Scarface (DC Comics)


Scarface, (Spanish: La Caracortada), (Arnold Welker, Peyton Riley, Shauna Bezler and Arthur Pen) is the name of several fictional DC Comics supervillains and enemies of Batman. His first appearance was in Detective Comics #583 (February 1988). She is a puppet managed by a schizophrenic ventriloquist with severe multiple personality disorder. The Ventriloquist is the name of several supervillains appearing in comic books and other media published by DC Comics. All versions of the Ventriloquist are enemies of Batman, belonging to the collective of adversaries that make up Batman's rogues gallery.

The character has appeared in various media adaptations, including feature films, television series, and video games. Andrew Sellon plays a character named Arthur Penn in the television series Gotham. In the fifth season of Gothan, he finds the Scarface doll and becomes the ventriloquist.

Publication history

There are currently three incarnations of the Ventriloquist: the first and original incarnation, Arnold Wesker, first appeared in Detective Comics #583 (February 1988) and was created by John Wagner, Alan Grant, and Norm Breyfogle; the second ventriloquist, Peyton Riley, was introduced in Detective Comics #827 (March 2007) by Paul Dini and Don Kramer; In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted the DC continuity and, in this new timeline, the third and final incarnation of the character, Shauna Belzer, was introduced, first appearing in Batgirl #20 (July 2013), created by Gail Simone and Fernando Pasarin.

The character is a puppet operated by a schizophrenic ventriloquist with severe multiple personality disorder. The Ventriloquist is a quiet person who carries out his plans through the doll Scarface who has the personality of a gangster from the 20s, always in a suit, with a type hat. Fedora, with a cigar in his mouth and a Thompson Submachine Gun, the doll is inspired by the well-known gangster of the 20s, Al Capone. The two personalities treat each other as different, even going so far as to argue with each other. Scarface humiliates and insults the Ventriloquist and he is afraid of him. It should be noted that Arnold is only evil when he has the doll, since it is through him that he channels his double personality. When he doesn't have Scarface, Wesker is a quiet and shy man, fainthearted even.


Arnold Wesker

A meek and quiet man named Arnold Wesker (the first ventriloquist) plans and executes his crimes through a doll named Scarface, with the dress and personality of a 1920s gangster (complete with pinstripe suit, cigar, and a Tommy gun). His name comes from the nickname of Al Capone, after whom Scarface is modeled.

Born into a powerful organized crime family, Wesker develops dissociative identity disorder after watching his mother murdered by thugs from a rival family. Growing up, the only outlet for him is ventriloquism.

Showcase '94 #8-9 sets up an alternate origin story: After a bar fight in which he kills someone during a violent release of his pent-up anger, Wesker is Sent to Blackgate Penitentiary. He is introduced to 'Woody', a doll carved from the remains of the old Blackgate gallows by his cellmate Donnegan, who convinces him to escape and kill Donnegan in a fight which scars the doll, resulting in the birth of Scarface.

Wesker lets the Scarface persona do the dirty work, including robbery and murder. He is totally dominated by Scarface, who yells orders at him and degrades him with verbal (and even physical) abuse. Wesker is unable to pronounce the letter "B" in his words as he casts his voice and replaces them with the letter & # 34;G & # 34; instead (for example, Scarface often calls Batman and Robin, "Gatman" and "Rogin").

In the 1995 Riddler story in Riddler: The Riddle Factory, it is revealed that a gangster named "Scarface" Scarelli had been active in Gotham City, though he had apparently been dead long before the Batman era. A supernatural aspect of Scarface was hinted at in Wesker's alternate origin story in Showcase '94 #8-9, when Wesker's cellmate creates the first Scarface doll from bits of wood from the remains of the gallows at Blackgate prison. Batman / Scarface: A Psychodrama (2001) reinforces this and shows that the doll is indirectly responsible for two accidents while separated from Wesker (with at least one fatality). The doll also retained its speech impediment while being operated on by a child and appeared to even display knowledge of the child's name during this period.

The Ventriloquist is one of the many villains in Batman's rogues gallery who will be confined to Arkham Asylum when apprehended by Batman. A particularly memorable series of events concerning him took place during the Knightfall storyline, after Bane destroyed Arkham and freed its inmates. Unable to find Scarface, the Ventriloquist uses a sock puppet instead for a short time. (aptly named Socko). After an ill-fated team-up with fellow fugitive Amygdala, he acquires a number of other hand puppets to replace Scarface, including one of a police officer he refers to as 'Chief O' Hara'. # 3. 4;. Later, when Wesker finds Scarface, Scarface and Socko face off until a confrontation ensues, and the puppets shoot each other, leaving Wesker unconscious and bleeding from two injured hands.

During the events of the Cataclysm story arc, the stress caused by the earthquake apparently triggered the release of another personality within Wesker in the form of the 'Quakemaster', who claimed to have caused the quake himself in a video and threatened to trigger another unless he was paid $100 million. However, the seismologist Quakemaster had captured to provide him with information, deliberately feeds him inaccurate scientific data to provide detectives searching for her with information on his location. Robin later deduces the true identity of "Quakemaster", since his speech always goes to great lengths to avoid saying words with the letter "B".

In one issue, Wesker is apparently killed, and in a bizarre twist, Scarface appears to still be speaking and acting alive before being destroyed. This death seems to have been rescheduled in "A Year Later" (presumably due to the events of the Infinite Crisis crossover). Wesker appears as one of the members of the Secret Society of Super Villains who confronts Jade Canary, who throws Scarface off the top of a roof.

In Detective Comics #818, an issue later included in the trade paperback Batman: Face the Face, Wesker is killed by an unseen assailant. He steps on the Scarface doll and its head is crushed. A dying Wesker uses Scarface's hand to leave a clue about his murder: the name of a street. Later in the story, it is revealed that the Tally Man, who is acting as the Great White Shark's enforcer, is responsible for the murder.

During the Blackest Night crossover, Wesker is among the many deceased villains given a black power ring and is reanimated into a Black Lantern. Using his power ring, Wesker creates a Scarface construct made of black energy. He is shown murdering many police officers.

In September 2011, The New 52 rebooted the DC continuity. In this new timeline, Arnold Wesker was never killed. He appears in Batman: The Dark Knight #2. Implied that he is in possession of the steroid Venom, he briefly clashes with Nightwing.

During The War of Jokes and Riddles, Wesker and Scarface are seen as part of the Joker's gang in their gang war against the Riddler's gang. In Harley Quinn: Rebirth , After powering up the Penguin, the Ventriloquist and Scarface team up with the few remaining crime lords in New York who managed to escape the Penguin's giant penguins and help Harley Quinn fight back. He is subsequently put in charge of the Coney Island mob.

Peyton Riley

A new ventriloquist, Peyton Riley, named "Sugar" by Scarface, soon appeared in the pages of Detective Comics. Batman responded to a call from a police scanner: witnesses said Catwoman had been shot. He got to the body, which had a note saying "mannequin." A counter started at four seconds; he got out when the place blew up. When he got back to his car, there was a doll posing as Robin. He shot it with a claw and it too exploded.

Batman had the police exhume Arnold Wesker's body, but the coffin was empty. Bruce wears one of his costumes, Little Lefty Knox, to see what the subway was saying. Within a week, he heard that the ventriloquist was returning to the Iceberg Lounge. "Lefty" attended the big show—as the curtains parted, the late Wesker sat down with Scarface on his lap. A beautiful blonde whom Scarface calls "Sugar" he knocked over the corpse, took the doll and continued. When she was questioned by an audience member, she shot him. Scarface told the room that he was working on a plan to take over the city, but he would have to take Batman out of the equation first. He called out to Batman, knowing that he would be in the audience. Bruce released his voice and made it sound like one of the other criminals was confessing. A batarang flew up and knocked out the lights, causing Scarface to open fire. Batman lunged forward and grabbed the woman and the doll. He separated them and realized the doll was a bomb, forcing him to dispose of it and allowing the woman to escape.

Sugar is a more compatible partner than Wesker, as Scarface no longer replaces "B" by 'G', and she's much more willing to commit violent crimes. When she's nearly captured by Batman and Harley Quinn (who had been close to Wesker after he tried to cheer her up when she was initially sent to Arkham while the Joker was still on the loose), Sugar has Scarface say, "Save yourself." & # 3. 4;. Unlike Wesker, who is horrified by any harm to Scarface, Sugar manipulates her mannequins into exploding, using this to cover her escape. She has numerous identical mannequins in her hideout, easily switching from one Scarface to another as needed.

During Gotham Underground #2 (January 2008), the Scarecrow tells Sugar and Scarface, along with Lock-Up, Firefly, and Killer Moth that the Penguin is working for the Suicide Squad. They attack him, but end up meeting a team of criminals working for Penguin. As they try to escape, the Scarecrow leads them into a dead end. Tobias Whale shoots Scarface, but lets Sugar live, though he informs one of the men escorting her that she is going to be "wounded."

In Detective Comics #843 (April 2008), Scarface kidnaps a rival gangster, Johnny Sabatino, and takes Bruce Wayne hostage. While she is alone, Sugar separates from Scarface and talks to Bruce in what appears to be his "real" persona. She reveals that she was engaged to Wayne's friend, Matthew Atkins, "years ago." It is revealed that her real name is Peyton Riley, and she expresses remorse for her crimes before she reappears as Scarface and interrupts their conversation.

In the next issue, Riley reveals that her father, an Irish mob boss named Sean Riley, wanted to marry her off to Sabatino, forming a permanent alliance between Gotham's Irish and Italian gangs. Atkins is severely beaten, leaving him in intensive care. Sean's alcoholism worsens and Peyton is forced to marry Sabatino. This does not lead to the expected gang alliance, as Sabatino proves to be an inept gangster. He and Peyton are eventually brought to see Scarface, as Sabatino had set him up on an arms deal. Both Scarface and Wesker were impressed by Peyton's intelligence and gave Sabatino a second chance, taking 30% of his winnings.

In Detective Comics #850 (November 2008), she and Tommy Elliot bond over mutual resentment of their families and vow to escape together when Elliot enters their fortune. However, Elliot's ailing mother does not approve of her relationship, and when Tommy refuses to stop seeing Peyton, she cuts him out of his will. Later, Peyton pushes the departing family lawyer out of the way and kills him (asking a favor of some of her father's men to "take care of the details"), while Elliot murders the mother of him Peyton declares that they can finally be free together, only to be abandoned by Elliot, who later describes her as a "sweet girl, but too needy".

When Scarface's control over the mob begins to unravel, Sabatino, now a crime boss in his own right, decides to cement his own position by taking out the Rileys. After killing his mother-in-law, he personally shoots his wife in the head. However, he survives and regains consciousness just as the Tally Man is killing Wesker nearby. Peyton finds Wesker's body and is shocked to hear Scarface talking to her. Although she suspects that she may be hallucinating, she partners with him when he expresses sympathy and tells her that he will help her get back at her.

Scarface and Peyton plan to throw Sabatino over the side of their own yacht. After Bruce is rescued by Zatanna, he assumes the role of Batman and proceeds to rescue Sabatino while Zatanna tries to talk to Peyton, explaining that the dolls and puppets have powerful magic. Before she can have any effect, a thug named Moose pummels her with an oar. As Batman protects Zatanna from Moose, Peyton makes another attempt to throw Sabatino over her side, but gets too close to her and begins to strangle her with the rope around her wrists. Scarface says quietly, "Jump up, Sugar," and Peyton sends them both overboard. Before reaching the water, Scarface says "Bye, boy." I loved it..." Riley has not appeared since and it is presumed that he drowned with Sabatino.

Shauna Belzer

In The New 52, a new ventriloquist debuted in the pages of Batgirl. Shauna Belzer grew up in the shadow of her twin brother hers Ferdie, whom her parents treated as her favorite while ignoring her; other kids, meanwhile, idolized Ferdie while bullying her. When Shauna learned that she could move things with her mind, she used her new powers to kill one of her tormentors. She would later use these powers to kill her hated brother and make it look like an accident. Shauna was trying to find her place in the world when she met Ferdie the fool. She saw him at a birthday party and killed the clown who was using him. Shauna would then kill her parents and start doing ventriloquist acts that usually ended with a dead audience.

Shauna is one of six people who are kidnapped by a man who identifies himself as the Mockingbird and locked inside a shipping container at the bottom of the ocean. Besides Shauna, the others are Catman, Big Shot, Black Alice, Strix, and Porcelain. After escaping, this group becomes known as the new Secret Six. Mockingbird is eventually revealed to be the Riddler, who believes a priceless diamond was stolen from him by one of the six, but does not know who. The thief is revealed to be the ventriloquist doll Ferdie, who had stolen the diamond and hidden it inside his own wooden body, his persona so separate from Shauna's that she didn't even realize her doll was the thief.. In the final issue of the Secret Six series, Shauna betrays the team and leaves Ferdie when he insists that they remain loyal to the group. Shauna is incarcerated in Arkham Asylum, where she now uses a sock puppet as her new doll.

Powers and abilities

The first ventriloquist has no superhuman powers and is not a good hand-to-hand combatant. He is a skilled ventriloquist and his Scarface persona is a skilled criminal strategist. However, he cannot pronounce any words with a letter 'B'. accurately without moving his lips, giving Scarface a speech impediment in which he says every 'B' he says. in a word like a "G". Wesker usually carries a pistol of some sort, while Scarface carries a trademark Tommy pistol. However, Wesker tends to show that he and Scarface have two different personalities and he and Scarface can sometimes argue with each other, which tends to work to Batman's advantage on several occasions.

The second ventriloquist is much more skilled in ventriloquism than her predecessor and is able to pronounce all speech patterns with more proficiency when in her Scarface persona. Unlike the first, the second ventriloquist's personality does not contradict Scarface's and she is much more willing to commit cruel acts, especially since she believes that she and the doll are in a romantic relationship. Coming from an elite mafia family, she is also a brilliant criminal mind.

The third ventriloquist is possibly a metahuman capable of controlling other beings. Their psychotic mind often leads them to gain their own personality.

Other versions

DCAU Continuity

In the DCAU-continuity of the comics, The Price of Power has his speech impediment in the mainstream DC Universe version. This was explained by Scarface stating that while he was & # 34; in prison & # 34; after one of Wesker's arrests, he was involved in a fight in which a fellow prisoner ripped off his lips.


In Superman/Batman, a fusion of the Toymaker and the Ventriloquist, called the Ventrilomaker, appears among the mercenaries recruited into the Brotherhood of Injustice and, thanks to Terranado, who had infiltrated within the Justice Titans, were able to attack the Tower of Justice.

Batman: Arkham Unhinged

In Batman: Arkham Unhinged, Arnold Wesker's incarnation of the Ventriloquist and Scarface are seen participating in Two-Face's trial against Joker as a juror, where Wesker voted guilty due to Joker he took Scarface from him by force.

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

In the crossover Batman / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Arnold Wesker's ventriloquist appears mutated into a macaw by the Shredder and the Foot Clan to attack Batman and Robin. Batman is captured, but Robin manages to escape. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Splinter then arrive, where Splinter defeats the mutated villains, while Batman uses his new Intimidator armor to defeat the Shredder, and the Turtles defeat Ra's al Ghul. Later, Gordon tells Batman that police scientists have managed to return all of Arkham's inmates, including Wesker, back to normal and that they are currently in the custody of A.R.G.U.S..


In the alternate timeline of Flashpoint, Arnold Wesker is still a criminal in Gotham City; Catwoman and Batman subdued him after their partnership.

In other media


Live Action

  • The ventriloquist appears in Gotham, played by the ventriloquist of real life Andrew Sellon. In the series, the character is reinvented as the affable accountant of Oswald Cobblepot, Arthur Penn, who made his debut in the fourth season. Before working for Copplepot, Penn was a criminal partner of mafia boss Carmine Falcone and her daughter Sofia. In the fifth season episode, "Penguin, Our Hero", during the No Man's Land event, it is to be assumed that he is killed after being shot by a street gang called Street Demonz. In the "Nothing's Shocking" episode, it is revealed that Penn is alive when he approached Cobblepot and his friend Edward Nygma; Penn explains that he woke up in the GCPD morgue and went to an abandoned magic shop where he found a ventriloquist doll unselling called Scarface, which caused the creation of a personality divided with Scarsuface as the dominant personality, treating Pennca. Penn and Scarface threaten to kill Cobblepot so that Scarface can become the head of the dominant mafia in Gotham City. Cobblepot manages to "kill" Scarface by flying his head, which releases Penn from the control of the doll. Moments later, however, Nygma kills Penn with the argument that you can no longer trust him. Originally, Penn's role as a ventriloquist was to be eliminated from the season because it was reduced to 10 episodes. But after Fox extended the season until 12, he allowed the creative team to continue with their original plan.
  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo makes a cameo in Titansplayed by a double risk unknown. At the end of the first season, entitled "Dick Grayson", the eponymous character is placed in a world of dreams created by Trigon, where Batman has embarked on a massacre, eliminating his greatest enemies one by one; the Ventrilocuo is among them, since his body (as well as his Scarface puppet) can be seen inside his cell in Arkham Asylum.


  • The incarnation of Arnold Wesker of the ventriloquist appears in DC's animated universe projects, where he and Scarface have the voice of George Dzundza. Both Rhino (with the voice of Earl Boen) and Mugsy (with the voice of Joe Piscopo in Batman: the animated seriesTownsend Coleman in Batman's new adventures) have appeared next to the ventriloquist in the animated series.
    • Ventrilocuo and Scarface appear in Batman: the animated series. In this representation, he is a ventriloquist master and can pronounce every sound perfectly like Scarface, a decision by which Bruce Timm fought, even though DC Comics wanted Scarface to replace 'B' by 'G', as in comics. In his first appearance "Read My Lips", Batman investigates a series of thefts and discovers that the crimes are planned by a mafia boss known as "Scarface" who has been having his Rhino, Mugsy and his new recruit Ratso. (expressed by Neil Ross) commit them. Follow Scarface to his den in an abandoned mannequin store and discover that the crime tsar is a wooden doll, manipulated by a gentle manner man called "the ventriloquist." As he advances, he realizes that Arnold Wesker (the ventriloquist) has a split personality and is the doll who manipulates Wesker. Scarface and his gang capture Batman by discovering the mistake he put in the ventriloquist's tie and organizing a fake robbery to catch Batman. Scarface binds and hangs Batman and makes him fall into a well full of mannequin hands with sharp nails pointing up while destroying the bug. Batman even admitted that he allowed Wesker to let him approach Scarface. At this point, by pretending and projecting the voice of the ventriloquist, Batman interprets the two personalities of Wesker, putting them to fight with each other. This reaches the point where Scarface orders that Wesker be shot, an order that no one carries out, so Scarface tries to shoot Wesker until Batman cuts his hand with a batarang. As the duo argues, Batman manages to release himself safely and eliminate the gang. During the fight, Scarface's mint, Mugsy, shoots Batman, but accidentally destroys Scarface. At the end of the episode, Wesker is shown in one of the Arkham Asylum workshops working on a project. After a nurse congratulates him for his recovery, he turns it around and reveals a new fake head. Take a knife and make a scar on the face similar to that of the original Scarface, while Wesker is rebuilding Scarface. In the "Read My Lips" DVD comment, Timm stated that Fox KidsThe Censorships allowed the recurring destruction of Scarface because it was not a "living" character, which allowed the production staff to unleash their darkest impulses by finding a more horrifying way to destroy the doll every time, culminating in grinding it to turn it into sawdust in the ventilation of a later fan building into a later episode. In the "Judgment" episode, the ventriloquist and Scarface act as bailiffs in Batman's trial after prisoners in Arkham Asylum take over. When they try to prevent Batman from escaping from the asylum, Scarface is accidentally decapitated by the Scarecrow. In the "Pasarela" episode, the ventriloquist and Scarface hire Catwoman to carry out a robbery for them, although it turns out to be a trick to Scarface to steal some valuable stuffed animals and let Catwoman take the blame. Angry, Catwoman destroys Scarface by throwing it over a conveyor belt and throwing a pile of trunks over it, crushing and burning the remains. She almost killed the ventriloquist too to make sure Scarface never comes back, but Batman stops her at the last moment.
    • Ventrilocuo and Scarface appear in Batman's new adventures. In the "Double Talk" episode, Arkham considers Wesker to be sane and free in the community. Now free from his other dominant personality, Wesker is supported by Bruce Wayne, who gives him a job at Wayne Enterprises and watches him as Batman. After a while, Wesker starts listening to Scarface's voice by ordering his "mannequin" back and even the part where Rhino and Mugsy try to take him back to Scarface's side. In addition, Rhino and Mugsy recruit the enan scammer Hips McManus (with the voice of Billy Barty) to pass through a live version of Scarface. Wesker falls when he finds Scarface planted in his apartment, resulting in a confrontation with Batman and Batgirl at the top of the Wayne Enterprises building that takes Wesker holding Batman at gunpoint, with Scarface pushing Wesker to shoot Batman. When Batman asks him to take over, Wesker turns on Scarface and shoots him repeatedly, which makes him fall on a fan, destroys him and finally frees himself.
    • In Batman of the FutureYou see a Scarface doll on display at the Baticueva in the episodes "Rebirth", "Out of the Past" and "Blackout".
    • In League of JusticeThe character makes two cameos. In the second part of the episode "A Better World", an alternative dimension version of the Ventrilocuo and Scarface is among the various lobotomized patients courtesy of the Superman of the Amos of Justice, a League of Justice that takes extreme measures to guarantee peace and is not subject to a policy of "not to kill" (the front of the ventrilocuo is not marked, while Scarface has intriguingly the two treatments. In the third part of the "Starcrossed" episode, another Scarface doll is in another glass cabinet at the Batcueva.
  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo appears in The Batmanwhere he and Scarface are played by Dan Castellaneta. In the series, Wesker is a ventriloquist that exploded when he was abducted out of the stage one night and became a criminal life with his first successful mischief being the theft of each and every person of the audience who had abducted him. Scarface's costume is updated to one who remembers the one who uses Al Pacino in Scarface. In his debut episode "The Big Dummy", Wesker organizes theft of several gadgets, which are used to build a giant Scarface robot that holds Wesker in his hand in an investment of his roles. However, Scarface still needs Wesker to move and speak, as it is a big "tont." In the end, Scarface is destroyed when a train hits him. Wesker is then taken to Arkham Asylum. In the episode "Fistful of Felt", Wesker returns with a reconstructed Scarface. Then it is revealed that Wesker once had a TV show called Cockamanee Junction, which was canceled. After Batman prevents them from stealing dollar molds from a treasury, Wesker and Scarface are seen in Arkham during the Hugo Strange therapy group with the Joker and the Penguin. Strange considers Wesker his main patient and "free" Scarface's Wesker simply by removing the puppet and prohibiting access. Wesker seems to recover and starts making children's parties with a puppet named Mr. Snoots, until Strange starts the next phase of your plan. Put Scarface in Wesker's apartment, perhaps to see if Wesker is completely cured and capable of dealing with Scarface's dominant demands. Seeing the puppet, Scarface's voice begins to speak from the doll. In a confrontation with Batman in a newly opened building for children, Mr. Snoots is facing Scarface. Scarface and Mr. Snoots start fighting and both are again destroyed by a train. Wesker is then returned to Arkham. In "Rumors", Wesker and Scarface are among the villains captured by Rumor and have been placed in separate cells. Wesker and Scarface make their last appearance in the series in the fifth season episode "The End of Batman", with the help of Wrath and Scorn.


  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo makes a cameo in The Batman vs. DraculaLike one of Arkham Asylum's prisoners playing bingo.
  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo was originally planned to appear in The Lego Batman Movieaccording to some artistic concepts.
  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo appears in Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold as one of the Arkham Asylum prisoners during the riot caused by Crimson Cloak.

Video Games

Lego Series

  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo appears in the mini-game "Villain Hunt" in the Nintendo DS version Lego Batman: the video game.
  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo appears as a playable character Lego DC Super-VillainsWith the voice of Dave B. Mitchell.

Batman: Arkham

  • Although the incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo is not represented in Batman: Arkham Asylum, reference is made to him on numerous occasions and Scarface even has a cameo. During the opening sequence of the game, the asylum administrator Quincy Sharp can be heard stating that Wesker is among those who have been rehabilitated by his institution. Later, Scarface can be seen on display at Sharp's messy office. Shortly afterwards, a stunning Batman, who has been drugged by the scarecrow, sees Scarface seemingly self-sufficient giving an absurd speech welcoming him to madness. In the final stages of history, the Joker appears using Scarface to entertain himself. He then discards the latter with disgust after a simulated dialogue that indicates that Scarface will return with the ventrilocuum. Observer players have noticed that Scarface's Thompson machine guns can be found mounted on a wall in one of the many blocks of Arkham cells. A closer inspection will automatically unlock the biography of the ventriloquist and the patient's report. He is also one of the villains on the group list.
  • In Batman: Arkham CityThe background information of the game has confirmed the career of Peyton Riley as the second ventriloquist, although, unlike his counterpart of the comic, he took possession of Scarface while Arnold Wesker still lived. Wesker, meanwhile, is still fugitive in Gotham City; hearing Batman's police scanner will reveal that he has taken a hostage in a shooting with the police. As in Arkham City 'In the prequel, the Joker somehow managed to get the puppet and forced his minions to create numerous copies to destroy each one after having fun. A particular Scarface was even seized by the Penguin, and can be seen locked inside a vitrine at his headquarters, and will dance if he interacts with him. The final appearance of a Scarface doll is at the DLC Harley Quinn's Revenge. This Scarface puppet was found in Steel Mill, where a cradle with the wrist was placed inside painted with the same scheme as the Joker.
  • In Batman: Arkham KnightPeyton Riley's Tommy gun is stored in the Gotham City Police Department testing room. If you interact with the screen, Aaron Cash expresses his confusion about the relationship between Scarface and Ventrilocuo asking if it is actually the puppet weapon instead of Riley's. Riley and Wesker state is unknown. In addition, the Scarface puppet used by Joker is also on display.

Other games

  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo appears as a leader in the game Batman: Dark Tomorrow. He sees him participating in a gang war with Black Mask using weapons that Ra's al Ghul has covered both sides to distract Batman during his last plan. After defeating the ventriloquist, Batman decapitates Scarface and sticks his head to a wall with a rope hook, although it shows that he is still animated and mocks the Dark Knight, until Batman gags him with a living fish to shut him up.
  • The Incarnation of Arnold Wesker of Ventrilocuo appears in Batman: The Telltale SeriesWith the voice of Larry Brisbowitz. This version of the character uses a sock puppet called Socko (also expressed by Larry Brisbowitz) to express his divided personality since he has no access to Scarface, similar to the character's representation in Knightfall's history. In the fourth episode "Guardian of Gotham", Wesker is one of the inmates of Arkham Asylum and Bruce, imprisoned, has the opportunity to ask him about "John Doe".

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