Nilsson, filmmaker and Argentine writer (n. 1924).
  • 1978: Ricardo Zamora, Spanish football goalkeeper (n. 1924).
  • 1983: Antonin Magne, French cyclist (n. 1904).
  • 1985: John Franklin Enders, American scientist, nobel prize of medicine in 1954 (n. 1897).
  • 1989: Zitto Segovia, cantautor chamamecero argentina (n. 1953).
  • 1990: María Soledad Morales, an Argentine student (n. 1972).
  • 1991: Brad Davis, American actor (n. 1949).
  • 1991: Alex North, American film composer (n. 1910).
  • 1992: William Barrett, professor of American philosophy (n. 1913).
  • 2000: Carlos Castillo Peraza, Mexican journalist and politician (n. 1947).
  • 2002: Walter Olmos, Argentinean singer (n. 1982).
  • 2003: Leni Riefenstahl, German actress and filmmaker (n. 1902).
  • 2004: Matías Prats Cañete, a Spanish journalist (n. 1913).
  • 2004: Frank Thomas, American animator (n. 1912).
  • 2005: César Castillo, Chilean payer (n. 1948).
  • 2006: Hilda Suárez, an Argentine actress (n. 1924).
  • 2007: Ramón Cardemil, Chilean rider (n. 1917).
  • 2008: Melitón Reyes Andrade, Mexican politician and trade unionist (n. 1918).
  • 2009: Aage Niels Bohr, Danish physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics 1975 (n. 1922).
  • 2010: Israel Tal, Israeli military (n. 1924).
  • 2010: Rich Cronin, American singer (n. 1975).
  • 2012: María Elvia Amaya Araujo, politician, entrepreneur and Mexican philanthropist (n. 1955).
  • 2014: Rubén Peucelle, Argentine professional fighter (n. 1933).
  • 2019: Camilo Sesto, Spanish singer and composer (n. 1946).
Isabel II of the United Kingdom
  • 2022: Isabel II, British aristocrat, Queen of the United Kingdom between 1952 and 2022 (n. 1926).
  • 2022: Marciano Cantero, musician, singer and Argentine composer (n. 1960).


  • International Literacy Day
  • International Journalist Day
  • World Day of Statistical Fibrosis
  • World Day of Physiotherapy
  • AndorraFlag of Andorra.svgAndorra:
    • National Day
  • Bandera de ArgentinaArgentina:
    • Day of Agriculture and Agricultural Producer
  • SpainBandera de EspañaSpain:
    • Cooperating Day
    • Malaga: Feast of the Virgin of Victoria, patron of the city
    • Salamanca: Festival of the Virgin of the Vega, patron of the city
    • Valladolid: Feast of the Virgin of San Lorenzo, patron of the city
    • Extremadura: Extremadura Day
    • Albacete: Virgin of the Llanos
    • Asturias: Day of Asturias
  • Northern MacedoniaBandera de Macedonia del NorteNorth Macedonia:
    • Independence Day
  • MaltaBandera de MaltaMalta:
    • Victoria Day, in honor of the triumph over the Ottomans on the Great Site.
  • PakistanBandera de PakistánPakistan:
    • Victoria Day
  • RussiaFlag of Russia.svg Russia:
    • Day of the Battle of Borodinó

Catholic saints list

  • Nativity of the Virgin Mary
  • San Adriano de Nicomedia, martyr
  • Saints Peter, Faust, Dion and Ammonium of Alexandria, martyrs (311)
  • Saint Isaac of Bagrevand, bishop (438)
  • San Sergio I, papa (701)
  • St. Corbinian of Freising, Bishop (725)
  • San Pedro de Chavanon, priest (1080)
  • Beata Serafina Sforza (1478)
  • Saint Thomas of Villanueva, Bishop (1555)
  • Blessed Thomas Palaser, Juan Norton and Juan Talbot, martyrs (1600)
  • San Pedro Claver, priest (1654)
  • Blessed Antonio de San Buenaventura, Domingo Castellet and twenty companions, martyrs (1628)
  • Blessed Federico Ozanam (1853)
  • Beatos José Cecilio Rodríguez González, Teodomiro Joaquín Sainz Sainz and Event Ricardo Urjurra, martyrs (1936)
  • Beato Marino Blanes Giner, martyr (1936)
  • Blessed Ismael Escrihuela Esteve, martyr (1936)
  • Beato Pascual Fortuño Almela, priest and martyr (1936)
  • Blessed Josefa de San Juan de Dios Ruano García and María Dolores de Santa Eulalia Puig Bonany, virgins and martyrs (1936)
  • Blessed Adam Bargielski, priest and martyr (1942)
  • Blessed Ladislao Bladzinski, priest and martyr (1944)
  • Virgin of the Valley Venezuela