San Roman de Cameros

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San Román de Cameros is a municipality in the autonomous community of La Rioja (Spain).


Located on the banks of the Leza River, 36 km south of Logroño.

Location and access

San Román de Cameros is located in the region of Cameros; specifically in the area known as Camero Viejo, in the middle part of the Leza river valley and constitutes the neatest jewel in the area. Its location in the center of the valley and its status as the most populous municipality, in addition to having all the services including a 24-hour health center, make it the unofficial capital of the valley. It sits on the southeastern slope of a hill that rises above three depressions: that of the Leza, that of its tributary, the Santa María, and that of the Vallejuelo ravine. It is located at 820 meters high.

Its altitude means that it has a climate that is sometimes harsh in winter but very mild in summer, which makes it a pleasant and not crowded holiday destination. Since it is located in the middle of the Biosphere Reserve of the Jubera, Leza, Cidacos and Alhama valleys, it can be used as a base for excursions through this natural area.

From Logroño, the capital of La Rioja, it is accessed using the LR-250 highway, which successively crosses the towns of Villamediana de Iregua, Ribafrecha, Leza de Río Leza, Soto en Cameros and Terroba. It is an interesting route that allows you to contemplate the Leza river canyon, located between the towns of Leza and Soto. There is a bus service that makes two round trips a day between the Logroño station and San Román, but only three days a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday).

If you travel from Soria, you have to cross the Piqueras tunnel, which runs under a beautiful mountain pass in autumn, and then the Sancho Leza pass, which gives access to the valley. It then crosses the towns of Laguna de Cameros, Cabezón de Cameros and Jalón de Cameros. Finally, if the tourist is in the neighboring Iregua valley, in the area known as Camero Nuevo, whose main town is Torrecilla en Cameros, it can be reached via the LR-245 highway that connects both valleys passing through Muro in Cameros and leaving at the height of Jalón.


In addition to the main town, the towns of Santa María, Montalbo, Velilla, Vadillos, Avellaneda and Valdeosera are part of the municipality, most of them uninhabited.

San Román has different neighborhoods: el Solano, Cantarranas, la Cava and la Carretera.

Neighboring towns

North: Terroba. South: Jalón de Cameros. East: Santa Maria. West: Torrecilla en Cameros, Torre en Cameros and Muro en Cameros.


The settlement is of Celtiberian origin, although initially it was located in the upper part of the mountain. Its name comes from the time of Christianization, either in the late Roman period or in the Visigothic period.

The first news of the population is a document through which Iñigo López, first lord of Vizcaya. (¿-1077), bought in 1076 some houses in San Román de Cameros. He gave as payment "8 calved and weaned cows and 20 sueldos de plata". His brother-in-law Ximeno Fortunión, third lord of the Cameros, governor of Meltria and grandson of García Sánchez III, King from Nájera-Pamplona, signed as a witness. (Ubieto Arteta, p. 409).

In 1366, King Enrique II of Castile included San Román in the lordship of Cameros that he granted to Juan Ramírez de Arellano. The lordship was first in the hands of the Counts of Aguilar and then the Dukes of Abrantes, who directly appointed the mayor of the town. The lordship existed until 1811, when it was abolished like so many others in Spain.

He was head of the Council of San Román and its villages.

After the road was built at the beginning of the 20th century, the town descended to its current location, located about 820 meters of altitude. At that time, San Román had about 750 inhabitants.


Livestock and forestry.

Evolution of outstanding debt

The concept of outstanding debt includes only debts with savings banks and banks related to financial credits, fixed-income securities and loans or credits transferred to third parties, excluding, therefore, commercial debt.

Between the years 2008 to 2014, this council has had no outstanding debt.


The municipality, which has an area of 47.5 km², has 140 inhabitants and a density of 2.95 inhabitants/km² according to the municipal register for 2017 of the INE.

Graphic of demographic evolution of San Román de Cameros between 1842 and 2017

Population of Law (1842-1897) according to population censuses of the century INEXIX.Population of law according to population censuses of the INE.Population according to the 2017 municipal register.

Between 1842 and 1857, the term of the municipality grew because it incorporated Valdeosera and Velilla.

Between 1860 and 1910 it was called San Román.

Between 1970 and 1981, the term of the municipality grew because it incorporated Montalbo in Cameros and Santa María in Cameros.

Population by nuclei

Breakdown of the population according to the Continuous Register by INE Population Unit.

Nucles Inhabitants (2018) Male Women Notes
San Román de Cameros142 85 57
Avellaneda 0 0 0 Clear
The Miron 0 0 0 Depopulated, it was in the 1591 census.
Montalbo en Cameros 0 0 0 Clear
Santa Maria in Cameros 0 0 0 Clear
Vadillos 22 13 9
Valdeosera 0 0 0 Clear
Velilla 2 1 1


Mayors since the 1979 elections
Period Name Party
1979-1983 Pablo Tejada Íñiguez PP UCD
1983-1987 Pablo Tejada Íñiguez PP AP
1987-1991 Jesús Clemente García González y Luis Jiménez Calonge Partido Socialista Obrero Español PSOE
1991-1995 Alfredo Basilio Santolaya Lasanta Partido Socialista Obrero Español PSOE
1995-1999 José Luis Sáenz Laguna PP P
1999-2003 José Luis Sáenz Laguna PP P
2003-2007 José Luis Sáenz Laguna PP P
2007-2011 José Luis Sáenz Laguna PP P
2011-2015 Yolanda Fernández Anés Independent
2015-2019 Vicente Jiménez Anes Partido Socialista Obrero Español PSOE
2019- María Pilar Cristóbal Villoslada PP PRP

Flora and Fauna

Beautiful high mountain landscapes, with holm oak forests in the Montalvo area, rebollos and beech forests in Santa María.


Source and typical facade in summer

The town has managed to maintain popular architecture over time. The houses are oriented to the East and South to protect themselves from the cold. Quite a few of them have four floors, the lower one being made of masonry and the last one (solana) made of adobe or brick plastered with plaster. Efforts have been made to maintain the traditional materials: wood, fittings or Arab tiles. And on the floor of the streets the laborious cobblestone has been preserved. In addition, there are abundant plant ornaments in both public and private spaces, which offers the visitor a flowery and welcoming appearance.

Plaza del Olmo or the fountain

Source of the square in winter.

In front of the doctor's office there is a street that goes up to the Plaza del Olmo (so called because of the tree that presided over it in the past) or the fountain. This street passes under the old town hall, which today houses the valley's pharmacy. It is convenient to observe the paving of the square, whose geometric shapes are explained in an informative poster. There is a house with two sun rooms that preserves an old forge that can be visited and is still in good use. Next to this, another beautiful house that once contained the grocery store; It stands out in spring and summer for the large number of flowers that decorate all its windows and balconies. Opposite there is a house with a modern coat of arms of Valdeosera. The fountain, like the square, was recently restored and the current one is illuminated at night.

Fountain of the three spouts

Source of the three drawers.

Formerly with four pipes, this architectural element, more practical than ornamental, dates from 1804 and is neoclassical in style. It is built of ashlar stone and was donated by Diego de Ágreda, son of San Román who emigrated to Mexico and, together with his brother Simón de Él, made a fortune dedicating himself to commerce. During the War of Independence, Diego supported the patriot side in its fight against France by arming a warship. For this reason, the Courts of Cádiz granted him the title of Count of Casa de Ágreda. In recognition of his illustrious son and benefactor, the town named the street that runs above the fountain after him.

Near the fountain is a mansion from the 18th century that belonged to a family of famous notaries: the Sáenz de gaona.

Source The Dye

Source El Tinte.

Located at the entrance to the town, it is a stone fountain with a spout. Next to it there is a bridge, it is located in a charming place.

Other sources: El Santillo source, La Dehesa source, La Tejera source, Los Linares source...

Places of interest

Buildings and monuments

Parish Church of the Assumption

Church of the Assumption.

The most unique religious building is the Asunción Parish Church, which stands out in the silhouette of the town. It is a temple from the beginning of the XVI century built in ashlar and masonry, with a single nave and a Latin cross floor plan in Kings style Catholic, covered with pointed arches and a ribbed vault with tiercerons.

The portico was restored in 1995 and has a mosaic rose window representing a chrismon pierced by an arrow and a palm, the symbols of Saint Sebastian, the patron saint of the town. The entrance doorway is that of the previous temple from the XIII century, made with tuff stone forming pointed arches.

The main altarpiece made in 1740 is the work of the sculptor Juan José Ortega from Briones, with traces of the architect Santiago del Amo. It is made of walnut and was gilded in 1792. In the central street, the tabernacle of the XVI century rises above the images of the four evangelists. Above is a seated image of the Virgen del Val from the 12th century century, San Sebastián and the Assumption of the Virgin. On the right side are represented Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Teresa of Jesus and Saint Francis of Paula. On the right side are San Francisco Javier, Santa Bárbara and San Cristóbal. God the Father is situated over the whole complex, which resembles a celestial vault.

On the right side of the transept there is a small altarpiece with a seated image of the Virgin from the XIV century that comes from the abandoned town of Santa María in Cameros. There is another altarpiece with a large crucifix from the mid-17th century, articulated and taken out in Holy Week processions. On the left side there is a small altarpiece with an image of Saint Joseph from the XVII century, and another larger altarpiece with an image of the Immaculate Conception from the beginning of the 17th century, made in the style of Gregorio Fernández. Towards the middle part of the temple there are two altarpieces brought from the Church of Velilla, today closed to worship. They have images of Santa Bárbara and the Virgen del Rosario (18th century). The baptismal font, from the 12th or 13th century, is located on the left side and was moved from the choir stairwell. The choir has walnut stalls made at the end of the XVIII century with reliefs dedicated to Marian symbols.

In the sacristy are exhibited some images and gold and silver work that also come from nearby uninhabited towns, forming a small Regional Museum.

Church of Valdeosera

Abandoned, it is located in the same town from which it takes its name. Romanesque nave from the 13th century century, with Gothic apse and tower from the XVI.

Hermitage of the Virgen del Carmen

Hermitage of the Virgin of Carmen.

Located on the road itself, this hermitage was built in 1922 by Mrs. Francisca Bermejo Romero, widow of Fidel Fernández, in honor of her only daughter, Matilde, who died at an early age.

Neoclassical building, characterized by the simplicity and clarity of structures. It consists of a central nave and a small sacristy behind the altar.

Masonry load-bearing walls with buttresses support the roof, made of wooden trusses, covered by a false ceiling forming a vault. This type of structure allows the opening of holes inside, which, thanks to leaded translucent stained glass windows, create a well-lit space. In the transition between lateral openings we find columns and on them semicircular arches. It was restored not long ago.

Its main altar has three carvings: in the center the Virgen del Carmen and next to it Santa Matilde and San Francisco Javier

During the month of July the novena del Carmen is celebrated, to conclude on the 16th, the festival of Carmen, with a procession, in which the little ones take out a small image of the Virgin.


Schools of the municipality.
Plaza Don Simón de Ágreda.

In 1787, Don Simón and Don Diego de Ágreda founded these schools, exemplary in their time and some of the first in our country, totally free. Some 100 children from San Román and neighboring towns attended them. They were the first open of this type, the oldest in all of La Rioja and the only ones that remain open today in all of Camero Viejo.

They consist of two floors since in the past the boys were separated from the girls. The building located in front of the statue of the founder consists of a school with three classrooms and three terraced houses, for teachers (today a stage hostel). Currently one of the classrooms is a Library and headquarters of the Association "Friends of San Román". On its upper floor there is a local museum where the paintings of the outdoor painting contest are exhibited annually, among others. In 1913, in front of the schools, in the Plaza de D. Simón de Ágreda, as a thank you tribute, a pedestal was erected with a bust of the founder that shelters the head of a child, with a scroll and the legend: &# 34;Children of San Román: here I give you the bread of intelligence". On the wall is a ceramic with some verses that recall the homage that was made on the bicentennial of the founding of the schools.

Monument to the Emigrant

Built on the occasion of the V Centenary of the Discovery of America and remembering so many sons of San Román and los Cameros who had to march to those lands, but without forgetting their homeland. Made by volunteers from the town and regulars, according to the initial idea of F. Muñoz Gómez, an architecture student, the two stone blocks represent the emigration ship, the three ships of Christopher Columbus on his voyage to the Americas and the stony will of its travelers, both uncarved blocks and from the area near the town, rest on blue slates from the Santa María River symbolizing the waves, with a map of Hispanic America in the background and some verses by a son of the town, J.L. Moreno Martínez, who explain the reason: "In the land, the seas and history you opened furrows, sons of Cameros: shepherds, merchants, missionaries, politicians and scholars, our glory!"

You can also see the different restored washing places that were used in the past. They have information boards.


Ecomuseum "El Molino del Corregidor"

1 km from San Román and after leaving the track to the right that leads to the village pasture, is this Eco-Museum where you can visit an old water mill whose origins date back to the Middle Ages, and an educational museum about milling and the use of water. This type of museum is unique in La Rioja and intermittently hosts art and craft exhibitions. This museum tries to rescue the trade of milling. It has three didactic rooms that include all topics related to water. In addition, a projection shows how the mill worked. In winter, when conditions allow, it is possible to see it in operation.

Valdeosera Solar Archive

Solar Archive.

Next to the school below, is the Archive of the Very Noble, Ancient and Illustrious Site, Señorío and Villa de Valdeosera.

It is, along with the Solar de Tejada, the oldest noble institution in Spain currently in force. It is a family and noble institution whose origins date back to the 11th century, linked to the great deeds of the La Rioja Reconquest, being one of the last still active vestiges of the Castilian lordships of Behetría by lineage, currency or among relatives. The Institution was confirmed in its noble character in the XV century by Enrique IV of Castile in 1460 and by the Catholic Monarchs in the Vega de Granada in 1481. Composed by their Gentlemen Knights Deviseros; Solar known of noble Sons dalgo of blood, of weapons put and paint .

In the Archive, the most notable remains of the Site have been collected, conveniently protected: the Archive Chest, made of walnut wood, lined with zinc, with a one-piece door and iron fittings from the late Gothic, three locks in the shape of the Cross of Santiago, with three padlocks and a lock, bordered with thirteen crosses of Santiago (one is missing) and thirteen stars (two are missing), with two crescent moons at the top; Also kept is a tombstone with a Roman inscription from the II century and the Baptismal Font from the XIII.

(Restricted visits, ask at the Town Hall)

Other places of interest


With Casa Solar from the beginning of the XVIII century, made of masonry and ashlar and with a baroque alabaster shield with the arms del Solar, possibly built on a defensive tower against the Arabs of the IX century. In its term, the thirteen houses with more than a thousand years old.

Pools of Villa Cristina, meadow of Santa María and dolmens

Ascending the road that goes to the abandoned town of Santa María and following the bed of the river of the same name, 2 km away we can find refreshing stepped wells, with small waterfalls ideal for bathing adults and children. One km. further up is the pasture of Santa María, of ecological interest. A 45-minute walk away, there are dolmens and Celtiberian burials.

La Tejera

The Scissors

Crossing the nearby village of Velilla, and following a well-signposted path, we find the San Román tile factory that supplied tiles to the municipality and neighboring towns. It is a two-story dry stone building; below are the eyes of the oven, where the fire was made, and above the bed where the tiles were fired. There is a panel where the operation is explained.

We can also choose to deviate from the path, climb Cerro Santa Bárbara to the viewpoint and Roble Quemado from where we will have a fantastic panoramic view.


The main cultural motors of the town are the Association of Friends of San Román and the Peña Los Linares, which have more members than inhabitants of the municipality. However, there are also private initiatives that provide a certain dynamism to rural life.

Saint Sebastian's Day

On January 20, there is a mass in honor of the patron saint, the saint is taken out in procession and later, in the portico of the church, an auction of different offerings (food, flowers...) provided by the neighbors.

Also, the Friends of San Román Association presents the 'San Sebastián' whoever they consider deserving of it for their help and service to both the organization and the people and the Peña Los Linares organizes a dinner in honor of the patron on the weekend closest to that day.

Day of the moraga

On the third weekend of February, the Association celebrates the day of the moraga, a regional expression that designates the traditional pig slaughter. It is an act that tries to maintain the memory of this activity so deeply rooted in the towns. A pig is sacrificed in the traditional way, although with the novelty that the animal is sedated to avoid unnecessary suffering. As was traditional, the first thing is to bleed the pig and collect its blood to make blood sausages. The legs and ears are cut to be marinated and serve as an accompaniment in future stews. Next, the body is charred and the skin is scraped. The pig is hung and cut open, preparing it for its subsequent cutting, which will take place the following day.

During the process, attendees are served some pasta washed down with a jug of muscatel. The party ends with the tasting of some tasty crumbs in the Social Center, to which all attendees are invited. Additionally, a limited attendance fellowship meal is held to commemorate the event. Various pork derivatives are consumed here.

The next day, the public act of dismemberment takes place and a demonstration of making sausages is carried out. Finally, a traditional aperitif is taken at a reasonable cost for non-members.

Swimming pools

There are municipal swimming pools open in the summer months equipped with solar panels and covered by awnings every night to maintain the water temperature.

In addition, the town has a computer room, the best open-air pediment in the mountains, with a front and side wall; sports court, different parks...


'Life is dream'

Not all cultural activities in San Román are rooted in the past. 'Life is a dream' not only manages the hostel, but also carries out other initiatives, such as practical cooking workshops. But its most striking activity are the musical concerts that it organizes periodically in its facilities located next to the Molino del Corregidor. Artists of different styles come up there, attracting a large number of people from inside and outside the valley. This is the case of Marcela Ferrari and hers tangos by her or Palito by her and her peculiar musical humor.


  • San Sebastian. The festival is January 20, but the celebration is moved to the third Sunday of June.
  • Virgen del Carmen, July 16.
  • Festivals in Honor of the Virgin of Val, around August 15. Different activities are performed for all ages such as talks, tastings, games, shows, tastings, verbs and a costume festival, among other things.

Illustrious people

  • Manuel García Herreros (San Román de Cameros January 10, 1767 - Madrid April 29, 1836): Spanish liberal jurist and politician of the centuryXIX who served — in addition to other charges — the Secretary of Grace and Justice on three occasions.
  • Félix Sáenz Calvo (San Román de Cameros, 1859 - Málaga, 1926) was a Spanish businessman and politician, deputy and senator for the province of Malaga between 1916 and 1920.

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