Scout law


The Guide and Scout Law is the set of values in which scouting. It was originally designed by Robert Baden-Powell. As an educational tool, it is the core of the Scout Method and the other elements of Scouting revolve around it.

Original Law

In writing Scouting for Boys, Robert Baden-Powell was inspired by the work of Ernest Thompson Seton, who founded the Woodcraft Indians in 1902 in the United States and later spread Scouting in that North American country. Baden-Powell also drew inspiration for the Scout Law from the Bushido code of the Japanese samurai, the honor laws of the American Indians, the chivalry code of European knights, and the Zulu warriors. Like Seton, Baden-Powell chose to use a set of positive laws, in contrast to the Old Testament prohibitions. The original Scout Law published by Robert Baden-Powell in 1908 had nine articles. B-P later perfected it and in 1911 added the tenth article. The last version of his pen, already with ten articles, is published in the reissue of his book Scouting for Boys in 1938.

The scout law consists of 10 articles, not 10 laws, of said wording considered original of the Scout Law are:

  1. The scout is trustworthy.
  2. The scout is loyal.
  3. The scout is useful and helps others.
  4. The scout is a friend to all and a brother to all the other scouts.
  5. The scout is polite.
  6. The scout is a friend of the animals and respects nature.
  7. The scout is obedient.
  8. The scout smiles at all difficulties.
  9. The scout is a worker
  10. The scout is clean in thought, word and work.

Excerpted from "Letters to a Patrol Leader, The Scout Law" by Captain Roland E. Philipps (1920)

Current adaptations in each country

After more than one hundred years of life, Scouting was adapting said original wording to the language and characteristics of each country.

Requirements for members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement

The wording of the pledge has varied from country to country and over time, however it must meet certain requirements set by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) to be accepted as a National Member Scout Organization. The WOSM Constitution establishes in its Article II, paragraph 2 "Adherence to the Promise and Law":

All members of Scouting must adhere to the Law and the Promise, in language appropriate to the culture and customs of each National Scout Organization and approved by the World Organization. The approval of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in each reformulation must be approved by its Constitutions Committee.


Diocesan Associations of Catholic Scouts

  1. The Scout encrypts his honor in being worthy of all confidence.
  2. The Scout is loyal.
  3. The Scout is useful and helps others without expecting rewards.
  4. The Scout is a friend of all, and a brother of any scout, without distinction of creed, race, or social class.
  5. The Scout is courteous and gentlemanly.
  6. The Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. The Scout obeys without replicas and does nothing in half.
  8. The Scout smiles and sings, even in difficulties.
  9. The Scout is economical, hardworking and caring for other people's good.
  10. The Scout is pure in thoughts, words and actions.

Baden Powell Scouts Argentina

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being worthy of all confidence.
  2. Scout is loyal
  3. Scout is helpful and helpful and expects nothing in return
  4. Scout is a friend of all, and brother of any scout, without distinction of creed, race or social class.
  5. Scout is polite and gentlemanly.
  6. Scout loves, protects and improves nature and the environment.
  7. Scout is obedient to the law and does not commit crimes against her.
  8. Scout maintains its porte and burying in the face of the difficulties that arise.
  9. Scouts are either saving or economical and cares for belongings.

(Baden Powell Scouts Argentina is an association of a mixed nature at the Scout Group level, with male or female sections within each Group, in attention to the different natural rhythms of psychosocial maturation of boys and girls, in order to form better citizens who contribute to achieving a better world).

Scouts of Argentina

The Scout:

  1. He loves God and lives his Faith fully.
  2. He's loyal and trustworthy.
  3. He's generous, polite and supportive.
  4. He's respectful and brother to all.
  5. Defend and value the family.
  6. Love and defend life and nature.
  7. He can obey, choose and act responsibly.
  8. He's still optimistic about the difficulties.
  9. It is economical, working and respectful of other people's good.
  10. It is pure and has a healthy life.

(Scouts of Argentina is a mixed association, this means that it brings together both men and women and from different religions, to create a better world)

Brazil Brazil

União dos Escoteiros do Brasil

  1. A scout has one word (it is reliable); his honor is worth more than his own life. (O Escoteiro tem uma só palavra; sua honor vale mais do que a propria vida.)
  2. Scout is loyal. (O Escoteiro é leal.)
  3. The scout is always ready to help the neighbor and make good action every day. (O Escoteiro is sempre alert to ajudar or next e pratica daily uma boa ação.)
  4. Scout is a friend of all and brother of all scouts. (O Escoteiro é amigo de todos e irmão dos demais Escoteiros.)
  5. Scout is cut. (O Escoteiro é cortês.)
  6. Scout is good with animals and plants. (O Escoteiro é bom para os animais e as plants.)
  7. Scout is obedient and ordained. (O Escoteiro é obediente e disciplinedo.)
  8. Scout is cheerful and smiles at difficultades. (O Escoteiro é cheerful e sorri nas difficulties.)
  9. Scout is a saver and careful man's good. (O Escoteiro é econômico e respectita o bem alheio.)
  10. Scout is clean of body and soul. (O Escoteiro é limpo de corpo y alma.)


Association of Guides and Scouts of Chile

  1. Scout is trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal
  3. Scout serves without expecting reward.
  4. Scout shares with everyone.
  5. Scout is joyful and cordial.
  6. Scout protects life and nature.
  7. Scout is responsible and does nothing in between.
  8. Scout is optimistic.
  9. Scout takes care of things and values work.
  10. Scout is coherent in thought, word and action.
  1. The Guide is trustworthy.
  2. The Guide is loyal.
  3. The Guide serves others.
  4. The Guide shares with everyone.
  5. The Guide is joyful and cordial.
  6. The Guide protects life and nature.
  7. The Guide is responsible and does nothing in between.
  8. The Guide is optimistic.
  9. The Guide takes care of things and values work.
  10. The Guide is coherent in thought, word and action.

OFFICIAL version of the Guides and Scouts Law of the Association of Guides and Scouts of Chile - Updated as of December 2016.

National Association of Chilean Scouts

  1. Scout is trustworthy because he has honor.
  2. Scout is loyal.
  3. Scout serves without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout shares with everyone.
  5. Scout is attentive, joyful and cordial.
  6. Scout takes care of nature because in it he sees God.
  7. Scout knows how to obey and does nothing in between.
  8. Scout faces his difficulties with optimism.
  9. Scout takes care of things because he values work.
  10. Scout prepares his body and soul for true love. Archived 2011-08-31 at the Wayback Machine.

Colombia Colombia

Colombian Scouts Association

  1. - Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. - Scout is loyal.
  3. - Scout is useful, supportive and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. - Scout is a friend of all and brother of any other Scout without distinction as to creed, ethnicity, nationality or social class.
  5. - Scout is polite and respects the convictions and opinions of others.
  6. The Scout sees in nature the work of God and seeks its preservation and progress.
  7. - Scout is obedient without a replica and is responsible and respectful
  8. - Scout smiles and sings in his difficulties.
  9. - Scout is a saver, a worker, and attentive to other people's good.
  10. - Scout is clean and healthy, pure in thought, words and actions

Costa Rica Costa Rica

Guides and Scouts of Costa Rica

The Guide and Scout are:

  1. -Honorable: full before himself and others in all aspects of his life
  2. -Leal: Stop with God, your homeland, your parents, your bosses, subordinates and companions.
  3. - Servant: Help others without expecting reward
  4. Friend: He is a friend of all and a brother of every Guide and Scout without distinction as to creed, race, nationality or social class.
  5. -Cortés: Express your esteem and consideration to others
  6. -Bondadoso: See in nature the work of God and preserve it
  7. -Obedient: Accepts legitimate authority and obeys rationally
  8. -Alegre: He is optimistic, jovial even in his difficulties
  9. -Worker: Makes good use of the product of your work and is careful of the other good
  10. - Clean: It is clean and healthy in your thoughts, words and actions

Corps of Explorers of Costa Rica

  1. - Scouts encrypt their honor in being trustworthy.
  2. - Scouts are loyal to everyone.
  3. - Scouts are useful and help others without thinking of reward.
  4. - Scouts are friends of all and brothers of every Scout and Guide without distinction of creed, race, nationality or social class.
  5. - Scouts are joyful and cordial.
  6. Scouts protect animals and plants.
  7. Scouts obey what is not contrary to the Law and do nothing in between.
  8. - Scouts smile and sing in difficulties.
  9. - Scouts are economic, workers and caregivers of other people's good.
  10. - Scouts are clean and healthy, pure in thoughts, words and actions.

Ecuador Ecuador

Scouts of Ecuador

01# -The Scout bases his honor on being trustworthy.

02# -The Scout is loyal to his country, parents, bosses and subordinates.

03# -The scout helps without thinking about the reward.

04# -The scout is a friend to all and a brother to every scout without distinction of creed, race, nationality and social class.

05# -The scout is courteous and chivalrous.

06# -The Scout sees in nature the work of God, and takes care of flora and fauna.

07# -The scout obeys without replying and does everything in order and complete.

08# -The Scout laughs and sings in his difficulties.

09# -The Scout is economical, hard-working and careful of the good of others.

10# -The scout is clean, pure and healthy in thoughts, words and actions.

Spain Spain

Catholic Scouting (MSC)

(Approved at the General Assembly of May 8, 2011 in Pozuelo de Alarcón)

  1. The scout is trustworthy.
  2. The scout is loyal.
  3. The scout is useful and helpful.
  4. The scout is friends with everyone and brother of any other Scout.
  5. The scout is respectful.
  6. The scout recognizes in nature the work of God and protects it.
  7. The scout ends what begins.
  8. The scout faces difficulties with joy.
  9. The scout is austere and a worker.
  10. The scout is healthy, sincere and honored.

n#34;Hercules XXI Andalusia Project#34;

  1. The scout is trustworthy.
  2. The scout is responsible for what is committed and consistent with what you think.
  3. The scout is a builder of a more perfect world.
  4. The scout is in solidarity with the most needy people and is committed to them.
  5. The scout deeply respects the people who share with him the world.
  6. The scout sees nature the work of God and protects it.
  7. The scout ends what begins.
  8. The scout faces difficulties with joy.
  9. The scout is economic, labor and careful with the goods.
  10. The scout is healthy, sincere and honored.

Association of Spanish Scouts (ASDE)

  1. The scout is trustworthy.
  2. The scout is loyal.
  3. The scout helps others without asking for anything in return.
  4. The scout is a friend of all and brother of any other scout.
  5. The scout is polite and polite.
  6. The scout cares for and protects Nature.
  7. The scout never leaves anything in between.
  8. The scout whistles and sings in the face of dangers and difficulties.
  9. The scout respects other good.
  10. The scout is clean and ordered in thought, word and action.

Spanish Association of Guides and Scouts of Europe (AEGSE)

From the Ceremonial of Guides and Scouts of Europe:

  1. Scout/Guide puts his honor in deserving confidence.
  2. The Socut/Guide is loyal to your country, parents, heads and subordinates.
  3. Scout/Guide is made to serve and save his neighbor.
  4. Scout is friends with everyone and brother of any other Scout/The Guide is good with all and sister of any other Guide.
  5. Scout is courteous and gentlemanly/The Guide is courteous and generous.
  6. The Scout/Guide sees in nature the work of God: He loves plants and animals.
  7. The Scout/Guide obeys without a replica and does nothing in half.
  8. Scout/Guide owns itself: smiles and sings in the face of difficulties.
  9. Scout/Guide is economical and takes care of other people's good.
  10. Scout/Guide is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.

Mexico Mexico

Association of Scouts of Mexico, A.C. (ASMAC)

  1. Scout encrypts his honor by being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal to his homeland, his parents, his bosses and subordinates.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend of all and a brother of every Scout, without distinction of creed, race, nationality, social class.
  5. Scout is polite and acts with nobility.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout obeys with responsibility and does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout laughs and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean, healthy and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

Mexican Scout Association, A.C.

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal to his homeland, his parents, chiefs and subordinates.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend of all and brother of every Scout without distinction of creed, race, gender nationality or social class.
  5. Scout is polite and acts generously.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout obeys with responsibility and does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout laughs and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean, healthy and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

National Association of Independent Scouts

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal to his homeland, his parents, chiefs and subordinates.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend of all and brother of every Scout without distinction of creed, race, gender nationality or social class.
  5. Scout is polite and acts generously.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout obeys with responsibility and does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout laughs and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean, healthy and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

ISSSTE Explorers

  1. The Explorer encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. The Explorer is loyal to his homeland, his parents, chiefs and subordinates.
  3. The Explorer is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. The Explorer is a friend of all and brother of every Explorer without distinction of creed, race, gender or social class.
  5. The Explorer is polite and acts generously.
  6. The Explorer sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. The Explorer obeys with responsibility and does things in order and complete.
  8. The Explorer laughs and sings in his difficulties.
  9. The Explorer is economic, hardworking and caring for the good of others.
  10. The Explorer is clean, healthy and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

Mexican Catholic Scout Movement, A.C.

  1. Scout/Guide puts his honor in deserving confidence.
  2. The Socut/Guide is loyal to your country, parents, heads and subordinates.
  3. Scout/Guide is made to serve and save his neighbor.
  4. Scout is friends with everyone and brother of any other Scout/The Guide is good with all and sister of any other Guide.
  5. Scout is courteous and gentlemanly/The Guide is courteous and generous.
  6. The Scout/Guide sees in nature the work of God: He loves plants and animals.
  7. The Scout/Guide obeys without a replica and does nothing in half.
  8. Scout/Guide owns itself: smiles and sings in the face of difficulties.
  9. Scout/Guide is economical and takes care of other people's good.
  10. Scout/Guide is pure in thoughts, words and deeds.

Scouts Mexico Nuevo Rumbo, A.C.

  1. Scout encrypts his honor by being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal to his homeland, his parents, his bosses and subordinates.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend of all and a brother of every Scout, without distinction of creed, race, nationality, social class.
  5. Scout is polite and acts with nobility.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout obeys with responsibility and does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout laughs and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean, healthy and pure of thoughts, words and actions.

Peru Peru

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend of all and brother of any Scout without distinction of race, creed or social class.
  5. Scout is polite and gentlemanly.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout obeys without a replica and does nothing halfway.
  8. Scout smiles and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean, pure and healthy in thoughts, words and actions.

Venezuela Venezuela

  1. Scout encrypts his honor to deserve confidence.
  2. Scout is loyal.
  3. Scout is helpful.
  4. Scout is a friend of all and brother of any other scout.
  5. Scout is polite.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, cares for and protects it.
  7. Scout obeys conscience, is hardworking and persevering.
  8. Scout smiles and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is saving, cares and respects the good of others.
  10. Scout is pure of thought, word and work.

Organization of Marine Surveys of Venezuela

  1. The honor of a Marine Sculcale is to be trustworthy.
  2. The Marine Sculcam is loyal to its President, his country, his Esculcamaestres, his parents, his employers and his subordinates.
  3. The duties of a Marine Sculcale are: to be useful and to help others.
  4. The Marine Sculca is a friend to all and a brother to all other Sculcas, no matter what your country, class or creed is to which they may belong.
  5. The Marine Sculcale is polite.
  6. The Marine Sculcale is a friend of the animals.
  7. The Marine Sculcam obeys the orders of his parents, Patrol leader or Esculcamaestre without asking questions.
  8. The Marine Sculcale smiles and whistles in its difficulties.
  9. The Marine Sculcale is economic.
  10. The Marine Sculcale is clean in thoughts, words and deeds.

Uruguayan Uruguay

USTA Uruguay

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a brother and friend of every scout without distinction of creed, race, nationality or social class.
  5. Scout is courteous and stable.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, cares for and protects plants and animals.
  7. Scout obeys without replication, does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout smiles and sings at his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean and healthy; pure in thought word and action.
Uruguayan Scout Movement
  1. The scout is trustworthy.
  2. The scout is loyal.
  3. The scout serves the neighbor and the community without expecting reward.
  4. The scout is a brother of every scout and promotes fraternity among men.
  5. The scout is just and builder of justice.
  6. The scout protects and loves life.
  7. The scout knows how to obey freely and responsibly.
  8. The scout faces his difficulties with joy and courage.
  9. The scout is a worker and respects the common good.
  10. The scout is pure in thoughts, words and actions.

Uruguayan Scouts

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal.
  3. Scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend of all, and a brother of every Scout, without distinction as to creed, race, nationality or social class.
  5. Scout is cut and considered.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God; protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout can obey without replicating, and does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout smiles and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean and healthy; pure in thought, word and deed.

Uruguayan Scouting Association

  1. Scout encrypts his honor in being trustworthy.
  2. Scout is loyal to his homeland, parents, bosses and subordinates.
  3. The scout is useful and helps others without thinking of reward.
  4. Scout is a friend and brother of every scout without distinction of creed, race, nationality or social class.
  5. Scout is polite and gentlemanly.
  6. Scout sees in nature the work of God, protects animals and plants.
  7. Scout obeys without replicating and does things in order and complete.
  8. Scout laughs and sings in his difficulties.
  9. Scout is economic, hardworking, and careful of other people's good.
  10. Scout is clean and healthy, pure of thoughts, words, deeds and actions.

General explanation

  1. - The scout must be a reliable and responsible person, someone to whom others respect for their integrity. Your word (and your promises) must be fulfilled.
  2. - The scout is faithful and complete (do not lie, do not betray, do not participate in corrillos or wear gossip). The scout says things in front and without assault.
  3. - The scout is always ready to help others without expecting to receive reward.
  4. - The scout treats all people well, no matter their race, social position, appearance or belief.
  5. - The scout is nice to everyone.
  6. - The scout protects nature. It doesn't hurt animals or destroy plants or the environment. It will, however, be allowed to kill an animal to get food or because it is harmful.
  7. - The scout can obey. You can respect a preset program and follow instructions without arguing or complaining. It obeys the laws, rules, and ordinances without discarding them. He does everything in consciousness and leaves nothing to do. If it fails, it tries again until it does well.
  8. - The scout faces problems and overcomes them with joy and serenity.
  9. - The scout works and strives without complaining. He does not waste, and he takes care of his own goods and of others.
  10. - The scout takes care of his personal hygiene and health. He also ensures that he takes care of his spiritual part, and ensures that his actions always reflect his beliefs and words.

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