Scanning probe microscope


A Scanning Probe Microscope (also called SPM for its acronym in English Scanning Probe Microscopy) is one that has the transmitter in the exechimal part of the lens (4x objective). This electron microscope uses a probe that runs over the surface of the object to be studied. The SPM microscope branch was founded with the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981.

Its use in scientific research is to regulate the image by scanning electrons, making the image magnify (10,000,000 nm).

SPM Types

There are a variety of sweeping probe microscopes, the main ones being:
  • AFM, atomic force microscope (atomic force microscopy)
    • Contact AFM
    • Non-contact AFM
    • Dynamic contact AFM
    • Tapping AFM
  • BEEM, ballistic electron emission microscopy
  • CFM, chemical force microscopy
  • C-AFM, conductive atomic force microscopy
  • ECSTM electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope
  • EFM, electrostatic force microscopy
  • FluidFM, fluidic force microscope
  • FMM, force modulation microscopy
  • FOSPM, feature-oriented scanning probe microscopy
  • KPFM, kelvin probe force microscopy
  • MFM, magnetic force microscopy
  • MRFM, magnetic resonance force microscopy
  • NSOM, Near field optical microscope (near-field optical microscopy or SNOM, scanning near-field optical microscopy)
  • PFM, Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
  • PSTM, photon scanning tunneling microscopy
  • PTMS, photothermal microspectroscopy/microscopy
  • SCM, scanning capacitance microscopy
  • SECM, electrochemical microscopy scanning
  • SGM, microscopy gate scan
  • SHPM, Hall scanning probe microscopy
  • SICM, scanning ion-conductance microscopy
  • SPSM spin polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
  • SSRM, scanning spreading resistance microscopy
  • SThM, thermal microscopy scanning
  • STM, tunnel effect microscope (scanning tunneling microscopy)
  • STP, scanning tunneling potentiometry
  • SVM, voltage scanning microscopy
  • SXSTM, synchrotron x-ray scanning tunneling microscopy
  • SSET Scanning Single-Electron Transistor Microscopy

Of these techniques, AFM and STM are the most commonly used for roughness measurements.

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