Security wall

United States-Mexico Border Wall

A security wall is known as the division of a geographic space by means of a material construction, exercising some type of control over the things or people that cross that division. The objective that is generally declared is to maintain the security of one of the two new spaces generated. The practice of erecting these walls as control barriers has aroused strong criticism among those affected and detractors, who often call these facilities Wall of Shame.

Walls in history

Great Wall China

Since ancient times, ramparts and walls were built mainly to stop the passage of armed invading groups or armies. Examples of this would be the Great Wall of China or Hadrian's Wall. However, with the evolution of military technology, defensive walls became sophisticated constructions and in some cases offered defense very effectively. The best example is the set of walls that surrounded the city of Constantinople, built in 412 by the Roman Emperor Theodosius II. This fortification had a length of 6.5 kilometers, with a triple line of parapets and would be known as the Theodosian Wall. This set of walls remained impregnable for ten centuries and withstood numerous assaults, until 1453, when the Ottomans finally succeeded. The combination of a small defending force and new advances in military technology (the powder cannons that accompanied the Ottoman army) caused the fall of the city. The last defensive wall that was part of a military confrontation was the Danevirke on the German-Danish border, in the south of the Jutland peninsula, during the War of the Duchies of 1864, but without any success.

The later invention of military airplanes, long-range artillery, and missiles made defensive walls totally useless from a military point of view, as evidenced by the Siegfried and Maginot lines during World War II.

Since then, modern walls have been built to prevent or hinder the passage of civilians and not of armies organized in battle or to consecrate the annexation of territories over borders not recognized by the international community. It is argued[citation needed] that civilians suffer a feeling of shameful powerlessness when they are isolated and segregated from their families and communities mainly for economic, ideological and religious reasons. The builders and their sympathizers never officially accept this qualifier and neither do they cause any kind of psychological damage, much less embarrassment; instead, they often justify them by citing security reasons.

Wall of Shame

Berlin Wall

The term Wall of Shame is the nickname with which its detractors have baptized various border walls built in the 20th and 21st centuries. The term is used variously, with widely varying degrees of acceptance, to shame its builders or to describe the shame suffered by those affected by the erection of the wall.

The name was first used in 1961 after the construction of the wall separating West Berlin from East Berlin by the government of the then German Democratic Republic. Named for this "Anti-Fascist Protection Wall", Berliners called it Schandmauer which literally means Wall of Shame [1] (broken link available at Internet Archive; see history, the first version and the last one).. This wall, commonly known as the Berlin Wall, was also called the Wall of Shame outside of Germany in an article that appeared on the cover of the American Time Magazine in 1962 [2]. Shortly thereafter, US President John F. Kennedy explicitly referred to the wall as the "Wall of Shame" in his annual address to the US Congress on January 14, 1963 [3]. References to this wall as "Wall of Shame" have also been made by other leaders such as Mário Soares [4] (broken link available at Internet Archive; see history, first and last version)., Jacques Chirac [5] or Romano Prodi [6].

The West Bank wall is also called the "Wall of Shame" or "New wall of shame" in analogy to the Berlin Wall for similar implications.

Current barriers

Name Countries Built Length Type
Border wall Argentina - ParaguayBandera de ArgentinaArgentina
Bandera de ParaguayParaguay
20151.3 kmInternal Barrier / Anti-Immigration / Contraband
Baghdad WallBandera de IrakIraqConstruction5 kmCivil peace
Peace wallsBandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom (North Ireland)19700,500 km (average)Civil peace
Verja de GibraltarBandera del Reino UnidoUnited Kingdom (Gibraltar)
Bandera de EspañaSpain
19081.2 kmInternal bar
Botswana/ZimbabueBandera de BotsuanaBotswana
Bandera de ZimbabueZimbabwe
2003500 kmAnti-Immigration
Brunei/LimbagBandera de BrunéiBrunéi200520 kmAnti-Immigration
Valla de CeutaBandera de EspañaSpain
Bandera de MarruecosMorocco
20018 kmAnti-Immigration
China/Hong KongBandera de la República Popular ChinaChina
Bandera de Hong KongHong Kong (Special Administrative Region) (China)
196032 kmInternal Barrier / Anti-Immigration
China/MacaoBandera de la República Popular ChinaChina
Bandera de MacaoMacau (Special Administrative Region) (China)
0.340 kmInternal Barrier / Anti-Immigration
China/North KoreaBandera de la República Popular ChinaChina
Bandera de Corea del NorteNorth Korea
20061416 kmAnti-Immigration
Malaysia/ThailandBandera de TailandiaThailand
Bandera de MalasiaMalaysia
Project650 kmAnti-terrorism
Valla de MelillaBandera de EspañaSpain
Bandera de MarruecosMorocco
199811 kmAnti-Immigration
Barrera Indo-BangladeshíBandera de la IndiaIndia
Bandera de BangladésBangladés
Construction3268 kmAnti-Immigration
Barrera Indo-Birmana Bandera de la IndiaIndia
Bandera de BirmaniaBurma
Construction1624 kmAnti-Drug Control/ Anti-Terrorism
Barrera Indo-KachemirBandera de la IndiaIndia2004550 kmAnti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Barrera Iran-PakistanBandera de IránIran
Bandera de PakistánPakistan
Construction700 kmContrabando Antidrogas
Barrera Kazakhstan-UzbekistanBandera de KazajistánKazakhstan
Bandera de UzbekistánUzbekistan
200645 kmContrabando Antidrogas
Korean wallBandera de Corea del NorteNorth Korea
Bandera de Corea del SurSouth Korea
1953248 kmZone of conflict
Kruger National ParkBandera de SudáfricaSouth Africa
Bandera de MozambiqueMozambique
1975120 kmAnti-Immigration
Barrera Kuwait-Irak Bandera de KuwaitKuwait
Bandera de IrakIraq
1991193 kmZone of conflict
Pakistan/AfghanistanBandera de PakistánPakistan
Bandera de AfganistánAfghanistan
Proposal2400 kmAnti-terrorism
Russia/ChechnyaBandera de RusiaRussiaProject700 kmAnti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Barrera Saudi-Yemen Bandera de Arabia SauditaSaudi Arabia
Bandera de YemenYemen
200475 kmAnti-Immigration
Sharm el-SheijBandera de EgiptoEgypt200520 kmAnti-terrorism
Barrera Turkmenistan-UzbekistanBandera de TurkmenistánTurkmenistan
Bandera de UzbekistánUzbekistan
20011700 kmAnti-Immigration
Barrera United Arab Emirates-OmanBandera de Emiratos Árabes UnidosUnited Arab Emirates
Bandera de OmánOman
Construction410 kmAnti-Immigration
United Nations Security Zone in CyprusBandera de ChipreCyprus1974300 kmZone of conflict
Border wall United States - MexicoBandera de Estados UnidosUnited States
Bandera de MéxicoMexico
Construction3360 kmAnti-Immigration / Anti-Drug Control
Barrera Uzbekistan-AfghanistanBandera de UzbekistánUzbekistan
Bandera de AfganistánAfghanistan
2001209 kmAnti-Immigration
Barrera Uzbekistan-KyrgyzstanBandera de UzbekistánUzbekistan
Bandera de KirguistánKyrgyzstan
1999870 kmZone of conflict
Muro Via AnelliBandera de ItaliaItaly200685 mInternal bar
Israeli Barrier of the West BankBandera de IsraelIsrael
Bandera de PalestinaPalestine
Construction703 kmAnti-terrorism (disputed territory)
Security Wall Egypt-Franja GazaBandera de EgiptoEgypt
Bandera de PalestinaPalestine
Moroccan wallBandera de Sáhara OccidentalWestern Sahara
Bandera de MarruecosMorocco
19872700 kmConflict zone (disputed territory)

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