September 20
Contenido September 20 is the 263rd (two hundred and sixty-third) day of the year—the 264th (two hundred and sixty-fourth) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 102 days left to end the year.
- 331 BC: There was a lunar eclipse. In ancient times it was an omen of bad events.
- 451: Some historians date on this day the battle of the Catalaunic Fields, in which Flavio Aecio leads the Roman troops and Visigoths in his victory against the Hun armies and allies of Atila.
- 1058: Inés de Poitou and Andrés I of Hungary meet to negotiate on the border of the area in the present Burgenland.
- 1187: Saladin begins the Jerusalem Site (1187).
- 1260: The Great Prussian Uprising among the ancient Prussians against the Teutonic Knights.
- 1378: Cardinal Roberto of Geneva, known as "the Butcher of Cesena", is chosen as Pope Clement VII (anti-pape) of Avignon.
- 1498: a tsunami drags the Kōtoku-in temple that inside it housed a bronze statue called the Great Buddha, and which has since been outdoors.
- 1519: Magellan sails from Sanlúcar de Barrameda and begins the first successful circumnavigation of the world.
- 1580: British Vice Admiral Francis Drake returns from the Far East.
- 1596: In Mexico, Diego de Montemayor founded the city of Monterrey.
- 1604: the site of Ostende concludes with the victory of the Spanish thirds over the forces of the United Provinces.
- 1629: Mexico City is flooded for 5 years.
- 1697: the Treaty of Rijswijk is signed as a participant in England, Spain, the Holy Roman German Empire, United Provinces and France, which puts an end to the War of the Great Alliance or War of the Nine Years.
- 1776: In New Orleans, the Spanish governor Luis de Unzaga and Amézaga received the authorization of Carlos III to allow free trade with American ships in struggle for their independence.
- 1792: France's victory over the Prussian armies in the battle of Valmy.
- 1816: In the Spanish-speaking village of San Francisco de Borja, the Guarani soldiers of Major Andresito Guazurarí—as a reaction to the 1816 Lusobrasileña invasion—place the people (invaded by Portuguese and Brazilian forces since 1801).
- 1836: Battle of Villarrobledo, during the First Carlist War.
- 1845: the Italian mercenary Giuseppe Garibaldi and his legion of "virtuous looters" – in the framework of the Great War (1838-1852) of Brazil, France and Great Britain against Juan Manuel de Rosas – disembarks in the village of Gualeguaychú (Province of Entre Ríos), Argentine logistics center 200 km north of Buenos Aires, and plunders its inhabitants.
- 1848: The American Association for the Advancement of Science is created.
- 1854: Battle of Almah, British and French defeat the Russians in Crimea.
- 1857 Indian rebellion ends with the reconquest of New Delhi by loyal troops to the East India Company.
- 1870: Rome is captured in power of the pontifical states at the hands of the Italian unification forces led by Victor Manuel II, the Count of Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi.
- 1873: In Spain, President Emilio Castelar dissolves the General Courts with the intention of having total freedom to end the last two cantons of the Canton of Malaga and the Canton of Cartagena.
- 1880: In Argentina, the city of Buenos Aires is declared the capital of the Republic, separating it from the provincial jurisdiction.
- 1896: between Paris and Nantes (France) runs the first bike race.
- 1920: In India, the congress allows Gandhi's first non-collaboration campaign.
- 1920: Infantry Lieutenant Colonel José Millán Astray and Terreros founded La Legión Española or Tercio de Extranjeros.
- 1928: Aimé Tschiffely completes the Buenos Aires-New York section next to his Gato and Mancha horses in just over three years; being the first to do so.
- 1936: in the city of San Fernando (32 km northwest of the city of Buenos Aires) the Coliseum of Victoria, the current stadium of the Tigre Atlético Club, is inaugurated.
- 1942: In Letichiv (Ukraine) the Holocaust begins.
- 1946: The first Cannes International Film Festival is opened.
- 1947: In Peru the Club Unión Huaral is founded.
- 1948: in the Upper Veld plateau (South Africa), a tornado leaves a mark of 64 km, crossing the largest urban area of the country, the city of Johannesburg, leaving 6 dead and 100 wounded.
- 1954: run the first program in Fortran language.
- 1958: in Porto Alegre (capital of Rio Grande del Sur, Brazil) the statue of the Lazarator, work of Antônio Caringi and official symbol of the city of Porto Alegre.
- 1961: Greek General Konstantinos Dovas becomes the prime minister of Greece.
- 1967: launches RMS Queen Elizabeth 2
- 1968: in Montevideo (Uruguay) the police repress with perdigones a demonstration of students against the government of Jorge Pacheco Areco, wounding about 40. Shooting the ambulances, they kill Susana Pintos (27) and Hugo de los Santos (20).
- 1969: in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) the terrestrial station of Balcarce (Buenos Aires) was opened and satellite communications arrived in the country.
- 1972: The police find a marijuana plantation at Paul ' s Linda McCartney farm.
- 1976: Sid Bernstein offers a charity concert of $230 million for the British band meeting The Beatles.
- 1976: adoption of the universal suffrage for the European Parliament.
- 1979: Emperor Bokassa I is overthrown in the Central African Empire.
- 1984: in Argentina, CONADEP submits its report Never again. "with data from the crimes against humanity of the Videla dictatorship" to President Raúl Alfonsín.
- 1985: in Mexico City there is a strong replica of the 1985 earthquake in Mexico.
- 1986: In Seoul (South Korea) the X Asian Games begin.
- 1987: Frenchman Alain Prost wins his Formula 1 race number 28.
- 1990: Saddam Hussein requires United States broadcasters to broadcast their messages.
- 1994: closes the largest open-air mine in Europe, Corta Atalaya.
- 1997: in Buenos Aires, with over 65 000 people, the Argentine band Soda Stereo offers its farewell recital, entitled The Last Concert, at the River Plate Monumental Stadium.
- 2000: the pessist María Isabel Urrutia de Candelaria (Valle del Cauca) Colombia won the gold medal in female Halterophilia in the category of 75 Kg, thus achieving the first Olympic gold in history for Colombia.
- 2002: Microsoft buys the British video game company Rareware for 375 million dollars.
- 2003: The Prisoners give their last concert as an original training in the Feast of the Pampilla, following the dismissal of guitarist Claudio Narea.
- 2005: The comic book series first aired My Name is EarlEmmy Award winner.
- 2005: Bon Jovi publishes his ninth studio album, Have a Nice Day.
- 2007: begins in the city of Monterrey the Forum Monterrey 2007.
- 2008: in Jimki (Russia) the Arena Jimki is inaugurated.
- 2009: in Havana (Cuba) the second edition of the Paz without borders concert is held with the performance of Juanes, Miguel Bosé, Olga Tañón, Silvio Rodríguez and other singers and groups, with more than a million people.
- 2011: Javier Zanetti becomes the player with the most contested matches for the Italian club Inter de Milan.
- 2017: the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons enters into force.
- 2017: On Puerto Rico Island Hurricane Maria leaves 3000 dead.
- 2019: Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us takes place in the area around 51.
- 771 a. C.: Rhomulus (f. 717 B.C.)
- 771 a. C.: Remo (f. 753 a. C.)
- 917: Kyunyeo: Korean poet (f. 973).
- 1161: Takakura Tennō: Emperor of Japan (f. 1181).
- 1486: Arthur Tudor, noble English, son of King Henry VII (f. 1502).
- 1593: Gottfried Scheidt, German organist and composer (f. 1661).
- 1599: Christian de Brunswick, German Protestant military leader (f. 1626).
- 1608: Jean-Jacques Olier, French Catholic priest, founder of the Sulpicians (f. 1657).
- 1727: Matthew of Toro Zambrano, Chilean Creole politician (f. 1811).
- 1746: Móric Benyovszky, aristocrat and Polish-Slovak explorer (f. 1786).
- 1758: Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haitian emperor (f. 1806).
- 1761: Rene-Pierre Choudieu, a French revolutionary politician (f. 1838).
- 1778: Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen, a Russian navy and explorer (f. 1852).
- 1795: Miguel del Carpio and Melgar, a Peruvian politician and writer (f. 1869).
- 1797: Manuel Lavalleja, Uruguayan military, officer of General Artigas and one of the Treinta and Tres Orientales (f. 1852).
- 1819: Théodore Chassériau, a French-Dominican painter (f. 1856).
- 1833: Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, Italian journalist and pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize in 1907 (f. 1918).
- 1842: James Dewar, British physical and chemical (f. 1923).
- 1843: Nicholas Aleksándrovich of Russia, Zarévich Russian (f. 1865).
- 1853: Chulalongkorn, Thai king (f. 1910).
- 1872: Maurice Gamelin, French general (f. 1958).
- 1873: Sidney Olcott, Canadian filmmaker (f. 1949).
- 1878: Upton Sinclair, American writer (f. 1968).
- 1879: Victor Sjöström, Swedish filmmaker
- 1880: Ildebrando Pizzetti, Italian composer and musicologist (f. 1968).
- 1886: Charles Williams, British novelist (f. 1945).
- 1890: Tomás Garrido Canabal, Mexican politician (f. 1943).
- 1893: Heraclio Alfaro Fournier, engineer and Spanish aviator (f. 1962).
- 1897: Arturo Barea, Spanish writer (f. 1957).
- 1898: Norman Z. McLeod, American filmmaker
- 1899: Leo Strauss, a German-American Jewish political philosopher (f. 1973).
- 1900: Uuno Klami, Finnish composer (f. 1961)
- 1910: Dorothy Vaughan, American math (f. 2008).
- 1910: Matilde Landeta, Mexican filmmaker (f. 1999).
- 1911: Raúl Ferrero Rebagliati, Peruvian jurist and politician (f. 1977).
- 1914: Kenneth More, British actor (f. 1982).
- 1916: Pierre Boutang, a French philosopher and writer (f. 1998).
- 1917: Red Auerbach, American basketball coach (f. 2006).
- 1917: Fernando Rey, Spanish actor (f. 1994).
- 1917: Obdulio Varela, Uruguayan footballer (f. 1996).
- 1918: Juan García Iranzo, cartoonist and Spanish scriptwriter (f. 1998).
- 1918: Horace Gould, British Formula 1 pilot (f. 1968).
- 1920: Jay Ward, American animator.
- 1923: Aleksandr Koldunóv, as of Soviet aviation (f. 1992)
- 1925: Ananda Mahidol, Thai king (f. 1946).
- 1925: Justo Gallego, labrador española (f. 2021).
- 1927: Rachel Roberts, British actress (f. 1980).
- 1927: John Dankworth, composer, clarinetist and British jazz saxophoneist (f. 2010).
- 1927: Milka Cherneva, Bulgarian architect (f. 2010).
- 1928: Olga Ferri, an Argentine dancer (f. 2012).
- 1928: Manuel Seco, Spanish philologist.
- 1929: Anne Meara, American actress and comedian (f. 2015).
- 1932: Ulalume González de León, poet, translator, essayist and Uruguayan-Mexican editor (f. 2009).
- 1933: Enrique de la Mata, Spanish politician (f. 1987).
- 1933: Adela Gleijer, Uruguayan actress.
- 1933: Dennis Viollet, British footballer (f. 1999).
- 1934: Sophia Loren, Italian actress.
- 1935: Orlando Peçanha de Carvalho, Brazilian footballer (f. 2010).
- 1942: Gérald Tremblay, Canadian politician.
- 1944: José Eulogio Gárate, Spanish-Argentine footballer.
- 1947: Mia Martini, Italian singer (f. 1995).
- 1948: George R. R. Martin, American writer.
- 1949: Felix Angel, is a Colombian writer and artist.
- 1949: Carlos Babington, football player, coach and Argentine sports leader.
- 1950: Loredana Bertè, Italian singer.
- 1950: Rafael Álvarez El Brujo, actor and Spanish playwright.
- 1950: Roberto Vander, Mexican naturalized actor.
- 1951: Javier Marias, writer, writer, translator and Spanish editor.
- 1952: Manuel Zelaya, Honduran politician, President of Honduras between 2006 and 2009 and First Knight of Honduras since 2022]]].
- 1953: Francisco Vidal Salinas, Chilean politician.
- 1956: Gary Cole, American actor.
- 1956: Jennifer Tour Chayes, math, physics and American theoretical computing.
- 1957: Alannah Currie, New Zealand musician of Thompson Twins.
- 1958: Arn Anderson, American professional fighter.
- 1959: José Milton Melgar, Bolivian footballer.
- 1964: Maggie Cheung, a Dutch actress.
- 1966: Nuno Bettencourt, Portuguese guitarist of Extreme.
- 1967: Kristen Johnston, American actress.
- 1968: Ben Shepherd, American bassist, of the Soundgarden band, among others.
- 1971: Masashi Hamauzu, Japanese composer.
- 1973: Andrei Kivilev, Kazakh cyclist (f. 2003).
- 1971: Henrik Larsson, Swedish footballer.
- 1975: Asia Argento, Italian actress.
- 1975: Juan Pablo Montoya, a Colombian motor racing driver.
- 1976: Jon Bernthal, American actor.
- 1977: Namie Amuro, Japanese singer.
- 1978: Sarit Hadad, Israeli singer.
- 1980: Vladimir Karpets, Russian cyclist.
- 1981: Feliciano López, Spanish tennis player.
- 1984: Gabriela Villalba, Ecuadorian actress and singer.
- 1988: Jabib Nurmagomédov, Russian mixed martial art fighter.
- 1988: Carlos Torres, Colombian television actor.
- 1988: Melissanthi Mahut, Greek and Canadian actress.
- 1990: Waylon Francis, Costa Rican footballer.
- 1992: Safura, Azerbaijani singer.
- 1993: Julian Draxler, German footballer.
- 2001: Federico Burdisso, Italian swimmer.
- 1460: Gilles Binchois, Franco-flamenco composer (n. c. 1400).
- 1592: Francisco Vallés, Spanish doctor (n. 1524).
- 1796: Juan José Delhuyar, a Spanish chemical (n. 1754).
- 1840: José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, militar y política paraguayo (n. 1766).
- 1854: Frederick Catherwood, explorer, sketch artist, architect and British photographer (n. 1799).
- 1863: Jacob Grimm, a reporter, a language researcher and a German mythologist (n. 1785).
- 1898: Theodor Fontane, German writer (n. 1819).
- 1904: José María Yermo and Parres, Mexican religious (n. 1851).
- 1908: Nicolás Salmerón, president of the Spanish Republic (n. 1838).
- 1908: Pablo Sarasate, violinist and Spanish composer (n. 1844).
- 1917: Émile Boirac, a French philosopher and psychic (n. 1851).
- 1919: Ramón Barros Luco, Chilean politician, president between 1910 and 1915 (n. 1835).
- 1930: Luis Gilabert Ponce, Spanish sculptor (n. 1848).
- 1940: Nicéforo Zambrano, Mexican politician (n. 1861).
- 1948: Leo White, American actor (n. 1882).
- 1957: Jean Sibelius, Finnish composer (n. 1865).
- 1959: Nikandr Chíbisov, Soviet military (n. 1892).
- 1968: Hugo de los Santos (n. 1948) and Susana Pintos (n. 1939), Uruguayan students murdered.
- 1970: Arturo Rosenblueth Stearns, a Mexican scientist (n. 1900).
- 1971: William Foxwell Albright, American archaeologist (n. 1891).
- 1971: Giorgos Seferis, Greek poet and diplomat (n. 1900).
- 1973: Ben Webster, American jazz saxophoneist (n. 1909).
- 1973: Jim Croce, American singer and composer (n. 1943).
- 1974: José Mojica, actor, Mexican lyric and religious tenor (n. 1895).
- 1975: Saint-John Perse, French poet and diplomat, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1960 (n. 1887).
- 1978: Lorenzo Garza, Mexican bullfighter (n. 1908).
- 1980: Josias Braun-Blanquet, Swiss botanist (n. 1884).
- 1988: Roy Kinnear, British actor (n. 1934).
- 1989: Richie Ginther, American Formula 1 pilot (n. 1930).
- 1988: Doris Wells, actress and director of Venezuelan cinema (n. 1944).
- 1992: David Stivel, writer of Argentinean scripts and filmmakers (n. 1930).
- 1993: Erich Hartmann, German pilot (n. 1922).
- 1995: José Sabre Marroquín, composer and director of Mexican orchestra (n. 1909).
- 1995: Urmila Eulie Chowdhury, an Indian architect (n. 1923).
- 1996: Paul Erdős, Hungarian mathematician (n. 1913).
- 1998: Helen M. Dyer, American biochemistry, cancer researcher (n. 1895).
- 1999: Raísa Gorbachova, wife of Mikhail Gorbachev (n. 1932).
- 2001: Marcos Pérez Jiménez, Venezuelan politician, president-dictator between 1952 and 1958 (n. 1914).
- 2002: Serguei Bodrov, Russian actor (n. 1971).
- 2004: Brian Clough, British football coach (n. 1935).
- 2005: Simon Wiesenthal, Austrian Jew persecuting Nazis (n. 1908).
- 2006: Sven Nykvist, Swedish photography director (n. 1922).
- 2009: Hernán Córdoba, Colombian footballer (n. 1989).
- 2010: Fud Leclerc, Belgian singer (n. 1924).
- 2010: Jenny Pronczuk de Garbino, a Uruguayan toxicologist (n. 1947).
- 2012: Robert G. Barrett, Australian writer (n. 1946).
- 2012: Dinesh Thakur, Indian director and actor (n. 1947).
- 2013: Ricarte Soto, Chilean journalist (n. 1952).
- 2016: Gladys Lanza, a Honduran female activist (n. 1942).
- 2020: Gerardo Vera, stage designer, costume designer, actor and film director and Spanish theatre (n. 1947).
- 2021:
- Claude Lombard, Belgian singer (n. 1945).
- Pablo Richard Guzmán, Catholic priest, theologian and Chilean biblist (n. 1939).
- Yudhvir Singh Judev, Indian politician (n. 1982).
- 2022: Marcial Sánchez, footballer, painter and Spanish writer (n. 1929).
- International Day of University Sports
- Jubilee Day
- Day of the Brides
- Dominant woman's day
- Azerbaijan
- Petroleum Workers' Day
- Nepal
- Constitutional Day
- National Youth Day
South Ossetia:
- South Ossetia Independence Day (not fully recognized)
Catholic saints list
- Santos Andrés Kim Tae-gön, Pablo Chöng Ha-sang and colleagues, martyrs in Korea (1839-1867)
- San Dorimedonte de Sinada, martyr (s. III)
- St Eustatius of Rome, martyr
- Saints Hipacio, Asiano and Andrew of Constantinople, martyrs (740)
- Beato Adelpreto de Arco, Bishop (1172)
- Blessed Thomas Johnson, priest and martyr (1537)
- Blessed Francisco de Posadas, priest (1713)
- San Juan Carlos Cornay, priest and martyr (1837)
- Santos Lorenzo Han I-hyong and six companions, martyrs
- San José María de Yermo y Parres, Mexican priest and founder (1904)