September 12


September 12 is the 255th (two hundred and fifty-fifth) day of the year—the 256th (two hundred and fifty-sixth) in leap years—in the Gregorian calendar. There are 110 days left to end the year.


  • century V a.C.: in Greece the battle of Marathon is waged, where the Greeks defeated the Persian invaders. Two days later the fable of Philípides would have happened (which ran 42 km from Marathon to Athens to die saying "We have overcome".
  • 1213: Simon of Montfort defeats Peter II of Aragon in the battle of Muret (Cruzada albigense).
  • 1229: Mallorca is conquered by Jaime I of Aragon, nicknamed El Conquistador.
  • 1297: In the province of Zamora the Treaty of Alcañices is signed, by which the peoples of Aracena and Aroche (Huelva), in the power of Portugal, definitively pass to the Crown of Castile.
  • 1502: On the shores of the present Nicaragua the ships of Christopher Columbus arrive, baptizing the Cape Thank God for having come out of a storm.
  • 1504: Christopher Columbus left for Spain after concluding his fourth trip to America.
  • 1532: In Angrogna (North of Italy), Chanforan Synod begins, in which the Valdenses of France and Italy decide to adhere to the Reformation.
  • 1537: Carlos V authorizes that when the first royal authority dies in the Rio de la Plata, people freely choose their successor.
  • 1581: Philip II is proclaimed king of Portugal.
  • 1631: In front of the Brazilian coasts of Pernambuco, the Spanish squadron defeats the Dutch in a naval combat.
  • 1683: In the Battle of Kahlenberg, the Christian troops—mandated by John III Sobieski—sold the Ottomans of Kara Mustafa.
  • 1827: In Valparaíso (Chile) the newspaper was founded Mercurythe oldest in Spanish.
  • 1843: In the province of Corrientes (Argentina), the village of Paso de los Libres (border with the Brazilian town of Uruguayan) is founded.
  • 1847: Near Mexico City, as part of the US intervention in Mexico, the battle of Chapultepec begins.
  • 1848: Switzerland becomes a federal state.
  • 1856: in León (Nicaragua), Generals Tomás Martínez Guerrero, leader of the Legitimist Party, and Máximo Jerez Tellería, leader of the Democratic Party, sign the Providential Covenant to join the U.S. filibuster William Walker and start the National War.
  • 1856: in Granada (Nicaragua), 300 troops leave the U.S. filibusters William Walker, to attack the San Jacinto hacienda 2 days later, in the same battle they will be defeated by a contingent of the Northern Army commanded by Colonel José Dolores Estrada Vado.
  • 1860: In Trujillo (Honduras), U.S. adventurer William Walker was shot, who had taken over Nicaragua.
  • 1900: The German physicist Max Planck presents the basis of quantum physics by formulating that the energy is radiated in separate small units, called so many.
  • 1901: The Italian engineer and inventor Guiglielmo Marconi makes the first radio communication that crosses the Atlantic, between Cornwall (England) and Newfoundland (Canada).
  • 1904: In the province of Neuquén, Argentina, the town of Neuquén is founded.
  • 1907: in Seville Spain is founded the Sevilla Balompié Society, which will later be called Real Betis Balompié.
  • 1909: The Pentecostal Methodist Church of Chile was founded.
  • 1910: in Munich (Germany) the Symphony No. 8 of Gustav Mahler is premiered, with an orchestra of 171 musicians and a choir of 852 singers.
  • 1919: Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers Party.
  • 1922: in Lima (Peru) the Brotherhood of the Lord of the Sanctuary of Saint Catherine is founded.
  • 1928: In the United States, actress Katharine Hepburn debuts in the theatre.
  • 1929: In Paraguay, the Government decrees a state of siege because of the emergence of a communist movement.
  • 1931: In British Honduras, a cyclone causes the death of more than 700 people and hundreds of wounded.
  • 1933: He read Szilárd, he conceives the idea of the nuclear chain reaction.
  • 1938: Adolf Hitler demands the Sudetes.
  • 1943: In the Great Sasso, Italy, a German SS command—at the command of Captain Otto Skorzeny—free Mussolini from his prison.
  • 1944: In London, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union sign the London Protocol, which defines the three areas in which it was agreed to divide Germany at the end of the Second World War.
  • 1944: Fiodor Tolbujin and Rodion Malinovski are named Mariscales of the Soviet Union.
  • 1945: in Wolfsburg, Germany, the club VfL Wolfsburg was founded.
  • 1946: in Pavia, Italy, they find Mussolini's body, stolen four months earlier.
  • 1949: in Germany the German Federal Republic is proclaimed. Theodor Heuss is elected president and Konrad Adenauer, Federal Chancellor.
  • 1950: Miguel Itzigsohn discovered the asteroid Aguilar (1800).
  • 1953: In the United States, John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier.
  • 1953: in Moscow (Soviet Union), Nikita Jrushchov assumes as secretary-general of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • 1953: in Colombia, the Colombian liberal guerrillas accept the amnesty proposed by the military government, after four years of struggle.
  • 1958: In the United States, Texas Instruments engineer Jack S. Kilby presents the first chip.
  • 1958: in the U3q area of the Nevada atomic test site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 12:00 (local time), the United States detonates to 150 m underground its Otero atomic bomb, of 0.038 kiloton. It is the 160 bomb of 1127 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1959: the Soviet Union launches the Moon 2, second spacecraft of the Moon program and first probe to reach the lunar surface.
  • 1959: In the United States, the series of western Bonanza is issued for the first time.
  • 1961: in the Salvadoran neighborhood of the village of Santo Domingo (in the former Cuban province of Las Villas), the band of Thondike (Margarito Lanza Flores)—in the framework of the terrorist attacks organized by the US CIA—kills the militiaman Tomás Hormiga García.
  • 1966: in the U5i Area of the Nevada atomic testing site, at 7:30 (local time), the United States detonates its 7.8 kiloton atomic bomb to 255 m underground.
  • 1968: Albania leaves the Warsaw Pact.
  • 1968: 332 m underground, in the U3fb Area of the Nevada Atomic Test Site (about 100 km northwest of the city of Las Vegas), at 6:00 (local time), the United States detonates its 29 kiloton Knife-A atomic bomb. It is the bomb number 576 of 1132 that the United States detonated between 1945 and 1992.
  • 1972: In Catamarca, Argentina, the National University of Catamarca (UNCa).
  • 1973: The group Tlen-Huicani, composed of Alberto de la Rosa, Gerónimo Reyes, Cesáreo Arenal, Alfonso Lagunes and Abdías Ramírez, is presented for the first time.
  • 1973: in Santiago de Chile, the newspaper La Segunda announces that the singer Victor Jara has died in a nonviolent way, and that his sepelio has been of a private character. Actually, Jara was being tortured and would be killed four days later.
  • 1975: Pink Floyd releases his new album "Wish You Were Here"
  • 1976: in Junín street corner Rawson, in the city of Rosario (Argentina), a group of guerrillas belonging to the organization Montoneros detonates a bomb located within a Citroën car, taking as a goal a group in which they traveled mostly police. 9 police and 2 civilians die in the explosion.
  • 1977: In Pretoria, South Africa, black antiapartheid activist Steve Biko (30) dies after being unnecessarily transferred handcuffed and naked from Puerto Elizabeth (1100 km). He was in a coma for brain hemorrhage after being tortured (and possibly beaten with a stick in his head).
  • 1980: military coup in Turkey.
  • 1986: 400 people die in the north of Vietnam and more than 2600 are injured because of the Wayne Cyclone.
  • 1988: In the Peruvian city of Pucallpa (Ucayali department), the Shining Path terrorist gang murders eight “cabros, prostis and fumones” in front of a group of journalists, with the aim of intimidating the population.
  • 1989: In Poland, Parliament gives its confidence to the cabinet proposed by Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the first non-communist government since World War II.
  • 1989: the American band Aerosmith launches his tenth studio album Pump.
  • 1992: The United States launches into space the Endeavour shuttle, on a joint mission of NASA with Japan and Israel to perform experiments with living beings.
  • 1992: in Lima, Peru, the capture of Abimael Guzmán, founder and leader of the Shining Path terrorist gang is reported.
  • 1995: Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin released his third studio album to the market, Half live.
  • 1998: In Ireland, the British Army leaves Belfast and returns to its quarters after 29 years of patrols.
  • 1998: The Pact of Estella is signed in Estella.
  • 2000: U.S. singer Christina Aguilera, launches her second studio album and first released in Spanish My reflection.
  • 2005: Hong Kong opens Hong Kong Disneyland theme park.
  • 2006: The eDonkey client for file exchange (P2P) is no longer officially used.
  • 2008: Metallica releases its new album Death magnetic.
  • 2009: in the city of Tucacas (Venezuela), an earthquake of 6.4 degrees leaves material damage and 16 wounded.
  • 2010: In Copiapó, Chile began the rescue plan to 33 miners in the San José mine.
  • 2011: in São Paulo Brazil, 24-year-old Leila Lopes is crowned Miss Universe 2011, by Mexican Ximena Navarrete, the first time an Angolan wins the crown and the fourth in which Africa gets it.
  • 2012: in Palana (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia), the accident of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Air Enterprise flight 251 takes place.
  • 2015: in Malaga, Spain, the virgin of the Rocío is canonically crowned.


  • 1492: Lorenzo II de Médici, lord of Florence and Duke of Urbino (f. 1519).
Francis I of France.
  • 1494: Francis I, French king between 1515 and 1547 (f. 1547).
  • 1569: Eduardo de Braganza, Portuguese aristocrat (f. 1627).
  • 1590: María de Zayas, a Spanish writer (f. 1647).
  • 1611: Charles Eusebio of Liechtenstein, Prince of Liechtenstein (f. 1684).
  • 1725: Guillaume Le Gentil, French astronomer (f. 1792).
  • 1735: José Cuero and Caicedo, a Franciscan religious from Colombia (f. 1815).
  • 1777: Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville, zoologist and French anatomist (f. 1850).
  • 1800: Pierre-Charles Fournier de Saint-Amant, a French chess player (f. 1872).
  • 1810: Ernest Courtot de Cissey, General and French Prime Minister (f. 1882).
  • 1815: Louis René Tulasne, French botanist (f. 1885).
Richard J. Gatling.
  • 1818: Richard J. Gatling, American machine gun inventor (f. 1903).
  • 1818: Theodor Kullak, pianist and German composer (f. 1884).
  • 1831: Macedonio Alcalá, Mexican composer (f. 1869).
  • 1837: Louis IV de Hesse-Darmstadt (f. 1892).
  • 1840: Ramón Martínez Vigil, Spanish bishop (f. 1904).
  • 1851: Arthur Schuster, German-British physicist (f. 1934).
  • 1852: Herbert Henry Asquith, British Prime Minister (f. 1928).
  • 1857: Manuel Espinosa Batista, a Colombian politician (f. 1919).
  • 1866: Freeman Freeman-Thomas, British politician (f. 1941).
  • 1867: Carlos E. Restrepo, Colombian president (f. 1937).
  • 1878: Christopher Columbus and Aguilera, Spanish aristocrat (f. 1936).
  • 1880: H. L. Mencken, American writer and journalist (f. 1956).
  • 1881: Hendrik Prins, a Dutch-German violinist, a Holocaust victim (f. 1943)
  • 1884: Fernando Espinosa de los Monteros and Bermejillo, a Spanish politician and diplomat (f. 1937).
  • 1885: Heinrich Hoffmann, personal German photographer of Hitler (f. 1957).
  • 1888: Maurice Chevalier, French singer and actor (f. 1972).
Pedro Albizu Campos.
  • 1891: Pedro Albizu Campos, Puerto Rican revolutionary leader (f. 1965).
  • 1894: Billy Gilbert, American actor and humorist (f. 1971).
  • 1897: Irène Joliot-Curie, French chemistry, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 (f. 1956).
  • 1897: Herminia Brumana, pedagogue and anarchist from Argentina (f. 1954).
  • 1898: Salvador Bacarisse, Spanish composer (f. 1963).
  • 1900: Haskell Curry, American mathematician (f. 1982).
  • 1901: Ramón Serrano Súñer, lawyer and Spanish politician (f. 2003).
  • 1902: Juscelino Kubitschek, Brazilian president (f. 1976).
  • 1909: Lawrence Brooks, American war veteran (f. 2022).
  • 1913: Jesse Owens, American athlete (f. 1980).
  • 1914: Desmond Llewelyn, Welsh actor (f. 1999).
  • 1916: Jesús Romeo Gorría, politician and Spanish businessman (f. 2001).
  • 1917: Han Suyin, writer, translator and physician Anglo-china (f. 2012).
  • 1919: Ivan Sidorenko, Soviet sniper (f. 1994)
  • 1921: Stanisław Lem, Polish writer of science fiction (f. 2006).
  • 1922: Antonio Cafiero, Argentine politician (f. 2014).
  • 1925: Yiye Ávila, a Puerto Rican evangelist (f. 2013).
  • 1926: Riccardo Pazzaglia, Italian writer (f. 2006).
  • 1926: Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, an editor and Spanish patron. (f. 2012).
  • 1927: Mathé Altéry, French soprano.
  • 1928: Aníbal Nazoa, Venezuelan poet and humorist (f. 2001).
  • 1928: Ernie Vandeweghe, basketball player and Canadian physicist.
  • 1930: Akira Suzuki, Japanese chemist.
Ian Holm.
  • 1931: Ian Holm, British actor (f. 2020).
  • 1931: Adrian Rogers, American preacher (f. 2005).
  • 1931: George Jones, American singer.
  • 1932: Bernard Delcampe, French footballer (f. 2013).
  • 1933: Eduardo Orrego Villacorta, Peruvian architect and politician (f. 1994).
  • 1934: Jaegwon Kim, South Korean philosopher.
  • 1934: Ana Bertha Lepe, Mexican actress (f. 2013).
  • 1935: Andrés Bianchi, Chilean lawyer and economist.
  • 1936: Rodolfo Ortega Peña, intellectual and political Argentinean (f. 1974).
  • 1937: George Chuvalo, Canadian boxer.
  • 1938: Tatiana Troyanos, American soprano (f. 1993).
  • 1940: Linda Gray, American actress.
  • 1940: Joachim Frank, German biophysicist.
  • 1942: Tomás Marco, Spanish composer.
  • 1943: Michael Ondaatje, Sri Lankan writer.
  • 1944: Leonard Peltier, an American activist.
  • 1944: Vladimir Spivakov, violinist and Russian orchestra director.
Barry White.
  • 1944: Barry White, American singer (f. 2003).
  • 1945: Milo Manara, author of comics and Italian cartoonist.
  • 1945: José Susi López, director of orchestra and Spanish composer.
  • 1945: Richard Thaler, an American economist.
  • 1948: Luis Lima, Argentine tenor.
  • 1951: Bertie Ahern, Irish politician.
  • 1951: Joe Pantoliano, American actor.
  • 1951: Pedro Agramunt, Spanish politician.
  • 1951: Gerald Stano, American serial killer (f. 1998).
  • 1952: Gerry Beckley, American musician, of the American band.
Gerry Beckley.
  • 1952: Neil Peart, Canadian-American drummer and author of the Rush band (f. 2020).
  • 1953: Nan Goldin, American photographer.
  • 1954: Nubia Martí, Mexican actress.
  • 1956: Leslie Cheung, Chinese actor and singer.
  • 1956: Sam Brownback, American politician.
  • 1957: Michael Hegstrand, WWF fighter (f. 2003).
Hans Zimmer.
  • 1957: Hans Zimmer, German composer.
  • 1957: Keiko Toda, actress and Japanese seiyū.
  • 1958: Wilfred Benítez, Puerto Rican boxer.
  • 1958: Hikaru Hanada, Japanese actor and seiyū.
  • 1959: Scott Brown, American politician.
  • 1959: Sigmar Gabriel, German politician.
  • 1960: Barham Salih, Iraqi politician, President of Iraq since 2018.
  • 1960: Jorge Lanata, Argentine journalist.
  • 1960: Maria Pallier, Austrian cultural manager.
  • 1961: Kazem Al Sahir, an Iraqi singer and poet.
  • 1961: Mylène Farmer, French composer.
  • 1962: Dino Merlin, Bosnian musician.
  • 1962: Amy Yasbeck, American actress.
  • 1965: Vernon Maxwell, American basketball player.
  • 1966: Ben Folds, American singer and pianist.
  • 1967: Beto Cuevas, Chilean singer and composer.
  • 1967: Louis C.K., American comic.
  • 1968: Larry LaLonde, American guitarist, Primus band.
Angel Cabrera.
  • 1969: Angel Cabrera, Argentine golfer.
  • 1969: James Frey, American writer.
  • 1970: Andrés Marocco, a Colombian sports journalist and commentator.
  • 1970: Josh Hopkins, American actor.
  • 1971: Younes El Aynaoui, Moroccan tennis player.
  • 1973: Paul Walker, American actor (f. 2013).
  • 1974: Eduardo Coudet, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1974: Jennifer Nettles, American country music singer, Sugarland band.
  • 1974: Nuno Valente, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1974: Ken'ichi Suzumura, voice actor and Japanese singer.
  • 1975: Luis Castillo, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1975: Carina Zampini. Argentine actress.
  • 1976: Bizzy Bone, American rapper.
  • 1976: 2 Chainz, American rapper.
  • 1976: Lauren Stamile, American actress.
  • 1976: Maciej Żurawski, Polish footballer.
  • 1977: James McCartney, British singer.
  • 1977: Idan Raichel, Israeli singer and keyboardist.
  • 1977: Paola Bontempi: actress and presenter of Spanish-Chinese television.
  • 1978: Benjamin McKenzie, American actor.
Michael Paget.
  • 1978: Michael Paget, Welsh guitarist.
  • 1978: Ramón Pereira, Spanish footballer.
  • 1979: Denisse Van Lamoen, Chilean archer.
  • 1979: Jonathan Joubert, Luxembourg footballer.
  • 1980: Gus G, Greek guitarist, of the band Firewind, Dream Evil and Mystic Prophecy.
  • 1980: Maicer Izturis, Venezuelan baseball player.
Yao Ming.
  • 1980: Yao Ming, Chinese basketball player.
  • 1981: Jennifer Hudson, American actress and singer.
  • 1982: Amiel Tena Hernández, Mexican singer, of the Jeans band.
  • 1982: Zoran Planinić, Croatian basketball player.
  • 1983: Sergio Parisse, Argentinean rugbi player.
  • 1983: Carly Smithson, Irish singer and actress, We Are the Fallen.
  • 1984: Nashat Akram, Iraqi footballer.
  • 1984: September, Swedish singer.
  • 1984: Junior dos Santos, Brazilian wrestler of mixed martial arts.
  • 1985: Jonatan Closed, Belgian actor and singer.
  • 1986: Emmy Rossum, American actress.
  • 1986: Yang Mi, Chinese actress and singer.
  • 1987: Yaroslava Shvédova, Russian tennis player.
  • 1988: Amanda Jenssen, Swedish singer.
  • 1989: Alvaro Cervantes, Spanish actor.
  • 1989: Freddie Freeman, American baseball player.
  • 1991: Thomas Meunier, Belgian footballer.
  • 1991: María Riot, an Argentine sex worker.
  • 1992: Connor Franta, American internet personality.
  • 1992: Mahmood, Italian singer.
  • 1993: Kelsea Ballerini, American singer and composer.
  • 1994: RM, South Korean rapper, leader of the BTS group.
  • 1995: Ryan Potter, American actor.
  • 1995: Bethlehem Aguilera, pianist and Spanish singer.
  • 1996: Lee Chan-hyuk, South Korean singer.
  • 1997:
    • Sydney Sweeney, American actress.
    • Shunsuke Takeuchi, Japanese voice actor.
  • 2002: Siar, co-founder of AmiguitosCraft and Mister Carlos server administrator
  • 2002: Joo Yeon, South Korean singer.
  • 2006:
    • Maximilian Maeder, Singaporean sportsman.
    • Zackary Arthur, American actor.


  • 1185: Andronic I Comneno, Byzantine emperor (n. 1118).
Joan of Burgundy.
  • 1348: Joan of Burgundy, French queen (n. 1293).
  • 1362: Inocencio VI, Italian potato (n. 1295).
  • 1369: White of Lancaster, English aristocrat (n. 1345).
  • 1500: Alberto III de Saxony-Meissen, aristocrat sajón (n. 1443).
  • 1612: Basil IV of Russia, Russian king (n. 1552).
  • 1642: Henri Coiffier de Ruzé, French conspirator (n. 1620).
  • 1647: Miguel Pellicer, recipient of a Spanish miracle (n. 1617).
  • 1660: Jacob Cats, a Dutch politician and poet (n. 1577).
  • 1665: Jean Bolland, a Belgian Jesuit priest (n. 1596).
Alfonso VI of Portugal.
  • 1683: Alfonso VI, Portuguese king (n. 1643).
  • 1691: John George III, aristocrat sajón (n. 1647).
  • 1718: Luisa de Maisonblanche, illegitimate daughter of King Louis XIV of France (n. 1676).
  • 1748: Anne Bracegirdle, British actress (n. 1671).
  • 1764: Jean-Philippe Rameau, French composer (n. 1683).
  • 1819: Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, a Prussian general (n. 1742).
  • 1836: Christian Dietrich Grabbe, German playwright (n. 1801).
  • 1860: William Walker, American filibuster (n. 1824).
  • 1869: Peter Mark Roget, British physicist and theologian (n. 1779).
  • 1870: Fitz Hugh Ludlow, American writer (n. 1836).
François Guizot.
  • 1874: François Guizot, French politician, 22nd Prime Minister (n. 1787).
  • 1916: Bernhard Moritz Carl Ludwig Riedel, German physician (n. 1846).
  • 1919: Leonid Andréyev, Russian writer (n. 1871).
  • 1923: Jules Violle, French physicist (n. 1841).
  • 1929: Rainis, a Latvian writer (n. 1865).
  • 1938: Arturo de Connaught, British aristocrat (n. 1883).
  • 1941: Hans Spemann, German embryologist, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1935 (n. 1869).
  • 1941: Yekaterina Zelenko, a Soviet military pilot (n. 1916).
  • 1953: Hugo Schmeisser, German armament engineer (n. 1884).
  • 1953: Lewis Stone, American actor (n. 1879).
  • 1955: Salustiano Mas Cleries, a Spanish military physician (n. 1892).
  • 1956: Hans Carossa, German poet (n. 1878).
  • 1956: Noël Leslie, French aristocrat (n. 1878).
  • 1957: José Lins do Rego, Brazilian writer and journalist (n. 1901).
  • 1960: Ana María Cassán (Anne-Marie Paillard), French actress and model with career in Argentina; suicide (n. 1936).
  • 1967: Vladimir Bartol, an Italian writer (n. 1903).
  • 1972: William Boyd, American actor (n. 1895).
  • 1974: Yekaterina Riábova, Soviet military pilot, Heroin of the Soviet Union (n. 1921).
  • 1977: Steve Biko, South African activist (n. 1946).
  • 1977: Robert Lowell, American poet (n. 1917).
  • 1980: Lillian Randolph, American actress and singer (n. 1898).
Eugenio Montale.
  • 1981: Eugenio Montale, Italian poet, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1975 (n. 1896).
  • 1982: Federico Moreno Torroba, Spanish composer (n. 1891).
  • 1986: Jacques Henri Lartigue, French photographer (n. 1894).
  • 1986: Luisa-María Linares, Spanish novelist (n. 1915).
  • 1989: Carmen Tagle, Spanish prosecutor (n. 1944).
  • 1990: Athene Seyler, British actress (n. 1889).
Anthony Perkins.
  • 1992: Anthony Perkins, American actor (n. 1932).
Raymond Burr.
  • 1993: Raymond Burr, Canadian actor (n. 1917).
  • 1994: Tom Ewell, American actor (n. 1909).
  • 1995: Aristobulus Deambrossi, was an Argentine footballer. (n. 1917).
  • 1995: Jeremy Brett, British actor (n. 1933).
  • 1996: Ernesto Geisel, Brazilian military and political, 29th President (n. 1907).
  • 2000: Stanley Turrentine, American jazz saxophoneist (n. 1934).
  • 2001: Carmen Rico Godoy, a Spanish journalist (n. 1939).
  • 2003: Johnny Cash, American musician (n. 1932).
  • 2007: Bobby Byrd, American musician (n. 1934).
  • 2008: David Foster Wallace, American writer (n. 1962).
  • 2009: Norman Borlaug, American acronym (n. 1914).
  • 2009: Jack Kramer, American tennis player (n. 1921).
  • 2009: Willy Ronis, French photographer (n. 1910).
  • 2010: Claude Chabrol, French filmmaker (n. 1930).
  • 2010: Judith Merkle Riley, American teacher and writer (n. 1942).
  • 2011: Alexander Galimov, Russian ice hockey player (n. 1985).
  • 2011: Miguel Angel Poduje, Chilean lawyer and businessman (n. 1948).
  • 2012: Radoslav Brzobohatý, Czech actor (n. 1932).
  • 2012: Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Russian poet (n. 1946).
    Akilisi Pōhiva.
  • 2012: Derek Jameson, British journalist (n. 1929).
  • 2012: Tom Sims, American skateboarder (n. 1950).
  • 2012: Sid Watkins, a British surgeon (n. 1928).
  • 2014:
    • Ian Paisley, a Protestant pastor, a politician and a Northern Irish writer (n. 1926).
    • Joe Sample, pianist, techlist and American jazz and fusion composer (n. 1939).
  • 2017: Alla Tarán, a violinist and an expatriated Ukrainian pedagogue in Cuba (n. 1941).
  • 2017: Edith Windsor, American LGBT rights activist (n. 1929).
  • 2018: Omar Gutiérrez, journalist, communicator, and Uruguayan locutor (n. 1948).
  • 2019: Akilisi Pōhiva, politician and activist, Prime Minister of Tonga between 2014 and 2019 (n. 1941).
  • 2020: Johannes Kupreit born Kölbl, German hairdresser, singer and dancer (n. 1990).
  • 2020: Joaquín Carbonell, singer, narrator, Spanish poet and journalist (n. 1947).


  • United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation
  • Cape VerdeBandera de Cabo VerdeCape Verde:
    • National Day
  • Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States:
    • National Day of Wind
  • RussiaFlag of Russia.svg Russia:
    • Conception Day

Catholic saints list

On September 12, the Church celebrates the Most Holy Name of Mary
  • Sweet Name of the Virgin Mary
  • Saint-Autonomous of Bitinia, bishop and martyr (s. III)
  • Santos Crónidas, Leoncio and Serapión de Alejandría, martyrs (s. III)
  • Saint Albeo of Emly, bishop, pilgrim and preacher (528)
  • San Guido de Anderlecht (1012)
  • Saint Pontius of Roda, monk and bishop (1104)
  • Blessed Apolinar Franco, Tomás Zumárraga and four companions, priests and martyrs (1622)
  • Blessed Pedro Sulpicio Cristóbal Faverge, martyr (1794)
  • San Francisco Ch‘oe Kyong-hwam, martyr (1839)

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