

The scincids (Scincidae) are a family of scaly sauropsids (reptiles); it is the most diverse group of lizards. Includes skinks, skinks, skinks or skinks. It belongs to the suborder Scincomorpha. The Scincidae family contains about 1,200 species of lizards. They have a worldwide geographic distribution.


The size of these lizards ranges from 12 to 35 cm. Many species have well-developed legs, but in others all degrees of leg reduction occur, losing either the forelimbs, the hindlimbs, or both at the same time. It is a vertebrate, oviparous, ectothermic and short-limbed reptile.

Biology and ecology

Their diet is generally carnivorous and they are great eaters of insects (crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, etc.), spiders, earthworms, snails, isopods, other lizards, and small rodents.

55% of the species are oviparous, while the rest are ovoviviparous.

Some species are in danger of extinction. There are more terrestrial or fossorial species (that bury themselves) than arboreal (climbing) or aquatic species. Some are sand swimmers, especially the desert species. Most are diurnal habits, very active during the day. They like to perch on stones or tree trunks to warm up (sunbathe) during the day.


The following genres are recognized:

  • Gender Ablepharus Lichtenstein, 1823
  • Gender Acontias Cuvier, 1817
  • Gender Afroablepharus Greer, 1974
  • Gender Alinea Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Amphiglossus Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Androngo Brygoo, 1982
  • Gender Anomalopus Duméril & Duméril, 1851
  • Gender Aspronema Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Asymblepharus Eremchenko " Shcherbak, 1980
  • Gender Ateuchosaurus Gray, 1845
  • Gender Barkudia Annandale, 1917
  • Gender Bassiana Hutchinson, Donnellan, Baverstock, Krieg, Simms & Burgin, 1990
  • Gender Bellatoria Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Gender Brachymeles Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Brasiliscincus Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Caledoniscincus Sadlier, 1987
  • Gender Calyptotis De Vis, 1886
  • Gender Capitellum Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Carlia Gray, 1845
  • Gender Celatiscincus Sadlier, Smith & Bauer, 2006
  • Gender Chabanaudia de Witte & Laurent, 1943
  • Gender Chalcides Laurenti, 1768
  • Gender Chalcidoseps Boulenger, 1887
  • Gender Chioninia Mausfeld, Böhme, Misof, Vrcibradic & Rocha, 2002
  • Gender Coeranoscincus Greer " Cogger, 1985
  • Gender Coggeria Couper, Covacevich, Marsterson ' Shea, 1996
  • Gender Concinnia Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Gender Copeoglossum Tschudi, 1845
  • Gender Cophoscincopus Mertens, 1934
  • Gender Corucia Gray, 1855
  • Gender Cryptoblepharus Wiegmann, 1834
  • Gender Ctenotus Storr, 1964
  • Gender Cyclodomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Daes Gray, 1839
  • Gender Egernia Gray, 1838
  • Gender Emoia Gray, 1845
  • Gender Eremiascincus Greer, 1979
  • Gender Eroticoscincus Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Gender Eugongylus Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Eulamprus Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Eumès Wiegmann, 1834
  • Gender Eumecia Bocage, 1870
  • Gender Eurylepis Blyth, 1854
  • Gender Eutropis Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Exila Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Feylinia Gray, 1845
  • Gender Fojia Greer & Simon, 1982
  • Gender Geomyersia Greer & Parker, 1968
  • Gender Geoscincus Sadlier, 1987
  • Gender Glaphyromorphus Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Gender Gnypetoscincus Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Gender Gongylomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Graciliscincus Sadlier, 1987
  • Gender Haackgreerius Lanza, 1983
  • Gender Hakaria Steindachner, 1899
  • Gender Harrisoniascincus Wells & Wellington, 1985
  • Gender Hemiergis Wagler, 1830
  • Gender Hemisphaeriodon Peters, 1867
  • Gender Insulasaurus Taylor, 1925
  • Gender Isopachys Lönnberg, 1916
  • Gender Janetaescincus Greer, 1970
  • Gender Jarujinia Chan-Ard, Makchai & Cota, 2011
  • Gender Kaestlea Eremchenko ' Das, 2004
  • Gender Kanakysaurus Sadlier, Bauer, Smith & Whitaker, 2004
  • Gender Lacertaspis Perret, 1975
  • Gender Lacertoids Sadlier, Shea & Bauer, 1997
  • Gender Lamprolepis Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Lampropholis Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Lankascincus Greer, 1991
  • Gender Larutia Böhme, 1981
  • Gender Leiolopisma Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Lepidothyris Cope, 1892
  • Gender Leptoseps Greer, 1997
  • Gender Leptosiaphos Schmidt, 1943
  • Gender Lerist Bell, 1833
  • Gender Liburnascincus Wells & Wellington, 1984
  • Gender Liopholis Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Lioscincus Bocage, 1873
  • Gender Lipinia Gray, 1845
  • Gender Lissolepis Peters, 1872
  • Gender Lobulia Greer, 1974
  • Gender Lygisaurus De Vis, 1884
  • Gender Lygosoma Hardwicke & Gray, 1827
  • Gender Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826
  • Gender Madascincus Brygoo, 1982
  • Gender Manciola Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Maracaiba Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Marisora Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Marmorosphax Sadlier, 1987
  • Gender Melanoseps Boulenger, 1887
  • Gender Menetia Gray, 1845
  • Gender Mesoscincus Griffith, Ngo & Murphy, 2000
  • Gender Mochlus Günther, 1864
  • Gender Morethia Gray, 1845
  • Gender Nangura Covacevich, Couper & James, 1993
  • Gender Nannoscincus Günther, 1872
  • Gender Nessia Gray, 1839
  • Gender Niveoscincus Hutchinson, Donnellan, Baverstock, Krieg, Simms & Burgin, 1990
  • Gender Notomabuya Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Notoscincus Fuhn, 1969
  • Gender Oligosoma Girard, 1857
  • Gender Ophiomorus Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Ophioscincus Peters, 1874
  • Gender Orosaura Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Otosaurus Gray, 1845
  • Gender Pamelaescincus Greer, 1970
  • Gender Panaspis Cope, 1868
  • Gender Panopa Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Papuascincus Allison & Greer, 1986
  • Gender Paracontia Mocquard, 1894
  • Gender Parvoscincus Ferner, Brown & Greer, 1997
  • Gender Phoboscincus Greer, 1974
  • Gender Pinoyscincus Linkem, Diesmos & Brown, 2011
  • Gender Plestiodon Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Prasinohaema Greer, 1974
  • Gender Proablepharus Fuhn, 1969
  • Gender Proscelotes de Witte & Laurent, 1943
  • Gender Pseudemo Fuhn, 1967
  • Gender Pseudoacontia Bocage, 1889
  • Gender Psychosaura Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Pygomeles Grandidier, 1867
  • Gender Ristella Gray, 1839
  • Gender Saiphos Gray, 1839
  • Gender Saproscincus Wells & Wellington, 1983
  • Gender Scelotes Fitzinger, 1826
  • Gender Scincella Mittleman, 1950
  • Gender Scincopus Peters, 1864
  • Gender Scincus Laurenti, 1768
  • Gender Scolecoseps Loveridge, 1920
  • Gender Sepsina Bocage, 1866
  • Gender Sepsophis Beddome, 1870
  • Gender Follow them. Sadlier, 1987
  • Gender Simiscincus Sadlier & Bauer, 1997
  • Gender Sirenoscincus Sakata & Hikida, 2003
  • Gender Sphenomorphus Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Spondylurus Fitzinger, 1826
  • Gender Tachygyia Mittleman, 1952
  • Gender Techmarscincus Wells & Wellington, 1985
  • Gender Tiliqua Gray, 1825
  • Gender Trachylepis Fitzinger, 1843
  • Gender Tribolonotus Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Tropidophorus Duméril & Bibron, 1839
  • Gender Tropidoscincus Bocage, 1873
  • Gender Typhlacontias Bocage, 1873
  • Gender Typhlosaurus Wiegmann, 1834
  • Gender Tytthoscincus Linkem, Diesmos & Brown, 2011
  • Gender Varzea Hedges & Conn, 2012
  • Gender Vietnascincus Darevsky " Orlov, 1994
  • Gender Voeltzkowia Boettger, 1893

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